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      • KCI등재

        소적건비환과립(消積健脾丸顆粒)이 흰쥐의 위운동성(胃運動性)에 미치는 영향

        홍종희,김진성,류봉하,윤상협,Hong, Jong-Hee,Kim, Jin-Sung,Ryu, Bong-Ha,Yoon, Sang-Hyub 대한한방내과학회 2006 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.27 No.1

        Background & Objective : The herbal medicine Sojukgunbihwan granule has been used for the treatment of functional dyspepsia, generally categorized as a gastric dysmotility disease. However, its mechanisms are not yet well known. Therefore, the effects of Sojukgunbihwan granules on gastric motility in rats was investigated. Methods : The myoelectrical activity of the gastric smooth muscle was recorded by a bipolar electrode placed at the gastric antrum of rats. The contractile waves were measured for 30 minutes before and after intragastric administration of each solution(normal saline, Pyungwisan 40mg/kg, Sojukgunbihwan granules 60mg/kg) and expressed as the motility index. Gastric emptying was measured by the number of glass beads expelled from the stomach(containing one hundred 1mm glass beads) within an hour after glass beads and test drugs(normal saline, Pyungwisan 40mg/kg, Pyungwisan 120mg/kg, Sojukgunbihwan granules 60mg/kg, Sojukgunbihwan granules 180mg/kg) were administered. In another series of experiments to evaluate the mechanisms of Sojukgunbihwan granules under delayed conditions, the rats were treated with atropine sulfate(1 mg/kg, s.c.), cisplatin(10mg/kg, i.p.), and NAME($N^G$-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, 75mg/kg, s.c.) respectively. Results : Intragastric administration of Sojukgunbihwan granules increased the myoelectrical activity significantly, gastric motility index rose 25%, and gastric emptying of glass beads was significantly enhanced over a period of 60minutes. Under the delayed gastric emptying induced by atropine sulfate, cisplatin, and NAME, Sojukgunbihwan granules aggravated gastric emptying in the atropine sulfate($5.71{\pm}3.45\;vs\;3.71{\pm}4.42$) and cisplatin($13.86{\pm}3.53\;vs\;5.14{\pm}5.05$, p<0.01) treated groups, but enhanced gastric emptying in the NAME treated group($5.00{\pm}3.21\;vs\;11.71{\pm}5.65$, p<0.05). Conclusions : Results suggest that Sojukgunbihwan granules stimulate gastric motility through cholinergic and 5-hydroxytryptamine 3 receptors. Results are indicative of Sojukgunbihwan as an especially effective remedy in dysmotility-like functional dyspepsia with impaired reservoir functions such as gastric adaptive relaxation.

      • KCI우수등재

        성,가정,아동폭력에 대한 형사정책연구 ; 가정폭력범죄(家庭暴力犯罪)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        홍종희 ( Jong Hee Hong ) 법조협회 2008 法曹 Vol.57 No.1

        가정은 인류 사회의 오래되고 보편적 제도로 자녀 양육과 사회화를 통해 재생산을 담당하는 기초단위이다. 가정폭력은 개인에 대한 범죄일 뿐만 아니라 사회의 기초단위인 가족공동체를 붕괴시키는 요인이 되고 학습을 통한 폭력의 사회화를 가져온다. 가정폭력을 사적인 문제로 방치하여서는 안된다는 인식 하에 가정폭력범죄의처벌등에관한특례법과 가정폭력방지및피해자보호등에관한법률이 제정되었으나 그 시행 과정에서 실제적인 제도적 장치의 부족, 정책 방향과 입법구조상의 딜레마 및 입법적 미비점이 노정되었다. 가정폭력에 대한 형사법적 개입은 가해자의 처벌보다는 그 성행을 교정하여 가정을 보호한다는 입법 취지를 반영하는 방향으로 추진되었는바, 이는 가정폭력의 위험성에 따른 적절한 법적 대응이 되지 못하며 피해자 보호에 취약함을 드러냈다. 가정폭력사건의 처리과정에서 실무운영상 발생하는 제반 문제를 극복하고 가정의 보호 그리고 피해자의 인권 보호라는 목표를 달성할 수 있는 방안들을 모색하는 것은 실무가의 몫이다. 최근 형벌 위주의 전통적 형사절차에서 탈피하여 가해자 및 피해자 등 관련자들이 함께 형사사법에 개입하여 범죄로 인해 야기된 문제를 해결해나가는 새로운 대응 방안이 모색되고 있고 검찰은 그 대응 방안으로 상담조건부 기소유예제도를 시행하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        기능성 소화불량증 환자 3인에 대한 평가 및 증례보고

        김진석,홍종희,홍상선,임중화,한숙영,김진성,윤상협,류봉하,류기원,박석규,Kim, Jin-Seok,Hong, Jong-Hee,Hong, Sang-Sun,Lim, Joong-Hwa,Han, Sook-Young,Kim, Jin-Seong,Yoon, Sang-Hyub,Ryu, Bong-Ha,Ryu, Ki-Won,Park, Seok-Kyu 대한한방내과학회 2002 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.23 No.2

        Functional dyspepsia refers to upper abdominal pain or discomfort with or without symptoms of early satiety, nausea, or vomiting with no definable organic cause. In this study, we recognized that dyspepsia was decreased with herbal medication (Banhabakchulchunma-tang) and acupuncture therapy. And we aimed to evaluate the Gastrointestinal Symptoms Rating Scale (GSRS) in these cases. The GSRS indicated that Oriental medicine treatment could be effective in the Functional dyspepsia. And it is helpful in decreasing symptoms of patients and in improving quality of life.

      • KCI등재

        뇌경색 발병후 병발된 만성 애역(Chronic hiccup)의 뜸치료 1례

        전우현,김진석,홍종희,홍상선,박석규,김진성,류봉하,류기원,박재우,Jeon, Woo-Hyeon,Kim, Jin-Seok,Hong, Jong-Hee,Hong, Sang-Sun,Park, Seok-Kyu,Kim, Jin-Seong,Ryu, Bong-Ha,Ryu, Ki-Won,Park, Jae-Woo 대한한방내과학회 2001 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.22 No.1

        Hiccups, also known as singultus, are spasmodic involuntary contractions of respiratory muscles that shorten respiration. The characteristic sound is caused by rapid closure of the glottis. In oriental medicine, the mechanism of hiccups is "reversed flow of Ki". Hiccups have been associated with neoplasm, infections, seizures, diabetes. renal failure, alcohol ingestion, various drugs, and ischemic events of the myocardium or central nervous system. We present a case of chronic hiccups after cerebral infarction that was successfully treated using moxibustion therapy.

      • KCI등재

        기능성 소화불량증 환자의 한방치료후 삶의 질 변화에 대한 임상적 평가

        박재우,김진석,홍종희,홍상선,박석규,김진성,윤상협,류봉하,류기원,전우현,Park, Jae-Woo,Kim, Jin-Seok,Hong, Jong-Hee,Hong, Sang-Sun,Park, Seok-Kyu,Kim, Jin-Seong,Yoon, Sang-Hyub,Ryu, Bong-Ha,Ryu, Ki-Won,Jeon, Woo-Hyeon 대한한방내과학회 2001 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.22 No.3

        Objectives: Patients with functional dyspepsia frequently complain the discomfort of daily life, so their quality of life shows a tendency to decrease. This study was aimed to investigate the usefulness of oriental medical treatment for quality of life in patients with functional dyspepsia Methods: Quality of life in 15 patients was assesed by two times questionnaire based on Korean health related Quality of Life(KQOLS) Results: The mean of KQOLS score was 122.87 before oriental medical treatment, and after treatment, the mean of score was significantly reduced to 101.60(p=0.003). The score of each domains in KQOLS was also reduced significantly in psychological health, role limitation, pain, vitality respectively(p<0.05). Conclusions: We suggest that oriental medical treatment can improve quality of life in patients with functional dyspepsia.

      • KCI등재

        소암거담익기탕(消癌去痰益氣湯)의 cyclophosphamide 부작용 형성 억제효과

        류기원,류봉하,윤상협,김진성,홍종희,Ryu, Ki-Won,Ryu, Bong-Ha,Yoon, Sang-Hyub,Kim, Jin-Seong,Hong, Jong-Hee 대한한방내과학회 2002 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        Objective : It is well known that modern chemotherapy against cancer has side effects to a living body, especially hemopoietic and immunologial disfunctions. However, there are no effective ways to reduce them. Recently, traditional Korean herb medicine has been reported to have some biological modifying responses. Therefore, we hypothesized that additional application of herb medicine during chemotherapy is more effective to reduce its side effects. While we were studying the effects, we have observed the inhibitory effect of Soamgudamikgitang on formation of side effects derived from Cyclophosphamide, it has been used in clinical practice at Kyung Hee Medical Center. Methods : We injected 200mg/kg of Cyclophosphamide, one time, to an experimental group, consisting of ten mice. We divided them into eight groups: normal, CPX, SAKT 2mg, SAKT 10mg, SAKT 50mg, SAKT 2mg, CPX, SAKT 10mg+CPX, SAKT 50mg+CPX. We injected Soamgudamikgitang seven days, five days, three days, and one day before we injected CPX. One day, three days, and five days after CPX injection, we injected Soamgudamikgitang again and then killed all the mice. The parameters determined in this experiment were daily body weight liver and spleen weight, RBC, WBC, and platelet for hemopoietic dysfunction and AST, ALT for hepatotoxicity, BUN, creatine for renal toxcity, lymphocyte proliferation activity and lymphocyte subsets for immunological toxcity. Results : We have found that Soamgudamikgitang has inhibitory effects on the formation of Cyclophosphamide's side effects. Significant differences between the group, which contained Cyclophosphamide, and the other group, which contains Cyclophosphamide and 2, 10, 50mg of Soamgudamikgitang respectively were observed. Platelets(2mg of Soamgudamikgitang, p<0.05 ;10mg, p<0.01 ;50mg, p<0.001), liver weight(50mg, p<0.01), spleen weight(10mg, p<0.05), AST(all groups, p<0.01), ALT(2mg, p<0.01 ;10mg, p<0.05 ;50mg, p<0.01), BUN(2mg, p<0.01 ;50mg, p<0.05). Although immunological in both lymphocyte proliferation and its subsets were not observed, which shows that Soamgudamikgitang has a strong effect on T cell activities. Conclusions : From the above results, we can expect that the combined therapy of Soamgudamikgitang and Cyclophosphamide is more effective for treating cancer patients.

      • KCI등재
      • 消癌去痰益氣湯의 cyclophosphamide 부작용 형성 억제효과

        홍종희,류기원,류봉하,윤상협,김진성 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2002 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2002 No.-

        Object : It is well known that modern chemotherapy against cancer has side effcts to a living body, especially hemopoietic and immunologial disfunctions. However, there are no effctive ways to reduce them.Recently, traditonal Korean herb medicine has been repoted to have some biological modifying responses. Therefore, we hypothesized that additional application of herb medicine during chemotherapy is more effective to reduce its side effects. While we were studying the effects, we have observed the inhibitory effect of Soamgudamikgitang on formation of side effects derived from Cyclophosphamide, it has been used in clinical practice at Kyung Hee Medicd Center.Methods : We injected 200㎎/㎏ of Cyclophosphamide, one time, to an experimental group, consisting of ten mice. We divided them into eight groups: normal, CPX, SAKT 2㎎, SAKT 10㎎, SAKT 50㎎, SAKI 2㎎+CPX, SAKT 10㎎+CPX, SAKT 50㎎+CPX. We injeted Soamgudamikgitang seven days, five days, three days, and one day before we injected CPX. One day, three days, and five days after CPX injection, we injected Soamgudamikgitang again and then killed all the mice.The parameters determined in this experiment were daily body weight liver and spleen weight, RBC, WBC, and platelet for hemopoietic dysfunction and AST, ALT for hepatotoxicity, BUN, creatine for renal toxcity, Iymphocyte proliferation activity and lymphocyte subsets for immunological toxvity.Results : We have found that Soamgdamikgitang has inhibitory effects on the formation of Cyclophosphamide 's side effects. Significant differences between the group, which contained Cyclophosphamide, and the other group, which contains Cyclophosphamide and 2, 10, 50㎎ of Soamgudamikgitang respectively were observed. Platelets(2㎎ of Soamgudamikgitang, p<O.05 ;10㎎, p<0.Ol ;50㎎, p<0.001), liver weight(SOw p.001), spieen weight(10mg, p<0.05), AST(all groups, p<0.01), ALT(2㎎, p<001 ;10㎎, p<O.05 ;50㎎, p<0.01), BUN(2㎎, p<0.01 ;50㎎, p<0.05). Althought immunological in both lymphocyte proliferation and its subsets were not observed, which shows that Soamgudamikgilang has a strong effect on T cell activities Conclusions : From the above results, we can expect that the combined therapy of Soamgudamikgitang and Cyclophosphamide is more effective for treating cancer Patients.

      • 한방 치료로 호전을 보인 흉선종을 동반한 중증 근무력증 환자 1례

        홍종희,박재우,김진석,전우현,조남희,오수완,김진성,류봉하,류기원 대한한방성인병학회 2000 韓方成人病學會誌 Vol.6 No.1

        Myasthenia Gravis is an autoimmune disorder characterized by fluctuating muscle weakness and fatigue of different muscle groups. Diagnostic tests include use of anticholinesterase agents(Tensilon test), curare test, repetitive nerve stimulation, acetylcholine-receptor antibody assay and single fiber electromyography. Medical therapy includes use of anticholinesterase agents, immunotherapy, plasmapheresis and thymectomy. We report a case of Myasthenia Gravis diagnosed by acetylcholine-receptor antibody assay, EMG and thymoma on the chest-CT. The major clinical symptoms were low back pain, waddling gait, weight loss and fatigue. This patient was diagnosed as Wea Jeung(위증) and treated by Herbal-medication based on the differentiation of syndromes. As we treated, some of his symptoms were improved.

      • 과민성대장증후군의 변증 유형과 양도락 결과의 분석

        오수완,조남희,전우현,박재우,김진석,홍종희,김진성,류봉하,류기원 대한한방성인병학회 2000 韓方成人病學會誌 Vol.6 No.1

        Objectives : The aim of the present study was to find the clinical characteristics of 3 symptom- complexes (① deficiency of Ki of the spleen(脾氣虛) ② insufficiency of Yang of the spleen and kidneys(脾腎陽虛) disharmony of the liver & spleen(肝脾不和)) of irritable bowel syndrome and test the potentiality of the skin resistance check(良導絡) to apply it in clinical diagnosis. Methods : 42 of 72 patients who visited KHMC 3rd medicine with suspicious IBS were underwent questionnaire and skin resistance check. The questionnaire was composed of 46 questions inquiring sex, age, duration, stool type, previous medication, and systemic symptoms. Results : 1. The prevalence of above 3 symptom-complexes of irritable bowel syndrome was shown as below : deficiency of Ki of the spleen(脾氣虛) 23.8%(n=10), insufficiency of Yang of the spleen and kidneys(脾腎陽虛) 26.2%(n=11), disharmony of the liver & spleen 50.0%(n=21). 2. Symptom-complex 'insufficiency of Yang of the spleen and kidneys' has manifested only diarrhea while others shown approximately same occurrence of diarreha and alternative diarrhea-constipation. 3. Anorexia appeared comparatively seldom in symptom-complex 'disharmony of the liver and spleen'. 4. There was no statistical significance between skin resistance check results and symptom-complexes. Conclusion : The prevalence of symptom-complex type of irritable bowel syndrome is shown as 'disharmony of the liver & spleen' (50.0%) > 'insufficiency of Yang of the spleen and kidneys' (26.2%) >= 'deficiency of Ki of the spleen' (23.8%) and skin resistance check seems not to be appropriate to be applied in diagnosing symptom-complexes of irritable bowel syndrome.

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