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      • KCI등재

        대학생의 외모만족도가 심리적 안녕감과 대인관계에 미치는 영향

        허은서 ( Eun-seo Heo ),손진아 ( Jin-a Son ),김선형 ( Sun-hyoung Kim ) 한국미용학회 2021 한국미용학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        This study attempted to unveil correlations among appearance satisfaction, psychological well-being, and interpersonal relationships among college students to contribute to the development of a mental health promotion program. Analysis results found the following: As satisfaction with body image and subjective appearance satisfaction increased, life's purpose also improved. In other words, with a higher appearance satisfaction, psychological well-being increased. Concerning the effects of appearance satisfaction on interpersonal relationships, as satisfaction with body image and appearance satisfaction increased, ‘satisfaction,’ ‘communication,’ and ‘intimacy’ improved, thereby forming positive interpersonal relationships. Regarding the influence of psychological well-being on interpersonal relationships, as psychological well-being improved, there was a greater possibility of maintaining a positive relationship with a good quality of life and a high level of intimacy. This study is meaningful because it confirmed that appearance satisfaction influences psychological well-being and interpersonal relationships in college students. However, this study was performed on students from a certain region only. Therefore, there should be further studies on more extensive populations.

      • KCI우수등재

        브랜드매너의 구성차원과 측정항목의 개발

        김정구(Chung Koo Kim),허은아(Eun A Heo) 한국경영학회 2010 經營學硏究 Vol.39 No.5

        When you approach people or organizations with courteous manners, you can leave good impressions. Once they have impressive impressions of you, they are likely to invite you again and respect you more. manners can be measured by behaviors that are respected social usage. When people show consistent behaviors and fulfill their promises, they are evaluated as ‘well-mannersed’. This idea can be applied to brands however previous studies only mentioned about it without providing any clear definition. Therefore development of systematic measurements of brand manners is necessary. The concept of Brand Personality has contributed to the working level business as well as academic filed after the development of systematic measurements of it. I expect, like Brand Personality, Brand manners will make a great contribute not only to the business world but also the academic world when the systematic measurements of it are developed. The purpose of this study is to develop reliable measurements by giving a systematic definition to the concept of Brand manners as well as to analyze the dimensions of it. In this study, I defined Brand manners as to fulfill promises like manners in human relations. I analyzed the dimensions of Brand manners and I developed measurement items based on the ground of Gilbert(1979)’s paradigm for developing measures which has been referred in many processes of developing important concepts such as Brand Personality. I defined the concept academically based on theories of Marketing and Brands by Kotler(2008), Keller(2008), Pringle and Gordon (2001). The empirical analysis shows that the measurement items are consist of thirty three variables and those variables are classified into ten factors. Ultimately those ten factors are classified into four manners dimensions - rational manners based on superior quality and skills, the emotional manners based on outstanding service and design, and the spiritual (symbolic) manners base do respectable business culture and philosophy, and political (social) manners. I also discovered that the current service manners educations that are given to employees in various companies should be approached as brand management dimension.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 문화냉전과 “자유 동아시아”의 구축, 연쇄 그리고 균열 -미국정부의 도서계획과 한국사회 지식인의 인식-

        허은 ( Eun Heo ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2013 民族文化硏究 Vol.59 No.-

        제2차 세계대전이후 미국이 전 세계적으로 헤게모니를 구축하고 냉전에서 승리하기 위해서는 서구 헤게모니로부터 이탈한 동아시아 지역을 미국 주도의 ‘자유 동아시아’로 재편해야 했다. 이 글은 냉전시대 미국정부가 정력적으로 추진한 ‘도서계획’(The Book Program)을 검토하여 미국식 가치관과 이해가 동아시아에서 공유되는 지적 메커니즘을 규명하는데 일차적인 목적이 있다. 더불어 미국정부도서계획에 대한 동아시아와 한국사회의 반응을 검토하여 냉전시대 동아시아에서 표출된 민족주의를 이해하는데 일조해 보고자 한다. 냉전시대 미국정부는 ‘책’을 지적, 도덕적 지도력을 확보하기 위한 기본적인 수단이자 최고의 수단으로 평가했다. 미국정부는 자유진영의 지도국가로서 영향력을 확보하기 위해 미국 도서, 특히 번역서를 대규모로 배포했다. 나아가 상대국지식인의 저서 출판을 지원하며 대상국 국민에 의해 미국의 제도와 가치를 확산시키는 전략을 취했다. 미국정부의 도서계획은 제2차 세계대전이후 헤게모니 질서 구축과 냉전 승리라는 목적을 달성하는데 철저히 복무했고, 저자 및 도서 검열은 이를 위한 출발점이었다. 도서계획을 위한 검열은 미국 내부 및 대상국의 지식인을 동시에 대상으로 삼았다. 미국정부는 동아시아를 미국적 가치와 반공주의를 공유하는 공동체로 재편성하기 위해 관련 서적들을 동아시아 각국에서 거의시차 없이 번역 배포했다. 미국도서의 번역판은 동아시아 지역 미공보원들에 의해 상호 유통되었다. 미국정부의 도서계획은 ‘문화적 후진성’을 극복하려는 동아시아 각국들의 민족주의적 열망에 부응하며 동아시아 지역에서 상당한 성과를 거둘 수 있었다. 그러나 미국정부의 ‘자유 동아시아’ 구축 시도는 반공보루의 최전선인 한국에서조차균열되었다. 심지어 미국정부 도서계획의 지원을 받은 한국의 지식인들 중에도 미국의 제도와 가치를 주체적 근대화를 위해 궁극적으로 극복해야 할 대상으로 평가하는 이들이 있었다. 왜 이런 역설과 균열이 일어났을까. 한국사회 지식인들의 서구 제국주의의 팽창, 일제 식민지배, 전쟁과 전후 상황 그리고 ‘4월혁명’ 등에 대한 경험은 미국정부의 헤게모니 질서 구축을 이념적 기준 이전에 제국주의와 식민지주의에 대한 우려 속에서 바라보게 만들었다. 이러한 역사적 경험과 우려는 한국사회의 지식인들로 하여금 미국을 ‘보편’으로 수용하는 것을 재고하게만들고, 나아가 미국의 헤게모니를 부정하며 제3의 길을 모색하도록 했다. US government in the Cold War era had an urgent task to achieve for the victory in the Cold War and American leading postwar world order. That was to re-incorporate East Asian region under the orbit of Western hegemony, or, more precisely, to re-arrange East Asia into ``free Asia`` where American hegemony can control over. In this respect, this article aims to clarify the intellectual mechanism of how American values and interests, the basis of ``Free East Asia``, were spread and shared by examining The Book Program aggressively prosecuted by the US government during the Cold War. Also, I`d like to contribute to a better understanding of nationalism manifested in East Asia during the Cold War through inquiring reactions about The Book Program in Korea and other East Asian countries. The US government in the Cold War era treated ``book`` as a basic yet best means to secure intellectual, moral leadership. To secure its influence as a leader in the Free World, the US government distributed American publications, especially translations, and supported local intellectuals` publishing so that American institutions and values can be spread wide by local people. The Book Program took a huge part in winning the Cold War and building the hegemony in the postwar world, and censorship was used as a method to accomplish these. The censorship over The Book Program aimed at both American domestic and local intellectuals. To incorporate East Asia into the community sharing American values and anticommunism, the US government translated related publications into various East Asian languages and distributed them simultaneously. The translation of those books were circulated as local USIS (the United States Information Service) required. The Book Program of the US government was able to obtain good results in East Asian region due to East Asian countries` nationalist aspiration to overcome their ``cultural backwardness``. However, the US government`s attempt to forge ``free Asia`` ruptured itself. Even intellectuals who participated in The Book Program in Korea where was regarded as the bastion of anticommunism displayed resistance about it. Among Korean intellectuals supported by The Book Program were ones who considered American institution and value as something to achieve and ultimately overcome for the autonomous modernization in Korea. How could this irony and rupture happen? The expansion of western imperialism, Japanese colonial rule, war situation, and the experience of The April Revolution made intellectuals in Korean society consider imperialism and colonialism prior to the ideological standard in matters of the US government`s hegemony building. And this made most of Korean intellectuals reconsider accepting America as an universal concept, deny American hegemony, and moreover, seek the third way.

      • KCI우수등재

        개인화와 성별분업

        허은(Heo, Eun) 한국사회학회 2017 韓國社會學 Vol.51 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 여성들의 성역할 태도가 가족형성 과정을 거치면서 어떻게 변하는지 살펴봄으로써 성별분업의 향방을 가늠해 보는 데 있다. 이를 위해 여성가족패널조사(KLoWF)의 1차년도(2007년)에서 5차 년도(2014년)의 자료를 병합하여 해당 기간 중 24세에서 37세 사이의 연령대에 있었던 여성들의 성역할 태도와 가족형성기 주요 생애사건들 간의 관계를 패널로짓 확률효과 모형을 사용하여 분석하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 여성들 사이에서 성별분업 이데올로기의 규범적 구속력은 약화되었지만, 그렇다고 성별분업이 적극적으로 거부되고 있다고 볼 수는 없다. 여성들은 취업이나 출산을 계기로 변화하는 가족생활의 조건에 맞춰 성역할 태도를 유연하게 조정하는 것으로 나타난다. 둘째, 성역할 태도에서와는 달리 미취학자녀 양육 태도에서는 규범적 견고함이 확인된다. 특히 교육수준이 높은 여성일수록 성별분업에 동의하지 않으면서도 미취학자녀는 어머니가 직접 돌보는 것이 바람직하다는 규범을 견지하는 것으로 나타난다. 셋째, 성별분업에 동의하지 않으면서도 어머니가 미취학자녀를 직접 돌보는 것을 바람직하게 여기는 태도로 전환될 확률은 성별분업에 동의하지 않고 어머니 역할 또한 유연하게 인식하는 태도로 전환될 확률 못지않게 높게 나타난다. 이러한 행위 성향은 특히 고학력 여성 집단에게서 두드러진다. 이는 여성 교육이 확대될수록 성별분업의 구속으로부터 자유로운 행위 양식만큼이나 어머니 역할 규범에 맞춰 성역할 태도를 조정하는 행위 양식 또한 현저해질 가능성이 높음을 시사한다. 이상의 분석결과는 개인화가 성별분업에 모순적인 영향을 미치고 있음을 보여준다. 여성의 교육 및 취업 기회의 확대는 성역할 분리 규범을 약화시키지만, 교육수준의 상승은 자녀에 대한 어머니의 강도 높은 헌신을 요구하는 모성 규범을 강화한다. 따라서 개인화는 직업 활동을 통해 ‘자신을 위한 삶’을 추구하는 행위를 촉진하는 한편으로, 직업 활동의 목적과 참여 여부, 헌신의 정도를 어머니 역할을 중심으로 조정하는 행위 양식으로 이어질 수 있다. 개인화가 진행되면서 어머니 역할을 우선에 두고 성역할 태도를 조정하는 행위 양식이 보다 일반화될 경우, 직업 활동이 여성의 삶에서 배제되지 않더라도 일차적 부양 역할은 남성의 몫으로 규정되고 자녀양육은 여성에게 우선적인 책임 영역으로 설정되는 형태로 성별분업이 재구조화될 가능성이 높다. This article is aiming at understanding how the attitudes of women in terms of gender role change during the formative period of the family. It analyzes the influence of life events that occur in the process of family formation affecting the attitude of gender role of women aged 24 to 37, based on the Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Family(KLoWF) (1th-5th). The results are summarized as follows: First, women have tendency to adjust the gender role attitudes to the condition of their family life, which changes after getting jobs and giving birth. Second, women that have a higher level of education are probable to oppose gender division of labor, but agree to the idea that it is necessary for a mother to stay home for taking good care of her children. Third, it appears that there is high probability of the attitude changes among women to turn against the gender role, and yet become to agree with the mother’s role as a home-maker for their children before the age of schooling, as high as that of the attitude change to take opinion opposing the gender role and the role of a mother as a home-maker. This results imply that individualization have contradictory influence on gender division of labor. The expansion of opportunities for women’s education and employment undermines the base of traditional gender role rules; however, ironically, more education for women tightens the rules of mothering, as something that the mothers should sacrifice more for the children. Therefore, individualization encourages women to pursue the life for themselves, while it may adjust their attitude on setting a goal and participation or commitment to career-related activities to place duties of a mother as central. If the latter pattern of behavior spreads out and becomes more common sense, then—although the activities in career development are not excluded from women’s lives—the gender division of labor would be re-structured as the ‘male-breadwinner and female-carer’ composition in which women have to perform the primary role of child-rearing even if they have a career.

      • KCI등재

        경계선 지능 아동에 관한 국내 연구동향

        허은(Heo Eun) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2022 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.22 No.9

        목적 본 연구는 경계선 지능 아동에 대한 국내 연구동향을 전반적으로 살펴보고 이와 관련된 중재연구들을 체계적으로 분석하여 향후 진행 될 연구의 기초자료로써 방향성을 제시하고 중재 분야별 주요한 정보들을 제시하고자 한다. 방법 문헌 선정 기준에 따라 논문 데이터베이스를 통해 검색된 총 129편의 논문 가운데 학위논문과 학술논문 중복 여부 확인, 연령 적합성 등을 고려해 최종 73편의 연구를 선정하였고 체계적 문헌고찰 방법을 기반으로 연구동향 분석을 실시하였으며 이를 통해 추출된 중재연구 33편에 대한 효과성 분석을 실시하였다. 결과 경계선 지능 아동과 관련한 연구는 2000년 이후 시작되어 2016년을 기점으로 활발히 이루어지고 있으며 현재는 특수교육분야에서 가장 많은 연구가 이루어지고 있지만 분야별로 학문적인 경계가 명확하지 않으며 상호보완적인 내용을 담고 있었다. 또한 경계선 지능 아동에 대한 중재연구들을 분석한 결과 언어, 인지, 정서⋅사회, 수리, 예술 등 다양한 분야에서 중재가 이루어지고 있으며 중재 결과 대부분의 연구에서 긍정적인 효과를 확인할 수 있었다. 결론 국내 경계선 지능 아동에 대한 연구는 이제 초기 단계에 불과하다. 따라서 향후 제도적인 보완과 다양한 정책 수립을 위해서도 활발한 연구가 이루어져야 하며 다각도의 중재연구들도 활성화 되어져야 할 것이다. 이를 위한 연구적 지원과 사회적 관심이 필요함을 시사한다. Objectives The purpose of this study is to examine domestic research trends on children with borderline intelligence function as a whole, systematically analyze related intervention studies, and suggest directions as basic data for future research and to present important information for each intervention field. Methods As a research method, out of a total of 129 papers searched through the paper database according to the literature selection criteria of this study, the final 73 studies were selected by checking whether the academic degree papers and academic journal papers overlap, and considering age suitability, etc., and a literature review was conducted. The effectiveness analysis was conducted on 33 intervention studies extracted through this. Results In the study results, studies on children with borderline intelligence function started after 2000 and have been actively conducted since 2016, and currently, most studies are being conducted in the field of special education, but the academic boundaries are not clear by field and they contain complementary contents. Also, from the results of analyzing intervention studies on children with borderline intelligence function, interventions were being made in a variety of areas, such as language, cognitive, emotional social, mathematical, and artistic, etc., and in the intervention results, positive effects were confirmed in most studies. Conclusions In conclusion, research on children with borderline intelligence function in Korea is now only in its beginning. Therefore, to supplement the system in the future, research in various fields should be actively conducted, and intervention studies from various angles should also be activated. This suggests that institutional support and social attention are necessary for this.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        ‘부유한 노동자 도시’의 여성 - 울산과 창원 여성 일자리의 실태와 특성 -

        허은(Heo, Eun) 한국지역사회학회 2020 지역사회연구 Vol.28 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 한국의 대표적인 중공업 도시인 울산과 창원의 여성 일자리 특성을 산업 및 직업 구조의 측면에서 파악하는 데 있다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 양질의 제조업 일자리가 비교적 많은 울산과 창원의 지역적 특성은 남성 노동자들에게는 유리한 경제적 기회를 제공하지만, 여성 노동자들에게는 별다른 이점으로 작용하지 않는다. 둘째, 울산과 창원의 서비스업이 저발전되어 있는 가운데, 그 중에서도 특히 비교적 고부가가치·고임금 업종인 생산자서비스업의 부진이 두드러진다. 이로 인해 두 지역 생산자서비스업의 여성 일자리 규모는 더 작고 임금 수준은 더 낮다. 셋째, 전문직 일자리의 대부분은 생산자서비스업과 사회서비스업에서 창출되는데, 일반적으로 사회서비스업 전문직에 비해 젠더 페널티가 작은 생산자서비스업 전문직의 임금 수준이 더 높다. 그러나 생산자서비스업의 성장이 저조한 울산과 창원에서는 전문직 여성 일자리 중 생산자서비스업 비중은 더 작고 사회서비스업 비중은 더 크다. 결과적으로 울산과 창원에서 전문직 여성 일자리의 임금 수준이 더 낮다. 넷째, 울산과 창원 여성 노동시장에서 전문직의 임금 프리미엄이 없거나 그 정도가 작다. 일반적으로 전문직 임금 프리미엄이 뚜렷하게 확인되는 전국 차원에서 전문직 여성 일자리의 증가는 여성의 노동시장 지위가 개선되는 긍정적인 신호로 여겨진다. 그러나 전문직의 임금 프리미엄이 약한 울산과 창원에서는 전문직 여성 일자리의 증가가 여성의 노동시장 지위 개선에 미치는 영향이 제한적일 가능성이 높다. The aim of this study is to understand the local characteristics of women’s labor market of Ulsan and Changwon, which are the representative heavy industrial cities in Korea. For this purpose, this study analyzed the characteristics and wage determinants of women’s jobs in Ulsan, Changwon and the whole country using data from the “Local Area Labour Force Survey” 2018. The results are as follows. First, women’s wages in Ulsan and Changwon are lower than in other regions. This can be explained by the nature of the local labor market where women are almost entirely excluded from the core labor market centered around large manufacturing firms while the labor force demand for services and relatively high value-added jobs in service industry are smaller. In the condition that women’s employment opportunities as well as women’s employment in the high-wage sector are more limited, women’s workforce is more concentrated in the labor market sectors where women have no entry barriers. As a result, wage levels for women’s jobs in Ulsan and Changwon are lower than in other regions. Second, in the Ulsan and Changwon women’s labor markets, wage penalty is higher for married women than other regions. Besides the wage level of women’ jobs is lower compared the other regions. These characteristics of the two local labor markets reduces the incentives for married women to work. Third, in the women’s labor market of Ulsan and Changwon, unlike in the others, it is difficult to expect the wage premium effect of professions compared to other occupations. This is related the fact that in Ulsan and Changwon sharing special local context of heavy industrial cities specialized in execution functions, the growth of producer service sector where high paid professional jobs are located is slowing.

      • KCI우수등재

        냉전시대 미국의 민족국가 형성 개입과 헤게모니 구축의 최전선

        許殷(Heo, Eun) 한국사연구회 2011 한국사연구 Vol.155 No.-

        This study seeks to identify the methods employed by the United States from a cultural standpoint to intervene in the formation of anation-state during the Cold War Era by analyzing the films produced by the United States Information Service CUSIS) in Korea. Previous studies on the correlation between nation and filmduring the Cold War era have been concentrated on the role of cinema as a tool with which to form the nation out of an imagined community. The present study however focuses on cinema as an implement with which tothe hegemonic power could form a nation-state that was in keeping with the hegemonic order. A look at the Korea-related films produced by the United States Information Service (USIS) shows that in the 1960s, a period in which Korea pursued modernization in a full scale manner, the United States adopted a policy designed to heighten ‘nationalism.’ As part of efforts to heighten the ‘national pride’ of Korea, the United States Information Service (USIS) produced films that highlighted Korea’s standing as a sovereign state within the international community. It also attempted to encourage Korean’s sense of pride in their independence and development through films that dealt with economic development. Here, special attention should be paid to the fact that Korea was encouraged by the United States, which had conveyed culture to Japan through historical films that dealt with cultural exchanges,to develop a perception of the Korean nation which involved the creation of a new culture. In short, the films produced by the United States Information Service (USIS) in Korea during the Cold War era show thatUnited States intervention in the formation of the cultural identity of Korea, a process that wasdeeply related to the formation of the nation, was not limited to the mere conveying of the image of an American-style nation state. The nationalism which the United States intended to promote in Korea during the Cold War era was closely intertwined with the establishment of American hegemony in Korea. As such, the image of the nation-state established by the United States was one of a state that. while enjoying ‘autonomy,’ belonged to the United States-led Cold War hegemonic order.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 후반 ‘조국근대화’ 이데올로기 주조와 담당 지식인의 인식

        허은(Heo Eun) 한국사학회 2007 史學硏究 Vol.- No.86

        이 글의 목적은 1960년대 후반 박정희 정권의 ‘조국근대화’ 이데올로기 수립에 ‘전통과 근대’, ‘근대 주체’ 등을 놓고 견해를 달리했던 두 지식인 ‘집단’이 적극 참여했으며, 새로운 통치 이데올로기로서 제시된 ‘국민 교육헌장’이 그 주요한 결과물이었음을 밝히는데 있다. 1960년대 후반 박정희 정권의 지식인 호명에 화답하며, ‘조국근대화’ 이데올로기 주조를 담당한 지식인들은 크게 ‘전통 계승’ 지식인과 ‘탈 전통’ 지식인 두 집단으로 나눌 수 있다. 이들 두 지식인 집단은 전통/근대 및 근대주체에 대한 분명한 인식의 차이를 보였고 나아가 상호 비판적이었다. ‘전통 계승’ 지식인들은 전통 사상과 가치를 계승하지 못한 결과 이전까지의 근대화는 서구 모방에 불과하다고 판단했다. 그리고 그 결과는 국가의 약화와 개인주의의 만연이라고 보았다. 한편, 이들은 ‘민족 주체성’의 핵심이 민족국가간의 협동과 평화공존 지향에 있다고 언급했으나 실제 국익을 중시하며 세계주의적 관점의 유효성을 부정하는 배타적 입장을 취했다. 반면, ‘탈 전통’ 지식인들은 ‘전통’과의 분명한 단절을 강조하며 ‘주체적 근대화’를 주창한 ‘전통 계승’ 지식인들의 논지를 매우 비판적으로 바라보았다. 이들은 전통과 주체성에 대한 강조는 ‘민족적 감정’의 발로이며 근대화 성취에 걸림돌이 될 뿐이라 여겼으며, 근대화 달성을 위해 서구가 발전시킨 근대적 ‘규준’의 수용에 적극적이었다. 또한 자신들의 사상적 지향을 실현하기 위해 대외 세력의 도움을 받는데 주저하지 않았다는 점에서 배타적 성향을 보인 ‘전통 계승’ 지식인들과 달랐다. 그러나 ‘전통 계승’, ‘탈 전통’이란 대립적 내용을 근대성의 핵심으로 이해했던 이들 양 지식인 집단은 ‘조국근대화’ 이데올로기의 주조를 위해 박정희 정권과 결합했다. 이는 두 지식인 집단이 냉전분단체제의 유지에 일치했고, 수동적이며 ‘탈정치화’된 근대 주체를 양성하고자 했다는 점에 서 궁극 일치했기 때문이다. 따라서 박정희 정권과 애초부터 친화성을 보였던 ‘전통 계승’ 지식인은 말할 것도 없고, 독재 권력의 등장을 우려 했던 ‘탈 전통’ 지식인들도 유신체제를 구축하는 박정희 정권의 대항세력이 될 수 없었다. This study deals with the new national integration ideology characterized by the Charter for National Education created during the late 1960s, and more specifically with the role of the two groups of intellectuals which featured differing concepts of notions such as 'tradition', 'democracy', and the 'main actors in the modernization process' who came together to establish the Park Chung-hee regime's ideology for national modernization. The intellectuals that answered the Park Chung-hee regime's call to duty during the late 1960s and who came to be the main architects of the ideology known as the 'modernization of the fatherland' can be separated into tradition-oriented intellectuals and post-traditional intellectuals. These two intellectual groups, which were critical of one another, exhibited a gap in terms of their perceptions of modernity and of the main actors in bringing about modernity. Thus, tradition-oriented intellectuals perceived the modernization that has taken place in the past as nothing more than a process which exhibited the inherent limitations of the Western world Moreover, they perceived the weakening of the state and spread of individualism as constituting the main results of modernization. Meanwhile, while they believed that the basic national identity was formed through cooperation between nation states, they also focused heavily on national interests. To this end, they tended to neglect the effectiveness of cosmopolitanism. Meanwhile, the post-traditional intellectual group emphasized the need to break with tradition, and criticized the traditionalist perception of those who advocated independent modernization. They regarded that this emphasis on tradition and independence was based on deeply-rooted national sentiment which greatly hindered the achievement of modernization. In addition, this group desired to achieve modernization by introducing the modern 'standards' developed by the Western states. Unlike the tradition-oriented intellectual group that exhibited exclusionary tendencies, the post-traditional intellectual group did not hesitate to call on international entities to help them implement their desired ideological orientation. However, these two intellectual groups who advocated contradictory approaches to establishing modernity eventually came together at the behest of the Park Chung-hee regime to create the ideology known as the modernization of the fatherland. This denouement has its origins in the fact that these two intellectual groups agreed with the regime's perception of the need to maintain the divided system during the Cold War era, and that they shared a common belief in the need to educate the main actors of modernity, who they regarded as having become passive and depoliticized.

      • KCI등재

        한국 학생운동의 주권 인식 변화와 반미자주화 운동

        허은 ( Eun Heo ) 민주화운동기념사업회 2006 기억과 전망 Vol.15 No.-

        This article traces the evolutionary process of the changes of the concept of sovereignty in Korean Student movements from 1960`s to 1980`s. Korean Student`s concept of sovereignty had been drastically changed from 1983 compared to the concept of sovereignty right before 1983. U.S. foreign policy, especially nuclear weapon strategy under New Cold War Policy provided the students and intellectuals in Korean society the main motive to change the concept of sovereign right. Korean intellectuals including university students thought that US policy would cause the calamity of nuclear war to the Korean peninsula ignoring the nation`s will. Before 1983, Most of Korean students interpreted sovereignty as independence of R.O. K. After 1983, the concept of sovereignty had been revised into sovereign right of nation, including North and South Korean. But National Liberation(NL) Student Movement group failed to cope efficiently with expanding `Interdependence sovereignty` in Korean peninsula. That was because the NL group had accepted Ju-Chae(主體) ideology chasing `Westphalian sovereignty` as a guiding principle of National Liberation revolution.

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