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      • 産業體 從事者를 위한 短期 高等敎育課程 實態分析 : 事業內 職業訓練을 中心으로

        韓宗哲,金萬圭,李星鎬 연세대학교 교육대학원 1983 연세교육과학 Vol.23 No.-

        The industry-sponsored trade and technical schools in Korea have unique features and services, from which rationale for their existence in this society stems.They, as single-goal and limited objectives training institutions, are output and achieve melt oriented.In particular, they offer intensive, diverse and specialized postsecondary level short training programs, net often available in their public counterpart, and provide practical instruction in a job-stimulating setting. However, there are good reasons for their continuous curriculum change and development so that they can raise the quality of their training and education.To provide direction for curricular change efforts of such industry-sponsored trade and technical schools, it was attempted to make a diagnosis of the perceptions of the actual and desired curricular practices in the areas of goals and objectives, planning and organization, teaching-learning process, and evaluation and improvement.It was assumed that in any trial of curriculum change, it is desirable to identify what educators and students of those schools wish to do, and to sort out what kind of determinants make differences, if any, in their perceptions. The subjects (N=232) were composed of students of randomly sampled tree industry-sponsored schools in Seoul city and Kyunggi Province.The instrument, developed by the researchers, included 37 statements regarding curricular practices.Each respondent was asked to identify how much the practice listed in each statement is actual and desirable.The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of valiance, Pearson-product moment correlation, and t-test.The singnificance level was set at both the .05 and .01 levels. The findings of this investigation provided basis for the following conclusions concerning the curricular practices of industry-sponsored trade and technical schools in Korea. 1.The actual curricular practices of the industry-sponsored trade and technical schools keep rarely up with the practices desired by students. 2.In particular, the industry-sponsored trade and technical schools fall short of their students' desired expectations in guidance-counseling service, teaching-learning process and program development. 3.No matter what differences in the students' demographic background might be, they, in general, have nor relationship with the perception of the actual curricular practices but in a few sub-areas of the curricular practices. 4.There are no substantially different concerns the part of students of what the actual curriculum of industry-sponsored trace and technical schools is and what it should be. 5.The differences in the students' demographic background have statistically significant effects upon the level of their desired curricular practices, as follows. a.The level of desired curricular practices perceived by the male students is significantly higher than that perceives by the female students. b.Those who halve higher level of educational attainment have substantially higher level of desired curricular practices than those who hove lower bevel of educational attainment. c.The students who had career experiences hold the level of desired curricular practices higher than those who had not. d.Both groups of the old and the married students perceive the desired curricular practices much higher than those of the young and the unmarried. The results of this investigation have potential for benefit to the curriculum change efforts in the industry-sponsored trade and technical schools, as follows. 1.The instrument used in this research has potential for use as a resource for institutional self-study or needs assessment on curricular practces of those schools. 2.The curriciulum planners of the industry-sponsored trade and technical schools should conduct a needs assessment with such a variety of population groups as government officials concerned, educators, and consumers (students and employers). 3.The findings encourage the curriculum planners and educators of those schools to develop more effective and efficient teaching-learning process. 4.There is a need to design a faculty and administrator development program and to improve the instructional facilities. 5.The curriculum of industry-sponsored trade and technical schools should be more inclusive of general education in context of newly voiced life-long education idea. 6.In the process of curriculum development, the idiosyncrasy of each institution must be ensured and the development of consortium system among the institutions should be encouraged. Throughout conducting this investigation, however, the researchers learned and recognized that the subjects used in this study might not adequately represent the entire industry-sponsored trace and technical schools collectively.Due to such question of the representativencess of the sample, the conclusions drawn here should be generalized with a possible maximum of caution.This research should be replicated in extended geographical areas with a more representative sample and with a proper assessment of validity and reliability of the instrument.

      • KCI등재

        새꼬막 (Scapharca subcrenata) 어미관리 기술개발을 위한 채집 시기별 성성숙 비교

        한종철,황인준,강정하,강희웅 한국패류학회 2023 The Korean Journal of Malacology Vol.39 No.2

        Ark shell, Scapharca subcrenata were collected at different harvest period to induce sexual maturation. The gonad index varied according to when the first entry, ranging from 1.15 in January to 1.34 in February and 1.84 in April. It was observed that the gonadal index increased as the season progressed, with higher values recorded in later months. When water temperature stimulation was used to induce sexual maturity, the time to maturity was 123 days in January, 89 days in February and 53 days in April. The accumulated water temperature was 944°C in January, 812°C in February and 780°C in April, giving a total difference in accumulated water temperature between January and April of △T = 164°C. Analysis of the gonadal tissues at the end of the experiment showed that the female/male ratio and the frequency of immature individuals varied according to the collection season. In January the female-to-male ratio was 63.3%, in February 40.0% and in April 36.7%. Similarly, the proportion of immature individuals was 3.3% in January, 16.7% in February and 20.0% in April. A total of 600 ark shells were used for artificial seed production on June 8th. The fertilization rate was approximately 89%, and the hatching rate was 90%. In total, 3.04 billion fertilized eggs were collected, resulting in 1.1 billion hatching. The initial D-shape larvae measured 80.4 ± 3.9 μm in length and 60.6 ± 2.8 μm in width.

      • KCI등재

        Fourier Analysis of the Imaging Characteristics of a CMOS Active Pixel Detector for Mammography by Using a Linearization Method

        한종철,윤성만,윤한빈,감수화,조승룡,Thorsten G. Achterkirchen,김호경 한국물리학회 2014 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.65 No.5

        Active pixel design using the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) process is acompelling solution for use in X-ray imaging detectors because of its excellent electronic noisecharacteristics. We have investigated the imaging performance of a CMOS active pixel photodiodearray coupled to a granular phosphor through a fiber-optic faceplate for mammographic applications. The imaging performance included the modulation-transfer function (MTF), noise-power spectrum(NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE). Because we observed a nonlinear detector responseat low exposures, we used the linearization method for the analysis of the DQE. The linearizationmethod uses the images obtained at detector input, which are converted from those obtained atdetector output by using the inverse of the detector response. Compared to the conventionalmethod, the linearization method provided almost the same MTF and a slightly lower normalizedNPS. However, the difference between the DQE results obtained by using the two methods wassignificant. We claim that the conventional DQE analysis of a detector having a nonlinear responsecharacteristic can yield wrong results. Under the standard mammographic imaging condition, weobtained a DQE performance that was competitive with the performances of conventional flat-panelmammography detectors. We believe that the CMOS detector investigated in this study can besuccessfully used for mammography.

      • KCI등재

        감사품질관리 성과평가의 유효성에 대한 실증연구

        한종철,이용규,김응길 한국관리회계학회 2020 관리회계연구 Vol.20 No.1

        [Purpose] The paper tests two aspects of the performance evaluation system for audit quality control in an accounting firm affiliated with one of the Big Four:audit effort incentives and congruence with audit quality objectives. [Methodology] For incentive hypothesis, evaluation results are regressed on audit effort proxied with abnormal audit hours. For congruence hypothesis, discretionary accrualsproxied audit quality is regressed on evaluation results. [Findings] The results shows that partners are evaluated better when more audit effort is made, and audit quality of the firms is higher when audited by better evaluated partners. [Implications] Contrary to most research on audit effort and audit quality, the paper explicitly focuses on an important missing link between them. The policy implication to the newly revised Regulations on External Auditing and Accounting is that goal congruence of the measures in the audit partner evaluation should be considered as important as the number of quality control performance measures. [연구목적] 국내 한 회계법인의 품질관리 성과평가시스템의 유효성을 감사노력의 유인과 감사품질의 제고라는 두 가지 차원에서 실증 분석한다. 감사노력수준이 높을수록 좋은 성과평가결과가 도출되어 감사노력을 유인할 수 있는가와 성과평가방법이 감사품질 제고목표와 일치성을 갖추고 있어서 평가결과가 높을수록 감사품질이 제고되는가이다. [연구방법] 첫째, 품질관리 성과평가가 감사노력을 유인하는가를 검증하기 위해 성과평가결과를 종속변수로, 초과감사시간을 대용치로 한 파트너의 감사노력을 독립변수로 하여 회귀분석을실시한다. 둘째, 품질관리 성과평가시스템의 감사품질 목표일치성을 검증하기 위해 재량적 발생액을 대용치로 측정한 감사품질을 종속변수로, 성과평가결과를 독립변수로 하여 회귀분석을 실시한다. [연구결과] 첫째, 파트너의 감사노력이 높을수록 품질관리 성과평가결과가 우수한 결과를 보였는데 이는 파트너의 보상과 연계되어 있는 품질관리 성과평가시스템이 감사노력을 효과적으로 유인할 수 있음을 의미한다. 둘째, 좋은 평가를 받은 파트너가 담당한 기업일수록 감사품질이 높게 나타났는데 이는 사례회계법인의 품질관리 성과평가지표 및 방법이 감사품질 제고라는목표와 일치성을 갖추고 있음을 시사한다. [연구의 시사점] 첫째, 이론적인 차원에서 주로 논의되어 왔던 성과평가의 중요한 특성인 대리인 노력에 대한 성과평가의 민감성문제, 성과평가의 목표일치성문제를 실증의 차원으로 확대한공헌점이 있다. 둘째, 기존 회계감사 연구가 거시적으로 상장기업 전체를 대상으로 감사노력과감사품질과의 관련성을 다뤘던 것과 달리, 미시적 차원에서 감사노력과 감사품질 간에 누락된연결고리로 회계법인의 품질관리 성과평가시스템을 명시적으로 다루고자 한 차별성이 있다. 셋째, ‘외부감사 및 회계 등에 관한 규정’에서 강조하는 품질관리 성과평가지표의 비중 못지않게감사품질과 목표일치성을 갖춘 지표의 개발과 채택이 중요하다는 정책적 시사점을 제공한다.

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