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        NFC Handover Technology for W-USB

        한영선,김태선,Han, Young-Sun,Kim, Tae-Seon Korea Information Processing Society 2010 정보처리학회논문지 A Vol.17 No.3

        최근 모바일 장치 시장이 급격히 성장하면서 모바일 장치의 기능성 또한 빠르게 발전하고 있다. 소비자는 모든 환경에서 이기종 모바일 장치간 데이터 전송 또는 무선 인터넷을 통한 멀티미디어 데이터 전송이 가능하기를 원한다. 이와 더불어, 단일 모바일 장치가 블루투스, 와이파이(Wi-Fi), W-USB, NFC와 같은 다양한 connectivity 기술을 채용하는 경향도 보인다. 이와 같은 시장의 흐름에 따라 이기종간 association 기술의 중요성이 점차 부각되고 있다. 본 논문은 기존 NFC handover 프로토콜을 확장하여 W-USB 기술의 NFC association을 지원하는 방법을 다룬다. 또, W-USB 기술의 NFC association 표준과 NFC handover 프로토콜 간의 차이점을 설명하고 기존 NFC handover 프로토콜을 확장하여 이를 해결할 수 있는 방법을 제시한다. 마지막으로 본 논문은 W-USB handover 프로토콜 지원을 위한 NFC 시스템 구현에 대해 기술한다. Recently, as the consumer market of the mobile device is explosively getting bigger and bigger, both of the usability and applicability of the mobile device are also growing rapidly. The customers prefer to transfer data between the different mobile devices and download multimedia data via the wireless connection even wherever they are. The trend of mobile devices also shows the tendency of employing the various connectivity technologies such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, W-USB, NFC, and so on in a single mobile device. With this market trend, the importance of the technology associating different devices is getting increased gradually. In this paper, we present how to support the NFC association of the W-USB technology by extending the existing NFC's handover protocol. We also explain the differences between the NFC association and the handover protocol, and propose the method to resolve the differences by extending the handover protocol of the NFC technology. Finally, we describe how to implement the NFC system supporting the W-USB handover protocol.

      • KCI등재

        세계문화와 역사를 활용한 범죄 청소년 진로집단 상담프로그램 효과 분석 -소년원과 소년교도소 집단 분석-

        한영선 ( Young Sun Han ),최현숙 ( Hyun Sook Choi ) 대한범죄학회 2015 한국범죄학 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the career exploration group-counseling program using world history and culture on ego- identity and career decision-making self- efficacy of juvenile delinquents in juvenile training school and juvenile prison. The subjects of this study were 35 juvenile delinquents in S juvenile training school( 18 for experimental group, 17 for control group) and 20 juvenile delinquents (experimental group) in K juvenile prison. A total of eight 180 minute - long sessions of the career exploration group-counseling program, which were held from september 5, 2014 until October 31, 2014, were administered to the experimental group, while just pre and post- test were administered to the control group. The results of the study showed that the career exploration group-counseling program using world history and culture had positive effect on ego- identity and career decision-making self- efficacy of juvenile delinquents in reformatory. The career group counseling program using world history and culture enhanced ego- identity and career decision-making self- efficacy of juvenile delinquents in juvenile training school and those of juvenile delinquents in juvenile prison as well. Tt is recommended that various career exploration group-counseling program using world history and culture should be devised for juvenile delinquents in reformatory and juvenile prison.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        개정소년법의 실효성 확보방안: 1개월 이내 소년원 송치(8호) 처분을 중심으로

        한영선 ( Young Sun Han ),이영호 ( Young Ho Lee ) 대한범죄학회 2008 한국범죄학 Vol.2 No.2

        이 연구는 개정 소년법에서 새로이 도입된 “1개월 이내의 단기 소년원송치 처분”(이하 ‘8호 처분’)의 처분 실태, 대상소년의 특성, 교육프로그램등에 대한 문제점을 파악하고, 이를 바탕으로 8호 처분의 실효성을 제고시킬 수 있는 개선방안을 살펴보고자 하였다. 2008년 6월 24일 부산지방법원에서 처음 처분한 8호 처분은 선행연구가거의 없어 본 연구에서는 관련 법규를 중심으로 보호처분의 개념과 종류, 8호 처분의 성격을 살펴보았다. 2008년 6월 22일부터 11월 30일까지 8호처분을 받은 소년을 대상으로 법원별 처분 인원, 병합처분 및 부가처분 현황, 입원일 지정 유무 및 요일별 입원현황 등 처분 실태와 연령·학력·비행명·비행전력 등 대상자의 특성을 파악하고, 이들에 대한 교육프로그램 분석을 통하여 문제점을 도출하고 그 개선방안을 제시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 현재 8호 처분 전담기관으로 지정된 대덕·안양소년원의 경우 1개 기관에서 보호기능이 강한 9·10호 처분을 받은 소년과 함께 수용·교육함으로써 8호 처분자에 대한 대외적 인식 개선과 처우에 부정적 영향을 미치고, 제한된 시설에서는 개방적이면서 다양한 인성교육프로그램을 효율적으로 운영하는데 한계가 있어 독자적인 기관으로 독립되어야 한다. 둘째, 인력 증원이 없는 상태에서 8호 처분이 도입되어 직원의 업무부담이 가중되고 있으므로 인력 충원과 함께 직원의 전문성 제고에도 지속적인 노력을 하여야 한다. 셋째, 8호 처분은 대상자에게 개방적 인성교육을 통해 비행성을 제거하는데 중점을 두고 있는 만큼 현재 67.3%에 불과한 입원일시 지정율을 더욱 확대하여 교육대상자의 자발적 참여동기를 높여 교육효과를 극대화할수 있도록 해야 한다. 마지막으로 8호 처분과 5호 처분이 병합되는 경우 사회봉사명령, 외출제한명령 등 5호 처분에 병합하거나 부가될 수 있는 처분을 8호 처분에도 그대로 적용하고 있으므로 이에 대한 법적 정비가 필요하다. 8호 처분은 소년원 송치처분과는 다르게 소년부 판사가 지정한 날에 소년이 스스로 소년원 학교에 입교할 수 있다는 점에서 우리나라 소년사법의 새로운 장을 열었다고 할 것이며, 앞으로 8호 처분이 개방적 인성교육에서 더 나아가 개방소년원 처우제도로 발전할 수 있기를 기대해 본다. This study is to find out a way to improve effectiveness of the 8th juvenile provision of the disposions which is one month custody in detention center. It is preceded based on actual condition of provision, characteristic of juveniles and understanding of program weakness. The 8th juvenile provision has been started at the Busan District Court from June 24th in 2008. Since there was almost no precedent study in this field, the researcher looked over a concept, type and character of the provision based on the related law. In this study the researcher focused on the procedures of the provision such as the numbers of juvenile in each district court, the present condition of annexed or added provisions and the present custody condition by a day of the week. In this study the researcher show some advanced methods by problem solving process that is understand the characteristics of each juvenile by their age, education, delinquency and criminal record. The results are as follow; First, the Dae-Duk and An-Yang Juvenile Training School should be operated independently from the 9th and 10th juvenile provision. These facilities accommodate the juveniles who have 8th, 9th and 10th provision all together so that it may have a negative impact on external recognition as the exclusive responsible facilities of the 8th juvenile provision. Moreover these closed facilities have limitations operating diverse outdoor education programs. Second, the 8th juvenile provision introduced without increasing any staff members so that staff have some trouble to improve their specialties due to increased work load. Third, the 8th juvenile provision focused on the rehabilitation and the desistance of delinquency through an open humanity education program. It should be expanded a designation rate of enrollment date. It is 67.3% at present. In that case the education effect can be maximized by enhancement of the participants`` self motivation. Lastly, the Juvenile Law should be revised. When the case is annexed with the 5th and the 8th provision, the order of public service and the order of confinement can be imposed to the 5th ones. However it is also imposed to the 8th provision for the present. It can be double treatment for the 8th provision juveniles. The 8th juvenile provision opened a new era of outdoor treatment in the juvenile justice in Korea. Juveniles can enter a juvenile training school by themselves when juvenile court judges designate a certain date. Hopefully it can be developed as an open humanity education program also one of an open treatment in juvenile training schools.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        학교폭력에서 가해학생에 의한 피해학생 선택에 관한 연구 -심층인터뷰에 의한 질적 연구-

        한영선 ( Young Sun Han ) 대한범죄학회 2012 한국범죄학 Vol.6 No.1

        Bullying within school contexts has a central concern for school officials, educational communities, and general society. Recently, a growing body of research has been addressing issues around school bullying and its victimization, and particularly how risk and/or protective factors influence on being a perpetrator and being a victim. Having said that, however, effective intervention and prevention strategies for school bullying received little attention and evidence-driven explanations are underdeveloped. By employing ideas from Routin Activity Theory, I searched for the reason why school bullies target the victims. If we understand the hidden bully``s target-selection process, we can easily help victims avoid the victimization.

      • KCI등재

        임신 중 체중증가에 따른 영양섭취 및 임신결과와의 관련성

        한영선(Han Young-Sun),이상선(Lee Sang-Sun) 韓國營養學會 2010 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.43 No.2

        Gestational age and infant birth weight are influenced by gestational weight gain. This study was aimed to examine the effects of gestational weight gain on pregnancy outcomes. Pregnant women were recruited at two hospitals in Seoul area. Characteristics and dietary intakes of pregnant women were obtained using 24-hour recall questionnaires. Gestational weight gain was categorized as less (Under-gain) than, within (Recommended gain), or greater (Over-gain) than the Institute of Medicine guidelines. Maternal height and pre-pregnancy weight in the over-gain group significantly higher than under-gain and recommended gain group. Mini dietary assessment score of eating bean has significantly higher in under-gain group than recommended gain group and eating kimchi has significantly higher in undergain group than over-gain group. Score of eating fruit was significantly higher in over-gain group than other groups. The mean intake of carbohydrate in the recommended gain group were significantly higher than under-gain group, and mean intake of potassium in the over-gain group were significantly higher than under-gain group. Under-gain group showed the high rate of the preterm delivery and low birth weight infant delivery. However recommended gain group showed 46% reduced risk of preterm delivery (OR = 0.54 CI = 0.30-0.98). Risk of macrosomia increased with increasing gestational weight gain (p for trend < 0.05). In conclusion, pregnancy outcomes were influenced by gestational weight gain. Therefore, these finding suggested adequate gestational weight gain according to BMI for reducing the risk of preterm delivery, low birth weight and macrosomia.

      • KCI등재

        여성취업과 일,가정양립지원이 출산에 미치는 영향

        한영선 ( Young Sun Han ),이연숙 ( Yon Suk Lee ) 대한가정학회 2015 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.53 No.1

        This study analyzes the effects of women`s labour force participation and work-family reconciliation support on life-cycle fertility in Korea. The analysis is based on the longitudinal data from Korean Labour and Income Panel Study (KLIPS), which include the available information on life-cycle fertility and employment history. Employing a dynamic model of fertility, we estimated the life-cycle fertility of all the 15-49 years old women considered in this study by using a duration model. The major results of this study were as follows: First, women`s labour force participation had a negative effect on the first birth, second birth, and all births (transition to births starting at different parities). Women`s employment tended to lengthen the interval between births. Second, the availability of maternal leave had a positive effect on the first birth and all births for working women. Providing maternal leave to working women decreased the opportunity cost of childbearing and in turn, reduced the interbirth interval of women. However, the availability of parental leave had no significant effect on the births of working women. Third, the financial support for childcare had a positive effect on the first birth and all births. The economic support for childcare led to the reduction in the interbirth interval of women by increasing the probability of births. The use of a childcare center for the first child, which substitutes for the time that women needed to take care of their children, classified as time-intensive consumption goods, did not have any effect on the second birth. Fourth, the part-time employment of women had a positive effect on the second birth. A flexible working time schedule tended to decrease the interval between the first and the second births.

      • KCI등재

        EISC 임베디드 시스템을 위한 USB-JTAG Interface기반의 디버깅 시스템 개발

        이호균,한영선,김선욱,Lee, Ho-Kyoon,Han, Young-Sun,Kim, Seon-Wook 한국정보처리학회 2010 정보처리학회논문지 A Vol.17 No.3

        많은 개발자들은 프로세서 디버깅을 위해 GDB를 사용한다. 임베디드 시스템에서 GDB의 원격 디버깅은 시리얼 통신을 사용한다. 그러나, 시리얼 통신은 속도에 제한이 있으며, 시리얼 포트 마저 점차 사라져 가는 추세이다. 이를 극복하기 위해 많은 임베디드 시스템이 JTAG 인터페이스를 탑재하고 있으며, USB 인터페이스를 사용하여 통신을 한다. 이 논문에서는 EISC 아키텍처 기반의 임베디드 시스템을 디버깅하기 위한 USB-JTAG 인터페이스 개발 방법을 제안하고, GDB환경에서의 USB 인터페이스 구축 방법과 디버깅 패킷을 분석하기 위한 JTAG 모듈의 개발 방법을 소개한다. Most of software developers use the GNU Debugger (GDB) in order to debug code execution. The GDB supports a remote debugging environment through serial communication. However, in embedded systems, the speed is limited in the serial communication. Due to this reason, the serial communication is rarely used for the debugging purpose. To solve this problem, many embedded systems adapt the JTAG and the USB interface. This paper proposes debugging environment via USB-JTAG interface to debug the EISC processor, and introduces how the USB interface works on the GDB and how the JTAG module handles debugging packets.

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