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        원효 저술에 대한 번역 현황과 그 연구사적 가치 고찰: 불교학술원 간행 『한글본 한국불교전서』 100권의 의의와 연계하여

        한명숙(Han, Myung-Sook) 동국대학교 불교문화연구원 2021 佛敎學報 Vol.- No.95

        동국대학교 불교학술원에서 간행 혹은 간행 예정인 「한글본 한국불교전서」 100권 중 원효와 관련된 저술의 특성과 의의를 조망하는 것이 이 글의 목적이다. 필자는 먼저 원효 번역서 간행의 현대적 의미를 그 저술을 관통하는 보편적 사유체계인 화쟁(和諍)에서 찾고 원효의 화쟁과 관련하여 지금까지 논의되지 않았던 문제, 곧 “왜, 화쟁해야 하는가?”라는 의문을 제기하고 그 해답을 찾았다. 그 결과 중죄를 짓지 않는 길이고 번뇌장과 소지장으로부터 벗어나는 길이라는 화쟁의 불교적 의미를 확인할 수 있었다. 다음은 「한글본 한국불교전서」에 수록된 원효 관련 저술 11권을 그 성격에 의해 세 범주로 분류하여 그 특성과 의의를 밝혔다. 첫째, 『한국불교전서』에 수록된 원효 저술로 총 9권으로 간행되었다. 원문의 철저한 교감, 전문적인 각주, 새로운 문헌 발굴 성과의 반영(『판비량론』), 인도불교 ․ 한국불교 전공자의 연구성과의 반영(『이장의』) 등에서 기존 번역서와 차별되는 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 특성은 새로운 연구를 촉발시킬 수 있다는 점에서 그 의의가 자못 크다. 예를들어 『범망경보살계본사기』의 경우 저자와 찬술시기에 대한 이론(異論)이 제기되어 왔는데, 본서의 번역을 계기로 최유진과 한명숙에 의해 발전적 논의가 이루어졌음을 확인할 수 있었다. 둘째, 한국불교전서 에 수록되지 않은 원효의 저술도 1권 간행되었는데 『집일 금광명경소』가 그것이다. 현재 전해지지 않는 『금광명경소』를 역자가 직접 원문을 편찬하고 번역하였다. 본서는 향후 원효의 불신론(佛身論)에 대한 연구, 신라의학의 특성에 대한 연구의 발전에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다. 셋째, 원효의 저술에 대한 주석서를 번역한 책도 1권 간행되었는데 『지범요기조람집』이 그것이다. 본서는 『보살계본지범요기』에 대한 신엔(眞圓)의 주석서이다. 본서는 『보살계본지범요기』와 관련하여 이루어진 쟁점의 내용을 확인하고 그에 대한 확장적 연구의 길을 열어 줄 것으로 기대된다. 마지막으로 한국불교의 지속적 발전을 위해 남겨진 과제를 제시하였다. 첫째, 전문성을 가진 번역자를 양성해야 한다. 둘째, 현재 전해지지 않는 한국 학승의 저술을 발굴해야 하고 아울러 『집일 금광명경소』와 같은 집일본을 만들어야 한다. 셋째, 한국 학승 찬술설이 제기된 문헌에 대한 지속적 연구를 지원하고 이를 통해 그 확정적 지위를 확보한 저술은 『한국불교전서』에 입장(入藏)해야 한다. 넷째, 한국학승에 대한 동아시아 학승의 주석서를 발굴하고 연구함으로써 한국불교의 외연을 넓혀야 한다. This thesis considers the nature and meaning of the Wonhyo-related writing among the 100 Volumes to publish and to be published by the Academy of Buddhist Studies, Dongguk University. First, this study identified the modern meaning for the translation publication in harmonizing disputes, which is the universal way of thought being included in the writing. “Why should hwajaeng be done?,” which, to date, has not been discussed in relation to the harmonizing disputes of Wonhyo, was also addressed. The results indicate that the Buddhist meaning of harmonizing disputes is not to commit a grave sin and to be free from hindrance of defilements and of the known. Next, 11 volumes of the Wonhyo-related writings included in Hangeulbon Hangukbulgyojeonseo were classified into three categories based on their traits, and the characteristics and meaning of each were revealed. It was determined that nine volumes of Wonhyo writings are included in Hangukbulgyojeonseo. This was found to differ from the existing translation in terms of the thorough correction of the original text, footnotes, the application of new bibliographies, the reflection of research results of the majors in Indian and Korean Buddhism, and so on. It is very significant in that this trait can provoke new research. For example, in the case of Beommangyeongbosalgyebonsagi, the writer and the writing period have been questioned, but through this translation. It could be verified that Choi, You-Jin, and Han, Myung-Sook presented a developmental discussion. The second result is that one writing of Wonhyo not included in Hangukbulgyojeonseo, Jipil-Geumgwangmyeonggyeongso, has been published. The translator compiled and translated the original of Geumgwangmyeonggyeongso, which is not handed down in person. It is expected that this text will help Wonhyo’s theory of the Buddha’s body and the traits of Shilla medical science to be studied in the future. Third, one translation of a commentary on Wonhyo writing has also been published, known as Jibeomyogijoramjip. This text is the commentary of Shinen for Bosalgyebonjibeomyogi. It is expected that this text will highlight the controversial issue in relation to Bosalgyebonjibeomyogi and pave the way to expanding research on it. Lastly, this study suggests remaining issues for the continuous development of Korean Buddhism. First, there is a need for professional translators. Second, the writings of learned monks have to be discovered, though they are not being handed down nowadays. In addition, Jipilbon has to be made, such as Jipil-Geumgwangmyeonggyeongso. Third, research on the bibliographies in which it has been raised that Korean learned monks are supported consistently, and through this research, the writing which established the status should entry into Hangukbulgyojeonseo. Fourth, Korean Buddhism has to be extended externally by discovering and researching the commentary text of those in East Asia by Korean learned monks.

      • KCI등재

        문학교육에 대한 교육사회학적 접근 : 사회제도 속의 문학생태계와 문학교육의 과제

        한명숙 ( Myoung Sook Han ) 한국문학교육학회 2013 문학교육학 Vol.42 No.-

        I have discovered a ecological system of literature in our contemporary society. The system is organized with four elements; WORK, LITERARY PRODUCER, LITERARY CONSUMER, LITERARY CIRCULATOR according to their behaviour in literary system of society. This literary ecological system gives variety literary experiences and activities to many students. So the plans for literature education in schools have to integrate formal education with literary ecological system. Therefore, I suggest three ways to connect literary education in schools with students`s out-of-school literary experiences. First, the curriculum of literary education in school must be related to literature in social system. Second, literary educators have to understand their students as literary consumers, literary producer, and literary circulators in social system. Third, literary educators need to have some special plan for teaching their students as literary readers in their society as well as just students in their schools.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 아동문학의 회고와 전망 : 문화운동 중심 아동문학교육의 회고와 전망 ; 미디어 문학 환경의 아동문학교육

        한명숙 ( Han Myeong Sug ) 한국문학교육학회 2003 문학교육학 Vol.12 No.-

        In this paper we examined that thinking change of media literature in a media period as changes of literary environment, and observing media literary environment, considering change aspects of juvenile literature from those environment. And we analyzed how juvenile literature was influenced by these change. We searched for and presented ways to improve of juvenile literature and juvenile literature education. Appearance of various media bring into not `end of books` or `death of literature` but formation of new literary environment. Media gave birth to hypertext literature and the internet literature as digital literature. And it let diversity types of literature like electronic literature, visual literature, oral literature, printing literature produced. And printing literary works are important cause of its visualization effect. Readers` literary activities are also changing. These changes caused `variation of quantity and quality` of literary experience process in searching and choosing literature, in admitting and appreciating literature, in creating and circulating literature. These media literary environment give juvenile literature new environment. We can cognize them from: developing of illustrated story books, a phenomenon that children become reader as writer , distinctions of oral literature `non-facing, one-sided`, visualized appreciation, change of searching and choosing works, admitting and appreciating works, creating and circulating works. Especially change of literary activities by the Internet environment, it is possible to search and choose without limit. It is also possible to share appreciation of literary works. And there can be free and positive criticism to personal creations. Juvenile literature and literature education for juvenile must make good use of media literary environment. We can find it in diversity of literary experience, effectiveness of holding interests, easiness of group appreciation, creative communication. If we understand media literary environment properly and get it reasonable, we can attract chlldren to the world of literature, create children s world which give chlldren joy. We make juvenile literary pulling up to useful education. Juvenile literature solve problem which exist in this time. And for the first of all, preparing understanding of educational program of media literature is important. Second, principles of literature activities are taught in media literary environment. Third, it is required to find interaction method with works in media literary environment. Fourth, the definition of readmg must revise it reflecting the media area. Fifth, we must use visual literature in literature education. Finally, we must receive education for creation positively. When we make a word metaphorically, as Mcluhan did, media is environment. The Internet is also environment. And media literature and the Internet literature can be parts of juvenile literature. Whether it is media literature or the Internet literature, it is important that m d a and the Internet is environment. So we must study media environment itself before we study media literature and the Internet literature. These process is good for further study. So we must understand media literature for children, prepare educational program for literary experience on the Internet. But this paper deals with media literary, basically juvenile literature aim at printing media centered juvenile literature education. Though media literature have many merits, juvenile literature must focus on affection and communication with persons. But children live in both multimedia period and printing period. So they experience many kinds of literary works. It is the problem that this paper concentrate on.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        문학과 인간 발달 1: 문학교육과 인지발달 : 문학인지 발달과 이야기 감상 교육

        한명숙 ( Myong Sook Han ) 한국문학교육학회 2003 문학교육학 Vol.11 No.-

        In this study, I suggest a hypothesis that it there exists literary cognition of operating for appreciation of narrative fiction. Readers operate three kinds of literary cognition of appreciating narrative fiction. First, readers should operate literary cognition of comprehension of story while they experience their narrative text. Second, they sometimes operate literary cognition to form the perspective of work. The three kinds of literary cognition of operating on appreciation of narrative fiction are organized in a grade system. This grade system of literary cognitions not only operate or develop according to procedure of experiencing narrative text but also have circulation each other. These literary cognitions promote reader`s response about narrative fiction. According to this hypothesis, I suggest some teaching method and strategy. First, IF teachers wish to promote literary cognition of comprehension of story to students, then teachers would share story telling with their students. Second, teachers can operate literary cognition for construction of fiction through dialogical method between student and teacher or among each students. Third, teachers can attempt to develop literary cognition of perspective of work to students by experience of intertextuality. Students can experience various intertextuality realated to other work and their own experiences and so on. My hypothetic suggestion is like rough rice yet. But if we agreed this literary cognition operated in experiencing literary fiction and teach students considering these, then we can anticipate the more effective teaching of narrative fiction.

      • KCI등재

        1음절 한자어의 어두 경음화 현상 연구

        한명숙 ( Han Myeong-suk ) 한말연구학회 2021 한말연구 Vol.- No.61

        The purpose of this study is to examine the aspect of realization of word-initial glottalization and their characteristics for one-syllable Sino-Korean word. Sino-Korean word are mainly used in the form of two or three syllables. So, there is not much use of one-syllable Sino-Korean word. However, word-intial glottalization is found in the limited use of one-syllable Sino-Korean word. Word-initial glottalization of one-syllable Sino-Korean word occurs in ‘geon(件), gong(空), gwa(科), geup(級), ki(氣), bang(房), bon(本), saeng(生), seol(說), jang(長), jeon(錢), jeom(點), cho(調), jol(卒), jeung(證), jin(眞)’. These words show the aspect of word-initial glottalization, but the realization frequency of word-initial glottalization is different for each vocabulary. And the realization of word-initial glottalization in one syllable Sino-Korean word was divided into two main aspects. First, it becomes a word due to the word-initial glottalization. This maintains the qualification of the word according to the word-initial glottalization and bound nouns are used alone to obtain the qualification of the word. Second, the meaning has changed in the process of word-initial glottalization. One-syllable Sino-Korean word can be divided into two parts. One is accompanied by a change in meaning according to the word-initial glottalization and the other is not. There is only one vocabulary that has been recognized as a standard language in the form of word-initial glottalization. It is /kki/. /kki/ is a form of word-initial glottalization of one-syllable Sino-Korean word, ‘ki(氣)’ that is a lax consonant and the meaning has changed. The meaning of /kki/ is different from the original one. In this way, there are /sseol, jjang, jjeon, jjeung/, which are used as independent nouns because of the realization of word-initial glottalization.

      • KCI등재

        부모의 인성지향적 지도가 자기조절능력, 문제행동에 미치는 영향: 유아 인성의 매개효과를 중심으로

        한명숙 ( Myungsook Han ) 미래유아교육학회 2015 미래유아교육학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        This study examined whether parent``s person-oriented guidance affects children``s personality, self-regulation, and behavioral problem. A survey was conducted of preschool children and their mothers and teachers. The results of this study were as follows. First, mother’s and fathers’ person-oriented guidance had a positive effect on the children’s self-regulation and behavioral problem. Second, mother’s and fathers’ person-oriented guidance had a negative effect on the children’s behavioral problem. Lastly, a mediation effect of children’s personality between parent``s person-oriented guidance and self-regulation or behavioral problem. The results of this study emphasis the importance of parent’s communication attitude in order to promote the emotional and behavioral development of their children.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        다문화시대의 한국어 통일과 국어교육의 과제 -`한국어사회`와 `한국어 공동체`의 개념 수립을 기반으로-

        한명숙 ( Han Myoung-sook ) 청람어문교육학회(구 청람어문학회) 2016 청람어문교육 Vol.60 No.-

        다문화사회로 변모한 한국의 21세기는 한국어가 모국어인 사람과 한국어 외의 언어 및 그 배경을 가진 이들이 더불어 살아가는 시대다. 다문화가정인구가 백만 명 가까이에 이르렀고, 한국에 사는 외국인 수는 136만 명이나 되어, 한국사회는 한국어 외의 언어를 지닌 이들과 함께 살아가는 사회가 되었다. 이런 시대적 배경에 주목하여 한국사회를 `한국어사회`로 인식하고 언어 통합의 기반으로 `한국어 공동체` 개념을 수립하였다. 한국어를 사용하는 이들을 `한국어 서클`로 모으고, 더 나아가 한국어를 사용하거나 배우는 모든 이들을 `한국어 다양체`로 보며, 이들 집단을 `한국어 공동체`로 규정한 결과다. 여기에는 북한동포 및 연변의 조선족과 러시아 까레이스키 등으로 대표되는 `한국어족` 및 타국의 한국어 사용자와 학습자도 포함된다. 이런`한국어 공동체`는 한류의 문화적 전파에 따라 높아진 한국의 위상과 이에 따라 한국어를 배우는 사람들이 늘어나는 추세에도 필요한 개념이다. 이는 `한국어 다양체`를 서로 연결하고 접속하는 `리좀(rhyzom)`적 인식의 마련과 포괄적 종합으로 통일시대를 대비하는 `한국어 통일`의 기반을 이룰 수 있는 것이다. `한국어 통일`은 `한국어`를 중심으로 하는 `한국어 다양체`들의 `리좀(rhyzom)`적 연결과 접속으로 이루어지는 한국어의 한마당이요, 집합체다. 또한, `한국어 통일`은 미래의 `한국어사회`를 확장 및 발전시키는 동력으로서도 의미를 지닌다. I suggest that a new concept is required to call the current Korea society an `United Korean language Community` which has become multi-cultural. Hear and now, there are a large number of multi-cultural students whose parent was from foreign countries as well as native students who have Korean parents in the school. `The Society of Korean Language` also contains a lot of people who speak Korean from different cultures, and a wide variety of people in the world are learning and using Korean language. In addition, Korean language is spread through cultural exchange and being used in the international society across the world, resulting in `the multiplicity of the Korean language`. Therefore, it is required to build up the foundation for the network connected by the Korean language in this `Community of Korean language`. Furthermore, this preparation should be made and begin at the level of Korean language education in the elementary school.

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