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        항레트로바이러스 치료를 받는 한국인 HIV 감염자에서 당뇨병 발생 양상

        최희경 ( Hee Kyoung Choi ),정수진 ( Su Jin Jeong ),이한성 ( Han Sung Lee ),진범식 ( Bum Sik Chin ),최석훈 ( Suk Hoon Choi ),한상훈 ( Sang Hoon Han ),김명수 ( Myung Soo Kim ),김창오 ( Chang Oh Kim ),최준용 ( Jun Yong Choi ),송영구 대한내과학회 2008 대한내과학회지 Vol.74 No.5

        Background/Aims: The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has significantly modified the course of HIV infection. However, the HAART regimens, and especially those including protease inhibitors (PIs), have been shown to cause diabetes mellitus. We evaluated the incidence and clinical manifestations of HIV-infected Koreans who received HAART and the risk factors for diabetes mellitus in those patients. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study and a case-control study to evaluate the clinical manifestations, the incidence and the risk factors for diabetes mellitus in 215 HIV-infected patients who were on HAART at Yonsei University College of Medicine from 1991 to 2006. Results: 215 patients were analyzed and the total duration of follow up was 1079 person-years. The incidences of diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose were 1.39 case/100person-years and 6.02 case/100person-years. Most of the cases were non-obese type II diabetes and these patients showed insulin resistance and impaired β cell function. On the risk factor analysis, the factors contributing to the development of diabetes were age, a decrease of the viral load and indinavir use. Conclusions: In our study, the incidence of diabetes among Korean HIV-positive patients on HAART was 1.39case/100person-years. Age, a decrease of the viral load and indinavir use were the risk factors for development of diabetes mellitus.(Korean J Med 74:506-514, 2008)

      • KCI등재

        2015 개정 교육과정 기반 초등영어 교과서의 파닉스 내용과 지도 방법 분석

        최희경(Choi, Heekyong),박선호(Park, Seon-Ho) 한국초등영어교육학회 2020 초등영어교육 Vol.26 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the phonics activities of the English textbooks which are currently being used in elementary schools, and thus to find out what needs to be improved in order to develop textbooks for better phonics teaching and learning. For this, all textbooks for grades 3~6 containing phonics activities were analyzed and compared to each other regarding how the phonics contents were presented, the number of phonics sound types and tokens, and the features of phonics teaching and learning activities. The results are as follows. First, the ways in which the phonics contents are presented differed considerably depending on the textbook, such as when to start teaching phonics and the grades and units where phonics instruction is conducted. Second, the number of phonics sound types and tokens presented varies significantly from textbook to textbook. Finally, the types of phonics teaching and learning activities were quite limited as in the previous National Curriculum-based textbooks. Based on the results, some suggestions are made to ensure that elementary school students are given sufficient, more systematic, and equal phonics learning opportunities no matter what textbook they use.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        초등 영어 읽기 교육에 대한 교사와 학생들의 인식 연구

        최희경(Choi, Heekyong) 한국초등영어교육학회 2013 초등영어교육 Vol.19 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate how elementary school teachers and students perceive English reading education with regard to its quantity, degree of difficulty, and interest level. Questionnaires were administered to 134 teachers and 384 students. In addition written interviews with 21 teachers were done through e-mail. Major findings from the analysis of this survey are three-fold. First, more than half of the teachers considered that the quantity of reading materials in English textbooks is not sufficient and their level of difficulty and interest is low. Second, many teachers thought that the reading materials of the 3rd to 6th grade textbooks are neither well-graded nor well-sequenced with respect to their quantity and difficulty level. Third, there is a gap in perception between teachers and students with respect to the level of difficulty and interest in reading: many teachers perceived elementary school students have difficulty and little interest in reading, but about half of the students thought that the difficulty level of reading is appropriate and reading activities are interesting. Based on these results, several suggestions for improving English reading education in elementary schools are made.

      • KCI등재

        헌법과 젠더에 관한 고찰

        최희경 ( Hee Kyung Choi ) 이화여자대학교 법학연구소 2012 法學論集 Vol.17 No.2

        Constitution is the national supreme law which guarantees the people`s fundamental rights and decides the principle of system of government. Among many fundamental rights, equal rights and right to privacy have a special meaning to female and they demonstrate well how the viewpoint on gender is applied to the constitution. Besides, equal rights and right to privacy are connected each other with respect to investigation into distinction between public and private sphere and into question of gender division, which have been the basis to acknowledge inferior status to women in the past. First, the matter of gender equality raises a question how to evaluate, accept and overcome the discriminative stereotypes on the difference between male and female, and the female role. It is necessary to remove discrimination made in the public realm, the employment field and the family system, and it also reveals discrimination with neutral appearance. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of gender, it is shown that women do not sufficiently enjoy the right to privacy in the private realm, which brings out a question to which extent limitation of government is permitted with respect to right to choose an abortion, which is important to a woman. Under such a critical mind, this thesis is to evaluate the meaning of equal rights under the constitution and also to evaluate the gender aspects appearing in laws, policies and major decisions of the Constitutional Court, which intend to realize gender equality. At the same time, in order to guarantees the right to privacy of women, it reviews laws and the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding main issues with emphasis on the right of self-determination in reproductive and sexual fields. Through this, this thesis intends to suggest a desirable direction for the laws, policies and decision of the Constitutional Court in order to realize constitutional gender equality. In addition, emphasis is put on the fact that privacy right secured by the constitution is to guarantee private self-determination to enjoy under a woman`s own judgment and responsibility free from any improper restriction or protection by government.

      • KCI등재

        공공주택 운영의 소셜 엔지니어링 접근

        최희경(Choi, Hee-Kyung) 한국공간환경학회 2017 공간과 사회 Vol.27 No.3

        This study purports to inquire into the social engineering approach in Swedish public housing, which attempts to change the residents from passive welfare dependents into active participatory citizens. The research analyzes two Swedish communities, Hageby in Norrköping and Baronbackarna in Örebro, using primary data gathered by interviewing government officials, staff members of municipality housing companies and residents and secondary data from municipality reports, articles and statistics. Over 60% of the tenants from Middle Eastern or African countries have hardly learned about democratic citizenship and experienced voluntary social work before, which have consistently been emphasized by the Swedish government to establish its generous welfare system since the early 20th century. The research examines literature on social engineering to discuss its historical significance and to identify its four issues, purposes, scientific and technological approaches, agents and openness, and strategic programs, in order to analyze two community cases. The results of the analysis indicate: (1) The municipality public housing companies have practically employed the social engineering approach to change the residents’ values and attitudes into more socializing and democratic ones and then eventually to develop the community. (2) The municipality public housing companies have applied the scientific technological theories and methodologies in social and humane sciences as well as in natural and engineering ones to plan and implement social projects. (3) The housing policy in Sweden forms a part of social policy, in that housing is not only supplying individuals/families with physical facilities but also offering social opportunities and significance. (4) People’s values and attitudes including solidarity, cohesion or/and social responsibility should be a core of a welfare regime, which could be easily ignored in most followers including Korea. 스웨덴의 주택정책은 사회정책의 일환이며, 이때 주택은 물리적 주거시설만이 아닌 기본 사회서비스를 포괄하는 개념이다. 스웨덴의 290개 기초지방자치단체는 지역민에게 주거서비스를 공급할 책임이 있다. 지방자치단체 소유인 주택공사는 경제적 사회적으로 열악한 계층에 임대주택 형태로 주거서비스를 보장한다. 본연구는 ‘소셜 엔지니어링’에 대한 이론적 역사적 논의를 바탕으로, 스웨덴의 지역주택공사가 주민의 가치와 행태를 변화시키고 지역을 발전시키기 위해 어떤 사회 적 프로그램을 운영하는지 검토한 것이다. 인터뷰와 참여관찰 등 현장조사를 바탕으로 노르쇠핑의 하게비(Hageby)와 어레브루의 바론바까나(Baronbackarna) 지역 사례를 분석하였다. 소셜 엔지니어링은 20세기 중반까지 스웨덴 복지체제의 형성과 유지에 중요한개념이자 방법이었는데 인간과 지역사회, 나아가 사회 전체를 변화 또는 개선시키고자 하는 기술적·과학적 접근이다. 사례분석 결과, 주택공사는 이민자가 다수 인 입주민들을 수동적인 복지 소비자로부터 적극적인 참여시민으로 변화시키기 위해 다양한 사회 프로그램에 관여하며 공학기술적, 사회과학적 접근을 활용하고 있었다. 또한 개방적 운영체제가 활성화되어 있고, 일상적이고 구체적인 프로젝트 를 통해 점진적 변화를 꾀하고 있었다. 스웨덴 사례는 주택서비스의 범위에 공동체적 사회활동을 포괄하고 주택공사와 지방자치단체는 주민의 사회참여를 드높이기 위해 노력한다는 점, 나아가 복지체제 유지를 위해 개개인의 공동체 의식과 자율적 참여 행태를 중시하고 정부는 이를 위해 제도적으로 실천해왔다는 점 등을 보여준다.

      • KCI등재

        한국문학 번역에서 고찰하는 번역가 문체: 세 번역가에 대한 코퍼스 주도적 분석

        최희경 ( Heekyung Choi ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.6

        본 연구는 한국소설 번역 텍스트를 코퍼스 주도 접근법으로 분석하여 번역가의 문체를 고찰한다. 이를 위해 한국소설을 영어로 번역한 번역가 3명의 번역 텍스트와 그에 대응하는 원천 텍스트를 코퍼스로 구축하고 워드스미스와 코메트릭스를 활용하여 분석한다. 어휘, 통사, 결속성, 이독성 등 네개의 언어 및 담화 층위에서 12개 문체표지를 분석한 결과, 어휘 심상성, 접속사 등 대부분의 표지에서 번역가 간에 문체 차이가 발견되어 번역가별 고유 문체의 존재를 시사한다. 수동태, 이독성 등에서는 동일 번역가의 텍스트 간에도 편차가 확인되어 문체표지에 따라 번역가 개인의 문체가 원천 텍스트나 저자 문체의 영향으로 약화될 수도 있음을 보여준다. 본 연구는 실무번역가, 출판사, 연구자, 교육자, 학생 등 한국문학 번역의 여러 이해관계자에 유용한 함의를 제공한다는 데 그 의의를 둔다. This study aims to uncover traces of the translator’s style in translated Korean novels through a corpus-driven approach. To this end, translated texts by three Korean-to-English literary translators and their corresponding source texts were compiled into corpora for analysis drawing on linguistic analysis tools - WordSmith and Coh-Metrix. The corpus analysis was conducted for 12 style markers at four linguistic and discourse levels: word, syntax, cohesion, and readability. The findings reveal that variances between translators are found in most of the markers including words’ imagability and connectives, indicating that distinctive translator styles exist. Variances within each translator are also observed in such markers as passive voice and readability, implying that source texts or the author’s style may offset the power of the translator’s style. This study is expected to provide useful insights into the style of Korean literary translation to various stakeholders including translators, publishers, researchers, teachers, and students.

      • KCI등재

        호스피스완화의료 사회복지사의 역할과 역량에 관한 연구

        최희경(Choi, Hee Kyung) 경성대학교 사회과학연구소 2013 社會科學硏究 Vol.29 No.4

        본 연구는 현재 호스피스완화의료 실천 현장에서 활동하고 있는 사회복지사들의 의견을 체계적으로 종합하여 우리나라 호스피스완화의료 실천에 있어 사회복지사의 전문적 역할이 무엇인지 규명하고, 전문적인 역할 수행을 위해 필요한 실천 역량을 실천 영역별로 규명하여 제시하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 델파이조사 방식을 활용하여 현재 전국의 호스피스완화의료 전문기관으로 지정된 24개 기관에 근무하는 사회복지사 30인으로 패널을 구성하고 2차에 걸친 델파이조사를 실시하였다. 선행연구 및 관련 자료에 의거하여 기술초안을 작성하여 이에 대한 1,2차 조사의 결과에 대해 각각 내용타당도 분석을 실시한 후, 호스피스완화의료 사회복지사의 역할과 역량에 대한 최종안을 구성하였다. 최종안은 호스피스완화 의료 사회복지실천의 가치와 윤리, 사정, 계획과 개입, 지역사회 자원 연계 및 개발, 사별자 돌봄, 다학제적 팀 활동, 자기반성적 실천 및 영성, 평가와 연구 조사 및 교육 훈련, 옹호와 임파워먼트, 정책개발 및 행정, 자격 및 경력 등 11개 영역의 총 131개 항목으로 구성되었다. 사회복지사의 역할과 역량 영역 중 가장 높은 내용타당도를 나타낸 영역은 자격 및 경력 영역이었으며 가장 낮은 내용타당도를 나타낸 영역은 평가와 연구 조사 및 교육과 훈련 항목이었다. 연구결과를 바탕으로 호스피스완화의료 사회복지사의 자격 요건 명시와 제도화, 호스피스완화의료 사회복지실천에 대한 전문적 교육 실시, 호스피스완화의료 사회복지실천의 공식적이고 표준화된 업무 분장과 실천 매뉴얼, 평가도구 개발의 필요성을 제언하였다. The study attempts to explore roles and practice competencies of social workers in hospice palliative care(HPC). 30 hospice social workers participated in the study as expert panels working in 24 HPC settings appointed by the government as Hospice Palliative Care Institutions for Cancer Patients in 2012. The study adopted the Delphi research method to identify the roles and competencies of hospice social workers practicing as a team member of HPC interdisciplinary team. Two phases of surveys were conducted after developing the first description based on prior studies and related documents on HPC social work. The collected data were analyzed by measuring Content Validity Index(CVI) of each item. The final description was completed after modifying the revised one by excluding and adding the items. 131 items on 11 practice areas were selected concerning roles and competencies of hospice social workers. The item scored the highest CVI was about the licence and eligibility of a hospice social worker, while the lowest one was concerning evaluation, research and education. On the basis of the of the analysis, the followings were suggested: ① institutionalizing the eligibility of hospice social workers ;② conducting professional social work education on HPC ;③ building standarized hospice social work practice manuals.

      • KCI등재

        노인요양시설의 돌봄 서비스에 대한 가족과 요양보호사의 인식 및 기대 비교 연구

        최희경(Choi Hee-Kyung) 한국가족학회 2010 가족과 문화 Vol.22 No.4

        본 연구에서는 현재 요양시설에 입소하여 생활하고 있는 노인의 가족과 요양시설에서 돌봄 업무를 수행하는 요양보호사에 대한 심층면접 결과를 가지고 돌봄 서비스에 대한 인식과 기대를 비교, 분석하였다. 노인 돌봄 서비스에는 가족적 특성과 전문적 특성이 혼재한다는 점에 주목하여 가족과 요양보호사의 돌봄 서비스에 대한 인식과 기대에서 두 특성이 어떻게 나타나는지를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 연구 결과 종사자와 가족 모두 노인 돌봄에 있어 '가족적 돌봄'을 이상적이고 바람직한 것으로 인식하였으나 그 기대와 인식의 내용은 차이가 있었다. 또한 전문적 돌봄에 대한 인식에서는 가족이 요양보호사보다 더 많은 기대를 나타내었으며 전문적 시설과 기술, 직업인으로서의 객관적이고 여유 있는 태도에 대한 기대를 나타낸 반면, 요양보호사는 보다 기능적이고 돌봄의 결과와 관련된 인식을 나타내었다. 현재 요양시설의 여건은 가족과 요양보호사가 생각하는 이상적인 돌봄을 실현하는데 많은 한계와 장애요인을 가진 것으로 나타났으며, 이는 장기요양보험제도, 요양보호사 자격제도와 처우 등 제도적 요인과도 관련이 있었다. 또한 요양보호사와 가족이 서로에 대해 상반된 기대와 요구를 나타내었으나, 서로 효과적으로 의사소통할 수 있는 방법과 기회가 미흡한 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라 요양보호사 자격제도와 처우를 개선하는 한편, 요양시설 입소자 가족의 역할을 재정립하고, 가족과 요양보호사간의 협력관계를 구축하기 위해 체계적 의사소통 제도와 교육, 프로그램 및 지원이 필요하다는 점을 제언하였다. The study aims to compare perceptions and expectations of families of nursing home residents and care workers on elder care services. The analysis was focused on two contradictory characteristics of care - 'family like' and 'professional'. The data were drawn from in depth interviews with 9 family members who had elderly relatives living in nursing facilities and 12 direct care workers working in diverse types of nursing facilities in Busan area. As the result of the study, the both parties showed idealization of family-like care although specific expectations were different each other. The family participants had higher expectations on professional care and their perceptions were concentrated on such elements as care techniques and equipments, therapies, programs, and professional attitudes, while the care workers perceived improvement in physical and psychological conditions more importantly. It was discovered that there was not proper systematic way of communication between them although the expectations of both parties did not accord with each other on the roles of families and professional workers in nursing facilities. Policy issues were also barriers of desirable elder care such as heavy work load, deteriorated work conditions, unprofessional labour, and qualification system of care workers. Suggestions were made to reflect the insights of the participants including improving work conditions of direct care workers, and establishing effective communication programs and providing mutual education opportunities for collaborative relationship between families and care workers.

      • KCI등재

        도시재개발 지역 노인이 인식하는 재개발의 의미와 방향성에 대한 연구

        최희경(Heekyung Choi) 한국사회정책학회 2022 한국사회정책 Vol.29 No.1

        본 연구에서는 급변하는 도시의 지역사회 환경에 처한 도시재개발 지역 노인들이 인식하는 재개발의 의미와 지역사회 주민으로서 노인들이 지향하는 바람직한 도시재개발의 방향성을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 부산광역시 재송동에서 20년 이상 거주한 5명의 노인 연구참여자들과 함께 포토보이스 프로그램과 개별 심층면접을 진행한 후 결과물을 분석하였다. 연구참여자들이 직접 촬영한 총 128장의 사진과 텍스트를 재개발의 의미와 바람직한 재개발의 방향성의 2개 범주로 나누었다. 재개발의 의미 범주에는 ‘사라졌으나 잊을 수 없는’, ‘얻은 것과 잃은 것’ 2개의 주제가 포함되었으며, 재개발의 방향성 범주에는 ‘동네 개성의 보존’, ‘번듯한 동네보다 안전한 동네’, ‘다양성과 포용성의 주민편의 시설’, ‘개발주체의 공공성과 주민참여’ 등 4개의 주제가 포함되었다. 재개발의 의미에서 경제적 가치보다 삶의 흔적과 기억의 중요성이 부각되었으며, 재개발의 방향성으로 지역 특성 및 공동체성 유지, 보행 안전을 비롯한 안전 증진, 주민 혜택과 참여 증대, 지역사회의 역사와 특성을 보존하고 전수하는 노인 역할의 중요성 등이 제시되었다. The study aims to analyse the perceptions of elders concerning meanings and future directions of urban redevelopment. Photovoice research method was adopted to emphasize elderly initiative participatory actions. 5 elders having resided more than 20 years in Jae-Song Dong, Haeundae restrict, Busan participated in the program and in-depth interviews. 6 themes under two main categories were derived from the analysis on 128 pictures taken by the participants, documented texts from the discussions and in-depth interviews, and letters written by the participants. ‘disappearing but unforgettable’ and ‘gain and loss’ were included in the category of meanings of redevelopment. ‘preserving community characteristics’, ‘safety rather than appearance’, ‘community facilities for diverse population’, and ‘public agency and civil participation’ were included in the category of directions of redevelopment. Several suggestions were made based on the opinions of elderly participants: preservation of historical characteristics of the community, increasing walk safety, promoting voluntary civil participation. The process and results of the study confirmed the possibility of elderly contribution on urban redevelopment, which meant the importance of participatory community programs for senior citizens.

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