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      • KCI등재후보

        병변 내 OK-432 주입술을 통한 안와림프관종의 치료 1예

        최정범,윤진숙,최진영,이상렬,Jung Bum Choi,Jin Sook Yoon,Jin Young Choi,Sang Yeul Lee 대한안과학회 2006 대한안과학회지 Vol.47 No.3

        Purpose: To report the first domestic case of orbital lymphangioma treated with intralesional OK-432 injection. Methods: Initial treatment with systemic corticosteroid had failed. After aspirating the blood, we injected OK-432 (0.05 mg) into the cystic space of the orbital lymphangioma. Results: Although there were minor complications, such as fever and mild tenderness, the patient had an uneventful recovery. After 6 weeks, her visual axis was restored. Conclusions: We successfully treated this infant patient with an intralesional OK-432 injection. Based on this success, we suggest that treatment of orbital lymphangioma which is refractory to conservative treatment and difficult to resect, may include an intralesional OK-432 injection.

      • KCI등재

        渤海 年代決定資料와 曆年代

        崔正凡(Jung-Bum Choi) 한국상고사학회 2022 한국상고사학보 Vol.118 No.118

        한국고고학 자료에서 절대연대를 일러주는 자료는 극히 드물며, 발해 역시 예외는 아니다. 그러나 절대연대가 확실한 順穆皇后⋅貞惠公主⋅貞孝公主 墓誌를 曆年代의 관점에서 본다면 발해 고고학 편년의 기준으로 삼을 수 있다. 이에 더하여 그간 크게 주목받지 못했던 中國陶瓷⋅唐式 帶裝飾具⋅銅鏡 등은 중국의 紀年銘 자료를 통해 교차 편년이 가능하다. 또한 최근까지 축적된 연해주 일원 발해 유적의 放射性炭素年代와 교차 검증을 통해 출토 유물의 연대를 가늠할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 단위 유적의 점유 기간 등을 파악할 수 있다. 이러한 점에서 발해 유적에서 출토된 역연대 자료를 적극적으로 활용할 필요성이 있음을 피력하였다. 더 나아가 교차연대 설정이 가능한 역연대 자료들이 출토되는 유구의 성격, 공반유물군의 종합적 검토와 철저한 검증 등을 통해 발해 고고학의 정교한 편년 체계가 수립될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Data showing absolute dating in Korean archaeological data are extremely rare, and Balhae is no exception. However, if you look at Empress Sunmok, Princess Jeonghye, and Princess Jeonghyo, who have a clear absolute age, you can use it as the standard for the first year of Balhae archaeology. In addition, Chinese porcelains, Tang-style metal belts, and Bronze mirrors, which have not received much attention so far, can cross-age through Chinese data. In addition, it is possible to estimate the date of the excavated relics through cross-examination with the period of the Balhae ruins in Primorsky, which have been accumulated until recently, as well as to the period of occupancy of the unit ruins. In this regard, it was expressed that there i s a need to actively utilize the data of the reverse date excavated from the Balhae ruins. Furthermore, it is expected that a sophisticated chronological system of Balhae archaeology can be established through a comprehensive review and thorough verification of the remains, where historical dating materials that can be set up.

      • KCI등재

        渤海古墳 出土 唐式 帶裝飾具의 基礎的 檢討와 意味

        Jung Bum Choi(崔正凡) 한국상고사학회 2018 한국상고사학보 Vol.102 No.102

        당 왕조에 널리 사용된 당식 대장식구는 관인을 상징하는 허리띠로서 당 왕조는 물론이고, 발해와 신라, 일본에서도 널리 사용되어 동아시아 문화권의 구성요소 중 하나인 율령을 나타내는 고고 자료로 그 중요성이 높다. 이를 염두에 두고 그동안 연구가 활발히 이루어지지 못한 발해에서의 당식 대장식구 출토 양상을 살피고, 그 의미에 대한 기초적 검토를 시도한다. 발해 내에서 출토되는 당식 대장식구는 중국 당 왕조에서의 변화과정과 동일한 변화양상을 보여주고 있다. 또한 대장식구를 착용할 때 배열되는 방형과판과 반원형 과판의 위치 역시 당 왕조, 신라와 같이 강한 규칙성과 정형성을 보여준다. 아울러 홍준어장 고분군에서 당식 대장식구와 공반된 발해토기의 상대서열, 북대 고분군에서 출토된 중국 자기, 동경과의 교차연대를 통해 실연대 도출이 가능하였다. 이에 발해에서 사용된 당식 대장식구는 중국에서의 변천과정과 그 궤를 함께 하며, 시간의 흐름에 따른 형태의 변화 역시 동일하다. 발해 내부에서 당식 대장식구는 발해의 중심지였던 5경 인근의 고분군뿐만 아니라 발해의 주요 지역에 고루 분포하고 있어 관인의 존재를 유추할 수 있다. 한편 발해 영역서 출토되는 이른바 ‘말갈패식’이 공존한다. 발해의 주민구성에 말갈족이 포함되는 점에 미루어 말갈패식은 말갈인들의 정체성을 나타내는 상징표상이자 발해 지방사회에 존재했던 수령의 존재가능성을 나타내는 것으로 판단된다. 이와 같은 당식 대장식구와 말갈패식의 공존은 당 왕조 및 신라와 차별성을 보임과 동시에 발해 문화의 다원성을 엿볼 수 있는 자료라는 점에서 주목된다. As they were used frequently during the as well as in the Parhae and Silla kingdoms and across Japan, Tang-style metal belt ornaments are important archaeological artifacts and symbolic of the East Asian cultural sphere. This article discusses the littleresearched topic of Tang-style metal belt ornaments unearthed from the Balhae kingdom and provides an initial analysis of their historical significance. The belt ornaments of this style that have been excavated from Balhae domains to date exhibit the same patterns of change as those known from the Tang dynasty. The rectangular and semicircular belt brooches of these ornaments were aligned in the same regular sequence as those known from both the Tang dynasty and the Silla kingdom. Thus, these Balhae ornaments can be dated by comparing them to the hierarchy of pottery from this region excavated from the tomb site as well as with Chinese porcelain and bronze mirrors excavated from the Bukdae tomb site. This analysis shows that ornaments of this type used in Balhae underwent the same temporal stylistic changes as their counterparts in China. The Tang-style metal belt ornaments that have been collected from within the Balhae kingdom evidence the presence of state officials as they have been excavated from tomb sites near to the Five Capitals as well as uniformly across the major regions of the country. In addition to these artifacts, so-called Malgal belt ornaments have also been excavated from the territory of the Parhae. Judging from the fact that the Malgals comprised part of the Parhae demographic make-up, ornaments of the former style were likely identity symbols and raise the possibility that Malgal chiefs were also present within provinces controlled by the Balhae. The coexistence of Tang- and Malgalstyle metal belt ornaments therefore reflects the heterogeneity of Balhae culture and demonstrates its distinctiveness compared to the Tang dynasty and Silla kingdom.

      • KCI등재

        高靈 池山洞古墳群 內 追加葬의 含意

        최정범(Choi, Jung Bum) 영남고고학회 2020 嶺南考古學 Vol.- No.87

        경상북도 고령군 대가야읍에 위치한 지산동고분군은 주산의 주능선과 그 일대에 수많은 봉토분과 수혈식석곽ㆍ석 실묘가 조성된 대가야 최대의 고분군이다. 이에서는 대가야 멸망 이후에도 고분이 조성되는데, 기존의 수혈식석곽을 복토하거나 증ㆍ개축한 후 추가장이 이루어진 사례도 확인되며 그 시기는 6세기 후반대로 한정된다. 이러한 사례는 고고학적 현상 자체만을 놓고 본다면 수혈식에서 횡혈(구)식 묘제로의 변화와 장제의 변화를 뚜렷하 게 보여주고 있으며, 추가장의 대상은 어떠한 형태로든 먼저 매장된 피장자와 관련된 재지세력으로 볼 수 있다. 이를 지산동고분군 전체로 볼 때 신라의 대가야 정복 이후 묘제와 토기의 양식적 선택압이 작용하는 것에 더하여 역심엽형 대장식구와 당식 대장식구를 매개로 한 신라의 고령지역 통치가 확실하게 관철되었음을 극적으로 보여주는 사례라는 점에서도 그 의미가 결코 작지 않다. The Jisandong Tumuli—located in Daegaya-eup, Goryeong-gun in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province—is the largest tumuli of Daegaya. At this site, many earthen burial mounds, stonelined tombs, and stone chamber tombs are located along the major ridge of the Jusan Mountains and the surrounding area. Tumuli were established in the area after the fall of Daegaya, with cases of additional burials occurring by covering existing stone-lined tombs with soil or by extending or expanding them. This period is limited to the late 6th century. When looking at the archeological phenomena itself, these cases clearly show the changes from stone-lined tombs to horizontally-buried tombs as well as changes in funeral institutions. The subjects of additional burials can also be linked to local authorities who were related in some way to the subject who had been buried beforehand. In terms of the Jisandong Tumuli as a whole, it is very significant in the fact that it dramatically shows that in addition to the selective pressure regarding the styles of funeral institutions and earthenware after the conquer of Daegaya by the Shilla, the rule of the Goryeong region by the Shilla through the mediums of reverse leaf-type belt plaques and Tang-style metal belts is clearly achieved.

      • KCI등재

        中國居式帶裝節具의 登場과展開

        최정범(Choi, Jung-Bum) 중앙문화재연구원 2017 중앙고고연구 Vol.0 No.22

        교구와방형 반원형의 과판 대단장식의 간단한구성을 갖춘 당식 대장식구는 명칭에서 드러나다시피 중국 당 왕조대에 주로 사용되고 확산되었다 그러나 그 형태 허리띠의 결구 방법 둥 여러 속성은 이전 시기인 북조 이래로 수 왕조대를 거치며 점진적으로 변화하여 당 왕조의 건국을 전후해그 형태가 완성되었다 이에 당 왕조대에 쓰인 것으로만 한정하지 않고 원초적 형태를 포괄하는 시각에서 전 시기인 북조~수대의 대장식구를 포괄히는 개염으로 정의한다 이는 당식 대장식구의 계기적 발전과정을 염두에 두었기 때문이다. 당 왕조대에 본격적으로 사용된 당식 대장식구의 출토 지역을 현재 중국의 행정구역에 따라 분류하면 수도가 위치했던 섬서성 서안을 위시한 화북지 역 일대에 집중되고 있다. 또 그것의 !Xl% 이상은 고분에서 출토되는 양상을 보이고 있다 출토된 대장식구의 재질은 금동 청동 철 둥 다양한 재질로 제작됨을 알 수 있는데 율령제 아래에서 관둥에 따라 소유할 수 있는 대장식구의 재질에 치둥을 두었다 이 대장식구틀은 강한 규격성을 가진다는 점으로 미루어 그 자체로 일륭적 변화과정을 거친것으로이 해된다 당식 대장식구가 출토되는 고분이 대부분 단발적으로 나타나고 있어 소유자의 성격을 파악하는데 어려움이 따른다 그러나 영하회족7<r치 구 오층, 요령성 조양지역은 단위지역 내에서 누세대에 걸쳐 당식 대장식구가 출토되고 있어 주목된다 이 지역틀은 당 왕조 특유의 기 미 정책에 의해 도독부가 설치된 지역으로서 정치, 군사, 경제적 중요성으로 인해 지속적 경영이 이루어졌다 한편 이 고분들에서는 청동, 철제의 당식 대장식구가 늦은 시기까지 출토되고 있다 이로 미 루어 오총지 역과 조양지역의 피장지논 각각 靈”댐띔府와 榮”댐”뽑府에 속한 중 하급 휠맞흠Ao] 었던 것으로 판단된다 Tang-style metal belts, which are usually brackets and belts, half-round ornaments, and edge ornaments, were widely used and spread during the Tang(庸) Dynasty in China, as can be known from its name. Many fcε:atures of these ornaments, however, including their appearance and function, such as the way of buckling the belt and so on, gradually changed over time during the Northern Dynasties (北朝) and the Sui(뼈) Dynasty, much earlier than the Tang Dynasty, and their form came to completion around the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. This paper is not Iimited to their use in the Tang dynasty, and instead defines them as a concept encompassing Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Sui Dynasty to incorporate their prototypical form‘ It takes into account the gradual development ofT.mg-style metal belts over time‘ When examined by the elOαlvations following the administrative divisions of modern China, Tang-style metal belts are shown to be mostly concentrated in Northern China, surrounding the Xian of Shaanxi where Tang capital was once located‘ In addition, more than 90% of them were excavated from burial tombs‘ It was found that those excavated ornaments were created by different materials such as coated gold, bronze, and iron materials of whiεh a person could own or wear ornaments wεre ,tricted according to their rank under the laws of the kingdom in those days. As such, the strong standardization shown in the metal belts indicate that they went through the same process of change. Most burial tombs with Tang-style metal belts are located in isolation, so it is diflìcult to identify the buried. However, it is noteworthy that Tang-style metal belts are found over several generations in Wzhõng , Níngxià Huízú Zìzhìqü and Cháoyáng, and Liáoníng Sheng. As part of the Jimi policy(羅緊政策) of the Tang Dynasty, these places were under the control of the Doxiokbu(都督府), which was manag by the Dynasty because of their politiιal , military, and economic importance. Considering that Tangstyle metal belts made of bronze and iron from a later period were a1so excavated in these two regions of Wízhõng and Cháoyáng, mid- or low-Iank military politicians(軍政官 人) of the Ii nhou Doxiokbu(川都督府) and the Ronou Doxiokbu(榮州都督府) are thought to have been buried in those tombs

      • 레이저 프린터 내부 유로 설계를 통한 방열 효율 개선에 관한 연구

        최정범(Jung-Bum Choi),김태영(Tae-Young Kim),고한서(Han Seo Ko) 대한기계학회 2010 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2010 No.11

        Thermal flows inside a laser printer have been affected by generated heat from a fuser and boards. Thus, the effect of fans has been investigated to control the thermal flows and behaviors of toners. In order to analyze the phenomena experimentally, a PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) has been used, and then the flow inside the printer has been predicted by the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) in this study to determine the efficient flow distribution by optimum design of the printer. The determined optimum design has been confirmed by the developed flow visualization technique so that the efficiency of the laser printer can be improved.

      • KCI등재후보

        불순물 첨가에 따른 VO2 후막 급변온도센서의 온도-저항 특성

        최정범 ( Jung Bum Choi ),강종윤 ( Chong Yun Kang ),윤석진 ( Seok Jin Yoon ),유광수 ( Kwang Soo Yoo ) 한국센서학회 2014 센서학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        For various additives doped-VO2 critical temperature sensors using the nature of semiconductor to metal transition, the crystallinity, microstructure, and temperature vs. resistance characteristics were systematically investigated. As a starting material of VO2 sensor, vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) powders were used, and CaO, SrO, Bi2O3, TiO2, and PbO dopants were used, respectively. The V2O5 powders with dopants were mixed with a vehicle to form paste. This paste was silk screen-printed on Al2O3 substrates and then V2O5-based thick films were heat-treated at 500oC for 2 hours in N2 gas atmosphere for the reduction to VO2. From X-ray diffraction analysis, VO2 phases for pure VO2, and CaO and SrO-doped VO2 thick films were confirmed and their grain sizes were 0.57 to 0.59 μm. The on/off resistance ratio of the VO2 sensor in phase transition temperature range was 5.3×103 and that of the 0.5 wt.% CaO-doped VO2 sensor was 5.46×103. The presented critical temperature sensors could be commercialized for fire-protection and control systems.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        한국인에서 안검하수의 원인별 분류

        김인식,최정범,라상훈,이상렬,In-Sik Kim,Jung-Bum Choi,Sang-Hoon Rah,Sang-Yeul Lee 대한안과학회 2005 대한안과학회지 Vol.46 No.8

        Purpose: To classify blepharoptosis in Korean patients, investigate the type of surgery used, and to compare the results with the data from Western countries. Methods: A total of 913 patients (1147 eyes) who underwent surgery for blepharoptosis from 1991 to 2003 were classified as either being congenital or acquired blepharoptosis, and then further subclassified into myogenic, aponeurotic, mechanical, or neurogenic ptosis according to Freuh’s mechanistic classification. The type of surgery for each type of blepharoptosis was investigated. Results: Of the 913 patients, 695 (76.1%) were congenital type, and 218 (23.9%) were acquired type. Freuh’s mechanistic classification by type was 84.7% myogenic type, 10.5% aponeurotic, 3.4% neurogenic, and 1.6% mechanical. By order of frequency, the type of surgery used was 60% frontalis suspension, 26.4% levator resection, 12.2% aponeurosis repair, and 1.4% conjunctivom?llerectomy. Conclusions: Congenital type was more common than acquired type. The proportion of congenital type was higher than the results reported from Western countries, but lower than those of previous Korean studies. This is probably due to the increased number of adults undergoing surgery for blepharoptosis compared to the past, and is a reflection of influence of socio-economic levels.

      • KCI등재

        사시수술 후 발생한 안와 연조직염

        김규아,곽애영,최정범,박혜성,Gyu Ah Kim,Ae Young Kwak,Jung Bum Choi,Hae Song Park 대한안과학회 2013 대한안과학회지 Vol.54 No.5

        Purpose: To report a case of sudden orbital cellulitis presenting 2 weeks after strabismus surgery in a patient who had previously undergone retinal surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Case summary: A 45-year-old male visited the ophthalmology clinic with a 3-day history of left eye pain and lid swelling which suddenly developed 2 weeks after left lateral rectus muscle recession surgery for secondary sensory exotropia. The patient had undergone trans pars plana vitrectomy twice, scleral encircling, oil injection and removal for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment 1.3 years prior. His best corrected visual acuity was 0.2 in his left eye and physical examination revealed eyelid edema, chemosis, and subconjunctival hemorrhage of the left eye. The next day, eye movements were moderately restricted. Computed tomography scanning with contrast enhancement demonstrated diffuse periorbital soft tissue swelling and enhanced fat stranding suggesting left orbital cellulitis. The patient was hospitalized with intravenous broad spectrum antibiotics. He was discharged after a 5-day course of intravenous antibiotic treatment, but readmitted for symptom aggravation and purulent discharge from the left conjunctival fornix. Culture of conjunctival fornices revealed penicillin- resistant staphylococcus aureus. Intravenous anitibiotics were maintained for 11 days additionally and left eye swelling, tenderness and ocular movement restrictions were improved. The patient was discharged from the hospital with a best corrected visual acuity of 0.2.

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