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        최수 한국비평이론학회 2016 비평과이론 Vol.21 No.1

        본 연구는 모리슨(T. Morrison)의 빌러비드(Beloved) 작품분석에서 기존의 선행연구에서 다소 간과한 측면이 있는 세스의 ‘영아살해(infanticide)’에 대한 범법적 ‘죄의 문제’를 야스퍼스(K. Jaspers)의 ‘형이상학적 죄’와 데리다(J. Derrida) 의 ‘유령론’ 및 ‘환대’ 개념을 통해 분석하였다. 야스퍼스가 주장하는 형이상학적죄의 본질은 어디서든지 인간은 함께 살거나 죽어야 한다는 원칙이 무조건적으로 타당하다는 논리에서 비롯된다. 이는 인간 상호간의 긴밀한 유대관계를 중시한 것 인데 형이상학적 죄는 바로 이러한 인간 연대의 절대적 결핍에서 발생하는 죄이다. 따라서 어떤 범죄가 자행되는 곳에서 이를 방지하기 위한 노력을 내가 행하지 않았다면, 나는 그 범죄의 공동의 책임을 져야 한다. 본 연구는 야스퍼스의 이러한 형이상학적 죄의 개념으로 세스의 영아살해를 해체론적 독법으로 분석하였다. 이를 통해 살아 돌아온 딸 빌러비드를 데리다의 환대와 유령론의 개념을 통해 이 작품에 깃든 서구의 전통적 이분법 구조를 재해석했다. 결론적으로 본 연구는 세스가 범한 영아살해의 죄는 단지 세스 개인 한 사람의 죄 문제로 국한되지 않고 공동체 와 연결됨을 고찰했다. This paper analyzes Beloved in terms of what Jaspers called ‘metaphysical guilt’ by using Derridean concept of hauntology and of hospitality. According to Jaspers’ “metaphysical guilt” approach to a crime, the guilt question of the individual will never be restricted to punishing the criminal only due to the solidarity of all men as human being that makes each co-responsible for every wrong and every injustice in the world. This is the reason I reconstruct infanticide committed by Sethe in terms of metaphysical guilt with carefulness of reading the text to encompass other characters who seem to be otherwise innocent in contrast to those actually committed. For this purpose, I borrowed the Derridean theory on the hospitality and hauntology to invite a ghost as a host/guest to articulate the unspeakable. Hospitality has traditionally been accommodated with the concept of welcoming a guest into one’s house by its host. Instead Derrida reminded us of the hospitality’s etymology, explicating the relations from the Latin ‘hospes’ a word undecidably with a dual meaning that is on one hand as the host and on the other hand as the guest. It remains impossible to know the host from the guest. This logical contradiction deconstructs the traditional dichotomy structure of what Derrida called the metaphysics of presence. By opening to the other occurrence, Derrida makes the ghost speak the unspeakable. We can explore the hidden secrets of every wrong and every injustice unspoken in the haunted locus, assessing the individual’s responsibility not by a false substantialization, but by metaphysical guilt originated from the lack of human absolute solidarity with the human.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        개발사업이 주변지역의 지가에 미치는 영향권 설정에 관한 연구

        최수,서순탁,박지영 국토연구원 2009 국토연구 Vol.62 No.-

        The main purpose of this study is to comprehend how land developments affect property values of surrounding areas and also to delimit their impact ranges. It is necessary to develop a policy program, both before and after land development, through which the Korean government can control the surrounding area of the land development site so as to restrict any speculative activities. Given that, the government designated special zones prone to speculative trading and established a permitting system for property trading. The premise of this program's success is, by the way, to have clear criteria for spatial designation. This study is designed to help creating a basis for future policy directions via identifying clearly the spatial range of impact area of land development, focusing on land price change. A major achievement of this study is the scientific identification of the spatial impact of land development projects via a hedonic price model. The essence of this model lies in containing a distance variable from/to a land development site, which model produces a coefficient representative of the distance factor. This coefficient, as well as land price information (such as average land prices both inside and outside the developmental project sites) and the distance information between the centroids of the sites and each surrounding region, is used to calculate and analyze the impact distance of the developmental project by region. The analysis findings indicate that the impact pattern on surrounding area of a land development projects would vary according to the current conditions of the area. 본 연구의 목적은 개발사업에 따른 주변지역의 지가변화 실태 및 지가상승 원인을 파악하고, 개발사업이 주변지역의 지가에 미치는 ‘영향거리’ 혹은 ‘영향권’을 설정하는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 개발사업으로부터의 거리를 포함한 헤도닉 모형을 설정하여 ‘거리변수’의 계수를 산출하였다. 이 거리변수의 계수와 개발사업지구 평균지가와 주변지역 및 기타지역의 평균지가 차이, 그리고 개발사업지구의 중심점에서 경계까지의 거리를 이용하여 각 구역별로 ‘지가영향거리’를 산출하였고, 이를 이용하여 ‘지가영향권’을 도출하였다. 본 연구에서 산출한 ‘지가영향권’은 그 공간적 범위가 구체적이기 때문에 향후 활용가치가 높을 것으로 생각된다. 12개 사례지역을 대상으로 ‘지가영향권’을 설정해 본 결과, 지가영향권은 다양하게 나타났다. ‘지가영향거리’에 미치는 중요한 변수는 지가함수의 형태, 개발사업지구와 주변지역의 지가차이율, 개발사업지구의 규모인데, 도심에서 떨어져 미개발지에서 개발사업이 이루어지는 경우는 사업준공 시기에 다가갈수록 지가영향권이 뚜렷하게 나타나는 반면, 도심에서 가까운 곳에서 이루어지는 개발사업은 사업준공시기에 가까워져도 ‘지가영향거리’가 거의 나타나지 않든지, 매우 짧게 나타난다.

      • KCI등재후보

        『오리엔탈리즘』 계보학의 해체론적 재해석 (진리란 그것이 환상임을 망각하고 있는 착각이다)

        최수 한국영미문화학회 2017 영미문화 Vol.17 No.2

        Said’s Orientalism criticized the European representations on the Middle-East by theorizing orientalism as a discourse. In this text, he explored and criticized the colonial forms of knowledge and language that distorted the image of the colonized. The justification of the discourse of orientalism is derived from the binary system that is originated from Plato which Derrida rejects on the ground that it always privileges one term over the other, that is, colonizer over colonized. Derrida names for this traditional heritage of Western binary system logocentrism which regards logos(the Greek term for speech or reason) as the central principle of language and philosophy, whereas mythos derives its meaning from the logos on the basis of binary oppositions. Thus according to logocentrism, the colonized is merely the defined who can have its meaning from the definers, colonizers. In this paper, utilizing Derrida's a (non)concept called supplement which means both to add on as a surplus and to make up something missing as a mere extra, I propose another alternative interpretation towards the critique of colonial representation by raising internal contradictions in the Platonic dichotomy between logos and mythos embedded in western colonialism discourse, orientalism. I attempt to show that logos(colonizer) and mythos(colonized) is inseparable in itself due to the fact that they exist as supplementary. For this purpose, I demonstrate how colonial binary system constituted and was constituted in terms of language. Through this paper I reinterpret the colonial rationality of privileging ‘logos’ over ‘mythos’ by substituting the colonial binary system with the supplement.

      • KCI등재후보

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