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      • Peaceful Coexistence and Sustainable Development on the Korean Peninsula during COVID-19: Non-Traditional Security Threat and the Prospect of Inter-Korean Cooperation

        최규빈 통일연구원 2020 International journal of korean unification studie Vol.29 No.2

        The security surrounding the Korean Peninsula has mainly focused on resolving the nuclear problem, deterring military conflict, and enhancing national security. However, in recent years, the importance of non-traditional security agendas such as hunger, health, and environment is gradually increasing. The COVID-19 pandemic clearly shows that the widespread nature of the virus can threaten the safety of countries and the lives of citizens across national boundaries, revealing the importance of understanding and responding to the new security crisis on the Korean Peninsula. It is estimated that the food and health conditions in North Korea have worsened as borders are controlled and imported goods have become difficult to obtain in the wake of COVID-19. This article argues that, for sustaining peace on the Korean Peninsula, we should pay more attention to human, health, and environmental security for people’s security, livelihood, and dignity. Given the impact of COVID-19 on human development, hunger, and health, there is a need for South Korea to establish a new model for inter-Korean cooperation to alleviate the humanitarian situation in North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        유엔의 지속가능발전목표(SDGs)에 대한 북한의 인식과 대응

        최규빈 북한연구학회 2020 北韓硏究學會報 Vol.24 No.1

        The aim of this article is to examine how North Korea perceives and responds to the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) which emerged as a new international discourse in international society by reviewing North Korea’s speech delivered at the UN and articles published at the Economic Research. North Korea shows its support to the goals of the SDGs and the commitment on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which are newly agreed among the UN member states in September 2015. The North Korean government’s decisions and behaviour have drawn great attention in a sense that they show a political flexibility and an willingness to accommodate the international agreement on the global development cooperation, the practice of the targets, the opening of data, an active communication with the international community. Considering North Korea’s strategy approach to the SDGs under the regime of Kim Jong Un the government seems to embark on the implementation of the 2030 agenda in line with legitimizing their national development strategies aimed at building a powerful socialist country. In this regard North Korea would be more likely to pursue the SDGs in stages according to their domestic needs and strategic priorities. This article argues that North Korea faces serious challenges while the SDGs are being implemented, due to the limited indicators to measure North Korea’s progress in the SDGs, domestic capacity, and the continuous economic sanctions against North Korea. 이 논문의 목적은 유엔에서 이루어진 북한의 연설과 북한의 『경제연구』 문헌을 활용하여 국제사회의 새로운 담론인 지속가능발전목표에 대해 북한이 어떻게 인식하고 대응해 왔는지를 살펴보는 데 있다. 북한은 2015년 9월 유엔 회원국들이 새롭게 합의한 지속가능한 발전을 위한 2030 의제에 적극적인 동참 의지를 밝히고 지속가능발전목표 이행을 약속해왔다. 이는 북한이 글로벌 개발체제에 대한 합의 수용, 세부목표의 실천, 데이터 공유, 진전 상황에 대한 국제사회와의 적극적인 소통 의지를 보여준다는 점에서 주목되는 현상이다. 김정은 체제에서 지속가능발전목표에 대한 북한의 접근방식은 사회주의강국건설이라는 국가전략을 정당화하는 방식으로 활용되며 북한의 내부적 필요와 전략적 우선순위에 따라 단계적으로 이행할 가능성이 크다. 지속가능발전목표 이행을 측정할 수 있는 지표의 부족과 내부 역량, 대북제재의 지속은 향후 지속가능한 사회 경제적 발전을 추구하는 데 있어 제약 요인이 될 것으로 예측된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        North Korean Refugees in South Korea: Change and Challenge in Settlement Support Policy

        최규빈 한국국제정치학회 2018 The Korean Journal of International Studies Vol.16 No.1

        The aim of this article is to examine the structural conditions that affect the problem of North Korean refugees in South Korea. It provides a historical review of the changing perception and policy toward the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), or North Korea, and how these changes and broader inter-Korean relations have affected the identities of North Korean refugees and the way of they have been dealt with. Understanding the evolution of South Korea’s policy toward North Korea and North Korean refugees is important because the policy is the output of the perceptions of political elites of the North Korean regime itself and North Koreans refugees in South Korea, and it involves decisions regarding who they are, why and to what extent should the state offer protection to them, and how to implement such policies. These political conditions constructed by the state and system of states directly and indirectly cause many of the difficulties, confusions, and problems facing North Korean refugees. In this sense, this paper argues that the causes, consequences, and responses to North Korean refugees are a part of much broader political, as well as humanitarian, issues. The paper focuses primarily on these factors affecting South Korea’s policy toward North Korean refugees and resultant changes in the status and treatment of those refugees in the Republic of Korea, or South Korea. This paper then explores the challenges that North Korean refugees face in the process of adjusting to South Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        긍정적 관여를 통한 한반도 평화: 남북경협의 진화와 전망

        최규빈 한국사회역사학회 2020 담론 201 Vol.23 No.3

        Inter-Korean economic cooperation including trade, investment, and aid was not only recognized as commercial activities, but also involved strategic purposes to encourage human exchanges, build trust and low tension on the Korean peninsula, and bring about changes in North Korea’s behavior. From the perspective of economic statecraft, this article regards inter-Korean economic cooperation as the instrument and mode with the aim of influencing the political relationship between the states and re-conceptualizes it as positive engagement. This article articulates that the notion of a positive link between peace and economy has been an important role in the discourse and practice of South Korea’s policy toward North Korea. It also tries to categorize engagement through inter-Korean economic cooperation under the administrations of Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun as the interdependence model and that of the administrations of Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye as the transactional model. Security crisis posed by North Korea’s nuclear program has prevailed over the expected spill-over effect stemming from inter-Korean exchange and cooperation. However, positive engagement through an economic approach will be more likely to be adopted in the process of peacebuilding on the Korean peninsula. In this sense, this article argues that, in preparation for the progress in North Korea’s nuclear negotiation and the lifting of economic sanctions against North Korea, it is necessary for South Korea to create a more favorable environment for encouraging structural changes within North Korea while enhancing the level of economic interdependence between the two Koreas. 남북경협은 남북한 간의 교역, 투자, 원조를 포함한 경제적 행위임과 동시에 그 자체가 남북한 간의 접촉을 위한 수단이자 한반도의긴장완화와 신뢰구축, 북한의 행동변화를 유도하는 전략이기도 하였다. 이 논문은 경제적 국가통치술의 관점에서 남북경협을 국가간 관계에서 영향력을 미치고자 하는 수단이자 행위 양식으로 간주하고 이를 긍정적 관여로 재개념화 한다. 본 고는 경제를 통한평화 담론이 지난 한국정부의 대북정책에서 중요한 위치를 차지했음을 밝히고, 김대중, 노무현 정부의 남북경협을 통한 대북관여를상호의존 모델로, 이명박, 박근혜 정부는 거래 모델로 유형화를 시도한다. 북한 핵개발에 따른 안보위기가 남북 교류협력 확대에 제약을 가져온 것은 사실이지만 경제적 접근을 통한 긍정적 관여는향후 한반도 평화 구축 과정에서 활용될 여지가 크다. 따라서 북한핵협상의 진전과 대북제재 완화를 대비하여 한국의 관여전략은 남북한의 상호의존의 수준을 높이고 북한의 구조적 변화를 위한 우호적인 초기 환경을 구축하는 방향으로 진화할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        베트남에 대한 중국의 경제지원과 경제제재, 1960∼1978

        최규빈 국가안보전략연구원 2018 국가안보와 전략 Vol.18 No.2

        The aim of this article is to recast Sino-Vietnamese relations that had developed, deepened, and finally collapsed between the early 1960s and the end 1970s from the perspective of employing economic statecraft. While China, as a big brother, had provided a massive aid, strengthening relations with Vietnam over the decades, the provision of economic and military assistance to Vietnam terminated in 1978, and two countries were plunged into war in 1979. It is correct that China’s aid to Vietnam had been a main instrument for Chinese communists to sustain and manage Sino-Vietnamese relationship. However, the Soviet Union that had been alert to increasing Sino-Vietnamese ties and had been hostile to China more engaged with Vietnam in 1965, being the main cause of weakening Chinese influence in Vietnam. Hanoi’s tilt towards the Soviets was manifested in the mid-1970s, and Beijing refused to provide assistance to Hanoi while adopting economic sanctions. This fact shows that Chinese political influence through economic incentives was not strong, being constrained by the role and influence of the Soviet Union who increased its economic and military aid to Vietnam. 이 논문의 목적은 대외정책의 목적을 성취하기 위한 경제적 수단의 운용의 관점에서 1960년대부터 1970년대 말 중국-베트남 관계의 유대와 발전, 그리고 파국의 과정을 살펴보는 데 있다. 중국은 베트남의 ‘맏형’을 자처하 며 막대한 원조를 제공함으로서 협력관계를 다져갔지만, 1978년 베트남지원을 중단하였고 1979년 양국은 전쟁에 돌입한다. 베트남에 대한 중국의경제, 군사원조는 중국 공산당 지도자들에게 양국 간의 동맹을 유지, 관리하는 데 주요한 수단이 되었다. 그렇지만 1965년 이후 베트남에 대한 중국의 영향력을 경계하고 중국과 적대관계였던 제3국 소련의 개입은 중국의경제지원의 레버리지를 약화시키는 주요요인이 되었다. 1970년대 중반 베트남이 소련으로 기울어지고 중국-베트남 관계의 갈등이 베트남에 대한 원조중단 및 경제제재로 이어진 사실은 중국의 경제지원을 통한 정치적 영향력이 경쟁국 소련의 역할과 지원으로 제한되었음을 보여준다.

      • KCI등재

        결측치가 있는 자료에서의 변동모드분해법

        최규빈,오희석,이영조,김동호,유경상,Choi, Guebin,Oh, Hee-Seok,Lee, Youngjo,Kim, Donghoh,Yu, Kyungsang 한국통계학회 2015 응용통계연구 Vol.28 No.2

        최근에 Dragomiretskiy와 Zosso (2014)는 경험적모드분해의 단점을 보완하여 새로운 신호 분해방법인 변동모드분해법(Variational Mode Decomposition)을 고안하였다. 기본적으로 변동모드분해법은 경험적모드분해법에 비하여 주파수 탐색 및 분리(tone detection and tone separation)에 탁월한 성능을 보인다. 또한 고속퓨리에변환을 기반으로 한 알고리즘을 사용하여 경험적모드분해법보다 잡음에 강건하다는 장점이 있다. 하지만 변동모드분해법은 결측 등으로 신호가 동일한 시간간격 혹은 공간적 간격으로 측정되지 않은 경우 제대로 동작하지 않는 단점이 있다. 이를 보완하기 위해서 본 논문에서는 변동모드분해법에 다단계우도함수를 조합하는 새로운 방법을 제안한다. 여기에서 다단계우도함수는 변동모드분해법이 신호를 적절한 내재모드함수로 분해하기 전에 결측치를 대체하는 효율적인 방법을 제시한다. 모의실험과 실제 자료의 사례연구를 통하여 변동모드분해법이 기존의 방법보다 더 효율적으로 신호를 분해한다는 것을 보일 것이다. Dragomiretskiy and Zosso (2014) developed a new decomposition method, termed variational mode decomposition (VMD), which is efficient for handling the tone detection and separation of signals. However, VMD may be inefficient in the presence of missing data since it is based on a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. To overcome this problem, we propose a new approach based on a novel combination of VMD and hierarchical (or h)-likelihood method. The h-likelihood provides an effective imputation methodology for missing data when VMD decomposes the signal into several meaningful modes. A simulation study and real data analysis demonstrates that the proposed method can produce substantially effective results.

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