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        오픈하우징 시스템을 적용한 지속가능한 주택문화관에 관한 연구

        채민석 디자인융복합학회 2008 디자인융복합연구 Vol.7 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 오픈하우징 시스템을 주택문화관에 적용하는 것으로 주택문화관은 대한민국에서 생겨난 모델하우스 개념 중에 하나이다. 주택문화관은 주택전시뿐만 아니리 주택판매, 문화 이벤트 및 교육의 기능을 포합한 개념으로 다양한 사람들을 대상으로 건설사를 홍보하고 브랜드의 인지도를 높이는 장소이다. 오픈하우징 시스텀은 네덜란드 하브라켄에 의해 생겨난 개념으로 획일화되고 단순화되는 주택에 다양성을 부여하기 위하여 생겨났다. 건축물은 고정요소와 가변요소로 분리 설계 및 시공하고 내구연수가 높은 기둥과 구조체를 고정요소, 내구연수가 짧은 설비 및 내장재 등을 가변요소로 하여 건축물의 수명을 높일 뿐만 아니라 다양한 거주자의 요구를 반영할 수 있는 주택을 계획하는 것이다. 현재 주택문화관은 3 년에서 5 년의 수명을 전제하에 건축되고 있는 건축물로 수명이 다하게 되면 철거하게 되는데 이를 통하여 발생되는 건축폐기물은 환경오염에 큰 영향을 미치고 있다. 이에 단수명의 건축물이 아닌 다양한 기능을 수용하고 장기적인 관점으로 전시시설을 운영하기 위하여 주택문화관에 오픈하우징의 개념을 적용한다. 오픈하우징의 개녕이 적용된 주택문화관은 다양한 이용자의 체험을 유도하고 시스템화된 건축자재 및 설비를 통하여 관리자 입장에서는 용이한 건축유지가 가능하다. The purpose of this study is to adapt open housing system to housing culture center in order to make flexible housing culture center according to trend of housing market. Housing culture center is a kind of sample house that appeared in Korea. It includes display of sample house and sales function as well as service of culture events and educations. People can enjoy various kind of culture about housing and trend. Open housing theory was started in Netherlands by NJ.Habraken. Habraken thought that the monotony and uniformity in apartment design can`t satisfy the dweller`s various needs, so he divided house into 2 elements like support and infill. Support is fixed elements like column and slab etc. Infill is flexible elements like inner house wall, equipment which can change easily than support. Main goal of the theory is long life house and adjusting human`s life cycle. Present housing culture center which is a temporary building type is designed for one use and run for only 3~5 years. After 5 years, the building is destroyed. Moreover, although site lental fee is very high, running rate of housing culture center is very low. Thus, the research is started in order to improve this problem and propose new conceptual housing culture center. Main points of this study are variableness of space, efficiency and systematization of management, satisfaction of consumer`s various needs.

      • KCI등재

        熊津都督府 소속 州縣의 기원에 관한 새로운 인식 - 7세기 百濟의 府兵制 도입과 관련하여 -

        채민석 백제학회 2018 백제학보 Vol.0 No.23

        This study investigates the original character of the Counties(縣) & Prefectures(州) in Ungjin Commandery(熊津都督府) which were recorded in the Geography Section(地理志) of Samguk sagi(『三國史記』) from a new perspective. In recent years, there have appeared some old records with names of relevant Counties(縣) & Prefectures(州) engraved in Wooden tablets, and some claim that those Counties(縣) & Prefectures(州) inherited the established order of Baekje(百濟) unlike the existing view, but they have not been able to specify what they were. In this regard, this study focuses on the characteristics of the layout of the relevant Counties(縣) & Prefectures(州) and endeavors to find out whether Baekje(百濟) searched for similar system of its contemporary forces and introduced them to their own system. The layout pattern of 51 Counties(縣) located near the capital city, Sabi(泗沘), far away from the border with Silla(新羅) was similar to the distribution pattern of the militia units(軍府) of Tang(唐) Dynasty, which were located mostly in the vicinity of the capital. This leads to consider the possibility that the Counties(縣) & Prefectures(州) in Ungjin Commandery(熊津都督府) were originally the militia units(軍府) that used to go up to the capital under the military Fubing System(府兵制) and provided troops to escort the king when necessary. However, considering the recorded years on the Wooden tablets found in Bogam-ri(伏岩里), Naju(羅州), which have names of part of 51 Counties(縣) on them, the military Fubing System(府兵制) that Baekje(百濟) adopted seems to have been borrowed from the West Wei(西魏) and North Zhou(北周) era. The ‘Daeseong paljok(大姓八族; the Great Eight Families)’, which were dominant noble families, were thought to have the authority of ultimate control of the basic organizations called ‘Hyangdan(鄕團; local militia units)’ of the Fubing System(府兵制), organized ‘Hyangbyeong(鄕兵; local militia groups)’ by the local ruling powers such as the ‘Eight Pillar Families(八柱國家)’ of the West Wei(西魏) and North Zhou(北周). In addition, the governing office of ‘Prefecture(州)’ is presumed to overlap with the center of ‘Bang(方; province)’ which was the local governing organization of Baekje(百濟), or to be a secondary center when it was halved for the convenience of governance. In this case, it is interpreted that the ‘Bang(方)’ was in charge of the administration and mobilization of the elite military force in case of the needs of ‘Hyangbyeong(鄕兵)’. The fact that King Uija(義慈王) appointed 41 ‘Jwapyeong(佐平)’s was an incident of an attempt to transform such Fubing System(府兵制) that had been carried out from the early days of the King Mu(武王) period. Out of 51 Counties(縣), excluding the capital Sabi(泗沘) and Geumma(金馬) and a few central places that may have been directly managed by the king and heads and ministers of ‘Bang(方)’s, 41 Counties(縣) remain, which are in line with the number of appointed ‘Jwapyeong(佐平)’s who were allocated and controled regions called ‘Sikeup(食邑)’. King Uija(義慈王) granted ‘Sikeup(食邑)’ regions, where the ‘Hyangdan(鄕團)’s had been established, to those 41 ‘Jwapyeong(佐平)’s who were king’s sons so that they had the financial power, which would lead to the strengthening of the power of the king himself about controlling ‘Hyangbyeong(鄕兵)’. At the same time, it was also part of the effort to facilitate the structure of the succession in which the prince Hyo(孝) was considered. However, due to the continuing disasters and the long relationship between the ‘Daesung paljok(大姓八族)’ and the crown prince Yung(隆), the ‘Hyangbyeong(鄕兵)’ did not cooperate with King Uija(義慈王), which caused the internal conflict of Baekje(百濟) to deepen and its walk towards the ... 본 연구에서는 『三國史記』 地理志에 수록된 熊津都督府 소속 州縣들의 성격을 새로운 각도에서 바라보고자 한다. 최근 해당 州縣들의 이름을 적은 목간들이 출현하면서, 기존 견해와는 다르게 이들이 百濟의 기존 질서를 계승하였다는 주장들이 제기되었으나 그 정체가 무엇이었는지는 구체적으로 규명하지 못하였다. 이와 관련하여 본 연구에서는 해당 州縣들의 배치 양상이 갖는 특징을 도출하고, 그와 유사한 동시대 주변 세력의 제도상을 찾아 그것을 백제가 도입하였는지의 여부를 찾는 데에 초점을 맞추었다. 對新羅 전선과 멀리, 그리고 수도 泗沘와 가까운 곳에 많은 51縣의 배치 양상은 수도 인근 지역에 대부분 위치한 唐의 軍府 분포 형태와 비슷하다. 이는 웅진도독부 소속 州縣들이 원래는 府兵制 하에서 수도로 올라가 국왕을 호위하는 병력을 제공하는 軍府였을 가능성을 생각해 보게끔 한다. 다만 51縣 일부의 이름이 적힌 羅州 伏岩里 木簡들의 편년을 고려하였을 때, 백제가 수용하였으리라 보아지는 부병제는 西魏·北周代의 것으로 판단된다. 이때 유력 귀족 가문이었던 ‘大姓八族’은 서위·북주의 8柱國家처럼 재지 세력들이 ‘鄕兵’들을 모집해 구성한 부병제의 기본 조직인 ‘鄕團’들을 최종적으로 통솔하는 권한을 보유하였으리라 헤아려진다. 아울러 ‘州’의 치소는 백제의 지방 통치 조직인 ‘方’의 중심지와 겹치거나 이를 양분하여 관리한 부심지로 추정된다. 그렇다면 方에서는 ‘향병’들의 행정 관리와 유사시 정예병 동원을 담당하였다고 해석된다. 義慈王의 41佐平 임명은 武王代 초기부터 시행된 그와 같은 부병제를 변혁시키려고 시도한 사건이라고 하겠다. 51縣 중 국왕과 方領·方佐가 직접 관리하였을 수도 泗沘 및 金馬와 각 州의 중심지를 제외하면 41곳이 남는데, 이는 ‘食邑’을 받았다는 좌평 임명자들의 수와 일치한다. 의자왕은 ‘향단’이 배치된 지역을 ‘식읍’으로 하사해 ‘王庶子’들인 41좌평들에게 경제권을 행사하게 함으로써, ‘향병’들에 대한 국왕 자신의 통제를 강화하고자 하였다. 이는 동시에 왕자 孝로의 후계 구도를 용이하게 하려는 작업의 일환이기도 하였다. 그러나 계속되는 災異들과 ‘대성팔족’ 및 태자 隆과의 오랜 관계로 인해 ‘향병’들은 의자왕에게 협조하지 않았으며, 이로 인해 백제는 내분이 심화되어 멸망의 길로 들어서게 된다. 이후 백제의 군부는 태자 隆이 熊津都督이 되면서 ‘縣’으로 편성되어 唐에 협조하기에 이른다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 아동의 비타민 D 수치와 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡증 사이의 상관 관계

        채민석,김지선,안영민,김호찬 대한이비인후과학회 부산,울산,경남 지부회 2021 임상이비인후과 Vol.32 No.3

        Background and Objectives: To evaluate relationship between vitamin D and severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in Korean children. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on children aged 5 to 17 years who had polysomnography and blood 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) measurements from January 2015 to July 2018 in our Medical Center. Apnea hypopnea index (AHI) 1 or higher was considered to be an OSA patient, and obesity was defined when the body mass index (BMI) was 95% or more of each age and gender. Vitamin D level was checked through 25(OH)D in blood. Results: Of the total 109 children included in the study, the mean blood concentration of 25(OH)D was 19.5±7.1 ng/mL and AHI was 5.4±15.8 /h. Sixty-five children (59.6%) were Vitamin D deficient. In bivariate correlation analysis, 25(OH)D level and BMI z-score (r=–0.24, p=0.01), AHI (r=–0.22, p=0.02) showed a statistically significant negative correlation. Forty children were obese, and the 25(OH)D in the obese group was statistically significantly lower (p=0.08). In the obese group, 25(OH)D was not statistically correlated with AHI, but obstructive portion of AHI obstructive showed a statistically negative correlation (r=–0.36 , p=0.02). Compared to the non-OSA group, the OSA group had a statistically significantly lower 25(OH)D (p=0.04). Conclusions: Vitamin D level was lower in obese children and children with OSA. There was a correlation between the severity of OSA and vitamin D deficiency.

      • KCI등재

        수술 후 회복 향상 프로그램: 마취통증의학과의사의 관점

        채민석,이형묵,박찬오,홍상현 대한마취통증의학회 2018 Anesthesia and pain medicine Vol.13 No.4

        Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is a multimodal and multidisciplinary approach to maintaining physiologic function and improving recovery for surgical patients. The ERAS protocol is based on a range of empirical evidence, and consensus ERAS guidelines for various surgical procedures have been published. The elements of the ERAS protocol include minimal preoperative fasting and carbohydrate treatment instead of overnight fasting; no routine use of preoperative bowel preparation; minimally invasive surgical techniques; standard anesthetic protocol; optimal fluid management rather than generous intravenous fluid administration; prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting; active prevention of perioperative hypothermia; multimodal approaches to controlling postoperative pain; and early oral intake and mobilization. Implementation of ERAS shortened hospital stays by 30% to 50% and reduced postoperative complications by 50%. A recent study reported that, when patient compliance with the colorectal ERAS protocol was over 70%, 5-year mortality fell by 42% compared with when compliance was below 70%. Auditing process compliance and patient outcomes are key measures for assisting clinicians implementing the ERAS program. As a perioperativist, an anesthesiologist can play a crucial role in implementing the ERAS program and contribute to protocol establishment, auditing, team education and team leadership. While the ERAS protocol was first implemented for colorectal surgery, as a result of its efficacy, it is now being used in nearly all major surgical specialties.

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