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      • KCI등재

        일본 근대 전문지식인들의 아동서적 저술의 참여 양상 - 『소학생전집』의 참여작가를 중심으로 -

        조은애 한국일본어문학회 2023 日本語文學 Vol.99 No.-

        본 연구는 문학과 역사, 과학 취미 등 다양 장르의 내용을 담고 있는 『소학생전집』에 참여한 작가와 전문지식인의 양상을 살펴보았다. 특히 과학과 관련된 분야에서는 같은 시기에 비슷한 기획으로 간행된 아르스사의 『일본아동문고』와 중복되는 집필진을 통해 당시 전문지식 분야에서 아동을 위한 저술을 담당할 집필진 섭외의 어려움 그리고 양사에 수록된 각각의 저서가 중복되는 인상을 피하기 위해 고심한 흔적을 서술과 구성면에서 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 『소학생전집』의 집필진으로 하나의 특징이라 할 수 있는 군인 작가들의 참여는 당시 대중적인 사회활동을 통해 군에 대한 이미지 개선의 일환에서 아동서적의 영역까지 그 영향이 미치고 있음을 보았다. 그리고 과학 관련 저술에 있어서 구성과 형식 면에 있어서 교과서나 백과사전식 서술이 아닌 동화와 같은 스토리성이 있는 내용으로 구성하여 아동 독자로 하여금 보다 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 ‘과학독물’로서의 특징을 확인하였다. This study examines the writing activities and characteristics of children's books written by experts at the time based on the author's profile of "Shogakuseizenshu(小学生全集)"published from 1927 to 1929 (88 volumes, Kobunsha, Bungeishunjusha). Works related to literature were handled by Kan Kikuchi and other literary writers, but works that required specialized knowledge, such as science, music, art, and hobbies, were handled by experts. However, there were few experts who could draw out children's interest and write descriptions that were easy to understand. This can be seen in the fact that it competed with Ars Publishing's “Nihonzidobunko(日本児童文庫)”which was published at the same time, and that the works by authors overlapped. Furthermore, the "Shogakuseizenshu"is characterized by the participation of military writers such as Naganari Ogasawara(小笠原長生)and Tadayoshi Sakurai(桜井忠温). Their writing activities influenced children's books against the backdrop of policies aimed at improving the image of the military during the interwar period. On the other hand, the science-related works included in "Shogakuseizenshu" attempted to have a structure that took the form of fairy tale and stories. It was confirmed that this work makes full use of its characteristics as a “Science Books for children” and is highly regarded even today.

      • KCI등재

        A Proposal to Prevent the “Mephisto Sign” Side Effect of Botulinum Toxin Type A Injection in Chronic Migraine

        조은애산드라,황재영,김성택 연세대학교의과대학 2013 Yonsei medical journal Vol.54 No.6

        Botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) has been reported as an effective treatment for chronic migraine. When BoNT-A is injected on the frontalis muscle for chronic migraine, an unexpected clinical side effect called the “Mephisto sign” may occur. The aim of this article is to propose a method to eliminate or prevent the Mephisto sign side effect. A 25-year-old female patient visited the hospital and was diagnosed with chronic migraine. A total of 155 U of BoNT-A was injected into 31 sites. 2-weeks later, and the patient developed the Mephisto sign. An additional 2-U dose was administered bilaterally to the lateral-most point of the frontalis muscles, and the eyebrow morphology returned to normal within 2-3 weeks. We propose that the development of the Mephisto sign may be prevented with an additional BoNT-A injection of 2-4 U bilaterally to the lateral most point of the frontalis muscles during the primary injection process.

      • KCI등재

        악하선 근방에 발생한 유표피낭 증례

        조은애산드라,김현실,김재영,허종기,전국진 대한구강악안면병리학회 2015 대한구강악안면병리학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        Epidermoid cyst of the oral and maxillofacial region is a soft tissue cyst lined with keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and most commonly arises in the superficial area of the mouth floor. Uncommonly, the epidermoid cyst may arise deeply in the submandibular region and should be differentially diagnosed with cystic salivary gland tumors, developmental cysts and other cystic lesions. We report a rare case of an epidermoid cyst near the submandibular gland, clinically and radiographically mistaken as a salivary gland tumor.

      • Key issues in increasing efficiency of Cu<sub>2</sub>ZnSn(S,Se)<sub>4</sub> thin film solar cells on flexible substrates

        조은애,김진혁 한국공업화학회 2019 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2019 No.1

        Currently, kesterite-based TFSCs have been studied mainly on a rigid soda-lime glass (SLG) substrate. When thinner and lighter flexible substrates are used instead of conventional SLG substrates, it allows more advantageous roll-to-roll processes to be used. In the present work, we further fine-tuned the Zn composition in the absorber layer and optimized the post-preparative parameters, which led to a record conversion efficiency of ~8% being achieved. However, considering that the best efficiency on a SLG substrates is 12.6%, technical discussions are needed to achieve higher efficiency than ~8%. There are many different approahces to improve cell efficiency, but we try to focus on the control of absorber and absorber interface such as alkali elements doping, deep-level defects control, and band gap grading. Therefore, in the near future, we expect to make the flexible CZTSSE TFSCs with higher efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        일본 <혹부리영감> 설화의 춤과 제의적 성격-가구라(神樂)와 ‘혹 가면(こぶ面)’을 중심으로-

        조은애 열상고전연구회 2018 열상고전연구 Vol.65 No.-

        한국과 일본의 <혹부리영감> 설화의 가장 큰 차이는 노인의 재능이 춤인가, 노래인가 여부이다. 한일 설화에서 이러한 차이가 왜 생겼는지에 대해서는 논의된 적이 없었다. 본 연구는 한일 <혹부리영감> 설화의 본격적인 비교연구에 앞서, 일본 혹부리영감 설화에서 ‘춤’의 의미가 무엇인지에 대해 고찰하였다. 일본 혹부리영감 설화에서 노인의 춤 모티브는 일본 고유의 제의적 구도가 바탕이 된 것이며, 옆집 노인이 징벌을 받은 것은 예능인으로서의 ‘자격’을 갖추지 못했기 때문이다. 노인의 춤은 ‘난폭한 신’을 ‘복을 가져다주는 신’으로 변화시키는 진혼적 성격이 있는 가구라(神樂)의 춤과 유사하다. 노인은 ‘나무구멍’이라는 공간과 ‘외따로 사는 예능인’이라는 조건이 있어 신과 교류할 수 있었다. 옆집 노인은 신에게 춤을 바칠 자격을 갖추지 못했기 때문에 징벌을 받았다. 규슈 지역에서 행해지는 ‘혹 달린 가면을 쓴 민간 가구라’는 춤과 제의적 측면에서 주목할 만한 ‘혹부리영감’ 자료이다. The most difference between Korea and Japan in the story of “Hokburi- younggam(Kobutorijii)” forktales is dancing and singing. However, there has been no study the reason, of why the difference between dancing and singing. The study considered the meaning of dance in Kobutorijii in Japan. The dance's meaning is similar to that of “Kagura” a traditional Japanese ceremony. The kagura's dance that turns a evil god into a good god by dancing. It is represent a good god and to bless people. The disappearance of the old man's hump is similar to the blessing of God. And the tree hole where Old man, meets Oni is Space that he meets the existence of another world or perform rites to god. The old man meets the Oni in the hole of the tree and dances, and the Oni takes off his hump, because it feels better. In contrast the old man next door failed to fulfill his wish because he was not a entertainers. The point of here, It is only the entertainers who can dance to God. It also introduced the Kagura in Kyushu area, which is associated with “Kobutorijii”. This Kagura dances in a mask with a hump. It is a proposal to dance to God and pray for a good harvest in the year. The dance to God and mask with a hump motifs have an important meaning.

      • KCI등재

        일본 고전문학의 근대 대중화 양상과 국민동화—시마즈 히사모토(島津久基)의『일본국민동화12강』을 중심으로—

        조은애 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2018 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.78

        This study examines the process of becoming a canon as a classic of myths, legends, monogatari, and as a fairy tale. The subject of study is “Lecture of twelve: the japanese fairy tales for nation(日本国民童話十二講)” of Hisamoto Simazu(島津久基) published in 1944. This book was influenced by the “Kokugaku” of modern Japanese history and the “ Philologie” introduced in Germany. Therefore, it can be said that it is a text that shows well the aspect of Japanese literary studies before 1945. Hisamoto used a lot of literature data to confirm fairy tales. In particular, it is important to use data from Joseon, Manchuria and Southeast Asia published in the early 1900s. The 13 fairy tales included in “Lecture of twelve: the japanese fairy tales for nation” were influenced by Kyokutei Bakin(曲亭馬琴)’s “Ensekizassi(燕石雑志)” and Iwaya Sazanami(巌谷小波)’s “Nihon Mukasibanasi(日本昔噺)”. The most important thing is that “Taketori Monogatari” was selected as a fairy tale, despite not classifying it as a fairy tale at the time. In modern society, however, ‘Kaguya Hime’ is famous in fairy tale and Mukashibanashi. Fairy tales and Mukashibanashi are important characters of the hero. Hisamoto paid attention to the character of ‘Kajiya Hime’. This is an important insight into Hishamoto’s fairy tales. 本研究は、近代日本の「国文学」が成立する過程で、神話、物語、説話などが「古典文学」として選定され、「国民童話」として定着していく様相を、東京帝国大学の教授であった島津久基の文学研究と著述活動から考察したものである。島津久基の代表的な童話研究書である『日本国民童話十二講』(1944)は、近世の国学者による考証学の流れを踏まえるとともに、近代に新しく導入されたドイツの文献学の影響を受けており、敗戦以前の日本文学研究の方法と研究結果を確認できる格好のテキストである。本論では、島津久基の経歴と著作を検討し、古典の大衆化を試みた久基の文学研究の特徴を把握、さらに『日本国民童話十二講』の刊行に先行するテキストとして、『羅生門の鬼/国民伝説二十三話』(1929),『国民伝説類聚』(1933)との関連性を比較分析した。三種のテキストは、久基が古典の中から代表的な神話・伝説を選出し、これらを「国民童話」として再編していく過程をみることができるという点で、とくに重要な意味を持つ。久基が多くの文献資料を以って童話を考証する中で最も重視したのは、話の原型と変成の様相を把握することであった。このような方法は、江戸時代の文献考証の流れを受け継ぐものであるが、久基の考証では1900年以後になって、日本で初めて刊行された朝鮮・蒙古・東南アジアの新しい文献が取り入れられているという特徴をみることができる。なお、『日本国民童話十二講』に選ばれた十三編の童話は、曲亭馬琴の『燕石雑志』で「童話」として取り上げられている7編と、巌谷小波の『日本昔噺』で選定されている作品が影響していることを指摘した。さらに、当時は童話としての認識が薄かった『竹取物語』が国民童話として取り上げられていることも注目すべき事実である。これは、現代において、童話や昔話の認知度に大きく影響する主人公の「キャラクター性」を、先駆的に重視していた久基の童話観の特徴が表れたものであることを指摘した。

      • 과학고등학교 학생들의 힘과 운동 개념 조사

        조은애,김대식 충북대학교 과학교육연구소 1997 과학교육연구논총 Vol.13 No.1

        This study investigated science high school students' conceptions on force and motion. The questionnaire is consist of 14 problems which selected from 29 problems of FCI(Force Concept Inventory : Hestenes et. al., 1992). The FCI is a instrument to test students' understanding of conception on mechanics. As the results, students conceptions on force and motion showed well-understanding about weight but did not exactly understand in action-reaction. And many students have misconception that motion implied active force. The students' understanding grade were affected by commonsense beliefs and context.

      • KCI등재

        경증 고중성 지방혈증을 가진 당뇨병성 케톤산증 환자에서 발생한 급성 췌장염

        조은애,박창환 대한췌장담도학회(구 대한췌담도학회) 2021 대한췌담도학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        고중성 지방혈증은 잘 알려진 급성 췌장염의 원인 중 하나이다. 당뇨병성 케톤산증, 고중성 지방혈증 및 급성 췌장염이 연관이 있다는 것은 알려져 있으나, 이 세 가지 질환의 연관성이 어떠한 기전에 의해 발생하는지 정확히 알려지지 않았다. 보통 중성지방이 1,000 mg/dL 이상으로 상승하였을 때 급성 췌장염의 위험도가 증가한다고 알려져 있다. 그러나 본 저자들은 당뇨병성 케톤산증 환자에서 중성지방이 200 mg/dL 미만임에도 급성 췌장염이 발생한 증례를 경험하여 이를 보고하고자 한다. Hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) is a well-established cause of acute pancreatitis (AP). Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) leads to lipolysis and HTG, and can result in AP. Triad of AP, DKA, and HTG is rare and not fully understood. Usually AP is associated with severe HTG with serum triglyceride (TG) level over 1,000 mg/dL. However, we experienced two cases of AP in DKA with mild HTG with TG level less than 200 mg/dL. Herein, we report these unusual cases and provide a review of the literature about the triad of DKA, HTG, and AP.

      • KCI등재

        이광수의 언어공동체 인식과 『조선문단』의 에크리튀르

        조은애 한국비평문학회 2009 批評文學 Vol.- No.34

        Gwang-Su Lee assumed language community as a place where translation is possible through the medium of modern literature acquired by the experience of studying in Japan. In the process, the image of Chosun language as a literary language was established. In this study, I will address the logic by which literary circle’s intention to exclusively possess ‘Chosun Language’ in the privileged literary discourse of 1920s was concluded. The absence of the concept that “literary language is Chosun language” was caused by his yearning for japanese literature during his studying years in japan. Japanese language was the pre-condition for japanese literature at the time and, more importantly, japanese was a language that can translate modern literature. For the intelligentsia including Gwang-su Lee who studied modernity and modern literature by studying in japan in the early 1920s, it was considered that the concept that Literary language is Chosun language depended upon the possibility of equal replacement with japanese language. The reality of national representation that Gwang-su Lee asked to new writers in 『Chosunmundan』 was closely related with the problem of ‘language community’ and the ‘possibility of translation’, which was recognized by Gwang-su Lee. The first novel of 『Chosunmundan』, Gwang-su Lee’s short story, Writing in Blood[Hyeol-seo] is very symbolic in this regard. The status of Chosun language as literary language in Writing in Blood is deducted from the problem that the main character, a foreign student should establish new social relationship through language journey and from the problem of how to represent this new relationship. The possibility that Chosun language is literary language suggested in Writing in Blood was also the possibility of changing the relationship between the two languages, which is the relationship between empire and colony, to the relationship of class, gender or something else. Chosun language that he thought as an ideal language was a language that can capture the natural conversation with japanese person in japanese. The reality that he asked to 『Chosunmundan』 started from his own ecriture but the status of the concept that literary language is Chosun language, as requisite for the reality suggested in Writing in Blood, implies contradicted intention from the ideal of ‘national representation’.

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