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      • KCI등재

        조망거리별 색채경관 분석기준에 관한 연구

        조은수 ( Cho Eunsoo ),채민규 ( Chae Minkyu ) 한국공간디자인학회 2022 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.17 No.7

        (Background and Purpose) The color landscape of rural villages in Korea has been recognized for a long time as stimulating and inconsistent with the natural background. The background of this phenomenon is the rapid urbanization and industrialization, which started in the 1960s, and the displacement from agriculture, and the housing improvement project of the Saemaul movement in the 1970s. The appearance of rural areas in Korea took on a completely different aspect from the appearance of traditional villages in the past. As a result, the abuse of the roof color painted of this period has not been resolved yet. As the main factor in this phenomenon, this study recognized that the field survey and analysis method suggested in the color landscape guideline of each local government did not reflect the essential characteristics of the color landscape. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose the color landscape field analysis standards according to the viewing distance. (Method) The research method is divided into four stages. In the first stage, the theoretical basis to be applied to this study is prepared through the study of color landscape related theories and analysis of previous studies. In the second stage, color landscape field analysis standards are established. In the third stage, the suitability of the analysis criteria is verified through case analysis. In the fourth stage, the conclusion of the study is presented. (Results) The standard of color analysis according to the viewing distance is based on the visual perception phenomenon. Four factors are applied as the main concepts of the analysis criteria: viewing distance, the main factors of landscape composition: dots, lines, and planes, visual color mixing, and the relationship between the background and the object. This is classified according to the color analysis criteria by viewing distance. In the distance view analysis standard, it presents the relationship between the background color and the object color through the four seasons analysis tool. In the mid view analysis standard, the continuity and harmony with neighboring buildings can be identified through the color difference graph. In the near view analysis standard, it presents whether color harmony of each component of housing or not. (Conclusions) The near-sighted color scheme has continued without considering the harmony with surroundings and has been the main cause in polluting the colors of rural villages. As a way to solve this problem, the concept of 「time」and 「space」, which are the factors of color landscape, is introduced to propose a standard for color analysis according to the viewing distance. It is hoped that the method of this study will be helpful in changing the color of the rural landscape in Korea in a better way in the future.

      • KCI등재

        가정폭력 목격경험이 청소년의 발달에 미치는 영향 분석

        조은수 ( Cho Eunsoo ) 한국청소년학회 2024 청소년학연구 Vol.31 No.4

        본 연구는 직접적인 학대 경험이 미치는 영향을 통제하고도, 가정폭력 목격 경험이 청소년 발달에 미치는 독립적인 손상을 검증해 내고자 수행되었다. 연구 대상은 ‘아동학대 실태조사’에 응답한 전국의 중학생 734명이며, 구조방정식으로 모델링하여 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 첫째, 가정폭력 목격경험이 직접 경험의 기여분을 분리한 뒤에도 청소년의 심리ㆍ사회적 발달에 손상을 주고 있음이 입증되었다. 즉, 가정폭력 목격경험만으로도 직접적인 학대 경험만큼 심각한 손상을 입힐 수 있다는 것이다. 둘째, 가정폭력 목격경험이 학교적응에 미치는 악영향이 통계적으로 입증되었다. 가정폭력 직접경험의 영향은 통계적으로 유의하지 않았고 목격경험의 악영향만이 유의하게 검증된 것은, 목격만으로도 발달 손상을 가져올 수 있음을 시사한다. 본 연구의 발견을 토대로 폭력을 직접 경험하지 않은 목격만 한 피해자도 사법적 보호체계 안에 포함될 것을 촉구하였고, 그들의 학교적응과 심리·사회적 발달을 돕는 학교 사회복지 프로그램과 정책이 개발되어야 할 것임을 제언하였다. This study aims to verify the independent detrimental effects of witnessing domestic violence on adolescent development, controlling for the impacts of direct abuse experiences. The subjects of this study were 734 middle school students nationwide who participated in the ‘National Child Abuse Survey.’ The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. As a result of the analysis, first, even after separating the contributions of direct experiences, witnessing domestic violence inflicts damage on adolescents’ psychosocial development. This indicates that the experience of merely witnessing domestic violence can cause damage as severe as that resulting from direct abuse experiences. Second, the detrimental impact of witnessing domestic violence on school adaptation has been statistically verified. The fact that the impact of direct domestic violence experience is not statistically significant but the detrimental impact of domestic violence witnessing experience is significant suggests that the witness experience alone can lead to developmental damage. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that adolescent who have solely witnessed violence, yet not experienced it directly, should be included in the legal protection system. Furthermore, school social work programs and policies supporting their school adaptation and psychosocial development should be studied.

      • KCI등재

        BTS ARMY에서 페미니스트 팬으로: 3세대 K-Pop 아이돌 팬의 페미니즘 실천과 한계

        조은수(EunSoo Cho),윤아영(AhYoung Yoon) 한국여성커뮤니케이션학회 2020 미디어, 젠더 & 문화 Vol.35 No.3

        본 연구는 팬과 페미니스트의 정체성이 공존하며 팬덤 내에서 비판적 팬 수행을 하는 이들을 ‘페미니스트 팬’이라 정의하고, 2015년 한국의 페미니즘 재점화 이후에 나타난 3세대 K-Pop 남성 아이돌의 여성 페미니스트 팬들을 대상으로 그들의 팬 수행 경험과 감정을 질적 연구로써 접근하고자 하였다. 특히 기존과 달리 팬덤 이탈(‘탈덕’)을 의미 있는 팬 수행이라 여기는 이들의 인식에 주목하여, 본 연구는 방탄소년단(BTS)의 팬덤 아미(ARMY) 내 페미니스트 팬들을 대상으로 선정, 심층 인터뷰를 통해 페미니스트 팬 경험을 자료화하였다. 자료 분석 결과, 페미니스트 팬 수행 경험은 페미니스트 팬 정체화, 이에 따른 비판적 팬 수행, 그 과정에서의 페미니스트/팬 정체성 모순에 대한 갈등, 이로 인한 팬덤 이탈(고려)까지가 공통적으로 나타났다. 이들에게 팬덤 이탈은 아이돌에 대한 감정적⋅물질적 소비에 대한 개인적⋅정치적으로 의미 있는 팬 수행이자 운동으로 여겨진다. 하지만 팬덤 이탈을 포함한 이들의 운동은 엄밀히 볼 때 실패한 운동으로, 인간의 상품화로 자본을 얻는 아이돌 산업의 근원적 구조는 페미니즘을 불필요한 담론으로 여기고 페미니스트 팬들의 이탈은 결국 배제라 볼 수 있기 때문이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 페미니스트 팬들은 결론적으로 페미니스트 대중의 한 부분이 되고, 이들은 대중문화의 여성혐오적 구조에 균열을 일으킨다. 3세대 K-Pop 아이돌 페미니스트 팬들의 팬덤 이탈을 포함한 팬 수행 경험을 고찰하는 것은 페미니즘이라는 사회적 의제 아래 K-Pop과 그 팬덤에 어떤 변화가 나타나고 있는지, 한국 대중문화와 여성 대중이 앞으로 어떤 관계를 맺을 것인지 질문을 던지는 것에 의의를 둔다. This study aims to explore feminist fan experience and their narratives since 2015 when feminism has re-captured public attention in South Korea. With BTS and its fandom ARMY as a main case study, we try to identify who the feminist fans are and what makes their fan practice critical to K-Pop industry and our society. Selecting six (former/current) BTS ARMYs who claim themselves as feminist fans, we conducted semi-structured interviews in terms of their feminist fan experience on misogynistic lyrics and controversial attitude of BTS after 2016. By analyzing the research participants’ narratives of feminist fan practice, we found that “declaring leaving K-Pop fandom” has crucial meaning to feminist fans. Four common experiences have been examined: (1) identifying him/herself as both fan and feminist, (2) practicing feminism in their fandom group, (3) self-conflict between two different identities, (4) (considering leaving or) leaving fandom as a feminist fan statement. We also discovered that they considered “leaving fandom” as the strongest political/public statement as a fan, a K-Pop consumer, as well as a feminist. While the emergence and practice of feminist fans have its own importance, it obviously did not succeed in expanding its implications to either K-Pop idol scene or Korean feminist movement. It also fails to fracture dominant structural tendency to neglect feminist perspective in K-Pop idol industry or culture which considers human being as a major capital or a product. Despite these limitations, we argue that exodus of feminist fans from K-Pop fandom allows a critical question to current misogynic K-Pop idol scene, and K-Pop industry in general: “is feminism really unnecessary to K-Pop idol scene?” We expect this study to bring attention to changes in K-pop and its fandom under the growing influence of feminism. Furthermore, it can shed new light on how the relation between Korean popular culture and Korean feminist public will evolve.

      • KCI등재

        농촌마을 색채경관 현장조사 방법 및 개선에 관한 연구

        조은수 ( Eunsoo Cho ) 한국공간디자인학회 2019 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.14 No.4

        (Background and Purpose) The housing improvement project, which was promoted as a part of the Saemaul Movement in the 1970s, changed the landscape of rural areas in Korea from its traditional image. The rural landscape of Korea, which was assimilated with nature, was damaged by the overuse of high-chroma colors and artificial materials, and even after 40 years it continues to be a landscape that is not in harmony with the surrounding natural background. Many discussions have been ongoing to recognize and solve the problems of landscape color in rural villages, and landscape planning has been implemented in all municipalities to provide a more systematic color management plan. However, an effective solution has yet to be reached. This study aims to analyze the root causes of the problem of landscape color in rural villages, which have remained unresolved for a long time through field research methods of colored landscapes, and suggest a practical improvement plan. (Method) The research method consists of four stages. The first stage is to explain the background and purpose of the study, and in the second stage the theoretical basis is prepared through the related literature data. In the third stage, the limitations and problems of the field research method are identified through data on the color guidelines in the landscape plan as one of the various reasons that the problems of color in the rural landscape have not solved. In the fourth stage, a practical approach to solve the problem of landscape color in rural villages based on the above problems is suggested as a method of field research and improvement plan. (Results) It was found that the survey period of the natural environment is limited to a specific season, and does not take into consideration the viewing environment, such as the distance and the position to be looked at in the survey, and extracting the representative color through emotional and symbolic items. Based on these analyses, this study would like to propose improvements from three perspectives: the relationship between the background and the adjacent object, the time reflecting the seasonal characteristics of the four seasons, and point of view according to the landscape. (Conclusions) So far, the color plan related to the rural landscape has focused on the guidelines of a point concept that covers only one model of rural architecture. In the future, the landscape color plan in rural villages should be planned as a unified landscape that can represent continuity between neighboring buildings, as well as approaching the concept of an area that considers the relationship between the background and the object.

      • KCI등재

        Lexicon transducer를 적용한 conformer 기반 한국어 end-to-end 음성인식

        손현수,박호성,김규진,조은수,김지환,Son, Hyunsoo,Park, Hosung,Kim, Gyujin,Cho, Eunsoo,Kim, Ji-Hwan 한국음향학회 2021 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.40 No.5

        최근 들어 딥러닝의 발달로 인해 Hidden Markov Model(HMM)을 사용하지 않고 음성 신화와 단어를 직접 매핑하여 학습하는 end-to-end 음성인식 방법이 각광을 받고 있으며 그 중에서도 conformer가 가장 좋은 성능을 보이고 있다. 하지만 end-to-end 음성인식 방법은 현재 시점에서 어떤 자소 또는 단어가 나타날지에 대한 확률에 대해서만 초점을 두고 있다. 그 이후의 디코딩 과정은 현재 시점에서 가장 높은 확률을 가지는 자소를 출력하거나 빔 탐색을 사용하며 이러한 방식은 모델이 출력하는 확률 분포에 따라 최종 결과에 큰 영향을 받게 된다. 또한 end-to-end 음성인식방식은 전통적인 음성인식 방법과 비교 했을 때 구조적인 문제로 인해 외부 발음열 정보와 언어 모델의 정보를 사용하지 못한다. 따라서 학습 자료에 없는 발음열 변환 규칙에 대한 대응이 쉽지 않다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 발음열 정보를 담고 있는 Lexicon transducer(L transducer)를 이용한 conformer의 디코딩 방법을 제안한다. 한국어 데이터 셋 270 h에 대해 자소 기반 conformer의 빔 탐색 결과와 음소 기반 conformer에 L transducer를 적용한 결과를 비교 평가하였다. 학습자료에 등장하지 않는 단어가 포함된 테스트 셋에 대해 자소 기반 conformer는 3.8 %의 음절 오류율을 보였으며 음소 기반 conformer는 3.4 %의 음절 오류율을 보였다.

      • A way of measuring learner's ongoing changes of interest and comprehension

        Hun Jeon(전훈),Sun-Hee Back(백선희),Yoonkyung Chung(정윤경),Eunsoo Cho(조은수),Soongoo Kwon(권순구),Eun Mo Yeon(연은모),Min-Hye Lee(이민혜),Yeonhee So(소연희),Dong Sung Choi(최동성),Sung-il Kim(김성일) 한국HCI학회 2008 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2008 No.2

        This study conducted to tried to find a way of on-line assessment of learner's interest and comprehension during interactive learning process. The result of experiment confirmed that learners' behavior patterns acquired from log data could be good predictors of learner s level of interest and comprehension in actual performance on KORI program. To predict learning outcome depending on the behaviors of individual learners, self-efficacy and mastery goal orientation were measured as individual differences. Then, participants were asked to use TA program KORI program at home for ten days and their response patterns were recorded through network. After using KORI, the levels of interest and comprehension were measured. As the result of multiple regression analysis, each learner' s interest and comprehension were predicted depending on the combination of log data captured on real-time. This prediction process was done differently depending on learners' characteristics. Since equations which predict learners' interest and comprehension are different depending on learners' characteristics, differential interfaces should be provided depending upon changes in their level of interest and comprehension.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국 신규 간호사 태움의 개념분석

        박수현 ( Suhyun Park ),송지현 ( Jihyeon Song ),송혜리 ( Hyery Song ),조은수 ( Eunsoo Cho ),최기쁨 ( Gipeum Choi ),최은주 ( Eunju Choi ) 이화간호과학연구소 2018 Health & Nursing Vol.30 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the concept of Taewom in Korean new nurses and its specific attributes. Methods: This study used Walker and Avant’s process of concept analysis. Results: The attributes of Taewom have been identified as followed. 1) Negative behaviors of the senior nurses, 2) Absence of a standardized training curriculum for new nurses 3) A shortage of Registered Nurses, 4) The atmosphere of taking it granted. Antecedents of Taewom are as follows. 1) Excessive workloads, 2) Authoritative organization culture, 3) The innate personality of the new nurses. Consequences have been demonstrated as follows. 1) Psychological and physical symptoms, 2) Burnout and leave the work, 3) Decreased quality of patient care, 4) A vicious circle of a nursing shortage. Conclusion: Taewom can be defined as senior nurses’ unjustifiable teaching ways originated in the poor working environment toward new nurses in Korea.

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