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        지역 발전잠재력과 지방공기업

        정진상(Jin Sang Jung)(鄭鎭相) 한국지방공기업학회 2007 한국지방공기업학회보 Vol.3 No.2

        지방자치화시대에 지역경제의 중요성은 날로 더해가고 있다. 참여정부가 들어서면서 지역균형발전이 중요한 정책과제가 되는 등 지역발전을 위한 패러다임이 크게 변하고 있다. 최근 들어 각 지역들의 자립적인 지역경제 추구를 위한 그들의 자기실현과 독자적인 책임 등이 계속 증대하였다. 이를 위해 모든 지역들은 현재의 지역경제 현황과 발전추세 그리고 그들의 발전잠재력을 정확하게 인지하여야 할 필요가 있다. 발전잠재력을 결정하는 요인 중 하나인 사회간접자본은 국가 경제발전의 중요한 밑받침이며, 지역의 균형개발을 위한 중요한 정책수단이다. 이와 같이 사회간접자본 투자는 국가정책의 목표인 지역균형발전을 이룩하기 위해서 매우 중요하다. 더욱이 사회간접자본은 국가 및 지역 발전잠재력에 직접적으로 영향을 미칠 뿐 아니라 국가 및 지역 발전잠재력을 결정하는 다른 결정요인들에도 영향을 미친다. 이러한 점에서 지역의 주민 뿐 아니라 경제구조 등에 커다란 영향을 미치고 있는 지방공기업도 사회간접자본들과 마찬가지로 지역 그리고 국가 발전잠재력을 결정하는 결정요인이 된다. 따라서 지방공기업이 지니고 있는 문제점들을 극복하고 더욱 바람직하게 발전하는 것은 곧 바로 그 지역의 발전을 더 나아가 국가의 발전을 이루는 길이라고 할 수 있겠다. The regional economy is getting more important in local government era. The subject about balanced development becomes important policy task in Participatory Government. The paradigm for Regional Development has been changing a lot. Recently self-realization and their won responsibility is growing continuously for self-reliant regional economy. In order to that, all local governments need to recognize current economic condition, developmental tendency and development potentiality. SOC(Social Overhead Capital), which is the main point for development potentiality, is a basic foundation to develop national economy and important policy measure for balanced development. So, investment for SOC is very important for balanced development which is an aim of national policy. Moreover, SOC directly affects national and local development potentiality. In addition, indirectly affect other decision point for national and local development potentiality. So, local public corporations, affect economic structure, as well as, residents are determining factor to decide national development potentiality, such as SOC. Therefore, what is overcome problems of local public corporations and develops desirably is way to develop for local government. even, nation.

      • KCI등재

        남북국시대에 관한 중화인민공화국의 반론에 대한 비판

        정진현(JUNG Jin-hun) 고구려발해학회 2007 고구려발해연구 Vol.29 No.-

        The aims of the project of Dongbuk is to research that the history of Manchuria has not relationship with korean history but has much relationship with chinese history. Therefore the researchers of China proper who have taken pan in the projects of Dongbuk proclaimed that Balhae and Koguryo had much relationship not to Korea but to China. The most important problem on the Balhae history is that it was belong to korean history and succeeded the kingdom of Koguryo has been attacked by them furiously. Looking into their papers on them, I have found that their target is to denied the Yu Duk Gong's theory. So thus I have studied and arranged all about Nambukguk theory from it's origin to it's conclusion, the Nambukguk times theory. And after this, I arranged the principals and paradigms of the Nambukguk times theory. Nambukguk theory had been expressed in the preface of the Balhaego written by Yu Duk Gong(l748-1807). In this, he had asserted that 3 kingdoms age succeeded by Nambukguk which was consisted by the enlarged Silla in the southern part and the kingdom of Balhae which succeded the kingdom of Koguryo in the northern part. Of course, I think that Yu had no notion of the historical word, times. But his notion of Nambukguk had given strong impact to Han Chi Yun, Chung Yak Yong, Hong Suk Joo, Kim Jung Ho and Sin chae Ho. So they had adopted Yu's idea and had studied the history of Balhae kingdom. In the imperial Japan colonial times, the korean people encountered the crisis to be perished away. So they studied their ancient history focusing at the spirit of nation and reached to the Nambukguk times theory. I can introduce the scholars. They are Jang Do Bin, Son Jin Tae, and so on. After liberating from imperial Japan, Pak Si Hyung and Yi Woo Sung presented the very same idea of Yu Duk Gong. Otherwise, in the past the respecters of China proper studied the history of Manchuria what they occupied in order to obtain historical evidences about it. in the first step they encountered one of the most important thing that where Balhae history belongs to. But at last they founded that there is no clue that Balhae history belonged to chinese history, and became to know the existence of Nambukguk theory in Korea. So they showed their nervous attitude and attacked Yu and Yu's work, Balhaego They are Sun Wei Ryang, WangJin Kun and Sun Jin Ji. In these years, Quo S00 Mei, Woo Wei Hwan, Wang Cung Quo, Chang Bee Puo and Chao Hong who took part in the project of Dongbuk argued that the history of Balhae belongs to chinese history without reason. Reading their papers on this carefully, I find out that they perhaps wrote the papers following some directions which ordered by someone. So the papers of their look like same one written by one people. Conclusionally speaking, I can declare that they commit following 3 points that were very important and became the basic conditions to study ancient history. 1. They selected and analyzed historical matters in such a very simple way. 2. They misunderstand the ancient history by their wrong view of the world, so called Cheonhagwan. 3. They have no notion of the change in community in ancient society. In these 3 facts, I determined that they who took part in the project of Dongbuk had made no development in studying Balhae history. They only followed the bad points of the principals of the historical view, Manseon historical view in imperial Japan times.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        근린주구 에너지 인증기준 구축과 평가에 관한 연구

        정진아(Jung, Jin A),김홍배(Kim, Hong Bae) 한국도시행정학회 2014 도시 행정 학보 Vol.27 No.4

        최근 많은 국가에서 온실가스 감축을 위한 다양한 정책을 시행하고 있다. 그러나 대부분의 정책이 공간적 요소를 반영하지 못하고 있다. 온실가스는 대부분의 경제활동이 이루어지고 있는 도시에서 소비되기 때문에 온실가스 감축에 대한 정책은 도시 차원에서의 접근이 필요하다. 또한, 도시를 이루는 기초 공간 단위는 근린주구로, 도시 내 온실가스를 저감하기 위해서는 근린주구 단위에서의 정책이 우선되어야 한다. 이러한 관점에서 도시의 온실가스를 저감하기 위한 하나의 전략으로 미국은 LEED-ND, 영국은 BREEAM-Communities, 그리고 일본은 CASBEE-UD를 개발하여 근린주구 단위에서 저탄소 개발을 유도하고 있다. 그러나 해외 친환경 인증제도는 에너지 부문뿐만 아니라 생태, 디자인 등의 다양한 부문을 함께 평가하고 있기 때문에 저탄소 도시 구현이라는 인증제도의 근본적인 목적에 부합하지 않는다는 문제점이 있다. 이에 본 논문은 IPCC 가이드라인의 탄소발생 메커니즘을 바탕으로 하여 에너지 부문에 초점을 맞춘 근린주구 단위의 인증기준을 구축하고 이에 대한 평가방법을 제시하였다. 본 논문에서 에너지 인증기준은 해외 친환경인증제도와 선행연구, 그리고 근린주구 내에서 에너지를 생산하고 소비하는 활동을 바탕으로 도출하였으며, 각 인증기준별 평가방법은 문헌고찰을 통해 산출한 탄소배출원단위를 사용하여 제시하였다. 또한, 구축한 에너지 인증기준을 대상지에 적용하여 인증기준의 도입 효과인 탄소 저감량을 산정하고, 근린주구 내 에너지를 효과적으로 저감하기 위한 정책의 방향을 제시하였다. Many nations are currently establishing the policies for reducing the greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions. However, most policies do not reflect spatial factors including land-use plan, location etc. In this aspect, the policy for reducing GHG emissions is required on the city level. This paper attempts to establish the energy certification standards and assessment for a neighborhood unit. Also, this paper proposes the direction for energy-saving policy in urban planning. The energy certification standards consist of four sectors derived from the carbon generation mechanism. There are four sectors as follows: transport, household, sink and planning. This paper draws 14 energy certification standards and the assessment method for the energy certification standards. The assessment method of energy certification standards is presented through case studies and the literature reviews. Finally, the energy certification standards are applied to Dongtan Newtown. As a result, this paper shows a more effective way to reduce the GHG emissions when planning the neighborhood unit.

      • KCI우수등재

        인터넷 직거래 사기의 실태 및 보안대책

        정진효(Jinhyo Jung),이창무(Chang-Moo Lee) 한국전자거래학회 2015 한국전자거래학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        인터넷 사용이 보편화되면서, 인터넷 직거래 사기사건이 크게 늘고 있다. 인터넷 사기에 대한 연구는 비교적 활성화되어 있는 반면, 개인 간 인터넷 직거래사기에 대한 연구결과는 많지 않다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 최근 급증하고 있는 인터넷 직거래 사기의 실태를 파악하고, 피해사례를 유형화하여 피해의 근본적 문제점을 살펴보고 결제수단의 보안 강화 및 법제 개선 등 이러한 피해를 사전에 예방할 수 있는 보안대책을 제시하는 데 있다. In recent days, internet appears to be a daily necessity, which leads to the increase of internet fraud. This study particularly focuses upon C2C internet fraud, while other researches on internet fraud seldom touch such a topic. The aim of this study is to grasp the stark reality of the soaring C2C online fraud, to categorize the type of the frauds, to identify the root causes of the fraud, and to suggest security measures to prevent the C2C online fraud.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        초등학교 목공작 지도의 의식과 실태에 관한 연구

        정진현(Jung Jin Hyun),신금옥(Shin Keum Ok) 한국실과교육학회 2000 한국실과교육학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study obtain to the guideline for teaching wood working in the classroom. We sent a questionnaire on wood working instruction to third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade teachers who were teaching the practical arts courses in the city of Taegu and North Kyungsang Province. We received 180 valid responses. The major findings of this study were as below: 1. Children increased to be clumsy with the wood working tool. 2. It is ill equipped the wood working tool for having practice in elementary school. 3. There is insufficiently the school hour which to need the wood working instruction. 4. In the wood working instruction, 43.4% of total responser be conducted the theory centered teaching, and 56.7% of total responser be conducted the practice centered teaching.

      • KCI등재

        개구리밥 추출물 및 개구리밥과 곰보배추 혼합 추출물로 염색한 면직물의 염색성 및 기능성

        정진순 ( Jin-soun Jung ),장현주 ( Hyun-joo Jang ) 한국의류산업학회 2016 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.18 No.6

        This study looks into the dyeing properties and functionality of cotton fabrics dyed in both the Spirodela polyrhiza extract and the extract resulting from the mixture of Salvia plebeia R. Br. and Spirodela polyrhiza. Since the UVVis Spectrum of the methanol extract of Spirodela polyrhiza shows absorption peaks at 256, 268nm, and 345nm, it can be inferred that the compound that Spirodela polyrhiza contains is a flavonoid. In addition, it can also be presumed that, by analyzing the infrared absorption spectrum of Spirodela polyrhiza, the plant contains flavonoid compounds, just like Salvia plebeia R. Br.. The UV protection factors of the cotton fabrics dyed in both the Spirodela polyrhiza extract and the extract from the mixture of Salvia plebeia R. Br. and Spirodela polyrhiza were 50+, presenting outstanding UV protection factors. The deodorization rate of the cotton dyed in the Spirodela polyrhiza extract was between 30 and 120 minutes, and the rate rose from 92% to 97% as time passed. The deodorization rate of the cotton dyed in the extract from the mixture of Salvia plebeia R. Br. and Spirodela polyrhiza increased from 88% to more than 91%. The result also revealed that overall the fastness of color, including color fastness to washing related to change in color, as well as the color fastness to light of the fabric dyed in the extract from the mixture of the two plants improved, compared to the cloth dyed only in Spirodela polyrhiza extract. Furthermore, the antibacterial activity was also strengthened.

      • KCI등재

        실과 공업ㆍ기술 영역 지도내용의 적정성에 관한 연구

        정진현(Jung Jin Hyun) 한국실과교육학회 2005 한국실과교육학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        This study was purposed to search for resolution about the results, which was examined about the contents appropriateness of industrialㆍtechnology field in practical arts text. The criterion, for the subject of teachers and university students, such as usefulness in real life, interest and curiosity of students, fitness of growth step, coincidence between home work and students’ circumference, actualization of chapter, learning quantity, difficulty of contents, application of teachers, accord between objectives and contents, relationship with other subjects, structure of contents and text were developed to test appropriateness. Also for the subject of elementary students, the criterion such as difficulty of contents, usefulness in real life, practice degree of contents, interest of students, concern of students, learning quantity, worth after learning were developed to test appropriateness. The data were collected by questionnaires from 108 elementary teachers and 835 elementary students in Daegu city analyzed by SPSS/PC+ package program. The statistical techniques used for analysis were frequency and cross tabs. The major findings of this study were follows; 1.Teachers recognized that students got interest and curiosity, fitness of growth step presented somewhat high, usefulness in real life presented somewhat high, coincidence between home work and students’ circumference presented a little low, actualization of chapter presented a little low, learning quantity presented a little much, difficulty of contents presented fairly difficult, application of teachers presented difficult, accord between objectives and contents presented a little low, relationship with other subjects presented low, structure of contents and text presented somewhat bad about the contents appropriateness of industrial technology field. 2. Students recognized that difficulty of contents presented average, usefulness in real life presented somewhat high, interest of students presented somewhat high, concern of students presented somewhat high, learning quantity presented average, worth after learning presented fairly high

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