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      • 이순신 정론Ⅳ : 거북선 구조, 철갑문제

        정진술(Jeong Jin Sool) 순천향대학교 이순신연구소 2012 이순신연구논총 Vol.- No.17

        거북선에 대한 올바른 이해를 위하여 아직도 학자들 간에 그 의견이 일치되지 않는 몇가지 사항에 대하여 고찰해 보았다. 첫 번째로 여러가지 이견들에 대한 올바른 이해에 접근하기 위하여 이해의 출발점으로 거북선의 인원 구성에 대해 살펴보았다. 16세기 임란 당시 거북선의 승조원은 이순신과 나대용의 장계에 의해서 125~130명으로 알려졌다. 임란 당시 거북선의 승조원 직무는 명확히 나와 있지 않지만 이순신의 장계에 부분적으로 나타나는 주요 승조원의 직무에는 사부(射夫), 격군(格軍), 방포장(放炮匠)이 있었으며, 이들 세 직무는 임란기 거북선의 구조 해석에 중요한 고려 요소가 된다. 17세기에는 조총의 도입에 따라 포수 직무가 추가되고, 18세기에 이르면 거북선 승조원이 체계적으로 정비되어 정원은 148명으로 책정되었다. 또한 임란 때의 방포장 명칭이 화포장으로, 격군의 명칭이 노군으로 변화되었다. 이들 네 직무 즉 사부, 화포장(방포장), 포수, 노군(격군)은 조선 후기 거북선의 구조 해석에 중요한 고려 요소이다. 거북선의 승조원 명칭에 나타나는 무상(舞上, 無上)이 지금까지 범주(帆柱) 위에서 작업하는 사람 등으로 다양하게 주장되어 왔으나, 필자는 통영에서 발견된 조선 후기 수군문서와 임수간(任守幹)의 『동사일기(東槎日記)』 에 나타나는 통신사선의 선원 명칭을 분석하여 ‘무상’의 우리말 뜻이 ‘물래를 작동하는 선원’의 명칭이며, 조선시대의 군선에서는 대개 닻만을 다루는 정수(碇手)와는 별도로 선수에서 닻물래를 다루는 선원을 일컬었음을 밝혔다. 두 번째로 임란기 거북선의 포 설치 위치가 2층인가 3층인가에 대하여 살펴보았다. 거북선이 2층 구조로 되어 있다고 보는 이들은 2층에, 3층 구조로 되어 있다고 보는 이들은 3층에 포가 설치되었다고 보는데, 어느 주장이 올바른 것인가를 검토하였다. 이것을 밝히기 위하여 임진년 해전에서 거북선의 사상자 통계를 조사하였는데, 격군의 사상자가 23명인데 반하여 사부는 부상자 1명에 불과하였다. 이것은 명백히 방패로 보호된 2층에서 활동하는 거북선의 격군들이 적의 탄환 및 화살에 적지 않은 피해를 입은 사실을 나타내고 있다. 격군들의 이러한 피해는 그 원인이 방패에 뚫린 포 구멍 때문이었을 것으로 추정되었다. 그러므로 임란기 거북선은 격군의 노질 공간과 화포의 발사 공간이 동일한 2층에 위치하였던 것으로 판단되었다. 또한 사부와 격군의 피해 정도가 현저하게 다른 것으로 보아 그들의 활동 공간도 서로 달랐으며, 2층에 위치한 격군과는 달리 사부는 3층에 위치했을 것으로 추정되었다. 이것은 1795년에 발행된 『이충무공전서』 귀선도설의 통제영 거북선과 전라좌수영 거북선의 포 구멍의 위치와 동일하다고 하겠다. 참고로 조선 후기의 판옥선 즉 『각선도본(各船圖本)』 의 전선도에는 2층 방패에 포혈이 나타나 있지 않다. 판옥선의 방패에 포혈의 유무는 화포의 발사 위치가 2층인가 3층인가 하는 의문을 일으킨다. 그런데 1633년에 경기 수사 최진립이 작성한 해유문서와 1778년에 편찬된 것으로 보이는 『풍천유향(風泉遺響)』 에는 포판과 상포판에서 모두 대포를 발사하였다고 했다. 또한 조선 후기에 그려진 수군조련도에도 판옥선의 2층 방패에 포혈이 나타나 있다. 이것은 조선 후기 판옥선의 포혈이 2층 방패와 3층 여장에 설치되었음을 명확히 보여주고 있다. 임란이 끝난 후 조총의 사용이 보편화되므로서 판옥선에는 포를 다루는 화포장 외에 조총을 다루는 포수가 새롭게 편성되었다. 이러한 사실로 보아 판옥선의 2층 포혈은 화포를, 3층 포혈은 조총을 발사하기 위한 용도가 아니었을가 추정된다. 세 번째는 『이충무공전서』 귀선도설의 거북선 그림에 대한 올바른 이해에 관해서이다. 오늘날 거북선에 관한 논란은 상당 부분이 그 그림에 대한 해석이 잘못된데서 출발한 것으로 보인다. 그 거북선 그림들에는 2층 방패와 3층 개판에 포혈이 각각 배열되어 있으므로 그것은 3층 구조가 확실하다. 그런데 귀선도설의 거북선이 3층으로 구성되어 있고 2층은 물론이거니와 3층도 전통(全通) 갑판이라면, 2층의 높이가 4. 3자(약 129cm)라는 『이충무공전서』 귀선도설의 기록은 이해될 수 없다. 동양식 노는 노군들이 서서 노질을 해야 하며, 조선 말기에 남자들의 평균 신장 실측치 163.8cm를 고려해 볼 때, 4. 3자 높이에서는 노군들이 자유롭게 노질을 하는 것이 불가능하기 때문이다. 이 어려움 때문에 필자는 귀선도설 거북선의 3층 갑판이 전통 갑판으로 되어 있지 않고 노군들이 노질을 하는 머리 위 부분은 갑판이 비어 있는 것으로 추정하였다. 네 번째는 거북선의 철갑 유무에 관한 문제이다. 거북선이 철갑선이었다고 주장하는 편의 주요 근거는 안골포 해전을 기록한 일본측 문헌인 『고려선전기(高麗船戰記)』 에 To correctly understand the Turtle Ship, I have reviewed several issues about it, which were controversial among historians and researchers. First of all, I took the personnel system of the Turtle ship as the starting point. It is known that there were 125 to 130 crew members of the Turtle Ship in those days of the Im-jin-wae-ran (壬辰倭亂) which was the war of Japanese invasion upon Korea during 1592-1598. It was not clearly mentioned about the duties of all the crew positions of the Turtle Ship, but according to the government report written by Admiral Yi Sun Sin, there were three main positions which are important to understand its structure at the time. They are arrow-shooters who were called ‘Sa-bu(射夫)’, rowers who were called ‘Gyeok-gun(格軍)’ and gunners who were called ‘Bang-po-jang(放炮匠)’. In the 17th century, the introduction of matchlocks created new shooters who were called ‘Po-su(砲手)’to the Turtle Ship, so the total number of crew members reached 148 in the 18th century. Therefore these four positions, ‘Sa-bu’, ‘Gyeok-gun’, ‘Bang-po-jang’ and ‘Po-su’, are important in the study of the structure of the Turtle Ship in the late of the Joseon Dynasty. There are diverse opinions regarding the job ‘Mu-sang(舞上 or 無上)’, mentioned in the personnel system, including a claim that it could mean the one working on the ship mast, but I found that it was named for the crew running a spinning wheel by collating and analyzing the naval documents written in the late of the Joseon Dynasty. Therefore ‘Mu-sang’ was the crew that played a spinning wheel to weigh or drop anchor on the bow, unlike the job ‘Jeong-su(碇手)’, generally handling only the anchor in the battleship at the time. Secondly, I looked into the location of the cannons in the Turtle Ship used during the Im-jin-wae-ran. Some historians insisted that the Turtle Ship had been built two stories and fired its cannons placed on the second floor but others believing three-story Turtle Ship claimed that cannons had been installed on the third floor. Checking into the statistics of casualties of the Turtle Ship during the Im-jin-wae-ran in order to clarify the exact location of the cannons, it is found that while twenty-three ‘Gyeok-guns’ were killed and wounded, the total casualty of ‘Sa-bu’ was only one. It definitely shows that a considerable number of ‘Gyeok-guns’ were damaged from gunshots and arrows even though they stayed on the second floor which were covered with the board wall. It is assumed that the damage was caused by the cannon crenels on the board wall. Therefore, both where ‘Gyeok-gun’ rowed out and cannons went off are considered to be located on the second floor of the Turtle Ship. From the noticeable difference on the extent of the damage between ‘Sa-bu’ and ‘Gyeok-gun’, it is presumed that the working spaces for ‘Sa-bu’ and ‘Gyeok-gun’ are different: the third floor for ‘Sa-bu’ and the second floor for ‘Gyeok-gun’. It also means that the locations of the cannon crenels of the Turtle Ship during the Im-jin-wae-ran are identical according to the Gui-seon-do-seol(龜船圖說) of the Yi-chung-mu-gong-jeon-seo (李忠武公全書) written in 1795, which included pictures of both the Tong-je-yeong Turtle Ship(統制營龜船) and the Jeolla-jwa- su-yeong Turtle Ship(全羅左水營龜船). The third issue is about the correct interpretation of the drawing of the Turtle Ship found in the Gui-seon-do-seol of the Yi-chung-mu-gong-jeon-seo. I think that many of controversies about the Turtle Ship are derived from the misinterpretation of this drawing. Based on it, it is obvious that Turtle Ships found in the Gui-seon-do-seol have three stories as there are crenels on its board walls of the second floor and third floor. If it is a three-story Turtle Ship and both second and third floors are perfect decks, however, it is not convincing at all that the height of the second floor is 4.3 feet(about 129cm) mentioned in t

      • KCI등재

        담배가루이에 대한 Wild Mint 오일의 기피효과

        정진원(Jin-Won Jeong),문상래(Sang-Rae Moon),조선란(Sun-Ran Cho),신윤호(Yun-Ho Shin),김길하(Gil-Hah Kim) 한국농약과학회 2010 농약과학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        This study was performed to investigate repellent effect of plant essential oils against Bemisia tabaci adult. Among the 20 tested oils, wild mint oil repelled B. tabaci adult significantly (>90%) at a dose of 5 ㎕, but the other oils did not. In dose responses (2, 1, 0.5, 0.1 ㎕) to B. tabaci adult, wild mint oil showed repellent response (77.8∼65.7%) significantly with dose-dependent manner. Wild mint oil analyzed by GC/MS revealed that the major components of wild mint oil were menthol (56.5%), menthone (29.0%) and menthyl acetate (14.5%), and the active components responsible for the effective repellency proved to be menthol (77.8%) and menthone (75.8%) when treated the proportion found in original oil. However, menthyl acetate did not show significant repellency. Combined constituents of wild mint oil were showed synergistic effect.

      • KCI등재

        허먼 멜빌의 『사기꾼』에 나타나는 외양의 균열

        정진만(Jin Man Jeong) 한국비평이론학회 2011 비평과이론 Vol.16 No.1

        This essay investigates Herman Melville’s epistemology of subjectivity and the world, revealed in his representations of “appearance” in The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade. Unlike his previous work Moby-Dick, engaged significantly in Kantian philosophy despite the author’s cautioning against Ahab’s monomaniacal pursuit of the transcendental truth, The Confidence-Man shows the author’s striking turn from his previous metaphysical, hierarchical, and binary frame of truth/appearance, embracing the latter as a new embodiment of truth, as implied in the subtitle of the work: “masquerade.” However, Melville’s recognition of appearance differs from postmodern simulacrum because his portrayal of “appearance” features its own inconsistency “immanent” in it. In order to explore pertinently the complexity of Melville’s epistemological implications of “appearance” in The Confidence-Man, this study is largely indebted to Jacques Lacan and Slavoj Žižek’s psychoanalytic arguments of “minimal difference,” commonly emphasized in their theories of (1) the inner disparity of eye/gaze, (2) the difference between the subject of the enunciated and the subject of the enunciation, and (3) the logic of signifiers. This study helps recognize the author’s insightful perception of subjectivity and the world entangled with ideology as a veil covering the uncomfortable but undeniable real of antagonism and the relation of nonrelation.

      • KCI등재

        수면다원검사를 적용한 호흡관련 수면장애 한약 치료 3례 증례 보고

        정진형 ( Jin-hyung Jeong ),정인철 ( In-chul Jung ),김원일 ( Won-il Kim ),김보경 ( Bo-kyung Kim ) 대한한방신경정신과학회 2020 동의신경정신과학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        Objectives: This case report intended to examine how herbal medicine treatment for breathing-related sleep disorders applied with polysomnography affected the structure of sleep. Methods: From January to November 2019, we retrospectively reviewed the progress records and polysomnography reports of patients who visited Korean medical hospitals in Daejeon and Cheonan. Results: In case 1, the patient complained of daytime sleepiness and snoring and was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea disorder and treated with Ukgan-san-gami. There were significant changes in the polysomnographic parameters, such as sleep efficiency, waking after sleep onset, sleep latency, the total arousal index, and the apnea-hypopnea index after herbal treatment. In case 2, the patient complained of frequent waking after sleep onset, daytime sleepiness, and snoring, and was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea disorder and treated with Yeoldahanso-tang-gami. There were significant changes in the polysomnographic parameters, such as the total arousal index and the apnea-hypopnea index after herbal treatment. In case 3, the patient complained of daytime sleepiness and was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea disorder and treated with Bangpungtongsung-san. There was no significant change in the polysomnographic parameters after herbal treatment. Conclusions: It is meaningful to note that objectively identifying the outcome of treatment for breathing- related sleep disorders is necessary in the clinical practice of Korean medicine.

      • KCI등재

        고교 단거리 육상 선수의 무산소성 예비량과 무산소성 운동능력의 상관관계

        정진원 ( Jin Won Jeong ) 한국운동영양학회 2002 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.6 No.2

        The purpose of the study was to investigate relationship between anaerobic reserve (AR) from critical power test and anaerobic capabilities from Wingate and isokinetic test. Three different tests were administered to 12 high school sprinters on a Monark cycle ergometer and Kin-com isokinetic equipment. Means, standard deviations, Pearsons product-moment correlations, and simple linear regressions were obtained by using SPSS-Window program. To examine the important factors contributing to AR, stepwise regression analysis were performed using anaerobic capabilities from Wingnte and isokinetic tests as independant variables. Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion has been derived: 1. There were significant moderate correlations of anaerobic reserve with WIN10, WIN20, and WIN30 respectively. 2. There were not significant correlations of anaerobic reserve with any isokinetic extensor and flexor variables. 3. The stepwise regression analyses revealed that only WIN30 contributed to predicting anaerobic reserve (72.9%) significantly. In conclusion, the results of the study demonstrated that the critical power test is a reliable and valid method for the measurement of anaerobic ability in the high school sprinters. The data suggested that anaerobic reserve assess true anaerobic ability not including the energy component of anaerobic glycolysis. Also, the study provides preliminary data on the anaerobic abilities in the sport of sprint as assessed by the critical power test, Wingate test, and isokinetic test.

      • KCI등재
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