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정재운,장정렬,최강원,임병진,이영재,강재홍,박혜린,조소현,Jung, Jae-Woon,Jang, Jeong-Ryeol,Choi, Kang-Won,Lim, Byung-Jin,Lee, Young-Jae,Kang, Jae-Hong,Park, Hye-Lin,Cho, So-Hyun 한국관개배수위원회 2010 한국관개배수논문집 Vol.17 No.2
For efficient water quality management of Saemangeum lake, it is very important to accurately analyze discharged load characteristics using investigated pollution sources data from Saemangeum watershed. Investigation of pollution sources was conducted from 2003 to 2007. In this study, pollution sources are largely classified into human population, livestock, industry, and land use. Discharged loads of BOD, T-N and T-P from classified pollution sources were calculated by Korea TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) technical guideline. The calculated results showed that the major sources of BOD and T-N were land use, human population, livestock, and industry in order. However, the major sources of T-P were livestock, land use, human population, and industry in order. Our results clearly show that pollution sources of the priority management for water quality enhancement in the Saemangeum lake has represented land use and livestock.
정재운,장정렬,정지연,최강원,임병진,김상돈,김갑순,윤광식,Jung, Jae-Woon,Jang, Jeong-Ryeol,Jung, Ji-Yeon,Choi, Kang-Won,Lim, Byung-Jin,Kim, Sang-Don,Kim, Kap-Soon,Yoon, Kwang-Sik 한국관개배수위원회 2011 한국관개배수논문집 Vol.18 No.1
The HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran) model was applied to Mangyeong river watershed to examine its applicability through calibration using monitoring data. For the model application, digital maps were constructed for watershed boundary, land-use, Digital Elevation Model of Mangyeong river watershed using BASINS (Better Assessment Science for Intergrating point and Nonpoint Sources) program. The observed runoff was 1976.4mm while the simulated runoff was 1913.4mm from 2007 to 2008. The model results showed that the simulated runoff was in a good agreement with the observed data and indicated reasonable applicability of the model. In terms of water quality, trends of the observed value were in a good agreement with simulated value despite its model performance lower than expected. However, its reliability and performance were with the expectation considering complexity of the watershed, pollutant sources and land use intermixed in the watershed. Overall, we identified application of HSPF model as reliable evidence by model performance.
정재운,윤광식,주석훈,최우영,이용운,류덕희,이수웅,장남익,Jung, Jae-Woon,Yoon, Kwang-Sik,Joo, Seuk-Hun,Choi, Woo-Young,Lee, Yong-Woon,Rhew, Doug-Hee,Lee, Su-Woong,Chang, Nam-Ik 한국농공학회 2009 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.51 No.6
In this study, pollutant loads delivery ratio by flow duration in Hwangryoung A watershed was estimated. The delivery ratio was estimated with measured data by Ministry of Environment(MOE) and the regression equation based on geomorphic parameters. Eight day interval flow data measured by the MOE were converted to daily flow to calculate daily load and flow duration curve by correlating data of neighboring station which has daily flow data. Regression equation developed by previous study was tested to study watershed and found to be satisfactory. The delivery ratios estimated by two methods were compared. For the case of Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD), the delivery ratios of low flow condition were 7.6 and 15.5% by measured and regression equation, respectively. Also, the delivery ratios of Total phosphorus(T-P) for normal flow condition were 13.3 and 6.3% by measured and regression equation, respectively.
비가림 조건에서 시비에 대한 논담수 중 총질소 및 총인 농도 반응
정재운,최우정,윤광식,김한용,곽진협,임상선,장남익,허유정,Jung, Jae-Woon,Choi, Woo-Jung,Yoon, Kwang-Sik,Kim, Han-Yong,Kwak, Jin-Hyeob,Lim, Sang-Sun,Chang, Nam-Ik,Huh, Yu-Jeong 한국관개배수위원회 2007 한국관개배수논문집 Vol.14 No.1
Temporal changes in total nitrogen (T-N) and phosphorus (T-P) concentrations in paddy floodwater in response to fertilization under rain-shielding pot and small-scaled field conditions were investigated. On the basis of the changing patterns, suggestions for the use of fertilization factors, such as days after fertilization, in developing models for the estimation of T-N and T-P loads from paddy fields were made. Total N concentration was susceptible to fertilization, showing a peak concentration right after fertilization followed by a decreasing pattern with the elapse of days after fertilization. The decreasing pattern of T-N concentration followed the first- order kinetics, indicating that the models are likely to be an exponential equation using days after fertilization as an independent variable. Comparison between the pot and field experiments conducted with soils different in soil fertility revealed that indigenous soil N concentration significantly affected T-N concentration, and this suggests that soil N status can be used as the second variable for the models. Meanwhile, temporal changes in T-P concentration did not respond to P fertilization as sensitively as T-N. In combination with other published results, our study suggests that rainfall intensity and other factors associated with farming activities that are likely to cause disturbance of soil particles containing P may be used as possible variables for the models.