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        시조에 나타난 남성의 이상적 삶과 그 변주의 양상

        정인숙(Jeong, In-Sook) 한국시조학회 2015 시조학논총 Vol.42 No.-

        본고는 남성의 이상적인 삶을 표방한 두 편의 사설시조가 후대에 지속적으로 향유되면서 다양하게 변주된 양상을 검토하고 그 의미를 살펴보는 데 목적을 두었다. 노랫말의 변주가 수용자의 다양한 반응과 요구에 기인한 것이라 할 때, 그 변주의 양상을 살펴봄으로써 후대에 이상적 삶에 대해 어떻게 반응하고 욕망과 현실 사이의 갈등 속에서 삶의 지향점이 어떻게 설정되는지 탐색할 수 있으리라 보았다. 우선 논의의 중심이 되는 두 작품은 <남아의 소년행락?>이라는 작자미상의 사설시조(<1>)와 <대장부 공성신퇴후하야?>라는 이정보의 사설시조(<2>)이다. 전자가 남성들이 욕망하는 이상적 삶을 일대기 형식으로 형상화한 작품이라면, 후자는 치사 이후에 물질적 풍요를 근거로 한 여유롭고 풍류적인 삶을 보여주는 작품이다. 이 두 작품이 후대에 변주된 양상을 보면 첫 번째로 호기롭고 유락적인 삶이 강조된 경우를 들 수 있다. 이는 <1>과 <2>의 노랫말을 적절히 결합하여 유락적 성격을 강조한 작품(<3>)과, <2>의 시상을 그대로 수용하면서도 ‘공성신퇴’라는 어휘를 배제한 채 유락적 삶의 모습을 강조하면서 ‘나’라는 주체를 부각시킨 작품(<4>)을 통해 확인할 수 있다. 두 번째는 부귀공명의 불가능성을 인식하고 대안적 삶에 대한 소신을 드러낸 경우이다. 이는 작품 <5>에서 확인할 수 있는데, 외부 세계와의 부조화 속에 욕망과 현실 사이의 갈등이 내재되어 있는 점이 <3>, <4>와 다르다. 세 번째는 세속적 출세의 욕망에서 벗어나 행복한 노년에 대한 관심을 표출한 경우이다. 여기에는 부귀공명의 욕망을 초탈하고 자발적으로 자연에 돌아와 노년을 보내면서 깊은 내면의 성찰을 보여준 작품(<9>)이 있는가 하면, 부귀공명의 욕망에서는 벗어난 듯하면서도 여전히 여색이나 장수의 욕망을 강하게 부각시킨 작품(<10>)도 확인된다. 이러한 노랫말의 변주 양상이 갖는 의미를 살펴보면, 첫 번째 변주 양상은 우선 유흥공간의 간섭의 결과로 해석해 볼 수 있다. 즉 유흥공간의 분위기에 요구되는 노랫말이 선택 첨가되면서 자연스럽게 호기롭고 유락적인 삶이 강조된 것이라 볼 수 있다. 아울러 유락적 분위기의 고조와 더불어 풍요로운 물질적 조건이 갖춰진 상황에서 유흥을 만끽하는 자신을 부각시킴으로써 호기로운 삶의 주인공을 ‘남아(대장부)’에서 ‘나’로 구체화하는 변화를 보이기도 한다. 그런가 하면 두 번째 변주 양상은 처음부터 부귀공명의 실현불가능성을 상정하고 있는 점에서 외부적 성공이 쉽지 않은 계층적 한계를 엿보게 한다. 그런 점에서 두 번째 경우는 그러한 계층적 한계에 공감하는 수용자가 적극 반응한 결과로 볼 수 있다. 한편 세 번째 변주 양상은 무엇보다 노년의 삶의 문제에 관심을 두고 있는 점이 주목된다. 출사의 경험이 있든 그렇지 않든 노년의 행복한 일상을 구체적으로 담아낸 점은, 늙어서의 편안한 삶 혹은 쾌락적 삶을 갈구하는 통속적 욕망을 스스럼없이 표출한 것으로 추상적 이념이 아닌 구체적 삶의 일상이 중요하게 인식되는 면모를 보여주는 점에서 중요하다고 하겠다. The aim of this paper is to examine the men"s ideal lives and the aspects of variation in Sijo. In this paper the focus is two texts of Saseol-Sijo. One is the Saseol-Sijo without any known author, the other is the Saseol-Sijo written by Lee Jeong-bo. These works were enjoyed by many people to posterity, and they were played a variation. The first aspect of variation is the emphasis on men"s magnanimous and amusable life. This aspect is thought to be a result of the interference of entertainment space. The second aspect of variation is to show the awareness of impossibility of riches and honors and belief in his alternative life. We can see the conflict between reality and desire. This case is thought to be enjoyed by the person who can sympathize with that situation. The third aspect of variation is to show the transcendence of desire for worldly success and the interest in a happy old age. This case is worthy of notice because it shows the interest in old age. This case expresses the desire for comfortable life or pleasure-seeking life, and it is thought to be more concerned with a concrete everyday life than an abstract idea. Sometimes we can see the works that show reflection of his(her) life and mature attitude to life. More studies on these works should be done.

      • KCI등재

        한.양방협진 코디네이터의 현황 및 발전방안

        정인숙,신병철,이원철,Jeong, Ihn-Sook,Shin, Byung-Cheul,Lee, Won-Chul 대한예방한의학회 2010 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Objectives : This study aimed to investigate the current job-related characteristics coordinators in East-West Collaborative Medical Practices(EWCMP) and to develop activation plans for them. Method : The participants were 51 personnel who were supporting EWCMP in the 28 institutions. Data were collected with self-administered questionnaires and analyzed with descriptive statistics. Results : The major role of the participants was educating and consulting patients(74.5%) and followed by supporting collaborating physician(70.6%). They assumed to be helpful to make the patients easy to use EWCMP(98%) and to give patients full information what they asked(96%). However, participants responded lack of adequate educational programs and role ambiguity as chief complaints(91.7%). They showed relatively high level of job importance(78.7points on 100points) and job satisfaction(72.8points on 100points). Coordinators were expected to have bachelor and more than 8 years clinical career, and communication skill. Conclusions : Coordinators have played key roles in giving information for the patients and coordinating EWCMP. However their roles and job description was not clear, and educational programs was insufficient as required. Therefore, it is needed to clarify their roles and job description and establish professional educational programs for supporting coordinators.

      • KCI등재

        일반 주민의 한.양방협진이용 경험과 태도

        정인숙,김윤진,이원철,Jeong, Ihn-Sook,Kim, Yun-Jin,Lee, Won-Chul 대한예방한의학회 2010 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Objectives : This study aimed to investigate the attitude of healthcare consumers toward the East-West Collaborative Medical Practices(hereafter EWCMP). Method : The participants were 245 healthcare consumers who visited outpatient clinic of an university hospital, and attended at an emergency rescue educational program held by an emergency medical center, Busan. Data were collected by interviewing or self-reporting with questionnaires and analyzed with descriptive statistics and $X^2$ test with SPSS win 14.0. Results : 53.1 percent of 245 participants has heard, 13.9 percent has ever used, and 82.4 percent wanted to use EWCMP in the future. For participants who has used EWCMP, the decision to use it was made by themselves(58.8%), 26.5% of them was satisfied with EWCMP, and 79.4% showed the intention to introduce EWCMP to others. The use of EWCMP was significantly different by gender($X^2$=4.702, p=0.030) and having job or not($X^2$=14.305, p<0.001). Preferred type of EWCMP was to use both medical and Korean medical treatment at the same time(42.4%). Musculoskeletal disease(51.0%) and circulatory disease(51.0%) were expected to be the most effective when the EWCMP applied to them. Utilization of EWCMP was expected to be effective in disease treatment(88.2%), diagnosis(83.3%), and prevention(75.1%), and to increase medical cost(66.1%). Intention to use of EWCMP was not significantly different by demographic characteristics. Conclusion : Considering low proportion of utilization of and positive attitude toward the EWCMP among general populations, it is needed to introduce or advertise EWCMP to them.

      • KCI등재

        한.양방협진에 대한 의.한의.간호대학생의 태도비교

        정인숙,임병묵,이원철,Jeong, Ihn-Sook,Lim, Byung-Mook,Lee, Won-Chul 대한예방한의학회 2010 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Objectives : This study was aimed to investigate attitude of western medicine(WM), Korean medicine (KM), and nursing school students toward the east-west collaborative medical practices(EWCMP). Methods : The participants were 185 WM students, 123 KM students, and 230 nursing students belonging to two universities (P and D) in Busan metropolitan city, Korea. Data were collected with self-administered questionnaires and analyzed with descriptive statistics, $X^2$ test, t-test and ANOVA with SPSS win 14.0. Results : Of 538 participants, overall 87.1% has heard EWCMP. Preferred type of EWCMP was significantly different by participants' backgrounds. WM students preferred (western) medical treatment with minor supportive Korean medical care(85.5%). However, KM students emphasized EWCMP with the same weight in both medical and Korean medical treatment(59.0%), and nursing students were in between two schools. Intention to recommend EWCMP for the consumer was 67.4%, and also showed very different between WM students and others, 37.3% of WM students, 89.4% of KM students, and 83.9% of nursing students. WM students showed more negative opinion on the EWCMP than KM and nursing students, Conclusions : The attitude of WM, KM, and nursing school students toward EWCMP was very similar to that of WM doctors, KM doctors, and nurses, respectively. WM students showed big difference in the overall attitude toward EWCMP from that of KM and nursing students. It is recommended to introduce the joint curriculum or exchange programs between WM and KM schools.

      • KCI등재

        시험자와 의뢰자의 임상연구코디네이터의 근무환경과 활용방안에 대한 인식

        정인숙,최상민,윤지향,윤은화,Jeong, Ihn-Sook,Choe, Sang-Min,Yoon, Ji-Hyang,Yun, Eun-Hwa 대한임상약리학회 2012 臨床藥理學會誌 Vol.20 No.1

        Background: This study was aimed to investigate the perception on working conditions and utilization of clinical research coordinators (CRCs) among investigators and sponsors. Methods: The participants of this cross-section study were 114 investigators and 138 sponsors including clinical research associates (CRAs) who have worked with CRCs. Data was collected with paper or electronic form of self-administered questionnaires and analyzed with descriptive statistics and ${\chi}^2$ test or t test. Results: Among investigators and sponsors, 56.1% and 95.0% perceived regular full-time positions as proper type of CRC employment, respectively. Those who perceived monthly salary with incentive as proper payment system were 67.5% of investigators and 68.8% of sponsors. The proper salary for 2-year CRCs and 5-year CRCs were significantly higher in sponsors than investigators. Investigators perceived CRCs could handle 3 studies as the same time and 5 studies per year. In regard to the difficulty in utilizing CRCs, 68.4% of investigators perceived lack of experienced CRCs and 84.8% of sponsors did frequent turnover. Those who responded pooling CRCs by hospital or clinical trial centers as a good solution to hire CRCs easily were 81.6% of investigators and 58.0% of sponsors. Conclusion: Almost all investigators and sponsors perceived CRCs were helpful for improving the quality of clinical trials. We recommend each institution or clinical trial centers could introduce the central CRCs' employment and management with proper salary and workload based on the results to maintain experienced CRCs and lessen the turnover of CRCs.

      • Laser Scanning Unit용 FΘ 렌즈 개발

        정인숙,반민성,손광은,이병백,Jeong, In-Sook,Ban, Min-Sung,Son, Kwang-Eun,Lee, Byoung-Bag 대한기계학회 2013 대한기계학회 논문집. Transactions of the KSME. C, 산업기술과 혁신 Vol.1 No.1

        $F{\theta}$ 렌즈는 레이저 프린터의 LSU(Laser Scanning Unit)의 중요 부품으로서 $F{\theta}$ 렌즈를 통과한 주사빔의 상 위치는 주사빔의 렌즈 입사각에 비례한다. 본 논문에서는 당사에서 개발한 A4 사이즈용 $F{\theta}$ 렌즈를 설계, 제작하고 보정하는 과정을 소개하였다. 렌즈 개발에서 광학설계는 Zemax를 사용하였고 주사빔의 주주사방향 및 부주사방향의 왜곡을 최소화 하기 위하여 렌즈면은 특수한 토릭면으로 하였다. 렌즈 금형은 1nm 의 분해능을 갖는 초정밀 가공기로 제작하였다. 렌즈 사출 후 성능을 평가하고 측정값과 설계값의 차이를 바탕으로 설계보정식을 유도하여 렌즈 금형을 수정하였다. 금형 수정 후 사출렌즈의 재측정 결과 초기 설계값에 가까운 성능을 확인하였다. Ftheta Lens, whose image height is proportional to its field view angle, is one of the most important parts in Laser Scanning Unit(LSU). In this paper $f{\theta}$ lens design, mold production and modification method of lens design and mold are introduced. Lens design was carried out with Zemax and Special Toric surfaces were applied for lens surfaces to minimize distortion both in main and sub scanning directions. And a high precision machine with 1nm resolution was used to fabricate lens mold cores. After injection the lens was evaluated and the difference from design was examined. This difference was compensated by modifying lens design and new lens mold cores were made according to modified lens design to obtain the quality of original design.

      • KCI등재

        Understanding of Technical Terms and Contents of Informed Consent Forms for Sedative Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Procedures

        정인숙,Sunmi Park,Jae Sim Jeong 한국간호과학회 2013 Asian Nursing Research Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose: This was a cross-sectional study designed to evaluate the subjective understanding of technical terms and contents of the informed consent forms given to patients about to undergo conscious sedative upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Methods: A group of conveniently selected 180 patients, who were undergoing sedative endoscopy were recruited in the endoscopy procedure room in a tertiary hospital from June to July 2011. Data were collected with a structured questionnaire. Results: The average number of terms exposed was 8.12 out of 10 items, the average number of terms understood well by the patients was 5.53 out of 10 items, and the average number of right answers was 3.30 out of 5 items, and the percent of correct answers ranged from 26.1% to 90.0%. The exposure to terms differed by gender, education, and previous exposure to sedative endoscopy procedures. The number of “understanding of the terms well” responses differed according to age and previous exposure to sedative endoscopy procedures, and the correct answer rate was differed by education. Conclusion: The understanding of the terms and knowledge about the procedures were disappointing. Therefore, sufficient explanations should be provided to the patients. While the informed consent was taken by doctors, the level of understanding should be monitored by nurses. In particular, subjects who did not have any previous experience with endoscopy procedures showed relatively lower level of understanding. We recommend that medical terms should be replaced with more common and nontechnical words in consent forms.

      • KCI등재

        <나부가>에 나타난 게으른 여성 형상과 그 의미

        정인숙 ( In Sook Jeong ) 한국고전여성문학회 2013 한국고전여성문학연구 Vol.0 No.26

        <나부가>는 ‘나부’ 즉 게으른(나태한) 여성을 소재로 한 국문가사이다. 그 동안 <복선화음가>나 <용부가>의 여성 형상에 비해 <나부가>에서 나부로 지목된 ‘금세부인’은 그다지 주목받지 못했는데, 특히 <나부가>의 세 종류 이본 가운데 이정환본은 금세부인을 포함한 인물들의 개성적인 목소리가 삽입되어 있고 문제적 여성이 고정된 피사체가 아닌 생동감 있는 인물로 그려져 있어 매우 주목할 만하다. 이는 금세부인을 그저 게으르고 철없는 며느리 혹은 패악한 아내로만 치부해 버릴 수 없는 해석의 단서를 제공한다는 점에서 중요하다. 표면적으로 묘사된 금세부인은 온갖 부정적 행태를 보이는 문제적 인물임에 틀림없다. 그러나 금세부인이 시집오기 전의 시점에 맞춰 보면 그녀는 분명 ‘일등 신부감’이었다. 인물도 출중하고 부모 슬하 곱게 자란 넉넉한 집안의 처자였다. 결혼 초에는 몸단장에 신경 쓰고 멋스런 옷차림을 즐겼던 여성이기도 했다. 그런데 며느리로서 봉제사, 접빈객의 의무는 물론 농사조차 힘써야 하는 상황에 접하게 되면서 금세부인은 어려움을 겪게 된다. 게다가 육아노동이 가중되면서 피로에 시달리게 되고 주변을 정돈할 만한 겨를도 없게 된다. 금세부인은 독백을 통해 과도한 노동에 대한 이유 있는 항변을 토로하고, 게으르다고 꾸짖는 남편에게 삶의 여유가 전혀 없는 고단한 생활의 실상을 적극적으로 알리기도 한다. 이를 통해 볼 때 금세부인은 전통 규범에 무조건 순응하지는 않는 개성적 인간형으로 인식된다. 한편 금세부인의 게으름은 과도한 배려로 게으름을 조장한 시부모에게도 책임이 있는 듯 보인다. 결혼 초 상할세라 병들세라 유난스럽게 배려하면서도 시부모는 궁극적으로 며느리가 본분에 충실하기를 기대했고 여기에 미치지 못하자 갈등이 생겨나게 된 것이다. 결국 <나부가>는 전통 규범에 포획되지 않는 며느리 세대와 여전히 전통 사회의 테두리 안에서 규범을 요구하는 시부모 세대와의 갈등을 노출한 작품으로 볼 수 있다. 작품의 서술자는 철저히 시부모 세대의 입장에 서 있으나 의도와는 달리 인물들의 발언을 통해 작품은 며느리 세대의 입장도 보여주고 있기 때문이다. The aim of this paper is to examine the figure and meaning of lazy woman character in <Nabuga>. <Nabuga> is a Gasa written in Hangul, Korean alphabet, this text tells stories about lazy woman. There are three different versions of <Nabuga>, the version that Lee jeong-hwan had is worthy of notice among them. This version has indivisual remarks of characters. The main character of this text ``Kumsebuin`` must be a problematic figure, but before her marriage she was a prospective bride. She was a good-looking woman and grew up sheltered, and she was thought to be born with a silver spoon in her mouth. After her marriage she had to do many kinds of housework, so she felt tired and worn. Besides she was busy raising a baby, she had no time to dress up or make up or clean her room. She protested that she was so tired and busy through her remarks. The character of ``Kumsebuin`` embodies personality, she did not become prize to traditional norms. Her parents-in-law were responsible for her laziness. Early stage of her marriage they showed too much consideration to her, but ultimately they wanted her to be daughter-in-law who devoted herself to her duty. <Nabuga> shows the conflicts between generation of parents-in-law and generation of daughter-in-law.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection Rates by Perineal Care Agents in Intensive Care Units

        정인숙,Soonmi Park,Jae Sim Jeong,Duck Sun Kim,Young Sun Choi,Young Soon Lee,Young Mi Park 한국간호과학회 2010 Asian Nursing Research Vol.4 No.3

        Purpose This study compared the catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) rates resulting from the use of four perineal care agents (soap-and-water, skin cleansing foam, 10% povidone-iodine, and normal saline) among patients in intensive care units (ICUs). Methods This four-group experimental study was done with 97 adult patients who had urinary catheters over 2 days in three ICUs between April and July 2008. The patients received one of the four types of perineal care. Data collected included the incidence of CAUTI at baseline (prior to perineal care)and 1 week, 2 weeks, and 4 weeks after beginning perineal care. Patients were divided into UTI and non-UTI groups based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Healthcare Safety Network UTI definition to calculate incidence rates. The hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated by Cox’s proportional hazard analysis. Results The cumulative incidence of CAUTIs per 100 urinary catheter days were 3.18 episodes during 1 week with urinary catheter, 3.31 during 2 weeks, and 3.04 during 4 weeks. No statistically significant difference in hazard ratios of CAUTIs for each perineal care agent was evident with reference to soapand-water at 1 week, 2 weeks, and 4 weeks after beginning perineal care after controlling for age, use of antibiotics, fecal incontinence, consciousness level, fever, and diabetes. Conclusions The type of perineal care does not influence the incidence of CAUTIs. Further confirmatory studies with a larger patient population should be conducted, as well as determining perineal agent preference.

      • 가정간호과정생의 가정간호에서의 감염관리에 대한 지식

        정인숙,정재심,신용애,강규숙,김명자,조복희,김금순,황선경,Jeong, Ihn-Sook,Jeong, Jae-Shim,Shin, Yong-Ae,Kang, Kyu-Sook,Kim, Myung-Ja,Jo, Bok-Hee,Kim, Keum-Soon,Hwang, Sun-Kyng 한국가정간호학회 2002 가정간호학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        This study was conducted to assess need for education on the infection control by examining the knowledge on infection control in home care of the home care trainees who had completed an infection control course. Using 64 items questionnaire. home care trainees of eight home care education institutions who took classes related with infection control. The level of knowledge evaluated subjectively was 4.24point (full mark: 5 point). The correct answer rates for handwashing and gloving. cleaning patients' rooms. preventing sharp injury, preventing exposure to potential infectious agents, home care bag technique were 84.5% 86.4% 70.7% 65.3% 76.2% representatively. For the knowledge on the infection control principles to prevent catheter related infection, indwelling catheter related infection, tracheal tube related pneumonia. L-tube related infection, oxygen therapy related infection. and wound infection were 62.8% 27.8% 39.1% 87.8% 76.5% 80.5% representatively. The correct answer rates varied depending upon the educational institutes (p< = .0001), educational levels (p= .001), workplaces (p<.0001), and the experience of infection control education (p= .001). Considering these results. a standardized curriculum must be developed and implemented after analyzing the existing infection control curricula of the home care education institutes. and guide books for infection control in home care should be developed and distributed. In addition. continuous infection control education be provided to the home care nurses through reeducation so they can acquire new knowledge needed for carrying out infection control activities effectively.

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