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      • KCI등재

        패션 컬렉션에 나타난 헤어스타일의 레트로 경향 분석 및 디자인 개발

        정선주 ( Sun Ju Jung ),이미숙 ( Mi Sook Lee ) 한국미용학회 2007 한국미용학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the retro trends of hair styles appearing in fashion collections and suggest a new viewpoint in hair style design by grafting Art Deco style into hair style. Based on these findings, the retro trends of hair style appearing collections from S / S in 1990 to F / W in 2005 was analyzed. Based on this theoretical study, retro-trend hair styles were developed. Finally three hair styles which reflected the Art-Deco style were designed on the basis 2006`s S / S fashion trend. A design concept was ``Digital Flapper`` which represented 1920s` flapper as a modern sense. The first design was intended to express a haughty and bouncing image in the city using an elegant concentric circle and primary colors. The second design was a rhythmical 1920s bobbed style which two half-circles were expressed in the forehead like a picture with the harmony of lack, red, blue, and silver. The third design expressed the exceptional oblique forehead and terraced hem line. On the upper head, image of tight Cloche of the 1920s was shaped. It was found in the development of hair styles that patterns or geometric motive appearing the Art-Deco style are the source of rich design.

      • KCI등재

        한국 여성과 결혼한 외국 남성들의 ‘결혼 과정과 결혼 생활’에 대한 현상학적 연구: 경기도 지역 이주노동자 남성 결혼이민자를 중심으로

        정선주(Jung, Sun-Joo) 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2023 아시아여성연구 Vol.62 No.3

        This study phenomenologically examines the lived experiences of marriage migrant men (MMM) within the context of their marriage journey and domestic life in South Korea. Focused on foreign men who migrated as laborers and subsequently married Korean women, the research investigates the path to marriage and the ensuing marital experiences within the Korean cultural milieu. Based on a purposeful sampling method, eight participants, recommended and assisted by multicultural NGOs in Gyeonggi Province and communities of Korean women married to foreign men, were selected for their relevance and representativeness. Colaizzis analysis method revealed several thematic dimensions: initial encounters within shared spaces, the persistent scrutiny encountered from the dating phase, inquiries regarding underlying motivations for the marital union, the arduous acceptance of marriage even within their home country, the consistent lack of hospitality within the in-laws domain, the complexities despite legal settlement in Korea, and societal perceptions and preconceptions associated with being a Korean wife. This study clarifies the challenges and societal biases faced by MMM within the multicultural framework in Korea, and emphasizes the incorporation process based on ethnicity and societal attitudes toward migrant laborers.

      • KCI등재

        EBS <다문화고부열전>에 출연한 결혼이주여성의 특징: 인구 사회학적 특징을 중심으로

        정선주(Jung, Sun-Joo) 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2020 아시아여성연구 Vol.59 No.2

        본 연구는 EBS <다문화고부열전>에 출연한 결혼이주여성들의 특징을 살펴본 연구이다. 1회부터 300회까지 방송을 분석 대상으로 하여 출연한 결혼이주여성들의 국적・거주 지역, 나이, 한국어 정도, 맞벌이・직업, 남편의 직업, 개명, 분가・합가 등을 살펴보았다. 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫 번째, 베트남, 필리핀, 캄보디아 출신 순으로 결혼이주여성들이 많이 출연했으며(전체 출연 분량의 74.4%를 차지) 방송 초기에는 농촌 지역 거주자들에게 편향되어 있었다. 두 번째, 출연 결혼이주여성의 평균 나이는 32세, 남편은 43.7세, 시어머니는 71세로 한국 부부의 평균 나이 차이보다 4배 이상 많다. 세 번째, 출연 결혼이주여성들의 한국어 능력은 상 그룹 4.5%, 중 그룹 75.3%, 하 그룹 20%에 해당했으며 한국어 능력은 결혼 연차가 아니라 모국에서의 교육 수준과 관련이 있어 보였다. 네 번째, 출연 결혼이주여성들 48%가 주로 단순노무직, 영세자영업, 부업・일용직, 농어업에 집중되어 맞벌이를 하고 있었다. 다섯 번째, 프로그램 후반부로 갈수록 한국 이름으로 개명을 한 출연자들이 많았다. 이는 한국 행정 시스템 등의 이용 불편함과 다중 시설에서의 호명으로 인한 부담스러운 집중과 더불어 자녀들의 학교생활을 위한 측면으로 볼 수 있다. 여섯 번째, 출연 결혼이주여성 남편의 직종은 농축수산업 26.3%, 자영업 15.9%, 단순 노무직 13.1%, 기능종사자 12.5%로 나타났다. 전문직과 사무직의 비율이 상대적으로 낮으며 육체노동 직종의 비율이 높았다. 일곱 번째, 출연 가정의 시부모와의 합가율이 무려 60.3%로 나타났다. 이는 한국 전체 통계에 비해 12배나 높은 수치로 고부 갈등을 일으킬 여지가 많은 부분에 잠재되어 있는 것으로 볼 수 있다. This study examined the characteristics of married migrant women who appeared in the first to 300 episodes of EBS" “Stories of Multicultural Mother and Daughter-in-Law”—focusing on their nationality, residence, age, Korean degree, dual income and occupation, husband"s occupation, name changes, and family forms. This study revealed that many married migrant women were from Vietnam, the Philippines, and Cambodia (accounting for 74.4% total), and in the early days of broadcasting, rural residents mainly appeared. Second, the average married immigrant woman was 32 years old, her husband was 43.7 years old, and her mother-in-law was 71 years old —more than four times the difference of the average age of Korean couples. Third, married migrant women’s Korean language level was 4.5% in the upper group, 75.3% in the middle group, and 20% in the lower group, and their Korean language skills were seemingly related to their home country’s education level, not the marriage year in Korea. Fourth, 48% of the married migrant women who worked with their significant other concentrated on simple labor, small businesses, parttime or daily jobs, farming, and fishing. Fifth, more and more cast members changed their names to Korean names as the program continued—possibly due to their children"s school life, the inconvenience of using the Korean administrative system, and the concentration of calls from multiple facilities. Sixth, their husbands’ jobs mainly included agriculture, livestock, or fisheries(26.3%), self-employment(15.9%), simple work(13.1%), and skilled work(12.5% ). The ratio of professional and office workers was relatively low while that of manual labor jobs was high. Seventh, 60.3% of the cast lived with their in-laws. This is 12 times higher than the overall statistics in Korea, likely because there is much potential for conflicts between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law.

      • KCI등재

        다문화가정의 고부갈등 양상: EBS 〈다문화고부열전〉에 나타난 고부갈등을 중심으로

        정선주(Jung, Sun-Joo) 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2020 다문화사회연구 Vol.13 No.3

        본 연구는 다문화가정의 고부갈등 양상을 알아보기 위해 EBS 〈다문화고부열전〉의 300회 가량의 분량을 방송을 분석했다. 다문화가정 고부갈등을 다룬 선행연구가 한정된 참여자들을 대상으로 하는 질적연구가 주를 이루고 있기에 본 연구는 〈다문화고부열전〉 300회 가량의 방송 내용에 나타난 다양한 국적 과 연령, 결혼 형태의 다문화가정 고부갈등을 살펴보았다는 점에서 그 의의를 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 〈다문화고부열전〉에 나타난 갈등은 시어머니의 갈등, 며느리의 갈등, 새롭게 등장하는 갈등으로 나눌 수 있다. 대표적 시어머니의 갈등은 역할 기대, 며느리 눈치 보기, 도주 불안, 독박 살림 & 황혼 육아, 헤프게 쓰는 돈, 애타게 기다리는 출산 등이 있었으며 며느리의 대표적 갈등은 시어머니의 방식대로, 이젠 한국 사람처럼, 못 미더움, 일상적인 소비가 낭비라니, 세상에서 제일 큰 목소리, 눈치 보는 친정집 송금 등이 있었다. 그리고 결혼 이주의 역사가 20여 년이 도어가면서 새롭게 등장하는 갈등도 있었다. 프로그램 초기보다는 중·후반에 더 많은 빈도로 나타나기 시작했으며 기존의 선행연구에서 드러나지 않는 고부갈등 및 가족갈등이기도 했다. 사돈 문제, 며느리 취업 문제, 재혼가정의 전처·전 남편 아이들 교육 및 입양 문제, 며느리의 핸드폰 과몰입, 가장 역할 며느리에 대한 부담, 고부갈등에 낀 남편 등이 이에 해당한다. This study analyzed about approximately 300 episodes of EBS’s EBS 〈“Stories of Multicultural Mothers- and Daughters-in-Law”〉 to find out determine what causes various the types of high-intensity conflicts between mothers-and daughters-in-law in multicultural families and their causes. Most Since the prior studies dealing of with the conflicts of in multicultural families have been are mainly qualitative and had small sample sizes studies targeting limited participants, limiting the applicability of their findings. However, this featured study is the high quality of multicultural families composed of people of with various nationalities, ages, marriage form shown in featured in approximately about 300 episodes of 〈“Stories of Multicultural Mothers- and Daughters-in-Law〉.” The conflicts shown featured in 〈Stories of Multicultural Mothers- and Daughters-in-Law〉are can be divided into conflicts between mothers-in-law, daughters-in-law, and new conflicts. The representative conflicts from the perspectives of the mothers-in-law’s arose from conflicts included role expectations, not being able trying to understand the thought processes of their read daughters-in-law’s mind or face, anxiety on the run, single homemaking housekeeping & and providing elder twilight care alone, overspending and daughter-in-law pregnancy while the representative conflicts from the perspectives of daughters-in-law’s representative conflicts included arose from forced compliance with their mother-in-law’s methods preference, one-sided assimilation, distrust of daughters-in-law, over-consumption problems, the volume of their mother-in-law’s loud voice, and remittances to daughter-in-law’s home. And as the history of marriage migration is over has been around for more than 20 years old, but there has been a new conflicts have arisen. These conflicts began to appeared with increasing frequency more frequently in the middle and during the latter half of the program’s run than in the early part of the program, and were more intense it was also a high-flying and family conflict that than those examined was not revealed in previous prior studies. These problems include problems those between in-laws, the daughter-in-law’s employment, education, and adoption of the ex-wife and ex-husband’s children from previous of second marriage families, overuse of her cell phone, the burden placed on of a daughters-in-law as the heads of the household and the husband’s stress between mother and wife’s conflict.

      • KCI등재

        치과 임상실습에서의 장갑의 미생물 오염 차단 효과

        정선주 ( Sun Ju Jeong ),김정인 ( Jung In Kim ),김지연 ( Ji Yeon Kim ),반세희 ( Se Hee Ban ),엄지영 ( Ji Young Um ),문진 ( Moon Jin Jeong ),임도선 ( Do Seon Lim ), ( Soon Jeong Jeong ) 한국치위생과학회 2014 치위생과학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        We conducted a study to access the effectiveness of glove and washing hands for the prevention of microbial contamination during the dental clinical practice. Microbial numbers at unwashed hands and gloves were 9.938×103 (CFU)/ml, those at washed with soap were 9.44×103 CFU/ml And those at washed with a typical liquid soap including disinfectant, Dettol (Reckitt Benckiser, Slough, SL1 3UH, UK) were 6.58×102 CFU/ml. In case of unwashed hand and hand washing with soap had similar microbial numbers and in case of hand washing with Dettol showed a rapid decrease of microbial number. Hand washing with Dettol was effective to prevent microbial contamination than hand washing with soap. Also microbial numbers in all case wearing gloves decreased. It showed effectiveness of gloves for prevention of microbial contamination. In addition to microbial numbers showed a tendency to increase from 3 hours on wearing gloves, the change of new gloves after 3 hours on wearing is necessary to minimize the danger of microbial contamination.

      • KCI등재

        재한 조선족 자영업자의 한국 정착과 창업에 관한 현상학적 연구: 경기도 부천시 사례를 중심으로

        정선주(Sun Joo Jung) 대구대학교 다문화사회정책연구소 2021 현대사회와 다문화 Vol.11 No.4

        본 연구는 서울의 남서부지역을 벗어나 새롭게 형성되고 있는 경기도 부천시 중동역, 부천역 주위의 조선족 자영업자들의 한국 정착 과정과 창업 과정에 대한 연구이다. 기존의 조선족 연구와는 달리 조선족 자영업자들의 정착과 창업 과정에 대한 현상학적 질적 연구라는 점에서 좀 더 미시적으로 그들의 경험 공통분모를 찾아내는 연구이다. 이주노동자의 한 부류로 분류되던 조선족들은 2004년 재외 동포법의 개정으로 높아진 법적 지위와 축적된 자본으로 한국 사회에서 정주하는 경향을 보이고 있으며 이런 조선족 사회의 변화는 조선족 자영업자, 사업가 등을 양산하고 있다. 부천시 조선족 밀집지역에서 장사를 하고 있는 30~60대의 조선족 6명을 대상으로 한 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 부천시에서 정착을 하고 창업을 한 본 연구의 참여자들은 한국에서의 더 안정적인 정착을 위해 무리를 해서 자신의 가게를 시작했다. 특별히 부천시를 골라서 창업의 한 것이 아닌, 자신이 한국에서 맨 처음 정착한 곳이거나 연고가 있었던 곳이 부천시였기 때문에 자연스럽게 부천시에서 창업을 하였다. 이는 부천시가 참여자들에게 익숙한 지역인 곳이기도 하지만 이미 많은 조선족 상인들의 인프라가 자리를 잡아 장사를 하기에 전혀 불편함이 없고, 이런 인프라가 더 많은 부천시의 조선족들을 창업으로 이끌게 하는 요인이 되고 있었다. This study focuses on the Korean settlement process and start-up process of Joseonjok self-employed people in Bucheon City, Gyeonggi-do, which are newly formed outside the southwestern part of Seoul. Joseonjok, classified as a class of migrant workers, tend to settle in Korean society with increased legal status and accumulated capital due to the revision of the Overseas Koreans Act in 2004. The results of this study on 6 Joseonjok people in their 30s and 60s who are doing business at Joseonjok Enclave in Bucheon City are as follows. Participants in this study started their own store in a hurry to settle down in Korea more stable. In particular, they did not choose Bucheon City to start a business, but Bucheon City was the place where they first settled or had related to in Korea they naturally started their business there. Although this is an area familiar to the participants, the infrastructure of many Korean-Chinese merchants has already settled down and there seems to be no inconvenience in doing business, and this infrastructure is a factor that leads more Korean-Chinese in Bucheon City to start a business.

      • KCI등재

        Glutamine Residue at 276 of smooth muscle α-tropomyosin is primarily responsible for higher actin affinity

        정선주,조영준,Jung, Sun-Ju,Cho, Young-Joon Korean Society of Life Science 2007 생명과학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        평활근 ${\alpha}$-트로포마이오신의 높은 액틴 친화력은 아미노산 잔기 Gln276 및 Thr277에 기인한다는 이전 보고에 따라, 2 잔기 중 어느 잔기가 액틴 친화력에 더 중요한 가를 알아보기 위하여 골격근 트로포마이오신의 His 혹은 Ala 단일 잔기를 각각 Gln 혹은 Thr으로 치환한 돌연변이 트로포마이오신을 제작하여 대장균에서 대량발현 시킨 후 정제하여 액틴 결합력을 측정하였다. 비록 비아세틸화된 트로포마이오신의 경우 Gln 및 Thr 잔기가 최고 액틴친화력을 위해 모두 필요하나, 돌연변이 트로포마이신 중 Gln 잔기를 가진 돌연변이 트로포마이오신들이 다른 돌연변이 트로포마이오신들에 비하여 3에서 4배 높은 액틴친화력을 보였다. 이러한 결과는 평활근 ${\alpha}$-트로포마이오신의 높은 액틴 친화력은 Thr277 잔기보다 Gln276 잔기에 주로 기인한다는 것을 의미한다. Previous reports indicated that the carboxyl terminal residues, glutamine276-threonine277 in particular, were important for actin affinity of the unacetylated smooth ${\alpha}-tropomyosin$. To determine the role of the glutamine and threonine residues in C-terminal region in actin binding, we constructed mutant striated muscle ${\alpha}-tropomyosin$ (TMs), in which these two residues were individually substituted. These mutant tropomyosins, designated TM18 (HT) and TM19 (QA), were overexpressed in E. coli as an either unacetylated form or Ala-Ser. (AS) dipeptide fusion form, and were analyzed F-actin affinity by cosedimentation. Unacetylated TM19 (QA) bound to actin approximately three times stronger than TM18 (HT) and much stronger than ST (HA). AS/TM19 (QA) showed four times stronger, in actin affinity than AS/ST (HA) while AS/TM14 (QT) bound to actin stronger to some extent than AS/TM18 (HT). These results suggested that the presence of Gln residue at 276 be primarily attributed to higher actin affinity of smooth ${\alpha}-tropomyosin$.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전도성 폴리아닐린을 이용한 유기박막 투명전극의 제조 및 특성

        선주,이의진,윤종진,명조,이석현,이상호,차은희,이재관,Oh, Sun-Joo,Lee, Ue-Jin,Yoon, Jong-Jin,Jung, Myung-Jo,Lee, Suck-Hyun,Lee, Sang-Ho,Cha, E.H.,Lee, Jae-Kwan 한국전기화학회 2010 한국전기화학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        전도성 폴리아닐린을 합성하여 용액 공정을 적용한 유기박막 투명전극을 제조, 그 특성을 조사하였다. 용액에 분산된 폴리아닐린을 스핀코팅하여 얻어진 박막 전극은 200 nm의 두께에서 $380{\Omega}/m^2$ 의 면저항을 보였고, 450 nm 이상의 파장에서 85% 이상의 균일한 광투과성을 나타내었다. 전극의 $130^{\circ}C$이상의 온도변화에서는 비교적 높은 저항변화율이 관찰되었다. The highly conductive polyaniline was synthesized and investigated on the properties of its thin film electrode fabricated by solution process. The transmittance and sheet resistance of the polyaniline thin film of 200 nm thickness were observed in 85% in absorption range above 450 nm and $380P{\Omega}/{\Box}$, respectively. The sheet resistance of the polyaniline was largely varied above $130^{\circ}C$ annealing temperature.

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