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        다산(茶山) 『비어고(備禦考)』의 행방

        정민 ( Jung Min ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2017 大東文化硏究 Vol.100 No.-

        다산의 『備禦考』는 1822년에 쓴 「자찬묘지명」에서 10책 30권 분량이라고 밝혔으나, 이후 종적 없이 사라진 국방 관련 주요 저술이다. 본고는 사라진 『비어고』를 아 원래의 형태를 복원하려는 시도다. 1974년 『여유당전서보유』에 『비어고』의 편으로 보이는 일부 자료들이 집록되었지만 다산의 초기 구상에 비추어 보면 턱없이 부족한 일부분에 지나지 않았다. 현재 『비어고』의 바탕이 되는 자료에 이중협이 엮은 규장각본 『비어고』 10책과, 정주응이 편집자로 표기된 국민대도서관본 『미산총서』 8책, 국립중앙도서관본 『미산총서』 6책이 있다. 필자는 이 3종의 자료집이 실제로는 다산 정약용과 그의 제자들에 의해 정리된 다산 『비어고』의 원본 자료에 해당함을 확인하였다. 이중협과 정주응은 다산의 벗 또는 제자였고, 둘 다 무관 출신이었다. 이중협은 강진 시절 다산과 3년 가량 가깝게 왕래했으나, 이같은 기획을 직접 감당할만한 역량을 갖춘 인물은 아니었다. 실제 내용 또한 다산이 직접 정리한 것이 대부분이다. 정주응은 다산이 해배되어 돌아간 이후에 만나 가르친 제자이다. 하지만 『미산총서』 속에 들어있는 내용은 강진 시절에 다산과 제자 이정과 이강회 등에 의해 진행된 내용이 다수 포함되어 있다. 이 저술들이 다산이 아닌 다른 사람의 이름으로 정리된 것은 이 책이 다루는 내용이 국방에 관련된 예민한 정보를 취급하고 있는 사정과 무관치 않다. 당시 다산은 유배 죄인의 신분이어서 공연한 공격의 빌미를 제공할 수 있었기 때문에 자신의 이름을 감춘 것이다. 실제로 다산이 아들에게 보낸 편지에서 구상한 당초의 기획은 이 3종서의 목차 분석을 통해 거의 대부분 실현되고 있음이 확인된다. 규장각본 『비어고』가 일본을 주 대상으로 삼았고, 양종의 『미산총서』는 청나라를 염두에 두었다. 여기에 더해 선현들의 각종 군사 관련 저술을 망라하고, 전쟁사를 정리해 한질의 방대한 저술을 기획하였다. 하지만 초기 구상과 달리 수록 자료의 양이 기하급수적으로 늘어난데다, 안설을 달지 못한 상태에서 다산이 건강을 잃으면서 이 야심찬 기획은 결국 완성을 보지 못했다. 이후 이 책들이 이름을 빌려준 이중협과 정주응의 저술로 오인되면서 이제껏 다산의 『비어고』는 실체 없이 제목만 알려져 왔다. 본고의 정리를 통해 다산 『비어고』의 실체가 보다 분명해졌다. Dasan's "Bieo-go(備禦考)" is a major defense-related work that has been said to be 30 volumes of 10 books in 1822 at the inscription made by Dasan himself. This is an attempt to restore the original form by searching for the missing "Bieo-go". In 1974, Some materials that seemed to be the remnants of "Bieo-go" were collected in the "Yeoyudangjeonseo-boyu(與猶堂全書補遺)", but it was only a shortage in the light of the early conception of Dasan. There are currently ten books "Bieo-go"on Kyujangak, which was edited by Li-Junghyub, and eight books of the Kookmin University Library, which are written by Jung-Jueung as an editor, and six books by the National Library of Korea by same one. I have confirmed that these three kinds of materials actually correspond to the original data of Dasan "Bieo-go", which is summarized by Dasan Jeong-Yakyong and his disciples. Li-Junghyub and Jung-Jueung were a friend or disciple of Dasan, both of whom were military officer. Li-Junghyub were close to Dasan for about three years staying in Kangjin, but He did not have the capacity to directly manage the project. Most of the actual contents are also collected by Dasan and his disciples. Jung-Jueung is a disciple who had met and taught after Dasan's return to seoul. However, the contents in the "Mysan Edition" contain many contents that were carried out by Dasan and his disciples Li-Jung and Li-Kanghoi in Kangjin. It is not unrelated to the fact that the contents of this book deal with sensitive information related to national defense. At that time, Dasan was a member of the exile, so he was able to hide his name because he was able to provide an attack for the performance. In fact, it is confirmed that the original project conceived in the letter sent to Dasan's son is mostly realized through analysis of table of contents of these three books. "Bieo-go" in Kyujangkak was the main subject of Japan, while the two "Misan Edition" had focused on the Qing Dynasty. In addition to this, he encompassed various military related works by elder and organized a vast work which he put together the war history. However, unlike the initial design, the amount of data increased exponentially, and because Dasan lost his health in the absence of commentary, this ambitious project eventually did not see completion. Since then, these books have been misunderstood as a creation of Li-Junghyub and Jung-Jueong, who lent his name. Through the theorem of this article, the reality of Dasan "Bieo-go" became clearer.

      • KCI등재

        한일간 `위안부` 합의의 법적 쟁점과 개선과제

        정민정 ( Chung Min-jung ) 한국경찰법학회 2017 경찰법연구 Vol.15 No.1

        Up to 200,000 “comfort women” from the Republic of Korea(hereinafter referred to as “Korea”) and other parts of East Asia were forced into Imperial Japan`s military prostitution from the 1930s to the end of the World War Ⅱ. The Korean Government concluded a political arrangement on the “comfort women” reparation with Japanese Government in December 28, 2015. Two governments created novel legal framework for funds compensation based on Japanese legal or moral responsibility, the nature of which has remained unclear and ambiguous in the text. The Japanese Government acknowledged responsibility for “comfort women” and Prime Minister Abe expressed anew his most sincere apologies and remorse to the victims in his official capacity. Japan pledged to contribute from its budget 1 billion yen, which will be used by the Korean Government to create a foundation to support the survivors. In return, the Korean Government agreed that the issue was resolved finally and irreversibly, which was expected to upset individual judicial remedy. Apart from the failure to admit legal responsibility, the arrangement is silent about response to “comfort women” denial by Japanese prominent officials. But perhaps the greatest defect of the arrangement was indeed its finality and irreversibility devoid of weighing in on the side of the “comfort women.” In this Article, I focus on the effect of the “comfort women” arrangement on individual judicial remedy. The arrangement might suppress individual judicial claims for compensation. It is not difficult to expect that the Japanese court will continue to rely on the arrangement as well as post-war treaties and other technical grounds to avoid ordering compensation.

      • KCI등재

        1994년 르완다 대규모 제노사이드 관련 피해자학(被害者學)의 응용(應用) -형사처벌에 의한 정의 대(對) 회복적,공동체적 정의-

        정민정 ( Min Chung Jung ) 한국경찰법학회 2008 경찰법연구 Vol.6 No.1

        In searching for a methodology to resolve the vast number of genocide cases in the year of 1994 pending disposition, Rwanda has adopted a program called Gacaca, based on Rwanda`s traditional customary dispute resolution system. Gacaca is one of the processes that Rwanda is utilizing to respond to the immediate need to move forward with genocide prosecutions, as well as deal with the long-term psychological need for national reconciliation and unity. Gacaca reinforces, but is not intended to replace, the formal justice system such as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and domestic criminal courts. As a system rooted in Rwanda`s traditions, Gacaca takes advantage of Rwandan cultural characteristics and capitalizes on a historical unity of the collective Rwandan experience. Gacaca also gives the Rwandan people an opportunity to take part in shaping their own country, and is restorative in facilitating community reintegration process that is seen as necessary in addressing the fundamental causes of the genocide. Gacaca is also an experiment in utilizing traditional or customary justice processes to address vast peace and reconciliation issues. Gacaca is an important experiment in the field of human rights, as Rwandan citizens make a proactive attempt to build a better future for the country through healing the conflict which was one of the largest human rights catastrophes in the world history. Therefore, Gacaca system will give us a key in dealing with the aftermath of both Korea`s human rights disaster in the past (such as Geochang Occurrence, Nogun-ri Occurrence and 5.18 Pro-democracy Fighting) and two Koreas` unification in the future.

      • KCI등재

        임플란트 주위 치간유두의 보존 및 재건술

        정민구 ( Min Gu Jung ),유상준 ( Sang Joun Yu ) 조선대학교 구강생물학연구소 2012 Oral Biology Research (Oral Biol Res) Vol.36 No.1

        Currently, with increased esthetic demands, implantologists must establish a harmonious gingival contour and an intact papilla. Height and contour of peri-implant papilla are infl uenced by a position of the implant, an osseous support, a volume of gingival embrasure, and a biotype of interdental gingiva. Various hard and soft tissue surgical techniques for preservation and reconstruction of papilla have been introduced. Preservation and reconstruction of alveolar bone under an area of interdental papilla is the foundation for the presence of papilla by socket preservation, guided bone regeneration. Soft tissue grafting can be used to enhance esthetic outcomes. For preservation and reconstruction of peri-implant papilla, a multidisciplinary approach involving both the restorative dentist and surgeon should be followed.

      • KCI등재
      • 광대역통합망에서 다양한 단말환경에 대한 효과적인 NVOD 서비스

        정민성 ( Min-sung Jung ),박호현 ( Ho-hyun Park ) 한국정보처리학회 2005 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.12 No.2

        최근 네트워크 환경은 광대역화 되고 있고, VOD 서비스를 제공받는 사용자의 단말기들은 용도나 취향에 따라 다양화 되고 있다. 기존의 NVOD 서비스들은 단말기에 일정 저장 공간을 요구하거나 단말기의 네트워크 전송률은 고려하지 않았다. 본 논문에서는 광대역통합망에서 다양한 단말기의 저장 공간과 네트워크 전송률에 따라 적응가능한 NVOD 서비스방법을 제안한다. 따라서 제안된 방법을 이용해서 필요에 따라 다양한 환경의 단말기를 개발할 수 있고, 모든 단말환경에 적용할 수 있기 때문에 활용도가 매우 높을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        스마트폰과 고니오메타를 이용한 어깨관절의 안쪽돌림과 바깥돌림의 신뢰도와 타당도

        정민기 ( Min-gi Jung ),임나영 ( Na-young Im ),최유리 ( Yu-ri Choi ),황현지 ( Hyun-ji Hwang ),조아영 ( A-young Cho ),추연기 ( Yeon-gi Choo ),오태영 ( Tae-young Oh ) 대한신경치료학회 2016 신경치료 Vol.20 No.2

        Purpose This research was performed to inquire the reliability and validity of internal rotation and external rotation of shoulder joint using smart phone and goniometer to healthy subjects. Methods Universal goniometer and two android application, hysical tools YMED ROM and goniometer developed by Nagomi.aqu was used to collect the data from 30 healthy subjects in age of 20s, 15 male and 15 female, from S University in Busan, Republic of Korea. As a procedure, all subjects were properly stretched before the experiment. The active internal and external rotation of right arm of each subject were measured and 3 raters measured each subject 5 times with 3 different tools, overall 15 times for each subject. And each rater were blindfolded to conceal the results from other raters. SPSS 20.0 software were used to process all statistics, and intraclass correlation coeffienct (2.k) model were used to calculate the reliability and pearson correlation coefficient validity were used to calculate the validity. Results As the result, intrarater reliability of 3 raters showed high reliability (ICC>0.9). Interrater reliability showed high reliability in all measurement (ICC>0.9), validity of measuring tools showed very high correlation in both active internal and external rotation of shoulder joint. Conclusion This research showed the value measured with goniometer application using gyroscope of smartphone is reliable. Peculiarly, the value of both reliability and validity of external rotation was higher than that of internal rotation

      • KCI등재

        종합사회복지관에서 노인과 유아의 교류 증진을 위한 지원 방향 및 공간 계획 요소

        정민모(Jung, Min-Mo),정서인(Jung, Seo-In),서지은(Seo, Ji-Eun) 한국실내디자인학회 2018 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.27 No.2

        The purpose of the study is to present the social welfare center planning factors of space for promoting intergenerational exchanges between the elderly and children. To achieve the purpose, the study conducted a survey of professionals on the importance of planning factors. The results are as follows. First, it is surveyed that less high are Korean social welfare center planning and availability extents of space for intergenerational exchanges, while less no profound are the necessity and concern of such spaces. The result suggests that social welfare centers need a concrete planning of space for intergenerational exchanges. Second, it is identified that in order to promote intergenerational exchanges, there need to plan planning factors of each space, especially with focus on "outdoor space" and "specific space." Third, it is revealed that regarding the importance of factors of "specific space," physical supports account for the high rates; architectural factors providing free space contribute to the supports of physical development; and decorative factors giving visual effects could be helpful for behaviors. Fourth, it is unveiled that the supports of physical behaviors are of the most importance in "connecting space". This would be planned as a path that gives a free access in spaces, with attention being paid to safety. Lastly, it is shown that in the case of "outdoor space," the supports of physical development are of the most importance. Given the fact that "outdoor space" offers a wider scope of activities, and accommodates various available elements in connection with surrounding environments, it is considered that the space would be of help for intergenerational interactions. The study is expected to be utilized as the preliminary data which proposes the social welfare center planning factors of space for promoting intergenerational exchanges between the elderly and children.

      • KCI등재

        태권도와 하지근력 운동이 전노쇠 고령여성들의 신체기능과 하지근력 및 보행기능에 미치는 영향

        정민기(Jeong, Min-Ki),정현훈(Jung, Hyun-Hun),류제광(Ryu, Je-Kwang) 한국체육과학회 2019 한국체육과학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Taekwondo and lower limb muscle strength exercise on physical function, lower limb muscle strength and gait function in pre-frailty women. The Taekwondo and lower limb muscle strength exercise consisted of program 90min/session, 3 days each per week for 12 weeks. The results were as follows. First, in body composition and blood pressure, waist circumference(p=.026), hip circumference(p=.000), Muscle mass(p=.000), Lean body mass(p=.000) and Systolic blood pressure(p=.013) had a statistically significant. Second, physical function and lower limb muscle strength, standing balance(p=.000), gait speed(p=.008), five chair standing time(p=.018), SPPB(p=.000), TUG(p=.002) and lower limb muscle strength(p=.005) had a statistically significant. Third, gait function, cadence(p=.003) and gait speed(p=.003) had a statistically significant. In conclusion, these findings suggest that Taekwondo and lower limb muscle strength exercise may represent an effective intervention strategy for body composition and physical function and gait function in pre-frailty elderly women.

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