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        Atractylis속(국화과)의 화분형태

        정규영(Gyu-Young Chung),정형진(Hyung-Jin Jeong),김미숙(Mi-Suk Kim),윤창영(Chang-Young Yoon) 한국자원식물학회 2003 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구에서는 Atractylodes속과 혼용되는 Atractylis속 6분류군의 화분을 광학현미경과 주사전자현미경으로 관찰하였다 본 속의 화분은 단립(monad)으로, 극축의 길이는 46.5-66.7㎛, 적도면의 나비는 43.6-60.47㎛이 었다. 발아구는 3공구형 (tri-colporate)으로서 , 구구(colpus)의 길이는 19.6-29.1 ㎛, 나비는 7.3-11.0㎛이 었고, 공구의 직경 은 6.4-10.6㎛ 이었다. 화분벽은 외표벽 (ektexine)은 기저층(foot layer)과 원주층(columellae), 피복층(tectum)으로 구성되고, 두에는 5.2-8.3㎛이었다. 화분의 표면 돌기는 자상(echinate)으로서 길이가 1.4-5.8㎛이었으며, 단위면적당(No./20㎛²) 분포는 6-33개 이었다 본 연구에서 취급된 분류군들의 화분, 특히 Atractylis arabica, A. aristata, A. carduus, A. microcephala의 화분형 태는 Atractylodes속의 화분과 매우 유사하였으며, 따라서 화분에 관련된 형질은 두 속을 구분하는 식별형질로 적용할 수 없었다. 그러나 화분에 관련된 형질이 Atractylodes속에서는 화분의 크기만이 속내 분류군간의 식별형질로서 기여도가 적은 반면, Atractylis속에서는 화분의 크기뿐만 아니라 형태 및 표면무늬와 자상돌기의 크기 등에 있어서 분류군간 의 식별형질로서 적용되어 분류학적 기여도가 다소 큰 것으로 판단된다. 또한 본 연구에서 취급된 분류군 중 A. cancellata와 A. prolifera는 나머지 분류군들과 달리 자상돌기가 작고 적도면상이 긴 특징은 본속의 화분의 진화경 향성을 파악하는데 매우 유용하였다. Pollens of six taxa in the genus Atractytis L. confused with Atractylodes DC. were investigated by the light and the scanning electron microscope. Pollen grains of six taxa in this genus were monads, 46.5-66.7㎛ in length of polar axis, 43.6-60.47㎛ in equatorial width. Aperture was tri-colporate, 19.6-29.1 ㎛ in colpus length,7.3-11.0㎛ in colpus width and 6.4-10.6㎛ in porus diameter. The exine was composed of three layers(foot layer, columellne, tectum), and 5.2-8.3 ㎛ in thickness. The surface sculpturing pattern was echinate, the spines were 1.4-5.8㎛ in length and 6-33 per 20㎛² in distribution numbers over the surface. Atractylis L. was not distinguished from Atractylodes DC. by pollen morphology, especially the pollens of Atractylis arabica, A. aristata, A. carduus, A. microcephala were very similar to that of Atractylodes. But its taxonomic significance was different, the taxa of Atractylodes DC. were divided into 2 types by only pollen size, but the treated taxa in this study were divided into various types by pollen size, shape of equatorial view, surface sculpturing and spine size. The characteristics of spine size and shape of equatorial view in A. cancellata and A. prolifera were very useful for consideration of evolutionary trends in this genus.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        차광재배가 눈개승마(Aruncus dioicus var. kamtschaticus)의 성분 및 항산화 특성에 미치는 영향

        권정우(Jeong Woo Kwon),박재호(Jae-Ho Park),권기수(Ki Soo Kwon),김대섭(Dae Seup Kim),정진부(Jin Boo Jeong),이희경(Hee Kyung Lee),심영은(Young Eun Sim),김미숙(Mi Suk Kim),윤지용(Ji Young Youn),정규영(Gyu Young Jeong),정형진(Hyung Jin J 한국자원식물학회 2006 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        눈개승마의 총 엽록소, 총 카로테노이드 함량은 무차광에 비하여 차광율이 높을 수록 높았다. 지방산함량은 무차광 재배에 비하여 차광 재배 및 식용 가능시기간의 생육 후기에 감소되었다. 식용가능시기에서의 지방산 종류간의 함량은 oleic acid, palmitc acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid 순으로 높았으며, 무차광에 비하여 차광율이 높을 수록 낮았다. 특히 linoleic산의 함량은 타 지방산에 비하여 차광정도에 따른 함량의 감소율이 매우 높았다. 차광율 및 수확시기간의 휘발성 정유성분의 함량은 차광율이 높을 수록 증가하였고, 초기수확이 높았다. DPPH 소거활성은 6.64-14.49(IC50:㎍/㎖로 항산화 활성이 매우 높게 나타났고 차광정도가 높을 수록 낮았고, 조기 수확 할 수록 높았다. POD 및 SOD 활성은 식물체에 비하여 종자가 매우 낮았고, 무차광에 비하여 차광 재배 시에 증가하였다. POD활성은 식용가능시기의 생육 초기에 비하여 후기에 높았으나, SOD활성은 감소되었다. POD Isozyme band 수는 이식묘의 종자, 잎 및 줄기에서 각 각 6개의 밴드를 나타내었으나, 뿌리에는 없었다. SOD Isozyme band는 송자와 잎에 비하여 뿌리에서 뚜렷하였다. This study was conducted to determine chemical compounds and antioxidant in Aruncus dioicus. Further, effects of cultural practices such as the shading conditions on the general compounds, essential oils and antioxidants. The chemical compounds and antioxidant activity of edible extracts on the shading cultivation and harvesting time were measured by crude fiber, pigments, higher fatty acids, essential oils and DPPH free radical scavenging ability and activities of SOD and POD in edible shooting parts of Aruncus dioicus. The contents of crude fiber, total chlorophyll and total carotenoids in extracts of edible shooting by shading cultivation and later harvesting were higher than those of non-shading cultivation and early harvesting. Phenolic compounds such as benzoic acid were identified as the aromatic compounds in the edible extracts of Aruncus dioicus. The contents of azulene, benzaldehyde and linalool among those compounds on the cultivation conditions increased in shading cultivation. IC50 values of DPPH free radical scavenging activities were high from 6.644 to 14.499m㎍/㎖ in extracts of edible parts and those of edible shooting parts was high such as edible shooting cultivated by 60% shading, 30% shading and non-shading, respectively. The activity of POD and SOD in seeds was lower than that of edible shooting and that by shading cultivation was high in extracts cultivated by non-shading. POD activity of extracts on harvesting time was high in earlier harvesting but SOD activity was low. The numbers of isozyme pattern of POD and SOD in seedling showed 7 bands and 3 bands, respectively, especially, bands of POD and SOD in the first year-growing plant did not show and show a difference according to plant positions, respectively.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국산 박쥐나물속(국화과)의 외부형태와 체세포 염색체수에 의한 분류학적 연구

        정규영(Gyu Young Chung),남기흠(Gi-Hum Nam),박명순(Myung Soon Park),정형진(Hyung Jin Jeong) 한국자원식물학회 2006 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        The morphology and somatic chromosome numbers of Korean Parasenecio were investigated to estimate their taxonomic values. Some morphological characters, such as the length of whole plants, the numbers of cauline leaves, the shapes of leaf and petioles, the numbers of involucral bracts, floret numbers per head, presence of trichomes on the style, ratio between wide part and narrow part of floret and the size of achene were found to be a good characters for delimiting each taxa. Based upon these characters, six taxa, Parasenecio auriculala var. auriculata, P. auriculata var. kamtschatica, P. hastata subsp. orientalis, P. koraiensis, P. firmus, P. pseudotaimingasa, were recognized about their distribution in Korea, but 2 taxa, P. adenostyloides, P. auriculata var. matsumurana, were needed to be studied their taxonomic position and distribution in Korea. The somatic chromosome numbers of six taxa, P. adenostyloides, P. auriculata, P. auriculata var. kamtschatica, P. hastata subsp. orientalis, P. firmus, P. pseudotaimingasa were 2n=60 and those of P. firmus and P. pseudotaimingasa were reported first in this study. 한국산 박쥐나물속(Parasenecio)의 외부형태학적 형질 및 체세포 염색재수의 분류학적 가치를 평가하기 위하여 본 연구를 수행하였다. 외부형태학적 형질인 초장, 경생엽수, 잎의 모양, 엽병 형태, 총포편수, 소화 수, 암술대의 털 존재 유무, 소화의 가는 통부와 법은 통부의 비, 열매의 크기 등이 종을 식별하는 형질로 가치를 지니고 있었으며, 이러한 형질을 기초로 할 때, 귀박쥐나물(Parasenecio. auriculata var. auriculata), 나래 박쥐나물(P. auriculata var. kamtschatica), 민박쥐나물(P. hastata subsp. orientalis), 참나래박쥐(P. koraiensis), 병풍쌈(P. firmus), 어리병풍(P. pseudotaimingasa)의 6분류 군에 대한 국내의 분포를 확인할 수 있었으나, 게박쥐나물(P. adenastylodes)과 박쥐나물(P. auriculata var. matsumurana)의 분류학적 위치 및 국내 분포 여부에 대하여 추후 연구되어야 할 것으로 생각되었다. 게박쥐나물과 귀박쥐나물, 나래박쥐나물, 민박쥐나물, 병풍함과 어리평풍의 체세포 염색제수는 모두 2n=60이었으며, 이중 게박쥐나물과 귀박쥐나물, 나래박쥐나물, 민박쥐나물은 일본산과 중국산의 염색계수와 일치하였으며, 병풍쌈과 어리병풍의 체세포 염색체수는 본 연구에서 처음으로 밝혀졌다.

      • KCI등재

        신장 허혈 재관류 손상에 미치는 Ethyl Pyruvate의 효과

        정구용(Ku-Yong Chung),정규영(Gyu Young Jeong),안형준(Hyung Joon Ahn),주만기(Man Ki Ju),장혜경(Hye Kyung Chang),이우정(Woo Jung Lee),한평림(Pyung-Lim Han),김유선(Yu Seun Kim) 대한외과학회 2007 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.72 No.5

        Purpose: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) significantly contribute to ischemia-reperfusion injury, and are also associated with the gradual loss of renal function and renal failure following renal transplantation. Pyruvate is an endogenous antioxidant, but its use as a therapeutic agent for treating conditions mediated by oxidative stress is limited due to its poor stability in solution. However, ethyl pyruvate (EP), a soluble pyruvate derivative, has far greater stability than pyruvate; thus, may serve as a practical pyruvate precursor. Therefore, the ability of EP in the prevention of renal ischemia- reperfusion injury was assessed. Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats (n=54) were subjected to 40 minutes of renal warm ischemia. The animals were divided into three groups: the sham group without warm ischemia (n=18), the EP group (n=18, EP given before ischemia), and the ischemic control (n=18). The serum levels of creatinine and TNF-α were measured 1, 3 and 5 days after induction of ischemia. The expression of high mobility group box-1 (HMGB-1), a delayed inflammatory mediator, was also assessed by Western blot of renal specimens. Results: In the EP group, late improvements in the serum levels of creatinine and TNF-α were observed in comparison with the ischemic control. Based on this delayed effect, the expression of HMGB-1 was assessed in renal tissue. The HMGB-1 expression increased over time during the ischemia process, but EP suppressed this expression 3 and 5 days after renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Conclusion: These results have demonstrated, for the first time, that EP ameliorates renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. EP attenuates the renal ischemia-reperfusion injury, at least in part, by suppressing the expression of HMGB-1, a late mediator of delayed inflammation.

      • KCI등재

        생육시기 및 부위별 고추의 항산화력 및 항암 Lunasin peptide의 동정

        권기수,박재호,김대섭,정진부,심영은,김미숙,이희경,정규영,정형진,Kwon Ki Soo,Park Jae Ho,Kim Dae Seop,Jeong Jin Boo,Sim Young Eun,Kim Mi Suk,Lee Hee Kyung,Chung Gyu Young,Jeong Hyung Jin 한국생명과학회 2005 생명과학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        부위간의 DPPH free radical scavenging 활성은 과육은 종자 보다 높았고 생육시기간에는 후기가 초기에 비하여 높았고, Xanthine oxidase 억제활성은 종자와 과육에 비하여 매우 높았고 동정된 항 산화물은 대부분이 지방산 및 페놀성 화합물로, 과육 및 종자가 성숙 될수록 1-eicosanol, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid 등의 지방산 및 benzonitrile의 함량이 증가되었다. 시료 채취 시기간의 POD활성은 과육은 성숙중기에 높았으나, 종자는 성숙이 경과될수록 낮았다. SOD 활성은 과육은 생육이 경과할수록 증가하였으나, 종자는 성숙할수록 낮아졌다. 고추종자 단백질은 western blot에 의하여 lunasin이 동정되었고, 개화 후 5주부터 lunasin 생합성 되었다. 고추 종자내의 100nM lunasin 펩타이드는 종양유발 유전자가 전이된 $2\~12$ 세포의 콜로니 형성을 억제시켰으며, 결과적으로 고추 종자내에는 암 예방적 특성을 갖는 lunasin peptide가 존재한다. The non-enzymatic anti-oxidants and lunasin peptide from the extracts of the pepper were examined in order to utilize the discovery in natural products as cancer chemopreventive agents. The DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl) free radical scavenging activity on the fruit parts of the pepper was higher than that of the seed, but the difference was low. The Inhibition activity of xanthine/ xanthine oxidase in extracts of the seed was higher than that of the fruit and that of the seed on 20 days after flowering was the highest at the growing period. These were identified as fatty acids and phenolic compounds such as 1-eicosanol, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and benzonitrile. The contents of fatty acids and phenolic compounds increased according to the time passing at the growing period. Peroxidase (POD) activity of the fruit at middle stage was high than that of other growing stages and that of the seed was the highest at later growing period. Though superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in fruit were hish by passage of Slowing stage, the activity in seed was low. Lunasin was searched from seeds of the peppers by coomassie blue staining and western blot among them and we just found lunasin peptide from extracted protein of the pepper by western blot. In addition, we observed the contents of lunasin after flowering and confirmed to appear the lunasin at 35 days after flowering. We confirmed that lunasin is complex protein of maturing seeds. 100nM lunasin peptide in pepper showed inhibition effect on colony formation in $2\~12$ cells.

      • KCI등재

        선달산(경상북도 봉화군) 일대의 관속식물상

        안민우(Min Woo AN),정선(Seon Jeong),김재영(Jae Young Kim),조형준(Hyeong Jun Jo),허태임(Tae Im Heo),이혜정(Hye Jeong Lee),서을원(Eul Won Seo),정규영(Gyu Young Chung) 한국자원식물학회 2022 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        This study was investigated to elucidate the distribution of vascular plants and their usefulness of Seondalsan Mountain (1,236 m) in Bonghwa-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The surveys were carried out 20 times from April in 2014 to October in 2020. The vascular plants of Seondalsan Mountain was consisted a total of 638 taxa based on the voucher specimens; 96 families, 341 genera, 562 species, 18 subspecies, 53 varieties, 5 forms. 20 taxa of the Korean endemic plants were recorded and 1 taxa of Critically Endangered (CR), 3 taxa of Vulnerable (VU) and 9 taxa of Least Concern (LC), designated by Korean Forest Service as rare plants, were investigated in this region. Furthermore, Ⅴ, Ⅳ and Ⅲ degrees of floristic regional indicator plants, designated by the National Institute of Ecology, were included 1 taxa, 11 taxa and 28 taxa, respectively. Among them, edible, medicinal, fragrant, industrial, ornamental, ecological restoration, forage/compost plants were included 440 taxa, 505 taxa, 19 taxa, 234 taxa, 335 taxa, 214 taxa and 269 taxa respectively. In addition, 30 taxa of naturalized plants were observed.

      • 지정석관리를 위한 효율적 시스템 개발

        오현식 ( Hyun Sik Oh ),현정민 ( Jeong Min Hyun ),정진승 ( Jin Seung Jeong ),이학인 ( Hak In Lee ),정규영 ( Gyu Young Jeong ),소대화 ( Dea Wha Soh ) 한국동굴학회 2007 동굴 Vol.77 No.-

        From the computer or the library the use of the place about lower the case which gives a damage to the different person occurs with four three anger backs. It became from the hazard which manages the library place efficiently it used the AVR and a RF communication to make a system.

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