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        초 ‧ 중등학교 청소년의 COVID-19 지식, COVID-19 건강신념이 감염예방행위에 미치는 영향요인

        정계현,박진희,송혜영 한국학교보건학회 2024 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.37 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of the study was to conduct a descriptive survey to examine the knowledge, infection prevention behaviors, and health beliefs regarding COVID-19 and to identify factors that influence infection prevention behaviors in elementary and middle school students based on the Health Belief Model. Methods: The study included 388 elementary and middle school students in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Jeonbuk provinces. Data were collected from September 1 to September 15, 2023. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions about COVID-19 knowledge, 13 questions about infection prevention behaviors, and 15 questions about health beliefs. The collected data were subjected to multiple hierarchical regression analyses. The cronbach’s ⍺ of infection prevention behaviors was 0.83, the KR-20 of COVID-19 related knowledge was 0.68, and the Cronbach’s ⍺ of COVID-19 related health beliefs was 0. 78. Results: In Model 1, females showed higher levels of infection prevention behaviors than males (β=.14, p=.006) and middle school students showed lower levels of infection prevention behaviors than elementary school students (β=-.10, p=.037). In Model 2, among COVID-19-related health beliefs, barriers had a significant negative effect on infection prevention behaviors (β=-.20, p<.001) and cues to action had a significant positive effect on infection prevention behaviors (β=.14, p=.037), indicating that lower barriers and higher cues to action were associated with higher levels of infection prevention behaviors. Conclusion: The results showed that prevention behaviors were associated with lower barriers and higher cues to action among COVID-19 health beliefs. Elementary and middle school students in Korea spend a lot of time in groups at private academies or school, which are closed spaces with poor ventilation, making them vulnerable to new infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Unlike adults, infectious diseases can have serious impact on their mental and social health. Therefore, it is necessary for schools to provide accurate and timely health education about COVID-19 to increase cues to action for elementary and middle school students in order to improve their infection prevention behaviors.

      • KCI등재

        간호 대학생의 데이트 폭력 가해경험과 폭력허용도, 사회적 문제해결능력의 융합적 관계

        정계현,강미경 한국융합학회 2018 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.9 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 간호 대학생의 데이트 폭력 가해경험, 폭력 허용도, 사회적 문제해결능력의 정도를 확인하고, 이들 간의 관계를 파악하는 것이다. 충청권 소재 5개 대학교에서 편의 표집된 간호학과 대학생 219명에게 자가보고 형식의 질문지를 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 자료 분석은 SPSS 20.0프로그램을 이용하여 t-test, χ2 test, Partial correlation coefficients를 시행하였다. 그 결과, 간호대학생의 데이트 폭력 가해경험이 높을수록 데이트 폭력 허용도가 높고(r=0.31, p<.001), 데이트 폭력 허용도가 높을수록 사회적 문제해결능력이 부정적임(r=-0.26, p<.001)을 알 수 있었고, 학과 만족도와 음주 정도가 데이트 폭력 가해와 관련이 있는 것으로 나타난다. 따라서 데이트 폭력을 예방하기 위해 데이트 폭력 허용도에 대한 올바른 인식과 사회적 문제해결능력을 함양시키기 위한 데이트 폭력 예방 교육 및 훈련 프로그램을 마련하는데 합리적인 근거를 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to identify the degree of dating violence experience, violence tolerance, and social problem solving ability of nursing college students and to investigate the relationship between them. 219 college students from nursing in 5 universities of Chungcheong region were convenience selected for the study. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires. Data were analyzed by t-test, χ2 test and Partial correlation coefficients using the SPSS 20.0 program. As a result, nursing college student's the more experience dating violence, the higher the tolerance for dating violence(r=0.31, p<.001), the higher the tolerance of dating violence is, the more negative the ability to solve social problems(r=-0.26, p<.001), and the degree of their departmental satisfaction and drinking are related to the violence of dating violence. Therefore, it provided a rational basis for the establishment of a dating violence preventive education and training program to raise awareness of dating violence tolerance and social problem solving abilities in order to prevent dating violence.

      • KCI등재

        웨슬리의 사변형과 목회상담

        정계현 한국목회상담학회 2022 목회와 상담 Vol.38 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to study a creative and integrated pastoral counseling methodology without losing the unique identity of the pastoral counselor in the pastoral counseling field, which is undergoing rapid and various changes from the era of the living human document to the era of a living human web and postmodernity. For this purpose, I studied the quadrilateral of John Wesley, who ministered in the theology of creative synthesis in the age of diversity. John Wesley's quadrilateral is a theological methodology that puts scripture in the highest priority and completes the four elements of scripture, tradition, reason, and experience in a complementary relationship. By applying John Wesley's quadrilateral to counseling, it was possible to study the scripture as a pastoral counseling diagnosis, tradition as a pastoral counseling resource, reason as a pastoral counseling strategy, and experience as problem solving and healing. With this study, I expect to help pastoral counselors who have no choice but to stand on the borderline in the postmodern era establish their own identity and methodology, and provide creative and integrated counseling in a world of diversity and chaos so that they can practice pastoral counseling with wider and deeper perspectives on the pastoral counseling world.

      • KCI등재

        화상환자 가족의 부담감에 대한 융합적 연구

        정계현,나현주 한국융합학회 2016 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.7 No.6

        본 연구의 목적은 화상환자 가족의 부담감에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 확인하기 위해 시도된 서술적 조사 이다. 연구 대상자는 D시, S시, B시, P시에 소재한 4개 화상전문병원에 입원한 2°이상의 화상환자를 돌보는 가족들 120명을 편의 표집하였고, 자료분석을 위해 t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe' test, Multiple linear regrassion을 시행하였 다. 연구결과는 화상환자를 돌보는 가족의 부담감 중 돌봄의 의미와 평가, 환자의 미래에 대한 부담감이 가장 높았 다. 화상환자를 돌보는 가족의 부담감 영향요인으로는 결혼상태, 간병시간, 피부이식수술, 체표면적(%)이었고, 설명 력은 25.9%로 나타났다. 이상의 결과로 장시간 화상환자를 돌보는 가족들의 신체적, 정서적 부담감을 감소시키기 위한 간호중재 프로그램 개발과 간병 시간을 조절할 수 있는 간병서비스가 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors influencing on the burden on the family caregivers of patient with more than second degree burn. The participants of this study were 120 family caregivers sampled for convenience from 4 Burn hospitals in D, S, B, P cities in South Korea. Data analysis was performed by t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe' test, Multiple linear regression. According to the result, the burden of assess & mean of care and the future of the patient was the highest score for family caregivers. Factors that affect the burden of family caregiver with burn patients were marital status, time, care, skin transplants, body surface area (%) and these factors explained 25.9%. This study concludes that intervention program is developed to reduce physical and emotional burden and nursing care services is required to adjust the amount time to care for the family caregivers with burn patients for a long time.

      • KCI등재

        대학생 또래상담 활동 경험에 관한 질적 연구

        정계현 한국청소년상담복지개발원 2022 청소년상담연구 Vol.30 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to (a) explore the experience of university students’ peer counseling, using a grounded theory approach and (b) to suggest ways for university students to conduct peer counseling more actively. For this purpose, 11 university students, who completed a peer counselors training program for university students and who had conducted peer counseling, were recruited for in-depth interviews. From the interview data, 107 concepts, 43 sub-categories, and 20 categories emerged. The central phenomenon of the paradigm model was ‘establishment and increase of the role of peer counselors’, Causal conditions included ‘continuity of peer counseling during middle and late adolescents’, ‘pursuit of knowledge and experience in professional counseling’, and ‘career exploration and career choice’. Contextual conditions included ‘limitations in the application of counseling’, ‘discomfort in the initial relationship-building stage’, and ‘burden of time investment’. Interventional conditions were ‘positive role of peer counseling’, ‘self-esteem as a peer counselor’, ‘excitment in presenting solutions’. ‘establishment as a paraprofessional’, and ‘interest and support from school’. Action/interaction strategies were ‘listening with acceptance and respect’, ‘empathy and comfort only peers can find’, ‘structured counseling’, and ‘clinical education and training’. Consequences included ‘holistic change and growth’, ‘altruistic volunteer activities’, ‘expansion of human relationships’, and ‘development and growth as peer counselors’. Course analysis showed four stages: ‘self-awareness’, ‘I and You’, ‘selfless caring’, and ‘social service’. Core category was ‘peer counselors who grow up and develop by caring for each other with altruistic love’. This study is meaningful in that it was one of a few qualitative studies that explored the experience of university student peer counselors and that it suggested strategies for peer counseling to be settled and operated more actively in universities. 본 연구의 목적은 대학생 또래상담 활동 경험을 근거이론 연구 방법에 의하여 알아보고 대학생 또래상담 활동이 활발히 이루어질 수 있도록 하기 위함이다. 이를 위해 대학생 또래상담자 양성 프로그램을 이수하고 또래상담 활동 경험이 있는 11명을 선정하여 심층면담하고 자료를 분석하였다. 그 결과 107개의 개념, 43개의 하위범주, 그리고 20개의 범주가 도출되었다. 패러다임 모형의 중심현상은 ‘또래상담자의 역할 확립과 증대’이며, 인과적 조건은 ‘중기·후기청소년 또래상담의 연속성’, ‘전문상담에 대한 지식과 경험의 추구’, ‘진로 탐색과 직업의 선택’으로 나타났다. 맥락적 조건은 ‘상담 적용에 있어서의 한계’, ‘초기 관계 형성의 어색함’, ‘활동시간 할애에 대한 부담감’으로 나타났으며, 중재적 조건은 ‘또래상담의 긍정적 역할’, ‘또래상담자로서의 자부심’, ‘해결방안 제시에 대한 기대감’, ‘준전문가로서의 정립’, ‘학교의 관심과 지원’이었다. 작용/상호작용 전략은 ‘수용과 존중의 경청’, ‘또래만이 가능한 공감과 위로’, ‘구조화되어가는 상담’, ‘임상적 교육과 훈련’이었으며, 결과는 ‘전인적인 변화와 성장’, ‘이타적 봉사활동’, ‘인간관계의 확장’, ‘또래상담자간의 상호 발달과 성장’으로 나타났다. 과정 분석 결과는 ‘자기인식’, ‘나와 너’, ‘이타적 돌봄’, ‘사회적 봉사’의 4단계로 나타났으며, 핵심범주는 ‘이타적 사랑으로 서로를 돌보며 성장하는 또래상담자’로 도출되었다. 본 연구는 대학생 또래상담자들을 대상으로 한 질적 연구로서의 의미가 있으며, 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 대학 내에서의 또래상담 활동이 정착되고 활발히 운영될 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다는데 있다.

      • KCI등재

        간호대학생의 아동기 정서적 외상과 우울의 관계에서 대인관계능력의 조절효과

        정계현(Jung Gye Hyun),박민향(Park Min Hyang) 한국간호교육학회 2019 한국간호교육학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the moderating effect of interpersonal skills on the relationship between childhood emotional trauma and depression. Methods: From June to July, 2017, a convenience sample of 226 nursing students was recruited. Research data were collected through self-report questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS version 22.0. Results: 68.1% (154) respondents experienced emotional abuse, and 48.1% (110) emotional neglect in childhood emotional trauma. The average depression score was 10.76. There were 54.4% (123), 34.5% (78), 12.8% (29), and 7.1% (16) of respondents with mild, moderate, and severe depression, respectively. The average interpersonal skills score was 3.59. There was a significant correlation between childhood emotional trauma (emotional abuse, emotional neglect), interpersonal skills and depression. And the moderating effect of interpersonal skills on the relationship between childhood emotional neglect and depression was significant. Conclusion: Interpersonal skills play a role as a moderating variable influencing the relationship between emotional neglect of childhood emotional trauma and depression, and also reduce the effects of childhood emotional trauma on depression. When developing a depression prevention program for nursing college students, such programs should consider strategies to reduce the negative effects of childhood emotional trauma and to improve interpersonal skills.

      • 프리셉터가 지각한 직무스트레스, 자기효능감과 업무수행과의 관계

        정계현 ( Jung Gye Hyun ),박영임 ( Young Im Park ) 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2012 혜화의학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        Purpose: This survey aimed to find out the relationship of work stress, self- efficacy, and task performance of the preceptor. Method: The data of this study were collected from 215 Preceptors who have been working in four hospitals in Deajeon. The data were analyzed by t-test , ANOVA and Duncan test for group differences, Pearson`s correlation and Multiple Linear Regression with SPSS WIN 17.0 program. Result: There were significant positive relations between the work stress (r=0.193, p<0.05), self-efficacy (r=0.346, p<0.00), and the task performance of preceptor. The most predictive factors of the task performance were self-efficacy(11.5%), the job stress(2.7%), and age(2.0%). Conclusion: Nursing department supervisors need to manage preceptor to reduce work stress and to improve self-efficacy. It is recommended that work stress should be decreased and programs for increasing self-efficacy need developing in order to satisfy self-realization of preceptors and their needs.

      • KCI등재

        기독교 또래상담으로서의 대학선교 방안 연구

        정계현 ( Gye-hyun Chung ) 한국대학선교학회 2021 대학과 선교 Vol.50 No.-

        본 논문의 목적은 청소년기에서 성인기로의 진입이 지연되고 있는 대학생들이 경험하는 어려움에 대하여 기독교 또래상담으로서의 선교방안을 연구하는 것이다. 이를 위해서 청소년 상담에서 실시하고 있는 단계별 또래상담 프로그램과 후기청소년 또래상담 프로그램을 살펴보고 이를 활용하여 기독교 또래상담자 훈련 프로그램을 기획하여 선교방안을 모색하였다. 또래 상담자 훈련 프로그램은 1회기당 60분씩 총 12회기로 구성하였다. 1-2회기는 친한 친구 되기, 3-5회기는 또래상담 기법 익히기, 6회기는 원더풀 카운슬러 되기, 7-11회기는 대학생활, 꿈과 비전의 생활, 인간관계생활, 종교생활 등 대학생들이 받는 스트레스에 상담기술을 적용하기, 12회기는 다짐하는 시간으로 마무리하였다. 원더풀 카운슬러 되시는 예수 그리스도를 본받고 따라가는 또래상담자에게 기독교적인 세계관으로 종교문제를 비롯한 대학생들의 고민을 같이 나눔으로써 또래들의 문제를 해결하고 영혼을 돌보게 하였다. The purpose of this paper is to study a university mission plan as a Christian peer counseling for the students who have difficulties due to the delay in entering adulthood from adolescence. This study examined we the step-by-step peer counseling program for adolescents and the peer counseling program for later adolescents, and planned a Christian peer counselor training program, and searched for a mission plan by using the program. The Christian peer counselor training program is consisted of 12 sessions of 60 minutes each. Each Sessions are as far as 1-2 Sessions becoming close friends each other. Sessions 3-5 learning peer counseling techniques. Session 6 becoming Wonderful Counselor. Sessions 7-11 applying counseling skills to the university students who are stressed in university life, dreams and visions, human relationships, and religious life. Session 12 finish up with a time of commitment. By sharing the concerns of university students and religious issues, and a Christian worldview, a peer counselor who imitates and follows the Wonderful Counselor Jesus Christ gets so that he(or she) can solve the problems of his peers and take care of their souls.

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