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        Lesion Characteristics of Chronic Dysphagia in Patients With Supratentorial Stroke

        장솔,양혜은,양희승,김대현 대한재활의학회 2017 Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine Vol.41 No.2

        Objective To analyze the relationship between brain lesion location and type of chronic dysphagia in patients with supratentorial stroke.Methods Data from 82 chronic stroke patients who underwent videofluoroscopic swallowing studies at >6 months after an initial stroke event were retrospectively analyzed. Delayed oral transit time, delayed pharyngeal transit time, and the presence of aspiration were extracted. A voxel-based lesion symptom mapping (VLSM) analysis was used to correlate types of dysphagia with specific brain lesions.Results VLSM identified several clusters of voxels that significantly correlated with type of dysphagia. Delayed oral transit time mainly correlated with lesions in the left inferior frontal lobe and precentral gyrus; delayed pharyngeal time mainly correlated with lesions in the right basal ganglia and corona radiate; and aspiration was mainly correlated with lesions in the putamen.Conclusion Understanding the association between lesion location and dysphagia in chronic stroke patients is an important first step towards predicting permanent dysphagia after stroke. Improved understanding of the neural correlates of dysphagia will inform the utility of interventions for its treatment and prevention after stroke.

      • KCI등재

        내분비계 장애물질이 어류의 HPG, HPT, HPA 축에 미치는 연계영향

        장솔,지경희,Jang, Sol,Ji, Kyunghee 한국환경보건학회 2015 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.41 No.3

        Objectives: The objective of this review was to summarize the primary role of three representative endocrine axes in aquatic vertebrates and discuss the effects on endocrine systems and their interactions in teleost fish after exposure to environmental contaminants. Methods: We summarized individual traits and mechanisms for hormonal and transcriptional interactions between the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad (HPG), hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT), and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axes in fish. We also provided a brief discussion on the effects of nonylphenol-induced toxicity on endocrine systems and their interactions in fish as a demonstration of holistic explanation. Results: Currently-available data showed that thyroid dysfunction is associated with reproductive toxicity due to changes in steroidogenic gene expressions and sex hormone levels as well as gonad glands in fish. As an example, we demonstrated that exposure to nonylphenol could induce estrogenicity in male fish by decreasing thyroid hormones, which contributes to increased aromatase expression. Although the mechanisms are complicated and involved in multiple ways, a number of studies have shown that sex steroids influence the HPT axis or the HPA axis in fish, indicating bi-directional crosstalk. Critically missing is information on the primary target or toxicity mechanisms of environmental contaminants among the three endocrine axes, so further studies are needed to explore those possibilities. Conclusions: This review highlights the interactions between the HPG, HPT, and HPA axes in fish in order to better understand how these endocrine systems could interact with each other in situations of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals.

      • 방사선 기술정보 분석을 통한 정보표준분류체계(안) 마련 및시스템 적용요건 도출

        장솔,김주연,유지엽,신우호,박태진,송명재 한국방사선산업학회 2015 방사선산업학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Radiation technology is the one for developing new products or processes by applyingradiation or for creating new functions in industry, research and medical fields, and its applicationis increasing consistently. For securing an advanced technology competitiveness, it is requiredto create a new added value by information consumer through providing an efficient system forsupporting information, which is the infrastructure for research and development, contributed toits collection, analysis and use with a rapidity and structure in addition to some direct researchand development. Provision of the management structure for information resources is especiallycrucial for efficient operating the system for supporting information in radiation technology,and then a standard classification structure of information must be first developed as the systemfor supporting information will be constructed. The standard classification structure has beenanalyzed by reviewing the definition of information resources in radiation technology, and thoseclassification structures in similar systems operated by institute in radiation and other scientificfields. And, a draft version of the standard classification structure has been then provided as 7large, 25 medium and 71 small classifications, respectively. The standard classification structure inradiation technology will be developed in 2015 through reviewing this draft version and experts’opinion. Finally, developed classification structure will be applied to the system for supportinginformation by considering the plan for constructing this system and database, and requirementsfor designing the system. Furthermore, this structure will be designed in the system for searchinginformation by working to the individual need of information consumers.

      • RI-Biomics 기술정보시스템을 활용한 효율적인정보 수집-분석-활용 체계 수립에 관한 연구

        장솔,김주연,박태진 한국방사선산업학회 2015 방사선산업학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        RI-Biomics is the new radiation fusion technology of which, such as the characteristicsof radioisotope, is applied to the biomics. In order to sharing and overall analysis of data betweenthe institutions through total management of information in the field of RI-Biomics, RI-BiomicsInformation portal ‘RIBio-Info’ was constructed by KARA (Korean Association for RadiationApplication) in February 2015. For systematic operation of this ‘RIBio-Info’ system, it is required todevelop system of collection-analysis-application of information. So, in this paper, we summarizeddevelopment of document forms at each processes of collection-analysis-application of informationand systematization of collection methods of information, establishment of characteristicallyanalysis methods of reports such as issue paper, policy report, global market report and watchreport. Therefore, these are expected to improving the practical applicability in this field throughthe vitalization of technology development of users by achieving the circular structure of collectionanalysis-application of information.

      • RI-Biomics분야 RI의 최신 동향 분석

        장솔,염유선,박태진,황영묵,윤돌미 한국방사선산업학회 2013 방사선산업학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        RI-Biomics is a new compound word of radiation technology and Biomics related tothe study of life. RI-Biomics is high radiation fusion technology by combining evaluation ofpharmacokinetics in vivo (RI-ADME) of new drugs and medical materials using radioisotope andmolecular imaging technology using nuclear medicine equipments. RI-Biomics fields are emergingwith the increasing usage of radioisotopes (RI). In this paper, we investigated the latest trendsof radioisotope using in RI-Biomics fields. The representative radioisotopes are 14C, 3H and 32Pfor the optimization and the selection of candidates in the development process of new drugsamong the RI-Biomics fields. As shown in the status of accumulated income of radioisotopes, usingamounts of radioisotopes are showing a tendency to increase every year. 14C is 61.6% increase ofaccumulated income growth rate and 3H increased by 58.8% and 32P increased by 33.9% in 2012compared to 2007. These isotopes are used in a variety of fields as using of 14C for microdosingtest, development of [3H]cholesterol absorption inhibitors, study of [131I]pyronaridine tetraphosphatefor malaria therapy. These are going on in vivo test sucessfully. So, clinical research step isexpected to begin soon. Therefore, usages of radioisotopes are necessary and need for the evaluationof pharmacokinetics, optimization and the selection of new drug candidates in the developmentprocess of new drugs among the RI-Biomics fields. So, using of radioisotopes is predict toincrease continuously except for primarily used 14C, 3H.

      • RI-Biomics 분야 기술정보 표준분류체계 개발 및 적용

        장솔,김주연,박태진 한국방사선산업학회 2014 방사선산업학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        RI-Biomics is a new concept that combines radioisotopes (RI) and Biomics. For efficientcollection of information, establishment of database for technical information system and itsapplication to the system, there is an increasing need for constructing the standard classificationsystem of technical information by its systematical classification. In this paper, we have summarizedthe development process of the standard classification system of technical information in thefield of RI-Biomics and its application to the system. Constructing the draft version for the standardclassification system of technical information was based on that standard classification one innational science and technology in Korea. The final classification system was then derived throughthe reconstruction and the feedback process based on the consultation from the 7 experts. Theseresults were applied to the database of technical information system after transforming as standardcode. Thus, the standard classification system were composed of 5 large classifications and20 small classifications, and those classification are expected to establish the foundation of informationsystem by achieving the circular structure of collection-analysis-application of information.

      • KCI등재

        방사선기술정보시스템의 ISO/IEC 20000-1 인증 도입에 관한 연구

        장솔,임영기,박태진 (사)한국방사선산업학회 2019 방사선산업학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        Radiation Technology Information System (RATIS) is an integrated management systemthat provides information on support policies and R&D, recent trends, statistics, and market datarelated to industries that promote and use radiation. Customers’ demands for IT services frominformation systems have increased with recent advancements in information technology (IT). Todeliver satisfying services to users through a standardized process, RATIS has implemented ISO/IEC 20000-1, an international standard certification in IT service management. ISO/IEC 20000-1, an international standard that defines the requirements of IT service management systems, is acertificate system that continuously improves the quality of IT services and delivers high-qualityservices to interested parties, including customers. Meeting the requirements of ISO/IEC 20000-1,RATIS has defined the processes of service management and established an IT service managementsystem model for content management and IT system operation. In contrast with existing IT servicemanagement systems that only focus on the management of IT systems, RATIS has differentiateditself by including content management, the core of system management, in its certification scope. Inthis paper, we will introduce the ISO/IEC 20000-1 certification and analyze the RATIS’s IT servicemanagement system model and processes for the providing and utilization of top-quality radiationtechnology information services.

      • RI-Biomics 기술정보 제공을 위한 웹 프로그램 개발 연구

        김나경,김주연,장솔,박태진 한국방사선산업학회 2014 방사선산업학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        For designing the model of the web program, the demand survey for the technologyand information has been performed for the students of the related departments, industrialistsand researchers. And, the survey, such as advantages and disadvantages, for the current situationshas been examined through comparison and analysis by the establishment type and operationalprocess for the present operating web programs having the similar functions in Korea. Thecontents and web program for the technology and information system have been also developedby the question investigation and the expert opinions. This system for RI-Biomics has been developedby focusing the convenience for the information provision and the information search as thefirst constructing direction. Information has been collected by the operator in our institute andmaking contract with Global Trend Briefing of KISTI in Korea. The information collection in theweb program has been designed as the direction regularly provided with RSS. Information hasbeen then analyzed by constructing the expert pool provided from the advisory committee for thetechnology and information, and using them. The publicity for this web program has been performedby webzines and then it is noted that the publicity programs such as some events shouldbe regularly developed when expanded and advanced to a community in future.

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