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      • KCI등재

        시판 수산식품에 대한 세균학적 연구 1. 건제품의 위생지표 세균에 관하여

        장동석,최위경,CHANG Dong-Suck,CHOE Wi-Kyung 한국수산과학회 1973 한국수산과학회지 Vol.6 No.3,4

        현재 우리나라에서 시판되고 있는 수산 건제품에 대한 위생지표 세균의 오염도를 파악하고 나아가서 식품의 위생관리에 필요한 기초자료를 얻고자 1970년 9일부터 12월까지 부산시 남포동 건어물 시장과 충무동 어패류 처리조합에서 건제품 21종을 수집하여 위생지표 세균인 대장균군, 분변계대장균, 분변계연쇄상구균, 장구균 및 일반생균수를 시험하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 전 식품을 통하여 fecal strepococci나 enterococci는 coliform group이나 fecal coliform MPN보다 훨씬 높았다. 3, 일반적으로 enterococci MPN은 대부분 1,000이상이었으며 fecal coliform MPN은 18이하였다. 3. 대장균군의 중앙치는 78이었으며 분변계연쇄상구균은 3,300이었고 일반생균수의 중앙처는 $9.9\times10^4$이었다. 4. 일반적으로 사람의 손과 접촉이 많은 제품은 다른 제품에 비하여 세균 오염도가 높았다. 5. 해조류의 세균 오염도는 어패류나 연체류에 비하여 매우 낮았다. 6, 각 위생지표 세균과 일반 생균수 사이에는 일정한 상관관계는 없었다. This study was conducted to evaluate the sanitary quality of sun dried sea foods being distributed in the markets located in Busan city. Twenty one kinds of sun dried sea foods, 9 kinds of fish and shellfish, 5 kinds of mollusca and 7 kinds of seaweed were examined during the Period from September to December in 1970. For the evaluation of sanitary contents of sanitary indicative bacteria such as coliform group, fecal coliform, fecal streptococci and enterococci, and plate counts were determined. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Through out all the samples examined, the numbers of fecal streptococci and enterocccci were much greater than those of coliform group and fecal coliform. 2. Generally, the contents of enterococci exceeded MPN of 1,000 per 100 grams through all samples examined, while fecal coliform MPN'S were less than 18. 3. The median value of coliform group MPN was 78 and those of fecal streptococci MPN was 3,300 per 100 grams, The median value of the plate counts was $9.9\times10^4$ per gram, 4. Bacterial densities of the foods which had many chances to come into contact with hands were much higher than those of other foods which had not. 5. The bacterial contamination rate of seaweed was much lower than those of fish and shellfish. 6. No correlation between the numbers of sanitary indicative bacteria and plate counts was observed.

      • KCI등재

        수산물에서 분리된 병원성 비브리오균의 용혈성독소

        장동석,소전순남,CHANG Dong-Suck,SHINODA Sumio 한국수산과학회 1994 한국수산과학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        우리나라 남해연안 어패류에서 V. vulnificus, V. cholerae non O1 균을 분리하여 이들 균이 생산한 용혈독소의 활성을 검토하고 특히 치사율이 높은 패혈증 원인균인 V. vulnificus균이 생산한 균체외 단백독소인 hemolysin을 분리정제하고 얻어진 독소를 이용하여 항혈청을 만들었다. 1. V. vulnificus hemolysin(VVH)은 HI broth에서 $37^{\circ}C,\;15{\sim}24hr$ 진탕배양으로 잘 생산되었으며 V. cholerae non O1 균의 경우는 배양 15시간까지는 hemolysin 생산이 증가되었으나 15시간 경과 후에는 균종에 따라 증가되는 것도 있었고 경과 시간에 따라 오히려 감소하는 균주도 있었다. 2. V. vulnificus가 생산한 hemolysin은 면양적혈구에 대한 용혈활성이 강하고 토끼적혈구에 대하여는 약하였으나 V. cholerae non O1 균주는 토끼적혈구에 대한 용혈활성이 면양이나 말 적혈구에 대한 활성보다 2배정도 강하였다. 3. VVH는 hydrophobic Phenyl-Sepharose HP column을 이용하여 washing buffer와 elution buffer의 성분과 pH를 조정하면서 $1\%$ CHAPS를 이용하여 2차에 걸쳐 column chromatography한 결과 정제도와 수율이 매우 좋아졌다. 본 방법으로 다섯 차례에 걸쳐 정제한 결과 정제된 VVH의 specific activity는 $16900{\sim}52300$배로 평균 27,000배 이상 증가하였으며 수율도 $18.2{\sim}33.0\%$로 평균 $23.4\%$나 되었다. 실제로, V. vulnificus 배양액 2400ml로 부터 정제된 hemolysin을 $250{\mu}g$정도 만들 수 있어서 패혈증 비브리오균 연구에 크게 이바지 할수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 4. 정제된 VVH를 SDS-PAGE한 결과 분자량은 50KDa이었으며 토끼를 이용해서 만든 항혈청의 항체가는 $2000{\sim}8500$이었다. Among the currently recognized pathogenic vibrios, V. vulnificus and V. cholerae non O1 are the most serious bacteria from the point of view of sea food hygiene in Korea. In this paper, the authors compared the hemolytic activities of the crude hemolysin produced by V. vulnificus and V. cholerae non O1 isolated from shellfish collected in Chungmoo, Korea. The authors also attempted to improve the purification method of V. vulnificus hemolysin(VVH) and tried to make antiserum with the purified hemolysin. VVH was produced in abundance in heart infusion broth containing $2\%$ NaCl in a shaking cultivation process(140rpm) at $37^{\circ}C$ for 15 hours. While hemolysin production patterns of V. cholerae non O1 were quite different by the strain during the culture times compared with the V. vulnificus. Hemolytic activity of the VVH on sheep erythrocytes was stronger than those of rabbit, but hemolytic activities of the hemolysin produced by V. cholerae non O1 on rabbit erythrocytes were as much as twice as strong as on those of sheep and horse. VVH was purified by two steps of hydrophobic column chromatography on Phenyl-Sepharose HP with Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography(FPLC). Purification fold and yield of VVH was much improved by changing the elution buffer's pH from 6.0 to 9.8 and adding $1\%$ CHAPS(a zwitter ionic detergent) and $50\%$ ethylene glycol to the 10mM glycine buffer during the repeated hydrophobic column chromatography. Homogeneity of the purified hemolysin was shown by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. According to the five times repeated purification results, the specific activity was increased 27500 times and the yield was improved by $23.4\%$ on average. About $250{\mu}g$ of purified hemolysin was harvested from the 2400ml of culture supernatant of V. vulnificus. Molecular weight of VVH was estimated to be 50KDa by the SDS-PAGE and the neutralization scores of the obtained antiserum acting against VVH were $2000{\sim}8500$.

      • KCI등재

        병원성 비브리오균과 동물성 플랑크톤과의 관계에 관한 연구

        장동석,김창훈,유홍식,김신희,정은탁,신일식,CHANG Dong-Suck,KIM Chang-Hoon,YU Hong-Sik,KIM Shin-Hee,JEONG Eun-Tak,SHIN Il-Shik 한국수산과학회 1996 한국수산과학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        병원성 비브리오균은 생선회를 즐겨 먹는 우리나라의 식습관 때문에 여름철 식중독 원인 세균 중에서 제일 빈도가 높은 세균이다. 특히 매년 여름철이면 콜레라 파동으로 활선어 판매금지 조치 등으로 생산어민 및 생선 횟집 경영자들의 경제적 손실은 매우 크다. 더구나 콜레라균이 해수에서 동물성 플랑크톤에 부착하여 월동한다는 보고도 있어서 실제로 우리 나라 연안 해수에서 콜레라균이 플랑크톤에 부착하여 월동할 가능성이 있는지를 검토한 연구 결과를 보고하는 바이다. 1. 우리 나라 남해안의 해수, 어패류 및 동물성 플랑크톤에서 V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. cholerae non O1, V. mimicus는 검출되었으나 V. cholerae O1은 검출되지 않았다. 2. 동물성 플랑크톤은 해수에서 각종 병원성 비브리오균의 증식이나 부착, 생잔율에 긍정적 영향을 미치고 있었다. 3. 병원성 비브리오균의 동물성 플랑크톤에의 부착율은 대장균에 비하여 높은데 염분 농도 $5\%_{\circ}$ 일 경우에는 $60\%$이상으로 높았으나, 염분 농도가 증가할수록 비례적으로 흡착율은 감소하였으며 염분 농도 $20\%_{\circ}$이상, pH 8.0 이상에서는 급격히 감소하였다. 4. 병원성 비브리오균은 $25^{\circ}C$의 해수에서는 플랑크톤이 존재할 때가 그렇지 않을 때 보다 균의 생잔율이 크게 나타났으나, $0^{\circ}C$에서는 플랑크톤의 존재 유무에 관계없이 $2\~3$일 이내에 균수가 급격히 감소되었다. 5. 미세 조류나 사멸시킨 동물성 플랑크톤의 존재가 병원성 비브리오균의 증식이나 생존에는 영향을 미치지 못하였다. An ecological study on pathogenic vibrios was done in the aquatic environments of southern coast of Korea during summer in 1995, to investigate the distribution and relationship between pathogenic vibrio and zooplankton. Furthermore, special emphasis was given to study on the efforts of zooplankton existence on the wintering of Vibrio cholerae in the aquatic region in Korea. During the study period, pathogenic vibrios were isolated from the samples such as V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. mimicus, and V. cholerae non O1, but V. cholerae O1 was not detected in any sample submitted in this study. Adsorption ratio of V. parahaemolyticus onto zooplankton was higher than that of E. coli. The efficiency of adsorption was found to be on the concentration of NaCl and other ions found in sea water. For example, adsorption ratio of V. parahaemolyticus were $75\%\;at\;5\%_{\circ}$ of NaCl solution and $55\%$ at same salinity of diluted sea water, but those were decreased as $20\%\;and\;7\%\;at\;15\%_{\circ}$ salinity of NaCl solution and diluted sea water, respectively. In addition, survival period of pathogenic vibrio was extended in the presence of live copepods at $25^{\circ}C$, but zooplankton existence has no significant effect on the survival rate at $5^{\circ}C$ in closed microcosm and also microalgae and dead copepods do not affect on the survival of V. parahaemolyticus. According to these experimental results, zooplankton has positive effects on the growth and survival rate of pathogenic vibrios in sea water during the summer season, but copepods have no significant effects on the growth and survival rate of them in winter season in Korea. Finally, authors suggest that V. cholerae is not able to over winter with zooplankton in adjacent sea water in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        한국산 주요패류에 대한 독의 분포, 특성 및 제독에 관한 연구 3. 마비성패류독의 제독에 관하여

        장동석,신일식,구효영,오은경,변재형,박영호,CHANG Dong-Suck,SHIN Il-Shik,GOO Hyo-Young,OH Eun-Gyung,PYUN Jae-Hyeung,PARK Young-Ho 한국수산과학회 1988 한국수산과학회지 Vol.21 No.5

        마비성패류독으로 독화된 진주담치를 시료로 하여 축양 또는 가공방법에 따른 제독실험을 한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 독화된 진주담치를 순환수조에서 축양하였을 때는 유의할 만한 제독효과는 나타나지 않았으나 유수수조에서 축양한 경우는 5일만에 약 $94\%$가 감소하였다. 2. PSP를 0.1N HCl 용액으로 유출하였을 때가 증류수로 추출하였을 때 보다 그 독성이 약 2-5배 높았다. 3. PSP가 $100\~150{\mu}g/100g$ 정도로 독화된 진주담치를 수도수에서 30분간 자숙하였을 때 그 독성은 동물실험결과 검출되지 않았다. 4. PSP가 $175{\mu}g/100g$ of digestive gland인 진주담치를 $116^{\circ}C$에서 65분간 가압살균하였을 때는 동물 실험결과 독성이 검출되지 않았으나 독소함양이 $9539{\mu}g/100g$ of digestive gland인 고독력의 진주담치는 같은 조건에서 가압살균하여도 $171{\mu}g$의 독력이 잔존하였다. We have veen already reported the distribution of PSP of bivalve mollusca in southern coast of Korea and also analyzed their characteristics. The purpose of this study was to develop detoxification method for PSP infested sea mussel, Mytilus edulis, by rearing methods or processing treatments. There was no significant detoxification effect when the PSP infested sea mussel was reared in a tank with water recirculation system, but the toxicity of sea mussel rapidly decreased during the rearing time in a water flow system with filtered water. The detoxification rate of PSP during the rearing for 5 days in a water flow system tank with $15-17^{\circ}C$ of sea water was $94\%$ in case of high toxic sample with more than $2,600{\mu}g/100g$ and about $40\%$ in case of low toxic sample with less than $100{\mu}g/100g$. The toxicity of PSP extracted from the sample with 0.1N/ HCl solution was about 2-5 times higher than that extracted with distilled water. When sea mussel contained $100-150{\mu}g-PSP$ per 100g of edible meat was boiled for 30 min with tap water, the toxicity was destroyed as the level of PSP undetected by mouse assay. We can suggest that boiling of sea mussel with tap water was one of the most significant detoxification methods, but it was not enough to be safe in case of extremely high intoxicated sea mussel with PSP. For example, the digestive gland of sea mussel contained more than $9593{\mu}g/100g$ was heated in a can with tap water at $116^{\circ}C$ for 65 min. the residual PSP was more than $170{\mu}g$.

      • KCI등재

        득량만 해수의 세균학적 수질

        장동석,정은탁,유홍식,이은우,임성미,CHANG Dong-Suck,JEONG Eun-Tak,YU Hong-Sik,LEE Eun-Woo,LIM Sung-Mee 한국수산과학회 1998 한국수산과학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        득량만 해수에 대한 세균학적 수질을 평가하여 수출용 패류생산지정 해역수질에 합당한가를 파악함과 동시에 지표세균의 조성, 병원성 세균등을 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 득량만 해수의 세균학적 수질은 만 안쪽의 연동지선의 일부해역 (area IV)을 제외하고는 수출용패류의 생산해역의 수질기준에 합당하였다. 2. 대장균군의 최확수는 해수 100ml당 <\;3.0\~4600$의 범위였으며 230을 초과하는 시료의 비율은 $7.4\%$였고, 분변계대장균의 최확수는 $<\;30\~1,100$의 범위였으며 43을 초과하는 시료의 비율은 $8.5\%$로 한계치 $10\%$에 미달하였다. 3. 강우시에는 비강우시에 비하여 세균 오염도가 높았으며 특히 93mm의 강우가 있은 48시간 이후에도 비강우시의 $6\~7$배나 높은 세균오염도를 나타내었다. 4. 대장균군의 분류결과 Escherichia coli가 약 $54\%$나 되어 오염원의 주류가 분변오염임을 알 수 있었다 5. 살모넬라, 시겔라, 콜레라균 등 수인성 병원세균은 검출되지 않았다. 6. 병원성 비브리오균은 여름철인 $6\~8$월 사이에는 시료의 $15\~20\%$에서 양성으로 나타났다. A bacteriological study of sea water in Deukryang Bay was conducted to evaluate sanitary conditions of the bay and compliance of waters with the recommended bacteriological criteria for the designated area of shellfish cultivation. Sea water samples were collected at the established sampling stations (fig. 1) from May 1995 to November 1996. During the study period, coliform group, fecal coliform, classification of coliform group with IMViC reactions and pathogenic vibrios were analyzed. Coliform group and feral coliform MPN's were ranged from $<\;3.0\~4600/100m{\ell}\;and\;<\;30\~1,100/100m{\ell}$, respectively. The bacteriological criteria of sea water in shellfish growing area should be less than 70 per l00ml of sea water for median value of coliform MPN, and below $10\%$ of the samples which contain over than 230 for coliform MPN or over than 43 for fecal coliform MPN, Most of the waters from 26 sampling stations were complied water coliform criteria recommended for designated shellfish growing area. Then, the ratios of the samples with move than 230/10ml of coliform group MPN and more than 43/100ml of fecal coliform MPN were $7.4\%$ and $8.5\%$, respectively. The bacterial density of the sea water was deeply affected by rainfall amount. For example, coliform bacterial counts of sea watery after 48 hours from 93 mm rainfall were $6\~7$ times higher than those of without rainfall. During the study period, infectious bacteria such as Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella sp. an d Shigella sp. were not detected from the samples, but detection ratios of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus were $15\~20\%$ in summer months.

      • KCI등재

        시판 수산식품에 대한 세균학적 연구 2. 생선회의 위생지표 세균에 관하여

        장동석,최위경,CHANG Dong-Suck,CHOE Wi-Kyung 한국수산과학회 1973 한국수산과학회지 Vol.6 No.3,4

        This examination was carried out to evaluate the sanitary quality of slices of raw fish being served in the restaurants. Twenty five kinds of slices of raw fish collected from various restaurants in Busan Korea were examined during the period from March to May in 1971. As the evaluation factors of sanitary quality, the contents of sanitary indicative bacteria such as coliform group, fecal coliform, feral streptococci and enterococci and plate counts were determined. The results obtained are as in below: 1. The numbers of fecal streptococci and enterococci MPN were much greater than those of coliform group and fecal coliform. 2. The median value of coliform group MPN was 3,300 per 100 grams of the sample examined and those of enterococci was 5,400. The median value of plate counts was $1.8\times10^5$ per gram. 3. Fifty-two percent of the samples examined were exceeded fecal coliform MPN 930 per 100 grams. 4. As a sanitary indicative bacteria fecal coliform MPN was more reasonable than enterococci 5. The grade of restaurants was not correlated with the bacterial quality of the foods served. 6. No correlation between the numbers of sanitary indicative bacteria ana plate counts was observed. 우리가 즐겨 먹고 있는 생선회의 위생지표 세균의 오염도를 파악하고 나아가서 식품의 위생관리에 필요한 기초자료를 얻고자 1971년 3월부터 5월까지 부산시내 각종 음식점에서 손님에게 제공된 상태의 생선회 25종류를 수집하여 위생지표 세균인 대장균군, 분변계대장균, 분변계연쇄상구균, 장구균 및 일반생균수를 시험하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. fecal streptococci나 enterococci MPN은 coliform group이나 fecal coliform MPN보다 매우 높았다. 2. 대장균군과 장구균의 중앙치는 각각 3,300, 5,400 이었으며 일반생균수의 중앙치는 $1.8\times10^5$이었다. 3, 분변계대장균 MPN 230이상인 것이 시료의 $52\%$였다. 4. 생선회의 위생지표 세균으로서는 장구균보다 분변계대장균이 보다 합리적이었다. 5. 일반적으로 생각하는 음식점의 우열과 세균 오염도는 일치하지 않았다. 6. 각 위생지표 세균과 일반생균수 사이에는 일정한 상관관계는 없었다.

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