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      • KCI등재

        충수돌기에 감돈되어 괴사를 일으킨 코인 건전지 1예

        임창범,송경호 대한소화기학회 2019 대한소화기학회지 Vol.74 No.1

        Coin batteries are often used in daily life devices and can be easily available. Children can swallow coin batteries, resulting in the need to go to hospital, but this is rare in adults. Adults generally eliminate the swallowed coin battery from the digestive system, unless they have congenital structural abnormalities of the digestive system or complications, such as postoperative stenosis. In this case, a 31-year-old man swallowed three coin batteries, approximately 0.4 cm in diameter emergent endoscopy was unable to find any batteries embedded in the ingested food. An attempt was made to rinse out the batteries by bowel preparation. During the hospital stay, the patient complained of acute abdominal pain and fever. In the abdominal CT scan, impaction of the coin battery into the appendix was confirmed. The patient underwent a laparoscopic appendectomy to prevent appendiceal perforation.

      • KCI등재

        A Case of Long-Term Complete Remission of Advanced Gastric Adenocarcinoma with Liver Metastasis

        임창범,이정애,공수정,강동욱,양희범,한현영,김내유 대한위암학회 2016 Journal of gastric cancer Vol.16 No.2

        We report the case of a patient with gastric adenocarcinoma with multiple liver metastases. This patient showed complete remissionfor more than 68 months after S-1/cisplatin combination chemotherapy and radical total gastrectomy. The patient, a 63-year-old man,presented with dyspepsia and difficulty in swallowing. Endoscopic findings showed a huge ulcero-infiltrative mass at the lesser curvatureof the mid-body, extending to the distal esophagus. Biopsy revealed a poorly differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma. An abdominal computedtomography scan demonstrated multiple hepatic metastases. S-1/cisplatin combination chemotherapy was initiated, and followingcompletion of six cycles of chemotherapy, the gastric masses and hepatic metastatic lesions had disappeared on abdominal computedtomography. Radical total gastrectomy and D2 lymphadenectomy combined with splenectomy were performed. The patient underwentthree cycles of S-1/cisplatin combination chemotherapy followed by tegafur-uracil therapy for 1 year. He remained in complete remissionfor more than 68 months after surgery.

      • 우리나라 장수촌(長壽村)의 생활습관(生活習慣)과 음식문화(飮食文化)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察)

        임창범,오민석,송태원,Lim, Chang Byum,Oh, Min-Seok,Song, Tae-Won 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2002 혜화의학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        In view of the results that we studied about living and eating habit of korean old people who live in longevity village, we can make conclusion as follows. 1. They have regular rising time, bedtime and living routine. Their bedtime is between 9 to 11 and rising time is before 6. It goes to show that they are keeping regular hours. 2. Generally speaking, most of long life peoples are physical labor: agriculture, fishery, housework, etc. 3. They are in balance with their eating habit. The most favorite food of longevity village's old people is made from toenjang which is fermented soybean paste. 4. The geographical features of longevity village are mountain region, coast and island. 5. Most of people who live long are illiteracy and only a few people of them has finished elementary school course. Moreover, in case of illiteracy, there are more unschooled woman compare with both sexes.

      • KCI등재

        The Study on Regenerative Effects of Ginseng on Injured Axonal and Non-Neuronal cell

        임창범,오민석 대한한의학회 2008 대한한의학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        Objective:This study was carried out to understand effects of ginseng(hearinafter ; GS, Panax Ginseng) extract on regeneration responses on injured sciatic nerves in rats. Methods:Using white mouse, we damaged sciatic nerve & central nerve, and then applied GS to the lesion. Then we observed regeneration of axon and non-neuron. Results: 1.NF-200 protein immunostaining for the visualization of axons showed more distal elongation of sciatic nerve axons in GS-treated group than saline-treated control 3 and 7 days after crush injury. 2.GAP-43 protein was increased in the injured sciatic nerve and further increased by GS treatment. Enhanced GAP-43 protein signals were also observed in DRG prepared from the rats given nerve injury and GS treatment. 3.GS treatment in vivo induced enhanced neurite outgrowth in preconditioned DRG sensory neurons. In vitro treatment of GS on sensory neurons from intact DRG also caused increased neurite outgrowth. 4.Phospho-Erk1/2 protein levels were higher in the injured nerve treated with GS than saline. Phospho-Erk1/2 protein signals were mostly found in the axons in the injured nerve. 5.NGF and Cdc2 protein levels showed slight increases in the injured nerves of GS-treated group compared to saline-treated group. 6.The number of Schwann cell population was significantly increased by GS treatment in the injured sciatic nerve. GS treatment with cultured Schwann cells increased proliferation and Cdc2 protein signals. 7.GS pretreatment into the injured spinal cord generated increased astrocyte proliferation and oligodendrocytes in culture. In vitro treatment of GS resulted in more differentiated pericytoplasmic processes compared with saline treatment. 8.More arborization around the injury cavity and the occurrence at the caudal region of CST axons were observed in GS-treated group than in saline-treated group. Conclusion:GS extract may have the growth-promoting activity on regenerating axons in both peripheral and central nervous systems. Objective:This study was carried out to understand effects of ginseng(hearinafter ; GS, Panax Ginseng) extract on regeneration responses on injured sciatic nerves in rats. Methods:Using white mouse, we damaged sciatic nerve & central nerve, and then applied GS to the lesion. Then we observed regeneration of axon and non-neuron. Results: 1.NF-200 protein immunostaining for the visualization of axons showed more distal elongation of sciatic nerve axons in GS-treated group than saline-treated control 3 and 7 days after crush injury. 2.GAP-43 protein was increased in the injured sciatic nerve and further increased by GS treatment. Enhanced GAP-43 protein signals were also observed in DRG prepared from the rats given nerve injury and GS treatment. 3.GS treatment in vivo induced enhanced neurite outgrowth in preconditioned DRG sensory neurons. In vitro treatment of GS on sensory neurons from intact DRG also caused increased neurite outgrowth. 4.Phospho-Erk1/2 protein levels were higher in the injured nerve treated with GS than saline. Phospho-Erk1/2 protein signals were mostly found in the axons in the injured nerve. 5.NGF and Cdc2 protein levels showed slight increases in the injured nerves of GS-treated group compared to saline-treated group. 6.The number of Schwann cell population was significantly increased by GS treatment in the injured sciatic nerve. GS treatment with cultured Schwann cells increased proliferation and Cdc2 protein signals. 7.GS pretreatment into the injured spinal cord generated increased astrocyte proliferation and oligodendrocytes in culture. In vitro treatment of GS resulted in more differentiated pericytoplasmic processes compared with saline treatment. 8.More arborization around the injury cavity and the occurrence at the caudal region of CST axons were observed in GS-treated group than in saline-treated group. Conclusion:GS extract may have the growth-promoting activity on regenerating axons in both peripheral and central nervous systems.

      • S-461 리팜핀 유발성 ANCA 음성 반월상 사구체신염

        임창범 대한내과학회 2016 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2016 No.1

        배경: 급속진행사구체신염은 임상적으로 3개월내 사구체 여과율의 50% 이상의 감소와 조직학적으로 사구체의 50% 이상의 광범위한 반월형성을 보이는 질환이다. 사구체에 면역글로불린이나 보체들의 침착이 없는 면역음성 사구체신염인 III형은 성인에서 가장 흔한 급속진행사구체신염이며 ANCA 양성인 전신적 혈관염의 형태로 나타나는 경우가 많다. 현재까지 발표된 보고를 보면 ANCA 음성이면서 약물에 의해 유발된 면역 음성 반월상 사구체신염은 매우 드물며, 리팜핀으로 인한 간질성신염과 동반된 증례가 있어 보고한다. 증례: 특이 과거력 없는 53세 남자로 4제요법으로 항결핵 치료4주째부터 상지와하지 말단의 점출혈양상의 홍반성 구진이 발견되었다. 말초혈액 도말검사에서 용혈성빈혈의 증거없이 경도의 적혈구 감소가 관찰되고, BUN/Cr:28/3.59 mg/dL, T-protein/albumin 8.8/3.3g/dL, CRP:3.69 mg/dL,소변검사는 단백뇨+3, 잠혈반응+3, RBC 10~29/HPF, WBC 5~9/HPF, 박테리아음성이었고,이형적혈구와과립요 원주는 관찰되지않았다. Protein/Creatine ratio는 2.3 g/g이었다. 입원당시인 4주전의 Cr:0.88 mg/dL에 비해 상승한 결과를바탕으로 급성사구체신염으로 판단하였고 추가적인 혈청학적 검사에서 자가면역질환의 징후를 찾을수없어 리팜핀에 의한 약제 유도 신손상을 의심하고 리팜핀 복용을 중단하였다.신장조직 검사에서 총 8개의 사구체 중에 4개의 사구체에서 반월형성이 확인되었고, 세뇨관 간질에 호산구를 비롯한 염증세포가 소량 침착되어 있었고 간질의섬유화로 인한 중등도의 세뇨관 위축및 소실이 관찰되었다. 전자현미경상에서 면역 복합체의침착은 없었다.이를 바탕으로 면역음성 반월상사구체 신염을 동반한 세뇨관 간질 신염으로 확진후 고용량의 메칠프레드니솔론 정주 치료(500 mg/day)를 3일 동안 시행하고 경구 프레드니솔론으로(1 mg/kg/day) 변환하였다. 현재 외래 경과 관찰중으로 결핵객담검사는 지속적으로 음성소견 보이며, 2주후 외래에서 시행한 혈청 Cr 1.2 mg/dL, Protein/Creatine ratio도 1.05 g/g 으로 감소되었다. 고찰: 리팜핀이 반월상을 형성하는 정확한 병태생리학적 기전은 그 증례 보고가 매우 적어아직은 불명확한 상태이며,치료의 표준지침 역시현재까지 정립되지 못한 상태이다. 기존의증례들에서는 리팜핀을 제외하고 이소니아지드,에탐부톨, 피라진아마이드를 표준치료인 6개월보다 연장된 기간으로사용하여 균 음전을 보고하고 있기에 이에 따라 치료하고 있으며이에 대한 추가연구가 필요한 실정이다.이 증례는 결핵의 유병률이 높은 한국에서 임상적으로 유념해야 하는 결핵치료 합병증으로 의미가 있을 것으로 판단하여 보고한다.

      • 우리나라 長壽村의 生活習慣과 飮食文化에 關한 考察

        林昌範,吳旼錫,宋泰元 대전대학교 한의학연구소 2002 한의학연구소 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        In view of the results that we studied about living and eating habit of korean old people who live in longevity village, we can make conclusion as follows. 1. They have regular rising time, bedtime and living routine. Their bedtime is between 9 to 11 and rising time is before 6. It goes to show that they are keeping regular hours. 2. Generally speaking, most of long life peoples are physical labor : agriculture, fishery, housework, etc. 3. They are in balance with their eating habit. The most favorite food of longevity village's old people is made from toenjang which is fermented soybean paste. 4. The geographical features of longevity village are mountain region, coast and island. 5. Most of people who live long are illiteracy and only a few people of them has finished elementary school course. Moreover, in case of illiteracy, there are more unschooled woman compare with both sexes.

      • KCI등재

        이쑤시개의 관통으로 인하여 발생한 봉소염성 위염 1예

        임창범 ( Chang Bum Rim ),김선문 ( Sun Moon Kim ) 대한소화기학회 2020 대한소화기학회지 Vol.75 No.3

        Phlegmonous gastritis is a disease caused by a bacterial infection of the gastric wall. This condition is rare, but when it does oc­cur, its prognosis appears to be poor. The underlying etiology is largely unknown, but an immunocompromised state is considered an important risk factor. An 85-year-old woman presented with a confused mentality, fever, epigastric pain, and melena. There was no history of alcohol drinking or smoking, nor of previous gastric surgery. On the other hand, there was a history of senile de­mentia and cognitive impairment. Initial contrast-enhanced abdominal CT revealed gastric wall edema at the antrum with mu­cosal hyper-enhancement and an abscess in the thickened antrum. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy on the fourth hospital day showed dark-colored fluid retention in the stomach. The gastric mucosa was inflamed and friable, with several ulcerative lesions showing purulent discharge. A toothpick was found in the process of identifying the base of the ulcerative lesion and was removed. Eventually, phlegmonous gastritis due to the penetration of a toothpick was diagnosed. After endoscopic toothpick re­moval, the patient's symptoms improved dramatically. Serial endoscopy revealed improvement in the gastric mucosa. This case is an example of phlegmonous gastritis caused by a foreign substance in the gastric wall of a patient with senile dementia. During upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in this case, identification of the base of ulcerative lesion played a critical role in the diagnosis.

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