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      • 브라질군의 대폭적인 전력증강계획

        이해민,Lee, Hae-Min 한국방위산업진흥회 1989 國防과 技術 Vol.- No.129

        국방분야에서 브라질은 미국과의 유대가 좋았으나, 1977년 카터 행정부의 브라질내 인권문제에 대한 비난에 따라 Ernesto Geisel 브라질 대통령은 양국간의 방위협정 종료를 통고하게 되었다. 협정종료의 이면에는 그동안 누적되어 온 여러 문제들이 있었다. 예컨대 미국으로 부터 브라질로 이전되는 진부한 군사장비, 양국간의 무역마찰과 브라질의 보호무역주의등의 이유가 양국의 관계를 불편하게 하는 계기가 되었다

      • 1990년대 태국의 안보와 국방계획

        이해민,Lee, Hae-Min 한국방위산업진흥회 1989 國防과 技術 Vol.- No.122

        동남아시아 특히 아세안(ASEAN)국가들이 2000년대에 세계 경제의 주도권을 행사할 잠재력을 보유하고 있음은 의심의 여지가 없다. 그러나 아세안국가들이 인종과 부존자원의 적절한 균형으로 선진국 대열에 동참하게 되겠지만, "안보"라는 커다란 과제에 봉착하게 될 것이다

      • 싱가폴 방산기술동향과 경제개발청 (EDB)

        이해민,Lee, Hae-Min 한국방위산업진흥회 1990 國防과 技術 Vol.- No.136

        오늘날 싱가포르를 방문하게 되면 EDB의 성공적인 역할 수행의 흔적을 어느 곳에서나 볼수 있다. EDB는 1960년대 후반에 싱가포르 산업의 역군으로서 수출지향형 국제기업 육성에 박차를 가하였다. 이제 싱가포르는 경제적으로나 정치적으로 국제무역에서 확고한 입지를 구축한 국가로 성장하였다. 싱가포르내에 투자를 하여 기업을 영위하고 있는 내국법인이든 국제기업이든 모두 EDB의 커다란 도움을 받고 있다. 설립한지 29년이 되는 EDB는 이제 청년기를 맞고 있다

      • KCI등재

        The Natural Course of Biopsy-Proven Isolated Microscopic Hematuria: A Single Center Experience of 350 Patients

        이해민,현지인,민지원,이경수,김용균,최의진,송호철 대한의학회 2016 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.31 No.6

        The increasing interest in healthcare and health screening events is revealing additional cases of asymptomatic isolated microscopic hematuria (IMH). However, a consensus of the evaluation and explanation of the IMH prognosis is controversial among physicians. Here, we present the natural course of IMH together with the pathological diagnosis and features to provide supportive data when approaching patients with IMH. We retrospectively evaluated 350 patients with IMH who underwent a renal biopsy between 2002 and 2011, and the pathological diagnosis and chronic histopathological features (glomerulosclerosis, interstitial fibrosis, and tubular atrophy) were reviewed. Deterioration of renal function was examined during follow up. The patients with IMH were evaluated for a mean of 86 months. IgA nephropathy was the most common diagnosis in 164 patients (46.9%). Chronic histopathological changes were observed in 166 (47.4%) but was not correlated with proteinuria or a decline in renal function. Ten patients developed proteinuria, and all of them had IgA nephropathy. Three patients progressed to chronic kidney disease with an estimated glomerular filtration rate < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 but none progressed to end stage renal disease. In conclusion, IMH had a generally benign course during 7-years of observation, although IgA nephropathy should be monitored if it progresses to proteinuria. Future prospective randomized studies may help conclude the long-term prognosis and lead to a consensus for managing IMH.

      • KCI등재

        『유리동물원』에 나타난 도피자

        이해민 신영어영문학회 2020 신영어영문학 Vol.76 No.-

        This paper examines ‘fugitive kind’ as a central theme in Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie. As suggested in most of his works by T. Williams, the two extreme worlds revealed in The Glass Menagerie are that of reality, in which people should strive hard to live through frustration and despair, and that of illusion in which people are making up imaginary worlds to try to escape from the harsh reality of life. The Wingfields, unable to face the reality, are all forced to hide themselves in their own world of illusion, where they find a shelter as fugitive kind: Tom’s retreat into the world of adventure, Laura’s retreat into the fantasy of the glass menagerie, and Amanda’s retreat into the fantasy of her Southern belle days. The characters are inevitably confronted with pain and desperation, whereupon they are frustrated. The most obvious thematic message of this play is that each of the Wingfields is fugitive kind. Based on this perspective, this paper identifies fugitive kind as a pivotal leitmotif in The Glass Menagerie.

      • KCI등재

        中國 日用類簡牘의 형태와 관련한 몇 가지 문제

        李解民 한국목간학회 2009 목간과 문자 Vol.3 No.-

        간독형태는 간독 내용의 석독과 이해의 중요성만큼이나 나날이 간독학자의 주목을 받고 있다. 이 글에서는 중국 일용류 간독을 중심으로 고대간독의 기본형태, 간독형태와 내용, 3가지 기본 형태를 갖는 간독의 기능 및 2가지 일용류 간독의 형태상 특징이라는 4가지 문제를 살펴보았다. 簡·牘·?는 竹木 서사체계의 가장 기본적인 3가지 형태라고 생각한다. 간독의 형태와 내용에 대해 토론할 때 양자의 관계를 중요시해야 하며, 양자의 구별에 대해 주의를 기울여야 한다는 점을 강조했다. 구체적으로 ?의 기능과 고에 기록되어 있는 내용에 관한 문제도 꼼꼼히 살펴보았다. 檢揭과 符券(2종류 日用簡牘)의 형태상 특징을 심층 분석했다. 마지막으로 간독 형태학의 구축 분류연구, 정리 출판에 힘쓸 것을 제안했다.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison between Gasless and Gas-Inflated Robot-Assisted Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy

        이해민,이지아,이관범,김지예,박형석 한국유방암학회 2021 Journal of breast cancer Vol.24 No.2

        Purpose: Nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM) includes various techniques, including conventional or endoscopic mastectomies. Since the introduction of robot-assisted NSM (RANSM) in 2015, 2 main methods have been used: gasless and gas-inflated techniques. The aim of this study was to compare clinicopathologic characteristics, surgical outcomes, and postoperative complications between patients treated with gasless RANSM and those treated with gas-inflated RANSM. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of women who underwent gasless or gasinflated RANSM with immediate breast reconstruction between November 2016 and May 2019. The indications for RANSM were early breast cancer, interstitial mastopathy, or BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Clinicopathologic characteristics, surgical outcomes, and postoperative complications were analyzed. The severity of complications was graded using the Clavien-Dindo system. Results: A total of 58 RANSM procedures were performed in 46 women: 15 cases of gasless RANSM and 43 cases of gas-inflated RANSM. The proportion of node-negative disease was higher in the gas-inflated group (97.1%) than in the gasless group (69.2%, p = 0.016). Adjuvant radiotherapy was administered in 30.6% of the cases in the gasless group and only 5% of the cases in the gas-inflated group. Other clinicopathological factors were not significantly different between the groups. Regarding surgical outcomes, the initial incision was 1 cm longer in the gasless group (5.17 ± 0.88 cm) than that in the gas-inflated group (4.20 ± 1.05 cm; p = 0.002). The final incision was also longer in the gasless group (5.17 ± 0.88 cm) than that in the gas-inflated group (4.57 ± 1.07 cm; p = 0.040). Operation time, complication rate, and complication grade were not significantly different between the 2 groups. Conclusion: In this study, there were no significant differences in surgical outcomes or postoperative complications between gasless and gas-inflated RANSM, except for a longer incision with the gasless technique. Both techniques are reasonable options for RANSM followed by immediate reconstruction.

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