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        토지수용과 취소소송의 대상

        이철환(Lee, Cheol-Whan) 조선대학교 법학연구원 2010 法學論叢 Vol.17 No.3

        행정소송법은 소송의 대상에 관하여 원처분주의를 취하고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 토지수용 절차에서 수용 재결에 불복하여 이의재결을 거치고 행정소송을 제기하는 경우에 행정소송의 대상이 되는 것은 수용재결인지 이의재결인지가 문제되었다. (구)토지수용법 하에서는 원처분주의에 대한 예외규정을 둠으로써 재결주의를 채택하였고, 판례도 재결주의의 입장을 확인하였다. (구)토지수용법을 계승한 현행 「공익사업을 위한 토지 등의 취득 및 보상에 관한 법률」에 의하면, “사업시행자ㆍ토지소유자 또는 관계인은 수용재결에 대하여 불복이 있는 때에는 재결서를 받은 날부터 60일 이내에, 이의 신청을 거친 때에는 이의신청에 대한 재결서를 받은 날부터 30일 이내에 각각 행정소송을 제기할 수 있다.”고 규정한다(제85조 제1항 제1문). 그러나 위 조항이 이의신청에 대한 재결(이의재결)을 거친 후 행정소송을 제기하는 경우에는 원처분인 수용 재결에 대하여 행정소송을 제기할 것인지 아니면 이의재결에 대하여 행정소송을 제기할 것인지에 관하여 법문에 명백하게 규정되어 있지 않아서 문제가 제기된다. 이러한 와중에서 이 사건 대상판결은 현행 ‘공익사업을 위한 토지 등의 취득 및 보상에 관한 법률’ 시행이후 이러한 문제를 다룬 최초의 대법원 판결로 보인다. 대법원은 이의재결을 취소소송의 대상으로 보았던 (구)토지수용법 하에서의 판례의 입장을 유지한 원심판결을 파기하고, 수용재결을 취소소송의 대상으로 하고, 수용재결을 한 토지수용위원회를 피고로 하여야 한다고 판시함으로써, 실무상의 이론(異論)을 정리하였다는 데에 그 의의가 크다. The Administrative Litigation Act adopted the Principle of Original Disposition for subjects of administrative litigation. However, in cases where one appeals to the Administrative Court against land expropriation, the issue is whether the subject of administrative litigation is the first adjudication of the competent Land Expropriation Committee or the second adjudication of on raising an objection against the first adjudication by the Central Land Expropriation Committee. Under the prior Land Expropriation Act, the subject of administrative litigation was the second adjudication (Principle of Ruling), with some exceptions to allow for suits against the first adjudication of the competent Land Expropriation Committee (Principle of Original Disposition). The Supreme Court has confirmed the Principle of Ruling. The first paragraph of Article 85 of the “Act on the Acquisition of Land, etc. for Public Works and the Compensation therefore,” which incorporates the prior Land Expropriation Act, provides in relevant part: Any project operator, landowner or person concerned, when one is dissatisfied with an adjudication of the Land Expropriation Committee, may institute an administrative litigation within 60 days from the day when one receives a written adjudication and within 30 days from the day when one receives a written adjudication on his objection in cases where one has raised an objection, respectively. However, the foregoing provision does not clarify which is the subject of litigation, the first adjudication or the second adjudication, in cases where one files administrative litigation after receiving the second adjudication on raising an objection against the first adjudication. The Supreme Court’s ruling analyzed in this article appears to be the first ruling to address this issue. The Supreme Court revoked a lower court’s ruling that applied the Supreme Court’s position according to the prior Land Expropriation Act, under which the subject of administrative litigation was the second adjudication on raising an objection. Instead, the Court held that the subject of administrative litigation is the first adjudication of the competent Land Expropriation Committee and the defendant must be the competent Land Expropriation Committee. This ruling of the Supreme Court is important because it clears away ambiguity that arises from the process of land expropriation.

      • KCI등재

        위헌결정에 근거한 행정처분의 집행가능성

        이철환(Lee, Cheol-Whan) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2012 法學硏究 Vol.36 No.-

        이 사건 대상판결에서는 과세처분(선행행위) 이후 조세부과의 근거가 되었던 법률규정에 대하여 위헌결정이 내려진 경우, 그 조세채권의 집행을 위한 체납처분(후행행위)이 당연무효인지가 쟁점이다 판례는 무효와 취소사유의 구별에 관하여 중대ㆍ명백설을 취하고 있다. 따라서 위헌결정전에 한 처분은 취소할 수 있는 행정행위가 될 뿐이고 별개의 목적으로 행하는 집행행위에는 하자의 승계가 인정되지 않는다고 보는 것이 논리적 일관성이 있게 된다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이 사건 대상판결의 다수의견은 집행행위를 무효로 보았다. 이는 그 행정처분을 무효로 하더라도 법적 안정성을 크게 해치지 않는 반면에 그 하자가 중대하여 그 구제가 필요한 예외적인 경우로 보아 법적 안정성보다 구체적 타당성에 초점을 둔 것으로 보인다. 그동안 행정처분이 있은 후 근거법률이 위헌결정된 경우 집행가능성 여부에 관하여 학설상 논의가 분분하였다. 이 사건 판결은 위헌결정효력의 시간적 범위에 관하여, 원칙적 장래 효에 대한 예외를 인정한 헌법재판소의 종래의 입장을 수용한 것으로, 예외적 상황에서 구체적 타당성을 지향했다는 점에서 그 의의가 있다고 하겠다. 다만, 판결 내용상으로는 다수의견이 위헌결정의 기속력을 내세워 위헌결정 이후에 조세채권의 집행을 위한 새로운 체납처분에 착수하는 것은 허용되지 않고 체납처분은 위헌결정의 효력에 위배되어 당연무효로 보았는데, 이 판결의 결론과 배치되는 그동안의 하자승계에 관한 판례와의 조화문제는 향후 과제라 할 것이다. The issue of the case discussed herein is whether the disposition for failure in tax payment (later disposition) is rendered automatically null and void after the judgment of unconstitutionality on the underlying statute that was the basis for the disposition of taxation (preceding disposition). Cases take the theories of materiality and obviousness with respect to the distinction between the causes for nullification and cancellation. Accordingly, the disposition before the unconstitutionality decision is deemed a cancellable administration disposition only, and the later disposition, which has a separate purpose, is not subject to the succession of defect; this position has a logical consistency. However, the majority in this case considered the administrative disposition a nullity. It appears that they have focused on detailed feasibility, reasoning that the nullification of disposition does not harm the stability of law too much and that the defects are so serious as to call for an exceptional remedy. There have been many debates as to the possibility of enforcement after the finding of unconstitutionality of the underlying statute. This case is significant in that it shows a trend toward detailed feasibility in exceptional situations, thereby adopting the previous position of the Constitutional Court recognizing the exceptions for future effects with respect to the time span of an unconstitutionality decision. However, according to the majority opinion, the later disposition was rendered automatically null and void based on the res judicata effect of the constitutional decision, thereby barring the process of a new disposition. This leaves a question as to how to reconcile the previous cases on succession of defects, that appear to contradict the theory behind this decision.

      • KCI등재후보

        Astemizole 에 의해 유발된 Torsade de Pointes 1 예

        이철환(Cheol Whan Lee),두영철(Young Cheoul Doo),송재관(Jae Kwan Song),김재중(Jae Joong Kim),박성욱(Seoung Wook Park),박승정(Seung Jung Park),이종구(Jong Koo Lee) 대한내과학회 1992 대한내과학회지 Vol.43 No.5

        Astemizole is a safe and effective long acting H, receptor blocker, whose use has been increasing in the past for various allergic disorders. There were 4 reports of torsade de pointes (TdP) that occurred after astemizole overdose, however usual dose of astemizole was not reported to be associated with Tdp. Recently we have cared for one patient with astemizole induced TdP. A 70 years old man with alcoholic liver cirrhosis presented with one months history of recurrent syncope occuring three months after the use of astemizole usual dose. An electrocardiogram revealed marked QT prolongation and recurrent polymorphic ventricular tachycarda. TdP was dramatically controlled with MgSO4 infusion. On the twentieth day, it was possible to discontinue MgSO4 infusion, and no further episode of TdP occurred after normalization of the QTc interval. We report a case of TdP that occurred after astemizole usual dose

      • KCI등재

        항고소송에서 국가기관의 원고적격 (대법원 2013.7.25. 선고 2011두1214 판결[불이익처분원상회복등요구처분취소])

        이철환(Lee, Cheol-Whan) 숭실대학교 법학연구소 2015 法學論叢 Vol.33 No.-

        어느 국가기관의 조치요구 또는 처분에 대하여 상대방인 국가기관도 이를 다투고자 할 경우가 점차 늘고 있다. 권리능력 없는 행정기관이나 국가기관은 소송에서 당사자가 될 수 없는 것이 원칙이어서, 기존의 판례는 국가기관의 당사자능력을 부정하고 원고적격도 당연히 인정하지 아니하였다. 따라서 국가기관은 처분에 불복하여 항고소송의 제기도 할 수 없었다. 국가기관이라도 처분에 대하여 다투어야 할 ‘법률상 이익’이 있는 경우에는 원고적격을 인정해야 할 것이다. 이 사건 판결은 “비록 국가기관에 불과하더라도 이 사건에서는 당사자능력 및 원고적격을 가진다.”고 하여 국가기관의 권리구제의 길을 열었다는 점에서 그 의미가 대단히 크다고 할 것이다. 다만 다른 보호조치의 방법이 없을 때에 예외적으로 인정하는 점에 대해서는 아쉬움이 남는다. 국가기관이나 행정기관이라 하더라도 실질적으로 권리구제의 필요가 인정되는 경우에는 적극적으로 원고적격을 인정하여 권리구제의 범위를 확대해 나가야 할 것이다. Cases have been increasing that a government agency wants to take action in a court against another government agency, dissenting a disposition or demand. In general, an executive or a government agency is not allowed to bring a lawsuit against another government agency since it has no status as a legal person. Accordingly, the Korean Supreme Court also has denied the admissibility to a party and the standing of a government agency in the appeal litigation. As a result, a government agency was not able to bring a lawsuit against another government agency. However, it is right for a government agency to be able to seek a remedy from a court if it has legal interests to be solved in a court regarding a decision made by another agency. In the Korean Supreme Court decision reviewed in this article the Court reasoned a government agency could bring a lawsuit against another government agency, holding that a government agency can be admissible to a party and has standing in the case at issue. This ruling by the Supreme Court is very important in that it gives an opportunity for a government agency to get relief to a right from a court. Nevertheless, the fact that a government agency can take action in a court only when it has no option other than appeal litigation, is not satisfactory. Rather, a government or an executive agency should be admissible to a party and have standing to bring a lawsuit against another agency whenever a remedy is needed, expanding opportunities to get relief to a right.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        우위대동맥을 이용한 관상동맥 우회술을 시행받은 환자에서 관상동맥 조영술증 발생한 우위대망동맥의 경련

        송현,임한중,이철환,홍명기,Song, Hyun,Lim, Han-Jung,Lee, Cheol-Whan,Hong, Myeong-Ki 대한흉부심장혈관외과학회 2000 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.33 No.5

        In the mid 1980's, the ITA(internal thoracic artery) graft was clearly recognized to be superior to the sapheonous vein graft in respect to long term patency. Therefore, there has been growing interest in the arterial conduit with the possibility of improving the long term result. We have been performing CABG with GEA since 1998 with the same purpose. For mid-term and long-term follow up, we have been performing postoperative coronary angiography. In this paper, a case of GEA spasm, a purported drawback of this conduit, during postoperative coronary anigiography and relieved by direct infusion of 200$\mu\textrm{g}$ isoket into the GEA is reported. The current case which exemplifies the spastic nature of RGEA is accompanied with coronary angiography.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        허혈성 심장질환을 동반한 말기신부전 환자에서 관상동맥 스텐트 시술과 우회로 이식술의 임상성적

        이준승(Joon Seung Lee),장재원(Jai Weon Chang),이미숙(Mee Sook Lee),장상필(Sang Pil Chang),박성욱(Seong Wook Park),이철환(Cheol Whan Lee),송현(Hyun Song),박정식(Jung Sik Park) 대한신장학회 2001 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.20 No.2

        N/A The purpose of this study was firstly, to evaluate the efficacy of coronary stenting in ESRD patients compared with non uremic patients and secondly, to compare the perioperative mortality of coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG) in ESRD patients with that in non-uremic patients exhibiting a similar degree of left ventricular function. We examined the clinical restenosis of coronary stenting and 30 day mortality rate after CABG in this retrospective, casecontrolled study. The case histories of twenty-five ESRD patients with ischemic heart disease(IHD) and twenty-five non-uremic IHD patients matched for age, sex, ejection fraction and number of implanted stents, who had undergone first, elective, primarily successful coronary stenting were reviewed. The case of histories of another sixteen ESRD patients with IHD and sixteen non-uremic IHD patients matched for age, sex, ejection fraction and number of grafted vessels, who had undergone first elective CABG were also reviewed. Clinical restenosis developed in nine of the twenty-five ESRD patients and in eight of the twenty-five non-uremic patients after coronary stenting within follow up periods of 16.9±14.5 months and 17.6±14.6 months, respectively. There was no significant difference in the cumulative clinical restenosis free curves between the two groups(p=0.79). Three out of sixteen for the ESRD patients and one out of sixteen for the non-uremic patients died in 30 days after CABG, follow up periods being 11.3±9.6 months and 11.1±8.9 months, respectively. The perioperative mortality did not differ between the two groups(p=0.28). We conclude that coronary stenting in ESRD patients is as effective as in non-uremic patients regarding initial coronary revascularization and perioperative mortality rate of CABG in ESRD patients is not significantly higher compared with non-uremic patients when Left ventricular function is matched.

      • KCI등재후보
      • OLAP 지식/정보의 3차원 시각화 기술에 대한 연구

        김성국(Sung Gook Kim),이정중(Jung Joong Lee),이성균(Sung Kyun Lee),이철환(Cheol Whan Lee),백성욱(Sung Wook Baik) 한국정보기술학회 2010 Proceedings of KIIT Conference Vol.2010 No.-

        본 연구는 데이터웨어하우스에 집적되어 있는 OLAB 큐브로 형성된 다차원 데이터 모델을 위한 직관적인 저작 도구의 효율적인 3차원 시각화 기술을 제안한다. 최근 수십년에 걸쳐 상업적 데이터들의 상당 부분이 데이터웨어하우스에 축적되어 왔다. 이러한 복잡한 데이터를 시각적으로 표현하는 것은 인간이 정보를 빠르고 직관적으로 이해하는데 도움을 준다. 따라서 고도로 복잡하고 방대한 다차원 OLAP 데이터의 효율적인 시각적 표현을 제공하는 기술은 충분한 연구 가치가 있다. 본 연구에서는 3차원으로 표현된 OLAP 큐브를 핸들링하는 직관적인 인터페이스의 저작환경을 구현하고, 이를 통해 기존의 평면적 형태의 OLAP 데이터 리포트 및 차트로부터 개선된 3차원으로 표현된 지식/정보를 제공하는 것이 가능해진다. This study presents an efficient 3D visualization technology with an easy-to-use authoring tool for multidimensional aggregated data model, formed as an OLAP cube populated from data warehouse. For the last several decades, large portion of business data has been accumulated in data warehouse. Graphical presentation of complex data provides huge benefits to human to make a fast and intuitive interpretation of information. The effort to provide efficient graphical presentations of vast amount of highly complex multidimensional OLAP data has been an attractive challenging task. We introduce a technology for implementation of an intuitive authoring environment by handling the OLAP cube which is visualized on 3-Dimensions. By this technology, the authoring tool is able to provide an advanced 3-dimensional knowledge/information from existing 2-dimensional presentation of OLAP data report and chart.

      • KCI등재후보

        Rashkind device 를 이용한 동맥관개존증의 경도자적 폐쇄술후 발생한 용혈의 비수술적인 치료

        정석원(Seok Won Chung),박훈기(Hoon Ki Park),강승호(Seung Ho Kang),이철환(Cheol Whan Lee),홍명기(Myeong Ki Hong),김재중(Jae Joong Kim),박성욱(Seong Wook Park),박승정(Seung Jung Park),김현숙(Hyun Sook Kim) 대한내과학회 1998 대한내과학회지 Vol.55 No.1

        Transcatheter occlusion of the patent ductus arteriosus(PDA) using the Rashkind double umbrella device has become an accepted practice as an effective alternative to surgical ligation in many centers. We experienced three cases of medically refractory severe mechanical hemolysis following transcatheter closure of PDA due to residual shunt. I4emolysis resolved rapidly and completely after deployment of second or more Rashkind umbrellas without surgical correction of the residual shunt. In conclusion, reinsertion of the Rashkind umbrella is a useful modality for treatment of severe hemolysis developed after transcatheter closure of the PDA.

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