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        성문하부 신경초종의 내시경적 절제술 1례

        이차희,박윤희,정수연,김한수,Lee, Cha Hee,Park, Yun Hwi,Jung, Soo Yeon,Kim, Han Su 대한후두음성언어의학회 2015 대한후두음성언어의학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        Schwannoma of the larynx is uncommon neurogenic tumor that can cause the air way obstruction. For benign lesions, conservative surgical excision is the treatment of choice. Recently, we experienced a case of schwannoma originating from the subglottis in a 52 year old female patient. The tumor was removed successfully through endoscopic approach.

      • KCI등재

        도시근교 농촌경관에 대한 거주민별 주관적 인식 비교 - 귀농·귀촌인의 특성을 고려한 경관관리 방안모색 -

        이차희 ( Lee Cha Hee ) 한국농촌계획학회 2020 농촌계획 Vol.26 No.3

        As the importance of rural landscapes has recently emerged due to an increase in number of urban to rural migrants into suburban area in Korea, this study empirically grasps the differences in subjective landscapes perceptions between native and non-native residents. and tried to explore new landscape management possibilities through the role of each residents group. To this end, based on the data collected through the ‘photo-elicitation with walking’, the residents’ landscape perception objects, perception factors, and perceived feelings are derived, and then the differences and characteristics of landscapes perception between native and non-native residents group were analyzed. As a result, native residents perceived everyday landscapes relatively meaningfully and provided abundant information in all aspects, while non-native residents mainly recognized characteristic landscapes and responded more sensitively to visual and environmental perception factors than the natives. Non-native residents also showed strong willingness to improve the degraded landscapes. These results are expected to provide a basis for exploring the role of residents in rural landscape planning and management in the future.

      • KCI등재

        경기도 이천시 산수유마을을 통해 본 경관정체성 형성

        이차희(Lee, Cha-Hee) 경인교육대학교 기전문화연구소 2017 기전문화연구 Vol.38 No.2

        본 연구는 경기도 이천시 산수유마을을 대상으로 경관정체성이 경관관리에 영향을 미칠 수 있는지에 대한 가능성을 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 먼저, 경관정체성에 대한 정의 및 경관정체성 분석을 위한 접근방법 등에 대한 이론적 논의를 한 후, 이를 실제 마을에 적용하여 경관정체성 형성 여부를 분석하였다. 연구방법은 걷기를 조사방법으로 활용하여 거주민들이 의미있다고 인식하는 경관대상과 발화내용 도출하는 것이다. 도출된 발화내용을 가지고 근거이론 개방코딩을 실시하여 인식대상, 인식요인, 인식감정을 밝혔다. 그결과 산수유마을 거주민들의 상당수가 산수유나무를 중심으로 경관정체성이 형성되어 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 거주민의 관점에서 그들의 경관인식을 실증적으로 분석하였다는데 의의를 갖는다. 또한 마을 거주민의 공유된 인식에 기초한 경관정체성이 농촌경관 보전 및 관리에 영향을 미칠 수있음을 보여줬다 할 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of the influence of landscape identity on landscape management in practice through empirical research on Cornus-fruit Village in Icheon City, Gyeonggi Province. To this end, the definition of landscape identity and the approach to landscape identity analysis were discussed on theoretical basis and applied to Cornus-fruit Village to analyze if landscape identity was formed and shared in the villages. The study used a survey method—photo-elicitation with walking—to elicit resident statements in order to analyze their landscape perceptions. The perceptions were categorically analyzed through open coding in grounded theory in terms of their perceived landscape object, their perception factor, and their perceived feeling on landscape. As a result, it is revealed that the landscape identity centered on the cornus fruit tree has been formed based on the history of the village, and many residents of the village have shared landscape identity. This study could be meaningful because it analyze empirically the landscape perception focused on landscape identity at the viewpoint of residents. Also, landscape identity suggests that landscape identity based on the shared awareness of the residents of the villages can be influenced rural landscape preservation and management.

      • 미군정 정치 역동에 대한 이해

        이차희(Lee, Cha Hee) 감리교신학대학교 2016 신학과세계 Vol.- No.87

        본 글은 1945년 해방과 미군정의 기로에서 미국과 소련이 취한 국가 개념을 정치 · 신학적인 입장에서 진단했다. 미국의 약속의 땅의 개념과 소련의 메시아적 해방으로 포장되어 유입된 그들의 국가 개념의 뿌리가 곧 실리의 논리임을 그들이 한반도를 둘러싼 논의에서 살펴보았다. 결론적으로 이러한 근대 국가 개념의 기독교적인 미화는 기독교의 부정적인 세속화의 지표임을 드러냈다. 기독교의 정신이 슬로건이 된 미국과 소련의 한반도 해방 이후의 정치논리는 결국 지극히 정치적일 수는 있어도, 진정한 의미로의 종교적일 수 없음을 드러낸다. 근대개념의 뿌리인 서구와 서구인의 중심성은 여전히 한반도의 해방이후의 정치변동에 개입한 미국과 소련의 정체성임을 본 글은 주지하였다. 이러한 논지를 통해서 정치적인 측면에서 철저히 신학적인 상징이 악용되어 향후 미군정과 신탁의 정치 변동이 철저히 외부자적인 논리로 추진되었음을 밝히려고 하였다. 아울러 이러한 외부자적인 국가개념이 내부자들의 국민의 주체성을 고려하지 못했음이 바로 신학이 이념화되어 여전히 서양의 제국주의의 수탈의 현장이 된 곳이 근대의 한반도임을 드러내고자 하였다. 이러한 서구 열강의 틈바구니에서 일본은 서구로부터 받아들인 근대 국가개념을 가장 적절히 이용하여 1945년 해방을 전후하여 여전히 자신들의 이권을 향후 미국과 소련의 제국주의 한반도 정착의 상황에 적응하게 된다. It is imperative to make a clear view of how the United States and the Soviet Union cooperated only to pursue their interests in Korea along with biblical ideas. The former pretended to help Korea establish a promised land in Korea. The latter proclaimed its identity as a messiah to liberate Korean from Japan. However, their diplomatic discussions on Korea around 1945 did exclude Koreans and their interests. It proves that the United States and the Soviet Union as outsiders appropriated the religious images of Promised Land and Messiah to exploit Korea. The outsiders’ imposed idea of nation upon Korea is a modern-nationalism, which brings forth a ideological rationalization of imperialism. Korean Peninsula after the collapse of Japan in 1945 tended to remain as a politically non-governmented area; only the powers of the United States and the Soviet Union were plundering the land and its people. In the cleft of this political dynamics worked in Korea, Japan has made its interest through a diplomatic cunning.

      • KCI등재

        도시텃밭 운영주체별 운영방식의 차이에 따른 공동체 형성 효과

        이차희 ( Cha Hee Lee ),손용훈 ( Yong Hoon Son ) 한국농촌계획학회 2014 농촌계획 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to identify effect in how urban garden is run by different operators in Korea, and consequently how it determines the level of community formation among urban garden users. Based on this analysis, the study is intended to present some points as to how to better manage urban garden. The operators are divided into three types: public, public-private partnership and private. The study interviewed each operating entity and surveyed garden users to gauge the extent to which communities are developed. After the ANOVA analysis and Scheffe post-hoc analysis, it was found that the levels of community formation among users of public and public-private partnership urban gardens were similar (so can be grouped together), whereas that of private urban garden users was higher (separated as another group). However, this study found no meaningful differences in the level of community formation among all types of urban garden in a local community. Some key suggestions are made as a result. First, as for the public and public-private partnership types of urban garden, it is necessary to foster leaders to build a community. Next, it is worth noting the potential of public-private partnership in realizing community revival through urban garden. The last suggestion is that, generally, the urban garden has only little influence on community formation in a local area so far, thus more practical consideration needs to be given to enhance the role of urban garden in a local community.

      • KCI등재

        걷기를 적용한 경관의 주관적 인식조사 방법의 유용성에 관한 연구 - 광주 수청리 농촌마을 대상으로 -

        이차희 ( Lee Cha-hee ),윤승용 ( Yun Seung-yong ),손용훈 ( Son Yong-hoon ) 한국농촌계획학회 2016 농촌계획 Vol.22 No.2

        In existing method, research for landscape resource is driven by professional (or with the participation of local people at Tokenism level), and usually hinder local residents from reflecting their appreciations on the landscape resources in their own ways and eventually ends up with indistinguishable landscape planning. To avoid this, a profound understanding of what landscape they experience in their daily life and how they perceive it should be empirically analysed carefully. The purpose of this study is to apply walking behavior as a method to examine local residents’ subjective perceptions and consider its usability. The researcher walked the site(Sucheongri) with the residents, carrying a GPS device, taking photographs of the landscape objects they described, and recording the relevant explanations. After gathering photographs and explanations which represent the research participants’ individual subjective perception, the researcher analysed the explanation using open coding, based on grounded theory. By the analysis, 117 landscape objectives are identified and 18 reason factors for landscape perception were deduced from the explanation. Those factors could be classified as ‘positive feeling inducing’ and ‘negative feeling inducing’, and also as ‘personal emotion based’ and ‘community based emotion’. By comparison between feeling map by conventional method and feeing map by new method, usability of new method was empirically reveled. Walking behavior makes it easier for researcher to get more abundant data in quantitative aspect and profound understanding with affection of respondent by allowing them to ‘go beyond’ the perceptions they remember. Finally new method with walking gives professionals a contextual understanding of a place and more resident-oriented plans and management on sites.

      • KCI등재

        농촌체험관광 중간지원조직 역할에 관한 근거이론적 분석-양평군,이천시 농촌나드리 비교를 중심으로-

        이차희 ( Cha Hee Lee ),탁영란 ( Tak Young Ran ),김민서 ( Min Seo Kim ),손용훈 ( Yong Hoon Son ) 한국농촌계획학회 2014 농촌계획 Vol.20 No.3

        The purpose of the present study is to examine the characteristics of intermediary organizations for rural tourism by analyzing how they are run, especially in Yangpyeong-gun and Icheon-si Nadri groups, and to further look for the desirable role they should play. Since the activities of these intermediary groups have not been accumulated enough to be able to be used for a study, grounded theory was adopted as deemed appropriate among other qualitative research approaches for this paper. Three main findings of the current research are as follows. First, the rural tourism intermediary organizations have characteristics that are leaning towards local villages more than visitors, although they are in the middle of a spectrum stretching between ‘visitors to the green villages’ on one end and the ‘green villages’ on the other end. Second, the intermediary groups work not just as a bridge among different green villages but also as a mediator, facilitator and a guide, noting that such roles can vary significantly depending on the level of competence of the groups themselves and the extent to which the government steps in. Third, the tourism intermediary organizations can contribute to local community-building, going beyond the boundaries of green village. They help to improve the quality of tour experience which leads to revitalization of local economy, and during the course of operating the intermediary groups, the community in the village can set up rules and resolve disputes and conflicts. Thus, the activities of the groups have the potential to create a local community by affecting not just at a village level but to a broader area where their operation is based on. Implications of this study are suggested in three ways. First, the paper looked at the interaction between rural tourism intermediary organizations and stakeholder in a comprehensive way with a qualitative research approach taken. Second, it identified the role and tasks of rural tourism intermediary organizations. Third, it is important to ensure that the tourism intermediary organizations play the local community-oriented role.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공장입지에 따른 대도시 근교지역 농촌마을의 경관변화 특징

        손용훈 ( Yong Hoon Son ),이차희 ( Cha Hee Lee ),사이토유키히코 ( Yu Ki Hi Ko Saito ) 한국농촌계획학회 2014 농촌계획 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to identify characteristics of the landscape changes in Gwangjyu city and Icheon city, the suburban areas on the outskirts of the Seoul metropolitan area, by focusing on the causes of the urban sprawl and the resultant morphological characteristics of landscape degradation. Particular attention has been given to the ‘advantages for developing suburb including geographical proximity and land price’, ‘institutional regulation such as land-use regulation’ and ‘community solidarity’ as drivers for possible introduction of external factors. The types of landscape change were divided into three, after having on-the-ground research on eleven chosen towns and interviews with head of a village: Overwhelming Change, Separated and Small-Scale Change. It was found that, in general, the quality of landscape was best for the small-scale change type, followed by separated and overwhelming change types. While the types of landscape change are correlated with the geographical proximity, its relevance with land regulation is relatively weak. The study found that imposing a land-use regulation as a means to prevent changes in suburban village landscape may not be fully effective. Also it analyzed that villages could better manage with keen interest the surrounding landscape if there is a high degree of solidarity within the village community. Therefore, the sense of community could play an important complementary role to land-use regulation which does not suffice in itself to manage suburban landscape.

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