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      • 숲에서 나타난 만 2세 영아의 놀이 경험

        이지희(LEE, Ji Hui) 한국포괄영유아아동교육지원학회 2020 포괄영유아,아동교육지원연구 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 영아가 숲에서 어떻게 놀이를 해 나가는지 영아의 놀이 경험과 그 의미를 탐색하고자 이루어졌다. 본 연구에 참여한 영아는 27개월에서 33개월 사이의 영아 12명이며, 연구 기간은 2019년 3월 중순부터 11월 말까지 총 63회에 걸쳐 지역 내 숲에서 놀이를 하였다. 참여 영아는 1주일에 2회, 회기 당 2시간가량 오전에 숲에서 놀이를 하였다. 영아의 놀이 환경은 규칙이 자유롭고 개방된 놀이 환경에서 이루어졌다. 연구자는 숲에서 일어나는 영아의 놀이를 참여 관찰하여 자료를 수집하고, 사진 촬영과 영상촬영을 동시에 진행하여 자료의 정확성을 유지하려고 노력하였다. 또한, 참여 교사와 연구보조자의 비형식적 면담으로 자료를 보완하고, 전문가의 의견을 반영하고 삼각검증법을 이용하여 연구의 신뢰도를 높이고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 영아는 그들의 감각과 몸을 이용하여 숲을 탐색하는 경험을 하고, 그들 스스로 도전과 모험하는 것을 즐겼다. 영아는 그들이 원하는 대로 움직이고 느끼고 즐기면서 숲에서 놀았고, 살아 있는 생명체와 관계를 맺는 경험을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구는 숲에서 영아의 주도적인 놀이 경험을 이해함으로써 숲에서의 놀이의 의미를 파악하여 영아 보육현장에서 숲 놀이 경험에 대한 새로운 인식을 갖게 되는 것을 기여하는 데에 의미가 있을 것으로 판단된다. This study explored the meaning of children’s free play in a forest. The participants of 12 2-year-old infants experienced play in a forest for 63 sessions. The data was collected using participatory observation of the infants, and formal and informal interviews, and other document collection methods targeting the teachers and a research assistants. As a result of the analysis, the infants had an experience enjoying exploration using all their senses and body. Secondly, the infants had a challenging and adventurous experience with a desired t reveal themselves. Thirdly, the infants experienced the forest play, while moving, feeling, and enjoying as they wanted. Fourthly, the infants had an experience having relationships with living things. In conclusion, This study examined the meanings that the forest play has by understanding the details and quality of individual infants’ subjective experiences. Through the findings, This study is expected to contribute to a new vision to the infants’ forest play experience in the infant caring site.

      • KCI등재

        영아 숲·예술놀이 프로그램 적용연구 창의적 예술 표현을 중심으로

        이지희(Ji hui LEE),이수경(Sukyoung LEE) 한국조형교육학회 2020 造形敎育 Vol.0 No.75

        본 연구는 만 2세 영아가 숲·예술놀이 프로그램에서 어떠한 예술적 경험을 하는지 탐색하고 그 의미를 분석해 보고자 하였다. 숲·예술놀이 프로그램은 문헌고찰, 요구분석, 초안 구성, 1차 전문가 협의, 예비연구, 2차 전문가 협의를 거쳐 도입(감각열기-예술적 요소 탐색하기), 전개(개념인식-예술적 요소 표현하기), 마무리(감상 및 토의하기)로 구성하였다. 연구참여자는G시에 소재한 P 어린이집 만 2세 영아 11명(남아 6명, 여아 5명)으로 평균 월령은 30개월이다. 자료수집은 2018년 8월29일부터 11월 30일까지 주 2회(회기별 1시간 30분)로 총 24회 이루어졌으며, 참여 관찰, 교사와의 면담, 연구자의 현장일지와 동영상 자료와 그리고 사진 자료를 질적 분석하였다. 연구결과, 숲·예술놀이 프로그램에 참여한 영아는 숲에서 느낀아름다움과 자연물을 매개로 하여 미술, 음악, 동작, 가작화 놀이로 창의적인 예술 표현을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 생명체가공존하고 항상 변화하는 열린 공간인 숲에서 영아는 민감해진 감각을 이용하여 자발적으로 예술적 요소를 탐색하고, 창의적인 예술적 표현을 하였다. 영아의 발달적 특성과 영아의 표현 욕구를 충족시켜주는 숲·예술놀이 프로그램은 숲이 영아에게예술놀이를 하기에 의미 있는 장소라는 점과 이 프로그램이 영아의 창의적 역량을 키워 궁극적으로 영아의 행복한 삶을영위하게 한다는 것을 드러냈다는 데에 의의가 있다. This study was to explore the artistic experiences of 2-year-old toddlers in the Forest·Art Play program and analyze their meanings. The program consists of introduction(sensory opening-discovery of artistic elements), development(concept recognition-expression of artistic elements), and finishing(appreciation and discussion). Participants in the study include eleven 2-year-old infants(six boys and five girls) at the P Daycare Center in G city. The date collection was conducted 24 times with participation observation, interviews with teachers, field diaries, video materials, and photographic data. Qualitative analysis was performed. The study found that infants in the Forest·Art Play program perform creative art expressions with art, music, movements, and pretend play, using the beauty and natural objects felt in the forest. In the forest, infants voluntarily explored artistic elements and creative artistic expression using their sensitive senses. The Forest·Art Play programs is meaningful that the forest is a meaningful place for infants to do Art Play and that the program improves the creative capacity of infants and ultimately leads to a happy life infants.

      • KCI등재

        자연을 매개로 한 영아의 상징놀이 특성에 관한 연구

        이지희(Ji Hui Lee) 한국보육학회 2020 한국보육학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of two-year-old infants’ symbolic play through nature. Methods: To explore symbolic play through nature of infants, a qualitative research method is necessary. The data was collected using participatory observation of the infants and informal interview with teachers. The subjects in this study were 12 2-year-old infants in daycare center located in G city, North Gyeongsang Province. This study carried out the play from the middle of March to the end of November for 8 months. The play in nature of infants was carried out two times per week(two hours per session in the morning). Results: The results showed that infants made symbolic play abundantly using their creative ideas. The nature stimulated infants’ curiosity and encouraged their unlimited imagination and fantasy. Participant infants did make-believe of objects, roles, behavior & situation and language variously. Conclusion/Implications: This study is expected to contribute to a new vision to the infants’ symbolic play through nature. In order to infants’ healthy and happy lives, day care sites are anticipated to arrange the more opportunities of playing in nature.

      • KCI등재

        저소득층 노인의 의치만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인

        이지희 ( Ji Hui Lee ),조미향 ( Mi Hyang Cho ),문덕환 ( Deog Hwan Moon ) 한국치위생학회 2015 한국치위생학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing on the denture satisfaction in the low income elderly people. Methods: The subjects were 143 elderly people from 60 to 75 years old wearing dentures and receiving consistent follow-up in the public health center in Busan. A self-reported questionnaire was filled out by the elderly people from February 1 to March 1, 2013. The questionnaire consisted of denture satisfaction, social variables, and psychological variables. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 18.0. The sociodemographic characteristics included gender, age, and chronic diseases. The recognition of oral health included pronunciation, denture maintenance, mastication ability, and education for denture care. The questionnaire was measured by Likert 5 scale. Results: Gender, chronic disease, denture care instructions, and the self-preception of the oral health after denture treatment were closely correlated with denture satisfaction(p<0.001). Age and the number of repairs were very important factor to denture satisfaction(p<0.05). Elderly women were more satisfied with denture than men and those who had no chronic diseases tended to be more satisfied with denture. Those who received oral care instructions were more satisfied with the denture than those who did not. The younger age group and no repairing prosthetic group tended to be more satisfied with the denture. Conclusions: It is important to provide the denture management services to the low income elderly when they demand the services. The national dental health policy must be focused on connection of the elderly people denture services with the public health center.

      • KCI등재

        다양한 진로모색을 위한 치위생학과 학생과 선배 치과위생사의 심층면담

        경혜인 ( Hye In Kyung ),김영우 ( Young Woo Kim ),엄제현 ( Jae Hyun Eom ),이지희 ( Ji Hui Lee ),조은정 ( Eun Jung Cho ),박고은 ( Go Eun Park ),김남희 ( Nam Hee Kim ) 한국치위생과학회 2015 치위생과학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        The aim of this study was to provide practical information regarding career exploration to dental hygiene students. This study interviewed 15 senior dental hygienists (graduates of Y University Dental Hygiene program) who have worked in non-clinical fields for about three months from January 14, 2014 to April 28. The most frequently mentioned pieces of information that the senior dental hygienists wanted to convey to dental hygiene students were as followed. Contrary to popular belief, clinical experience was also required in non-clinical fields as the importance of clinical experience was quite often and widely emphasized and applied in such fields. High academic excellence and clinical performance were expected of junior dental hygienists and the senior dental hygienists expressed their hope for their juniors to pioneer new fields and areas of work that a dental hygienist can do. Most of the senior dental hygienists pointed out that to develop technical tools for career exploration as early as possible, such as during undergraduate years and to think about which career path to take, whether it is clinical or academic were significantly important factors for desirable career outcomes. Based on the results of this study, undergraduate dental hygiene students should be provided with opportunities to consider and explore various career paths during their undergraduate years and to communicate with their seniors for hands-on experience-based advices. This would in turn broaden each student`s perspective beyond their knowledge or thought about the professional filed of dental hygiene. It was found that the majority of the senior dental hygienists agreed that their clinical experience was the source of their self-competence as a dental hygienist. Our study could be utilized as a valuable resource for future dental hygienists who wish to work in non-clinical fields.

      • 내독소로 유도되는 Nuclear Factor Kappa B 활성화에 미치는 Src Family Kinase의 조절기전

        김희재,이혜원,이희수,하종식,이지희 이화여자대학교 의과대학 2003 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.26 No.2

        목적: Src family tyrosine kinases (TK)가 내독소로 인해 유도되는 NF-kB 활성화 신호전달체계에 연관되어 있음이 보고된 바 있다. 또한 내독소(LPS)나 TNF a와 같은 여러 자극제는 IkB-a 의 serine기 또는 tyrosine기의 인산화를 통하여 NF-kB를 활성화 시킨다고 알려진 바 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 RAW 264.7 대식세포에 내독소 투여 시 유도되는 NF-kB활성화 및 NF-kB 의존성 염증성인자 생성에 대한 Src TK의 역할에 대해 규명하고자 한다. 방법: American Type Culture Collection 에서 구입한 생쥐의 대식세포, RAW264.를 내독소(LPS)에 노출시킨 후 damnacanthal나 PP1을 처리하여, EMSA, Nitrite assay, Western blot을 통하여Src TK가 NF-kB활성과 염증인자의 생성에 있어서 어떤 역할을 하는지에 대하여 조사하였고 내독소 투여로 인한 NF-kB활성에 있어서 Src TK의 기본적인 작용기전에 대해 조사하였다. 결과: Damnacanthal이나 PP1은 Src TK 특이적 억제제로 알려져 있는데, 본 연구에서는 Src TK의 특이적 억제제인 damnacanthal 이나 PP1을 사용하였고, RAW 264.7 대식세포에서 Src TK 특이 억제제의 전처치는 내독소로 유도되는 NF-kB활성을 차단시켰다. 또한 내독소 투여로 증가된 NO 생성은 damnacanthal이나 PP1에 의하여 억제되었다. 이런 TK kinase 억제제는 내독소로 유도되는 serine 기 인산화와 IkB-a 분해를 억제시켰다. 결론: Src kinase 특이적 억제제인 damnacanthal 그리고 PP1이 RAW 264.7세포에서 내독소로 유도되는 NF-kB활성과 Nitric Oxide 생성을 차단시켰다. 또한. Damna-canthal이나 PP1은 내독소로 유도된 serine기 인산화와 IkB-a의 분해를 억제시켰다. Objectives : Src family tyrosine kinases(TK) have been found to be involved in LPS induc-tion of signal cascades. Furthermore Lipopolysaccharide(LPS) or Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) activate nuclear transcription factor kB(NF-kB) by inducing serine or tyrosine pho-sphorylation of the inhibitory subunit of NF-k B(I k B- a). In this study, it is our purpose to search the role of Src TK in LPS induced activation of NF-k B and NF-k B dependent induced inflam-matory factors. Methods : Nuclear extracts were prepared from RAW 264.7 cells pretreated with damnacan-thal or PP1 and then stimulate with LPS. After that, we figured out the dffects of inhibition of Src family kinases on LPS-induced activation of NF-kB by EMSA. We investigated effects of damnacanthal of PP1 on the production of NO by Griess assay and LPS-induced serine phos-phorylation and degradation of Ik B-a by Western blots in LPS-stimulated RAW263.7 cells. Results : Inhibition of Src TK with damnacanthal or PP1 blocked LPS-induced NF-kB acti-vation at the range of nanomolar concentrations. Substantial inhibition in LPS-induced production of NO was also observed in cells treated with damnacanthal or PP1. These kinase inhibitors blocked LPS-induced the serine phosphorylation, and the degradation of Ik B-a. Conclusion : we investigated the role of Src TK in NF-k B activation and production of nitric oxide (NO) in LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages and the underlying mechanism by which Src TK play a role in LPS-induction of the possible pathways leading to NF-k B activation. Src kinase specific inhibitors, damnacanthal and PP1 blocked LPS induced activating NF-k B and producing Nitric Oxide in Raw 264.7 machrophages. Moreover, Damnacanthal and PP1 inhibited LPS induced serine phosphorylation and degradation of Ik B-a.

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