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      • KCI등재

        석남 이경성(石南 李慶成, 1919-2009)의 뮤지엄 인식과 실천

        이인범(Lee, Ihn Bum) 한국근현대미술사학회 2011 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.22 No.-

        The intention of this essay is to give light on Lee Kyung-Sung(1919-2009)’s museum related activities. He was born in Incheon in 1919 when the March First Independence Movement occurred. He had been grown up under the Japanese Imperialism in his youth, and since the age of 26 when he had become the director of Incheon Municipal Museum after gaining independence from Japan, he was solely in the field of museum establishment until his death in 2009. Lee particularly contributed much in establishing the National Museum of Contemporary Art Korea and its process of settlement. What motivated him to be involved in the activities for the museum in Korea where the field was so barren and alien? What was the value he was seeking for while concentrating on the task of museum establishment throughout his whole life? How do his activities in the field associate with the national development of museum system, formation of nation-state and the worldwide development of museum system after the Second World War? These questions are the starting points of this writing. His activities in the field began amid the flow of the Western invasion on the East and Japanese colonization of Korea. Being immersed in ‘the fine art’ was his way of transcending the unfortunate reality of the nation, and therefore working on the issue of museum system became his place of act. As soon as gaining liberation from the Japanese regime, he served as a director of Incheon Municipal Musuem, which is recorded as the nation’s first public museum that was both established and managed by him. After that, Lee worked as a staff in museums of Ehwa Woman’s University and a director of Hongik University respectively. And subsequent to the April 19 Revolution, he derived a conclusion for establishing the National Museum of Contemporary Art Korea ? in 1986, he directed and developed schemes for the settlement of the museum as a director, pioneering a public realm for the fine art in Korean society for the first time. As he set an objective for going beyond the ill-fated Korean historic reality during the modern period, his perception and practice regarding the museum in the field of fine art was first designed to focus on forming ‘subjectivity’ within the formation of nation-state, which was foundered during the colonial era. So the concept of ‘rationalization’, ‘modernization’ and ‘globalization’ were taken into account, paving the road for a public realm in the fine art by the establishment of National Museum of Contemporary Art. In that respect, Lee’s vision and practice for museum establishment was anchored in reality of the time, and his lifelong commitment in the activities were closely related to the task of forming a nation-state. It is doubtlessly the fact that the field he strived for was no one ever stepped into before him during the postwar years in Korea. His task of objective was that of Louvre Museum signifies the symbol of the French Revolution in one hand; and since then the museum contributed to the internalization of the revolutionary spirit, modern museum system in the West function as a project in order to form a nation-state or to overcome the difficulty it faces in other hand. Given that points, Lee’s activities in the field of museum establishment provide interesting comparisons to be explored with the cases. However, what kind of ‘modern fine art’ he actually sought for with the application of ‘rationalization’, ‘modernization’ and ‘globalization’ is still remained as an issue.

      • KCI등재

        이승택의 ‘비(非)-조각’에 대하여: 기록 사진과 ‘포토-픽쳐’의 틈

        이인범 ( Ihn-bum Lee ) 한국미학예술학회 2021 美學·藝術學硏究 Vol.64 No.-

        1956년 인체 조각으로 데뷔한 이래 이승택은 조각뿐만 아니라, 드로잉, 회화, 대지예술, 설치, 퍼포먼스, 사진 등 다양한 장르에서 실험적인 활동을 펼쳤다. 그리고 그 실험성은 ‘비조각’ 개념으로 언급되어 왔다. 이승택의 청장년기 작업은 서구 근대 ‘조각’ 개념을 대상으로 한 예술적 실험이라는 점에서 ‘비조각’으로 다루어질 만하다. 그런데 1980년대 이후 그의 실험들은 조각 개념과 무관한 문화인류학적 오브제나 퍼포먼스 등 다양한 삶의 영역들에까지 확장되고 있다. 그런 점에서 후기 작업들까지 아울러 ‘비조각’ 개념 아래 거론할 수 있는지는 의문이다. 조각-비조각 같은 이분법적 접근으로는 재료, 기법 등 매체적 문제나 장르, 제작 연도 같은 기초적인 정보 확정도 어려운 경우가 적지 않다. 예컨대, 설치나 퍼포먼스로 취급된 작품들 중 적지 않은 것들은 재료로 그 기록 사진들을 활용하였을 뿐, 엄밀한 의미에서 기록 사진이 아니라 다만 그 위에 덧칠되거나 콜라주, 몽타주하여 재구성된 이미지들인 경우가 허다한 ‘포토-픽쳐’이다. 따라서 ‘비조각’이라는 단정 아래 논의 해온 이승택의 예술 세계를 그 발생사적 전후 관계, 작품 형식이나 기록에 대한 면밀한 검토를 바탕으로 새롭게 해석해야 할 여지가 적지 않다 Seung-Taek Lee has attracted attention in the Korean art world with experimental artworks, since he made his debut through a sculptural work in 1956. The experimental nature of his work has been referred to as a concept, ‘non-sculpture’ after he contributed his essay, “The origin of my non-sculpture” to a art magazine in 1980. However, the considerable errors are found in the relevant records of his works of art. Sometimes there are so many problematic errors in basic records of his works, especially documentary photography or the records of artwork such as the names, year of production, materials, techniques, size and etc. These errors not only make it difficult to identify the historical context between each works and his interaction with other artists, but also caused great confusion the understanding of his artworks. His performances and installations, which have been active since the 1980s, have been discussed through the photographic images. By the way many of them are not just records of objects or events but have been painted or collaged on photographies. Therefore taking it as an index that dictated actual works and characterizing them as an extension of the concept of ‘sculpture’ or its symmetrical concept ‘non-sculpture’. These Seung-Taek Lee’s photography works should be called his own ‘Photo-Picture’.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        녹비의 토양환원에 따른 후작물 토마토 생육과 수량 반응

        이인복 ( In Bog Lee ),박진면 ( Jin Myeon Park ),임재현 ( Jae Hyun Lim ),황기성 ( Ki Sung Hwang ) 한국환경농학회 2006 한국환경농학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        The study was performed to investigate the effect of incorporation of green manures (GM) into a sandy loam soil for organic vegetable production in the condition of plastic film house, relating to growth and yield of tomato crop. Three species of GM as perennial ryegrass, sudangrass and soybean are cultivated during the rest time of summer season and incorporated into soil just after the harvest. Thereafter tomato crop was transplanted as the following crop to soil incorporated GM. Among GM, soybean was proper as GM crop for organic farming, due to the effect of yield increase by continuous supply of nitrogen on following the tomato crop. Yield of tomato crop after soybean incorporation into soil was 4.2 Mg ha(-1) similar to 4.4 Mg ha(-1) of N-P-K standard fertilization (conventional) treatment. But, perennial ryegrass and sudangrass were improper, because the biomass yield of perennial ryegrass was very low due to growth retardation by high temperature during summer season and soil incorporation of sudangrass as GM results in yield decrease of following the tomato crop caused by high C/N ratio of sudangrass itself. In conclusion, soybean incorporation into soil had advantage of producing conventional level on following the tomato yield and therefore it could recommend as GM for organic vegetable production.

      • KCI등재

        혈액종양 관련 인터넷 상담 질문에 대한 내용분석: 사회복지상담을 중심으로

        이인정 ( Lee In Jeong ) 한국보건사회연구원 2017 保健社會硏究 Vol.37 No.1

        인터넷 상담은 시공간의 제한이 없고, 익명성을 바탕으로 실생활 속의 현실적 문제들을 쉽게 노출할 수 있다는 점에서 만성질환자와 가족이 필요한 정보를 확보할 수 있는 장(場)으로서의 역할을 수행할 수 있을 것으로 기대되고 있다. 특히, 심각한 심리사회적 고통을 겪게 되며 지속적 자기 관리가 요구되는 혈액종양 환자와 가족들에게 인터넷 상담은 이들의 전문적 돌봄을 위한 대안으로 부각되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 혈액암환자와 가족을 위한 인터넷 상담 중 사회복지상담 내용을 분석하여 이들이 호소하는 실제적인 문제들을 파악하여 인터넷을 통한 정보제공과 상담을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고 임상현장에서의 상담을 위한 함의를 제공하고자 수행되었다. 이를 위해 혈액암환자와 가족을 대상으로 인터넷을 통한 사회복지상담을 실시한 기관의 상담 내용 98사례에서 도출된 146건의 상담질문들을 내용분석(content analysis) 방법을 토대로 분석하였다. 그 결과, 심리사회정신적 문제해결 상담, 경제적 문제해결 상담, 지역사회자원연계 상담, 사회복귀 및 재활문제 해결 상담, 기타 상담 등의 5개의 대범주와 16개의 소범주로 내용 분석되었다. 이중 경제적 문제해결 상담이 가장 높은 비중을 차지하고 있었고 심리사회적 문제해결, 사회복귀 및 재활관련 문제 상담 등의 순으로 높은 빈도를 보였다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 치료비용 부담과 지원방안에 대한 명확한 정보제공, 온라인 상담과 오프라인 상담과의 연계, 직장 복귀와 관련된 정보 제공 등 혈액암환자와 가족들에 대한 심리사회적 지원 방안과 후속 연구에 대한 제언을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the data regarding questions raised by patients with hematologic malignancy and their families through Internet counseling in Korea. The data were collected from one internet web-site, providing counseling by medical social workers. A total of 98 cases were analyzed by content analysis method. As the result of content analysis, 146 questions were grouped into 5 major categories. The most common major category was identified as `financial problems` (73 questions, 50.0%), followed by `psychosocial problems` (24 questions, 16.43%), `return to society and rehabilitation`(20 questions, 13.70%), `resource mobilization(15 questions, 10.27%)`, and `other counseling`(14 questions, 9.58%). The findings of this study indicate that it is important for oncology social workers to provide continuous on-line informational support to patients with hematologic malignancy and their families. And health professionals need to understand various psychosocial problems that patients and their families experience in real life.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        기독교적 인본주의 : 『햄릿』의 비극성

        이인직(In-Jick Lee) 신영어영문학회 2007 신영어영문학 Vol.38 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the tragic aspects of prince Hamlet resulting from the unstable alliance of classical antiquity within a Christian humanism characterized by the era of Renaissance. Within the context of classical heroism, he shows many secular elements: the pride, the aggressiveness, the capacity for anger and ambition, all the character traits of Greek epic. On the contrary, his belief in the immortality of the soul reveals the elements of Christian values which he cherishes. Especially in the prayer-scene of Claudius, Hamlet refuses to murder the king. This scene is effectively analyzed within the context of Christian vengeance ensuring the damnation of human soul. In conclusion, the fact that Hamlet reflects so well the conflict between the classical and the Christian traditions is one reason for the enduring power of this play.

      • KCI등재

        노화 현상과 방어

        이인,Lee, In 한국생명과학회 1991 생명과학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        노화현상에 관련된 가설은 프로그램설, 세포손상축적설 등 다양하나 증거와 연구자료가 아직은 불충분하고 미흡하다. 현재 상당한 주목을 받고 있고 또 일견 설득력이 있는 것으로 수용되고 있는 oxygen species에 의한 세포손상축적 가설은 시험관 또는 생체 내에서의 실험과 관측을 통해 연구에 상당한 진전이 있음에도 노화현상을 해석하는 또 다른 실마리에 불과하다. Oxygen radical이 세포내의 거대분자들 중 DNA에 손상과 변이를 일으키거나, 우리기를 수반하지 않는 다른 기작에 의해 조직손상이 일어나면서 세포내의 유리기반응에 이차적 장애가 유도되어 세포내의 분자들이 훼손되거나 변화됨으로서, 이들 손상물이 시간과 더불어 축적하여 신체기능의 퇴행을 수반한 질병과 노화현상이 나타나게 된다는 것이다. 유리기에 대한 효과를 가지는 SOD, catalase, glutathione, peroxidase, metal-chelator와 chain-breaking 효과를 가진 alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotere, urate, ascorbate, ubiquinone, glutathione, protein-thiol 등 항산화물질의 적용과 섭취의 중요성이 인식되었다.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        제지슬러지에 대한 alum 처리 및 퇴비화에 따른 인 흡착능 변화

        이인복 ( In Bog Lee ),장기운 ( Ki Woon Chang ),박진면 ( Jin Myeon Park ) 한국환경농학회 2007 한국환경농학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        Excess application of paper mill sludge (PMS) in field can limit phosphorus uptake by crops because aluminum presented in the sludge can fix or adsorb available phosphorus which is necessary for crop growth. To investigate phosphorus (P) adsorption characteristics of PMS, we examined P adsorption maximum (Xm) using Langmuir isotherm and P adsorption energy constant (Kf) using Freundlich isotherm for PMS without alum, PMS with alum, and composted PMS with alum through a laboratory incubation test. The maximum P adsorption capacities were 800 ug g-1 in soil, 47 mg g-1 in PMS without alum and 61 mg g-1 in PMS with alum. P adsorption capacity with alum treatment for PMS increased by 30% That of PMS compost was 68 mg g-1 and showed that composting increases 11% of P adsorption. Freundlich constant Kf was 22 in check soil, while Kf values in PMS without alum and in PMS with alum were 398 and 426, respectively. After composting, Kf value of PMS compost significantly increased as 1,819. In conclusions, P adsorption capacity for PMS were increased by alum treatment or composting and therefore excess or continuous land application of alum-amended or composted PMS can limit P uptake for crops by reducing available P in soil.

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