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      • KCI등재

        수출 절화장미의 잿빛곰팡이병 억제를 위한 이산화염소의 꽃목침지처리 효과

        이영분,김완순 한국화훼학회 2019 화훼연구 Vol.27 No.1

        The aim of this study was to investigate whether Botrytis cinerea is inhibited after dipping the petals of exported cut rose flowers in chlorine dioxide (ClO2). The cultivars used were ‘Beast’, ‘Brut’, ‘Hera’, ‘Soleo’, ‘Vital’, ‘Dominica’, ‘Mentha’, ‘Miss Holland’ ‘Pitahaya’, and ‘Wildlook’. Dipping the petals in 5 μL·L-1 ClO2 for 2 seconds resulted in higher inhibition of Botrytis cinerea during both greenhouse cultivation and cooperative sorting facility than cultivation in a greenhouse on ‘Brut’ and ‘Soleo’. The analyses of color, electrolyte leakage, and volatile compounds on the petals to verify their quality after the ClO2 dipping treatment showed little effect of treatment on the quality of the cultivars. The results of ClO2 treatment on plants either inoculated or not inoculated with Botrytis cinerea showed a high incidence on Botrytis cinerea and a low incidence of the fungus on ‘Dominica’ and ‘Mentha’ after treatment; however, there was no statistically significant difference among the plants in the incidence of Botrytis cinerea after ClO2 dipping treatment. Consequently, further studies will be needed on treatment concentration, processing time, and drying time after treatment because the ClO2 dipping treatment inhibited Botrytis cinerea on only 3 of the 10 cultivars. Additionally, we confirmed the applicability of ClO2 treatment during the export distribution stage because it did not affect petal color, damage tissues, or create volatile compounds on the petals, and the flowers during the export, and stages were more likely be treated during sorting at a cooperative facility than during greenhouse cultivation. 본 연구는 절화장미에 대한 ClO2의 꽃잎침지 처리의 잿빛곰 팡이병 억제 효과를 알아보고자 수출 절화장미 ‘Beast'’ ‘Brut’, ‘Hera’, ‘Soleo’, ‘Vital’, ‘Dominica’, ‘Mentha’, ‘Miss Holland’, ‘Pitahaya’, ‘Wildlook’를 이용하여 현장평가를 실시하였다. 잿빛 곰팡이 접종 후 생산 및 공선단계에서 ClO2 5μL・L-1를 2초 꽃잎 침지 처리 후 관행적 수출 유통단계를 거친 결과, ‘Brut’와 ‘Soleo’ 에서 생산단계에서만 ClO2 꽃잎침지 처리한 처리구보다 생산과 공선단계에서 모두 처리한 처리구에서 잿빛곰팡이병 억제효과 가 높았다. ClO2 꽃잎침지 처리에 따른 품질검증을 위하여 화색, 전해질용출률, 방향성을 분석한 결과 10품종 모두 처리간 차이 가 없어 화색, 전해질용출률, 방향성에는 영향을 거의 주지 않는 것을 알 수 있었다. 잿빛곰팡이 접종 유무에 따른 ClO2 꽃잎 침지 처리 효과를 알아보고자 실험한 결과, 잿빛곰팡이병 처리 구에서는 높은 발병률을 보였으며, ‘Dominica’와 ‘Mentha’에서 는 ClO2 꽃잎 침지처리가 수치적으로 잿빛곰팡이병 발병률은 낮았으나 통계적 유의차는 없었다. 결론적으로 ClO2 꽃잎침지 처리는 10품종 중 3품종에서만 잿빛곰팡이병을 억제시켜, 처리 농도와 처리 시간 및 건조시간에 대한 추가 연구가 필요할 것이 다. 또한 ClO2 꽃잎침지 처리가 절화장미의 화색, 조직손상, 방 향성에 영향을 주지 않아 수출유통과정의 적용 가능성을 확인하 였으며, 장미 수출 시 ClO2 꽃잎 침지 처리는 생산단계보다는 공선단계에서 적용 가능성이 높다는 것을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        가족의 변화에 따른 가족복지서비스의 대응

        이영분,양심영 한국가족사회복지학회 1999 한국가족복지학 Vol.- No.3

        이 글의 목적은 한국의 산업화 과정내에서 가족의 변화로 인한 복지적 요구에 대하여 가족복지서비스가 어떻게 대응하여 왔는가를 임상현장의 자료에 기초하여 살펴보고 앞으로의 발전 방향을 모색해 보는데 있다. 본 연구에서 제시한 가족복지서비스의 대응모형은 병리점 문제가족적 접근과 달리 일반가족적 접근으로서 근대화의 과정에서 경험하는 가족관계의 갈등과 긴장의 경향성이 개인 및 가족의 적응양식에 차이를 가져온다고 간주한 것이다. 구체적으로 한국 가족의 변모과정을 구조, 가치관, 가족생활주기의 역할수행의 세 차원에서 파악하고 이들의 상호작용가운데 발생하게 된 가족내의 적응 및 문제의 양상들이 가족관계--고부 및 친족관계, 부부관계, 부모-자녀관계--측면에서 어떻게 나타났으며 그 결과 가족복지서비스가 이루어온 개입들의 발전과정 및 평가를 논의하였다. 본 연구는 가족복지서비스의 통합적 시각을 지닌 하나의 생태학적 생활모델로서 가족과 일하는 사회복지사로 하여금 가족 환경을 역동적으로 이해하며 개인과 가족환경 사이의 중개자로서 역할할 뿐 아니라 가족내외 권력관계에서의 희생을 최소화시키려는 옹호자의 사명을 일깨우고 있다. The purpose of this study is to review over how family social service has been coping with the needs for social welfare arisen by changes in Korean families over the industrialization process of Korea using data collected in the field and to search directions for future development The Response Model of Family Social Service presented in this study used an ordinary-family approach not a troubled-family approach with a basis on the assumptions that the type and extent of conflicts and tension in families experience during industrialization process affect the adaptation manners of individuals and families. This study includes understanding the process of changes in Korean family life cycle. It also includes observing how the intra-family adaptation and conflicts problems arisen from the interaction of the above-mentioned 3 factors have been reflected in the relationships existing inside the family; relationships between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, parents and children and with relatives. Comments and evaluation on the development process of social involvement led by family social service and also included. This study, an ecological life model of family social service, helps social workers thoroughly understand environments families exposed to and go between the environments and individuals. It also reminds us of our mission to minimize the victims of power conflicts surrounding the family.

      • KCI등재

        청소년자녀문제 치료를 위한 '해결중심단기가족치료' 모델의 적용성에 관한 연구

        이영분 한국가족치료학회 1995 가족과 가족치료 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구에서는 해결중심단기치료 모델이 우리가정의 문제 해결을 위해 얼마나 적용 가능한지를 검토하고자 한다. 이를 위해 자녀의 행동 문제를 가진 가족을 연구의 사례로 분석하고자 한다. 가족치료는 근본적으로 인간의 현실관을 변화시키는 예술이라 할 수 있다

      • 경험주의 가족치료 접근법에 관한 이론적 고찰

        이영분 건국대학교 1995 學術誌 Vol.39 No.1

        Experiential approaches to family therapy have their roots in the existential/humanistic orientation of individual psychology, which reached its peak of popularity in the 1960s. This was the era of encounter groups, of sensitivity training, and of an emphasis on the achievement of human potential. The focus was on here-and-now experiencing, and the goals were to get in touch with one's feelings as well as to be able to express one's emotions. Espousing a purposely positive model of humanity, this perspective reflects the desire of psychologists and family therapists to promote both individual and family growth and development. Individuality, personal freedom, and self-fulfillment are therefore the hallmarks of experiential family therapy. Health involves the facilitation of normal change processes with an emphasis on spontaneity any creativity. Conversely, dysfunction is seen as the result of denying impulses and suppressing feeling. Thus, the primary goal of therapy is growth, especially in the areas of sensitivity and the sharing of feelings. The techniques of experiential family therapy are freely drawn from the arts and include such strategies as psychodrama, sculpting, and role playing. In fact almost any behavior comfortable for the therapist is considered acceptable. The emphasis is on the experience in the context of therapy, and thus homework assignments are the exception rather than the rule. Not surprisingly, experiential approaches tend to be largely atheoretical, depending mainly on the person of the therapist and his ability to respond in a rather freewheeling and spontaneous manner to the issues at hand. The therapists' strategies are therefore idiosyncratic to their personal epistemology. However, regardless of this particular orientation, there is shared agreement that the orientation is primarily toward individual family members and their personal development. As representatives of the experiential apporach to family therapy, we have chosen Carl Whitaker, Walter Kemper, Verginia Satir, David cantor and Fred, Bunny Duhl. Experiential approaches to family therapy have waned in popularity over the years since their introduction. However, this shift porbably reflects the difficulty in learning a model that is self-consciously not a model rather than a proven lack of effectiveness. Indeed, there is much to be learned from such approaches and, as we shall discuss shortly, they are able to provide us with a view of the therapeutic process that is probably most consistent with the perspective of cybernetics of cybernetics.

      • KCI등재

        Chlorine Dioxide Treatments Extend the Vase Life of Exported Cut Roses

        이영분,김완순 한국원예학회 2019 원예과학기술지 Vol.37 No.2

        This study investigated the effect of applying chlorine dioxide (ClO2) on the vase life of exportedcut roses. The roses (Rosa hybrida L. ‘Beast’) were treated in a holding solution (HS) treatment oftap water (TW, control), distilled water (DW), 2% sucrose, 4 μL·L-1 ClO2, 4 μL·L-1 ClO2 + 2%sucrose, 200 μL·L-1 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfoonic acid (8-HQS) + 2% sucrose, and a pulsingsolution (PS) treatment of 50 μL·L-1 ClO2 for 10 seconds. An HS of 4 μL·L-1 ClO2 or 4 μL·L-1 ClO2+ 2% sucrose and PS of 50 μL·L-1 ClO2 extended vase life 0.3 to 2.6 days more than the control (TWand DW), and the effect was greatest in PS. Initial weight was maintained until day 6 after treatmentin an HS of 8-HQS + sucrose and sucrose, and day 8 after treatment in an HS of TW, DW, a PS of50 μL·L-1 ClO2, and a PS of 50 μL·L-1 ClO2 + an HS of 4 μL·L-1 ClO2 with sucrose, and day 10 aftertreatment in HS of 4 μL·L-1 ClO2 and ClO2 + sucrose. Vase solution uptake was higher in a PS andHS of ClO2 than in sucrose and 8-HQS, respectively, 6 days after treatment. Bacteria in the vasesolution without stems were detected continuously in the HS of TW, DW, and sucrose at 1.4 × 104,3.8 × 104, and 1.4 ×105 CFU/L, but not in the HS of ClO2, ClO2 + sucrose, and 8-HQS + sucrose 6days after treatment. Bacteria in the vase solution with stems were detected in TW, DW, and sucroseat levels of 8.0×104, 1.4×105, and 6.8×105 CFU/L, respectively, 6 days after treatment, but thesterilization effect of ClO2, ClO2 + sucrose, and 8-HQS + sucrose continued until 8 days aftertreatment. Treatment with an HS of 4 μL·L-1 ClO2 + 2% sucrose or a PS of 50 μL·L-1 ClO2 for 10seconds in an export container was simulated in the laboratory for 2 days to a cooperative sortingfacility from a rose greenhouse and then for 4 days to an auction market in Japan from a cooperativesorting facility in Korea. The vase life of roses in HS + HS, HS + TW, PS + TW, PS + PS, and TW+ HS was 18.7, 18.0, 17.7, 17.2, and 14.3 days, respectively. The relative fresh weight was thelowest in the TW + HS at 2 days after treatment. Therefore, for the export process of cut roses, HSof ClO2 + sucrose and PS of ClO2 were effective for 2 days after harvest, and HS + HS maintainedboth the sterilization effect in the vase solution and a high relative fresh weight.

      • KCI등재

        장미의 수출 환경 분석과 이산화염소 습식용액 처리에 대한 절화수명 연장효과

        이영분,김완순 한국화훼학회 2019 화훼연구 Vol.27 No.1

        Our study analyzed the effect of chlorine dioxide (ClO2), an environmentally friendly disinfectant, and that of the export distribution environment on Japanese cut rose flowers. We measured the air temperature and relative humidity (RH) during flowers export, which was divided into five stages as follows: sorting and packing, 26 - 27℃/RH 40 - 43%; storage, 1 - 6℃/RH 35 - 64%; transport to Busan, 17 - 22℃/RH 48 - 73%; shipping to Japan, 5 - 11℃/RH 54 - 70%; and holding for sale in Japan's stores, 13 - 28℃/RH 46 - 81%. RH was consistently > 35%. The average air temperature and RH for each stage was 26.9℃/RH 41.6%, 2.3℃/RH 56.6%, 20.3℃/RH 58.2%, 6.9℃/RH 65.6%, and 23.9℃/RH 69.45%, respectively. The high and low temperatures varied, while RH was continuously high. The cut rose flowers (30- and 60 cm stems) were treated with either water (control) or 5 µL·L-1 ClO2 at the packing stage at a sorting facility, and a vase life test was conducted at a retail store in Japan. There was no significant difference in vase life between the stems treated with water and those treated with ClO2 after 12.6 and 11.6 days, respectively. We concluded that cut rose flowers are affected by varying high and low temperatures for 3 days during transport to Japan and by consistently high RH over time. It was necessary to find an appropriate concentration to apply ClO2 in processing export, because the vase solution treatment of ClO2 was no different to control. 수출 시 장미의 절화수명을 효과적으로 연장시켰던 친환경 살균물질인 ClO2의 적용 가능성과 수출 유통 환경분석을 위해 실험을 수행되었다. 일본 수출절화 장미 ‘Wildlook’의 수출유 통단계에 따른 온・습도를 측정한 결과, 로즈피아 선별 및 포 장 단계에서는 26~27℃/RH 40~43%, 로즈피아 저장고단계에 서는 1~6℃/RH 35~64%, 부산 운송단계에서는 17~22℃/RH 48~73%, 일본 배 운송단계에서는 5~11℃/RH 54~70%, 일본경 매장 및 소매점단계에서는 13~28℃/RH 46~81%로 총 5단계로 고온과 저온이 반복되었으며, 습도는 35%이상이었다. 각 단계 별 평균 온・습도는 26.9℃/RH 41.6%, 2.3℃/RH 56.6%, 20. 3℃/RH 58.2%, 6.9℃/RH 65.6%, 23.9℃/RH 69.45%로, 고온 과 저온이 반복되었고 습도는 지속적으로 높아졌다. 관행 수출 방식(박스당 30송이, 절화 60cm) 절화에 물과 ClO2 5µL・L-1 약 800mL을 공선장 포장단계에서 보존용액 처리 후 소매점에서 절화수명실험을 한 결과, 절화수명은 물과 ClO2처리구에서 각 각 12.6일, 11.6일로 유의차가 없었다. 결론적으로 장미는 수 확 후 일본 수출 시 운송 3일 동안 고온과 저온이 반복되는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 습도는 운송시간이 경과 될수록 높아지 는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 수출보존용액으로 ClO2를 처리하 였지만 대조구와 차이가 없었으므로 수출 절화 장미의 보존용 액 처리에 ClO2 적용을 위해서는 적정 농도를 찾는 연구가 필 요할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        한국인의 성공적 노후에 대한 태도 : 중노년층을 중심으로

        이영분,윤은자 한국자료분석학회 2008 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.10 No.4

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify and the perceived subjectivity toward a successful aging among Korean mid-life and elders through Q Methodology. Methods: Thirty subjects in Seoul, Chung-buk classified 26 selected Q-statements in to 7 points standard. The obtained data were analyzed by using a QUANL pc program. Results: Principal Component Analysis identified 3 types of successful aging of research subjects, and named by researcher. Type I is 'Traditional worthy oriented type', type II is 'Romantic self oriented type', and type III is 'TONK(Two Only No Kids) pursuit type'. The results suggest that the successful aging of Korean mid-life and elders should be understood in the context of Korean society and culture. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that different approach to social welfare policies and programs related to quality of life are recommended based on the three types of successful aging subjectivity. 본 연구는 성공적인 노후에 대한 중노년층의 인식 구조와 유형을 분류하고 파악하여 주관성 유형에 따른 대처방안을 마련하는데 기초 자료를 제공하고자 수행하였다. Q-방법론을 적용한 본 연구는 50·60대의 중노년층 30명을 P-표본으로 하여, 이들이 26개 Q-표본을 7점 Q-표본 분포도 상에 강제분포 하도록 하였다. 수집된 자료는 QUANL pc program에 의한 주 인자 분석법으로 처리하였다. 최종적으로 한국 중노년층의 성공적 노후에 대한 3가지 유형이 확인되었으며 이들 유형에 의해 설명된 전체 변량은 44.3%였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 중노년층의 성공적 노후에 관한 주관성은 자신의 종교적 믿음생활과 자신보다는 부부나 가정의 화목, 자식의 효도 등의 유교적 가족주의 가치관을 지닌 '전통적 가치 중심형', 부부나 가족보다는 자신을 삶의 중심에 두고 경제력과 사회활동이나 여가생활에 보다 주도적인 품격 있는 노후를 추구하는 '로맨틱 자아중심 가치형', 부부의 해로와 가족간의 강한 애착을 보이지만 자식보다는 부부 중심에 초점을 두고 공적 사회복지혜택도 누리면서 여생을 즐기려는 '통크족 가치 추구형'으로 확인되었다.

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