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      • KCI등재

        시신경유두와 맥락망막결손이 동반된 루빈스타인-테이비 증후군 1예

        이승찬,이희재,이승준,Seung Chan Lee,MD,Hui Jae Lee,MD,Seung Jun Lee,MD 대한안과학회 2011 대한안과학회지 Vol.52 No.6

        Purpose: The authors report a case of Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome with optic disc coloboma and chorioretinal coloboma. Case summary: A 17-month-old female infant was brought to our clinic presenting exodeviation in the right eye. On cycloplegic refraction, her refractive power was -5.50 D sph -2.50 D cyl axis 180° in the right eye and +0.50 D sph in the left eye. On ophthalmologic examination, exotropia of 60 prism diopters with no limitation of ocular movement was observed. Fundus examination showed optic disc coloboma and chorioretinal coloboma in the right eye. The patient’s physical characteristics were downward slanted palpebral fissures, long eyelashes, low set ears, and the thumb and the big toe were disproportionately broad. The patient also demonstrated delayed gait abilities. The clinical diagnosis of Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome was given. Conclusions: The authors report a child with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome with optic disc coloboma and chorioretinal coloboma, the first to be reported in Korea. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2011;52(6):766-769

      • KCI등재후보

        삼출성 나이관련황반변성에서 빛간섭단층계와 선택적 초시력 시야계와의 연관성

        이승찬,남우호,유승영,곽형우,Seung Chan Lee,Woo Ho Nam,Seung Young Yu Hyung Woo Kwak 대한안과학회 2006 대한안과학회지 Vol.47 No.3

        Purpose: Preferential hyperacuity perimeter (PHP) is a device that measures metamorphopsia in the central 14° of the macular visual field which is presented by hyperacuity defect. We elucidated a hyperacuity defect lesion of PHP in exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by Optical coherence tomography (OCT). Methods: Nineteen eyes of 18 patients with exudative AMD diagnosed by fundus examination and fluorescein angiography (FA) underwent PHP. We then elucidated any hyperacuity defect lesion of PHP by fundus photography, FA and OCT. For a control, 20 eyes of 10 age-matched persons who had no ophthalmological abnormality underwent PHP and OCT to determine if hyperacuity defect would appear. Results: Hyperacuity defect lesion appeared in 18 eyes (95%) of AMD patients. There was good locational correlation between the hyperacuity defect lesions and lesions in the fudoscopic examination in 16 eyes of 18, but there was a counterpart relation at the superior-inferior and left-right in 2 eyes. Hyperacuity defect lesion in PHP was of smooth or irregular elevation of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in OCT. In the control, hyperacuity defect lesion appeared in 1 eye (5%) and it was normal in OCT. Conclusions: PHP showed a highly positive rate in detecting AMD-related lesion. The hyperacuity defects that are noted by the PHP are produced from elevation of the RPE.

      • KCI등재

        삼출성 나이관련황반변성환자에서 망막색소상피박리양상에 따른 선택적초시력시야계의 결과 분석

        이승찬,이승준,Seung Chan Lee,MD,Seung Jun Lee,MD 대한안과학회 2009 대한안과학회지 Vol.50 No.4

        Purpose: To analyze the hyperacuity defects by preferential hyperacuity perimeter (PHP) in exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and correlate them with the properties of pigment epithelial detachment (PED) obtained by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Methods: Thirty eyes with exudative AMD with choroidal neovascularization (CNV) diagnosed by fluorescein angiography underwent PHP for hyperacuity defect and OCT for PED length and height. We compared hyperacuity defect with the shape of the PED by OCT. Results: 26 eyes with exudative AMD with CNV tested positive for hyperacuity defects. The size of the hyperacuity defect by PHP and the PED length by OCT showed positive correlation (p=0.010). In the 4 eyes that tested negative for hyperacuity defects, the PED was not high although the size was large. Conclusions: Our results suggest that PHP is a useful method to detect a change of pigment epithelial layer in AMD and the presences of a hyperacuity defect is more sensitive for PED height than size. These results suggest that PHP is useful to detect the state and the activity of CNV lesion. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2009;50(4):551-557

      • KCI등재후보

        초음파 생체현미경을 이용한 조절에 따른 섬모체고랑거리, 전방깊이, 전방각의 변화 비교

        이승찬,진경현.Seung-Chan Lee. M.D.. Kyung-Hyun Jin. M.D. 대한안과학회 2005 대한안과학회지 Vol.46 No.11

        Purpose: To evaluate changes in the ciliary sulcus size, anterior chamber depth (ACD) and anterior chamber angle (ACA) during accommodation using an ultrasound biomicroscope (UBM). Methods: Twenty-seven eyes of 27 healthy subjects were studied. We examined refractive error and intraocular pressure, measured the horizontal distance of the ciliary sulcus, ACD, and ACA at distant fixation and near fixation using a UBM (50 MHz transducer, model P45 UBM plus, Paradigm?, Kent, U. K.). Results: The subjects included 16 males and 6 females. The mean age of the subjects was 20.5 years (age range, 19-22 years), and mean spherical equivalent was -2.86±1.67 diopters. At distant fixation, horizontal ciliary sulcus size was 11.75±0.56 mm, ACD was 3.15±0.17 mm, and ACA was 38.5±4.2°. At near fixation, horizontal ciliary sulcus size was 11.34±0.65 mm, ACD was 2.92±0.15 mm, and ACA was 44.5±5.7°. Conclusions: During accommodation, horizontal ciliary sulcus size and ACD significantly decreased and ACA increased in the patients.

      • KCI우수등재

        다양한 기저유출 분리 방법을 이용한 4대강 수계의 시간대별 (연·계절·월) 기저유출 기여도 분석

        이승찬,김희연,김효정,한정호,김성준,김종건,임경재,Lee, Seung Chan,Kim, Hui Yeon,Kim, Hyo Jeong,Han, Jeong Ho,Kim, Seong Joon,Kim, Jonggun,Lim, Kyoung Jae 한국농공학회 2017 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.59 No.2

        The analysis of baseflow contribution is very significant in Korea because most rivers have high variability of streamflow due to the monsoon climate. Recently, the importance of such analysis is being more evident especially in terms of river management because of the changing pattern of rainfall and runoff resulted from climate change. Various baseflow separation methods have been developed to separate baseflow from streamflow. However, it is very difficult to identify which method is the most accurate way due to the lack of measured baseflow data. Moreover, it is inappropriate to analyze the annual baseflow contribution for Korean rivers because rainfall patterns varies significantly with the seasons. Thus, this study compared the baseflow contributions at various time-scales (annual, seasonal and monthly) for the 4 major river basins through BFI (baseflow index) and suggested baseflow contribution of each basin by the BFI ranges searched from different baseflow separation methods (e.g., BFLOW, HYSEP, PART, WHAT). Based on the comparison of baseflow contributions at the three time scales, this study showed that the baseflow contributions from the monthly and seasonal analysis are more reasonable than that from the annual analysis. Furthermore, this study proposes that defining BFI with its range is more proper than a specific value for a watershed, considering the difference of BFIs between various baseflow separation methods.

      • 가톨릭병원의 영성 진료 현황과 발전 과제

        이승찬,Lee, Seung-Chan 한국가톨릭의료협회 2006 Health & mission Vol.5 No.-

        인간은 육체, 정신, 영혼을 가지고 있다. 이들 세가지가 상호 유기적으로 관계의 형성을 인정 할때 영성진료의 개념은 성립한다. 건강과 질병개념은 인간 전체의 총체적 성격을 띤다. 영성진료를 포함한 '전인진료'의 중요성이 크게 대두되고 있다.

      • 응애류의 약제 저항성에 관한 연구 II . Metasystox, Folidol 및 C-8514에 대한 과수응애류의 저항성과 방제시험

        이승찬,유재기,Lee S. C.,Yoo J. K. 한국응용곤충학회 1971 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        약제 저항성 응애류를 효율적으로 방치하기 위하여 지역별 응애계통의 약제 저항성 수준을 조사하고 유기인제계의 저항성 응애계통에 대하여 화학적 group이 다른 Alternative acaricide로 방제 시험한 결과 1. 유기인제계 (Metasystox 및 Folidol)와 유기염소제계 (C-8514)에 대한 지역 별 응애계통의 저항성 정도를 보면. 가. Metasystox에 대한 사과응애는 인주감수성 계통에 비하여 충주계통이 96배 대구계통이 52배 예산계통이 4배 춘천계통이 3배 수원계통이 2배 가량의 저항성이 생겼고 점박이응애는 감수성계통에 비교하여 대구계통이 32배, 춘천계통이 29배, 예산계통이 25배, 그리고 수원계통이 17배의 저항성을 보였다. 나, Folidol에 대한 사과응애는 감수성계통에 비교하면 충주계통은 126배, 춘천계통은 48배, 예산계통은 33배, 화성계통은 30배 그리고 수원계통이 6배의 저항성이 생겼다. 다. C-8514에 대한 점박이응애 계통은 오산 감수성 계통에 비교하여 대구 계통이 59배 충주계통이 29배 그리고 경산계통이 19배의 저항성을 보였으며 사과응애는 춘천 감수성계통에 비교하여 대구계통이 42배, 수원 및 화성계통이 31배, 그리고 충주계통이 29배의 저항성을 나타냈다. 2. 유기인제계 저항성 사과응애에 대한 교체약제의 방제시험 결과 유기염소제계인 Kelthane MF,주석제인 Plictran, Carbonate계인 Morestan 그리고 혼합제인 K 114의 효과가 우수하였다. The study involved determination of resistance levels of spider mites to Metasystox, Folidol and C-8514 using slide dip technique: a feid trial of alternative acaricides using an O/P resistant strain. 1. Resistant strains of two-spotted spider mite( Tetranychus urticae Koch) were collected from Taegu, Kyungsan, Chunchun, Yesan, Suwon, Osan and Chungju, and kept in the glasshouse through the experiments. Resistant strains of European red mite (Panonychus ulmi Koch) were collected from Chungju, Taegu, Yesan, Chunchun, Suwon and Whasung, and Wonju susceptible was collected. Immediately after collection, tests were applied. All strains except susceptible populations had regularly been sprayed with Organo-phosphates including Parathion (or Folidol), Metasystox, Phenkapton and Trithion for more than the ten Bast years; and Organo-chlorines such as Kelthane and C-8514 more than five years. Comparisons of the resistant strains and susceptible strains at the $LC_50$ values are as follows: a. With Metasystox, resistance levels of the Chungju, Taegu, Yesan, Chunchun and Suwon resistant strains of P. ulmi were respectively, 96,52,4,3 and 2, times as resistant as the Wonju susceptible strain. b. With Folidol, resistance levels of the Chungju, Chunchun, Yesan, Whasung and Suwon strains of P. ulmi showed respectively, 126, 48, 33, 30 and 6-fold resistance levels over the susceptible strain. c. With C-8514, resistance levels of the Taegu, Suwon, Whasung and Chungju strains of P. ulmi were 42, 31, 30 and 20 times greater than the susceptible strain, respectively. d. With Metasystox, resistance levels of the Taegu, Chunchun, Yesan and Suwon, strains of T urticae were respectively, 32,29,25 and 17 times as resistant as the susceptible strain. e. With C-8514, resistance levels of the Taegu, Chungju and Kyungsan strains of T. urticae showed respectively, 59, 29 and 19-fold resistance levels over the Osan strain. 2. Field trials were carried out to assess the toxicities of eleven alternative materials which would be used for control of O/P resistant strain of Panonychus ulmi. The acaricide groups represented were 2 Organo-chlorines (Kelthane MF and Prethylen), 1 carbamate (Furadan), 1 nitrophenyl (Morocide), 1 carbonate (Morestan), 1 tin(Plictran), 1 fluorine (Nissol), 2 mixtures (Fundal and Banmite) and Organo-phosphate (Phenkapton). Of all acaricides tested Kelthane, Plictran, Fundal and Morestan were the most effective; fol]owed by Banmite, Furadan, Prethylen and Nissol. Sumite and Morocide were intermediate, but Phenkapton(Organo-phosphate) was very poor. In other words, a first application of the above outstanding materials gave very high degrees of control of O/P resistant population of European red mite for about 7 to 12 days. However, the results indicate that secondary application would sometimes be necessary. There was no foliage damage to apple trees by any of the acaricides tested of the concentrations used.

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