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        동물 구조학적 원리에 의한 ‘공간 디자인’ 조형성 연구

        이수양 한국기초조형학회 2005 기초조형학연구 Vol.6 No.4

        The progress of civilization has turned out to be retrogression owing to the side effects of the destruction of nature. As we are confronting with this problem with the eufunctions of retroversion, we have gained hints from the system of getting along with the universe and nature, as well as the order of nature itself. In other words, we can say that the design of all living things began with God's creation of life itself, and this could be seen as the most basic and fundamental design of the world. Under the proposition of "How do life forms move?", this thesis will be dealing with the analysis of the structure of living forms and the motion mechanism that creates the energy that allows it to move. We will classify the inner structure and visual characteristics of life forms based on the joint connections of the skeletal system, the release and contraction of the muscular system, and the textural materials of the integumentary system. Focusing on the observation of experiments and studies done in other areas of research that used this sort of classification, we will apply this from a formative aspect in this analysis. Based on these factors, we will choose the concept of multi-formation complex of space, and develop this further into the connecti on, movement, and texture classification of space design. This will be studied further as an element that has direct relations with body motion as well as speed and movement, which constitutes a soft 'bio' structure that reacts with the interaction between human and space; in other words, the changeability and flexibility of the human body. Under the premise of this horizontal connection, we may put forth a futuristic design theory of the 21st century with space structural techniques and innovative materials. 문명의 진보는 자연의 파괴라는 부작용에 대한 역행적인 결과로 나타났다. 이러한 순행의 역기능에 대해 퇴행의 순기능으로 맞서면서 우주와 자연이 더불어 살 수 있는 질서, 즉 창조의 질서에 연구의 힌트를 얻었다. 조물주가 생명을 창조하신 근본에서 생물체 디자인은 모든 디자인의 최초의 디자인 이며 신의 디자인이다. 이러한 생물체를 모방하여 “동물체는 어떻게 움직이는가?”라는 명제 아래 동물체의 구조와 그것이 움직이는 힘을 발생시키는 동작 메커니즘을 본 논문의 논제로 규정한다. 동물체의 내재된 형태의 시각적 특성과 구조적 질서를 골격부, 근육부, 표피부 분류한다. 이를 단위체로 이용한 타 장르의 사례 검토를 통해 지식 기반의 기초로 이용하여 조형적인 관점으로 분석 적용한다. 여기서 도출된 복합적 다형태의 조형성을 적용하여 연결계, 역학계, 보호계에 따라 공간 디자인을 체계화 한다. 이는 인간 육체의 가변성과 유연성을 흡수하여 인간과 공간이 교감하는 소프트한 생체적 공간을 제시하고 육체의 운동성과 속도 및 움직임에 직접적인 관계가 있는 조형으로 발전시킨다. 이러한 공간의 수평적 관계성의 전제하에 공간의 구조적 공법과 재료의 촉매제 역할을 쉽게 만들어 21c 미래 지향적 디자인 조형론의 기초를 마련 하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 소재(Sustainable Materials)를 이용한 섬유제품

        이수 ( Yang Yee-soo ),김성연 ( Kim Sung-yeon ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2013 한국디자인포럼 Vol.41 No.-

        지구온난화와 환경문제로 사회 · 경제적 비용이 급격히 증가하고 있는 현실을 감안할 때, 섬유제품의 생산은 새로운 패러다임의 변화를 요구받는다. 지속가능한 소재와 이를 이용한 섬유제품의 개발 및 대중화는 그런 요구에 부합하는 셈이다. 지속가능한 섬유제품은 소재 및 디자인의 범위를 넘어, 환경 · 사회 · 경제적인 면에 이르기까지 새로운 혁신을 창출하는 하나의 사례가 될 수 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 섬유제품의 소재에 있어 지속가능성에 대한 이론적 토대를 마련하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 지속가능한 소재를 재료의 추출, 가공법에 따라 자연적 소재와 재가공한 소재로 나누어 그에 따른 섬유제품의 사례연구를 진행하였다. 그럼으로써 향후 지속가능한 소재로서의 가능성과 활성화 방안을 모색해보고자 하였다. 지속가능한 소재를 사용한 섬유제품 시장은 고부가가치 산업으로 평가받기 시작하는 단계지만, 지속가능한 섬유제품 시장을 확대하기 위한 정부의 지원은 기대에 부응하지 못하고 있다. 따라서 지속가능한 소재를 사용한 섬유제품을 활성화하기 위해서는 기업의 지속적인 투자뿐만 아니라, 이를 뒷받침하는 정부의 법적 · 제도적 기반 마련은 물론이거니와, 소비자들의 지속가능한 섬유제품에 대한 인식 변화가 절실히 요구된다. While socioeconomic costs due to global warming and environmental issues are rapidly increasing, the production of textile products is required to adopt new paradigm. The sustainable materials, development of textile products using sustainable materials, and popularization of it can be a suitable answer for the new paradigm. The sustainable textile products can be a good case which comes up with new innovation in the areas of design, environment as well as socioeconomic field. The purpose of this study is to draw a theoretical groundwork for sustainability of textile products` materials and design. In this study, the sustainable materials are categorized into natural and upcycled materials according to the methods of extraction and process of the materials, and case study has been done for the each category respectively. Then, Then, the possibility of maximizing the utilization of sustainable materials in the textile industry has been searched. While a lot of companies leading textile products market with sustainable materials to high value-added industries, support of government to expand the sustainable textile products market is unable to meet the expectations. Thus in order to activate the textile products using sustainable materials, not only the companies` continuous investments are required, but also the government`s legal and institutional framework and consumer awareness of sustainable textile products are needed.

      • KCI등재

        캐릭터를 활용한 유아 일회용 기저귀의 패턴디자인 개발

        이수 ( Yee-soo Yang ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2022 한국디자인포럼 Vol.27 No.4

        Background In the reality when the low-birthrate is settled down as the universal flow of the world, the baby product market is growing every year. In the baby product market, the infant disposable diapers have been settled down as the necessity for child rearing owing to the convenience and hygiene. Because most of the infant disposable diapers have been qualitatively improved, it is difficult to acquire differentiation in the aspect of functionality or convenience. Thus, this study aims to develop a character that could draw emotional and psychological loyalty from consumers, and then to apply it to the pattern design of infant disposable diapers. Also, this study aims to present the measures for expanding the developed character to the infant-related cultural content industry. Methods After considering the changes and characteristics of diapers in each period of time through literature and then researching/analyzing the infant disposable diaper market, this study developed a character suitable for diaper products. Based on this, this study applied the character to the pattern design of infant disposable diapers and then researched the measures for utilizing the developed character for cultural content. Result This study organized the development history of infant diapers that had never been historically considered, systematized the current status of domestic/foreign infant disposable diaper markets, chose ‘hippopotamus’ as a character suitable for the associated image of diaper products, and then combined it with the character design, textile pattern design, and video content. Conclusion Due to the improved technology of infant disposable diapers, the functionality or convenience of diaper itself is not good enough to achieve differentiation. Thus, this study emphasized the necessity of characters that could perform direct and intuitive communications with consumers for the development of infant disposable diapers. And this study was conducted in total three steps. First, contrary to rapidly-evolving diaper products, there was no theoretical consideration of diapers. Thus, this study organized the history of diapers from ancient diapers to the currently-developed/released diapers in the diachronic perspective. Second, this study aimed to broaden the area where the pattern design could work by developing the pattern design of infant disposable diapers using a character. Third, what is most-importantly perceived in the content industry is character. Therefore, this study sought for the expandability of the developed character to the infant cultural content industry.

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