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        유학을 중심으로 본 근세·근대 일본사상사 논점 -2010년대 이후의 연구-

        이새봄 ( Lee¸ Sae-bom ) 한국사상사학회 2021 韓國思想史學 Vol.- No.67

        유학이 근세일본의 사상사, 그 중에서도 정치사상사 전개의 기축이 되었고, 메이지 유신에도 중대한 역할을 담당했다는 점은 현재 한국 학계에서도 비교적 잘 알려져 있다. 그러나 해당 분야로 조금 깊이 들어가 보면, 여전히 근세일본사회 속 유학의 전모는 밝혀지지 않았다고 할 수 있다. 20세기 중반, 마루야마 마사오와 같은 세대 학자들이 이룩해 낸 일본사상에 관한 연구는, 후속 세대에 의해 비판과 수정·보완을 거듭하였다. 이들을 포함한 기존 연구들은 주로 근세일본 전기에 논의가 집중되어 왔다. 그러나 최근 십 년간, 근세일본 유학사에서 상대적으로 공백상태였던 근세 후기의 논의에 집중한 연구들이 등장하기 시작했고, 이들을 바탕으로 근대 사상사 연구 또한 진전되었다. 도쿠가와 중기의 소라이(徂徠)학열풍이 지나간 이후, 근세일본에서 유학의 사상은 어떻게 전개되었는지에 대한 관심, 그리고 그 연장선상에서 ‘서양’과 직면하게 된 근대일본의 사상과 어떻게 연결되는지에 관한 문제의식을 가진 새로운 세대의 연구자들이 등장한 것이다. 이 글에서는 이와 같은 근세일본의 유학사에 주목하여 2010년대 이후에 발표된 ‘근세’와 ‘근대’ 일본사상사 연구들이 유학을 어떻게 취급해왔는지 구체적으로 알아본다. 이들 연구는 ‘유학’을 동아시아 문화권의 공통분모로 상정하면서도 그 구체적인 내용의 차이를 분명하게 의식한다는 점에서 ‘일본’ 사상사라는 영역을 초월해 한국 및 다른 지역의 사상사 연구에도 시사하는 바가 크다. 이에 필자는 기존 일본정치사상사 연구 흐름을 염두에 두면서, 최근 십 년간 발표된 유학과 관련된 일본사상사의 주요 연구들을 관통하는 흐름을 포착하고자 한다. The recent Korean academia is quite well aware of the fact that Confucianism served as the basis for the development of the history of modern Japanese thought, especially political thought, and played an important role in the Meiji Revolution. However, one can say that the full picture of Confucianism in Tokugawa and Meiji Japanese society is still not properly drawn. Since the mid-twentieth century, the study of Japanese political thought by Masao Maruyama and the scholars of the same generation has been repeatedly criticized, corrected, and supplemented by subsequent generations. Yet, previous studies including these have focused mainly on the early part of Tokugawa Japan. But since 2010, researches focusing on the late Tokugawa period, which were relatively neglected in the history of Confucianism in modern Japan, have begun to emerge. These studies are interested in how Confucian history has developed after the fad of Soraigaku passed. The question of how Confucianism and Western civilization were related has been carefully scrutinized by this new generation of researchers. They consider Confucianism as a common ground for East Asian intellectual world, but at the same time, they put much emphasis on the differences of how Confucianism were handled in each East Asian society. This paper attempts to capture a such flow in the recent studies of Japanese intellectual history.

      • KCI등재

        유치환의 아포리즘 연구

        이새봄(Lee Sae-Bom) 한국시학회 2009 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.24

        It is not common to fill all of one's collection of poems only with aphorism as Yoo Chi-hwan did, although some poets like Oh Jang-hwan wrote aphoristic poems with the title, 'Aphorism'. This essay started with a simple question - Why Yoo Chi-hwan wrote aphoristic poems continuously for a long time. Since Cheong-ma Yoo Chi-hwan(1908-1967) debuted with a poem 「Silence」 listed on 『Monthly Mun-ye』 in 1931, he published twelve collections of poems and several collections of essays before he died. His career is divided into three stages. At the first stage, he is said to have pursued love and life with his work 『Cheongma's selected poems』 and 『Letter of Life』. At the middle stage, he is thought to have searched society and history besides love and life with 『Uleungdo』 and 『Passionate songs are varied under ground』. And at the last stage, his interest became narrow again to only love and life. His work 『Poplar and the South Wind』 and some of his posthumous works reflect that trends. Yoo Chi-hwan's 9th collection of poems - 『The 9th Collection』, which belongs to his 2nd stage, is unique in that it listed 95 aphorisms together with general poems. He wrote in the epilogue that 'though aphorism is actually a collection of very simple thoughts and intuitions coming from everyday life and aims at lyric philosophy, it is no matter we call them poems, as my poems are not poems', which indicates that aphorism is also a poem. Another collection - 『Passionate songs are varied under ground』- also includes 60 aphorism. 'Aphorism aimed at lyric philosophy', which Yoo Chi-hwan said himself, shows his characteristic straightforwardly, given that his poems are more exposed to idealism than other poets. This idealism came with Chinese characters at his first stage, and with aphorism at his middle stage. This essay studied position of aphorism in his poems and relation between aphorism and his poems. To be more specific, it deals with 'position of aphorism itself in his poems', 'Aphoristic features of his poems', and 'Link between aphorism and poems deduced from comparison between aphorism and other poems'. Through this study, we can find out how his unique idealism was embodied.

      • KCI등재

        이노우에 데쓰지로(井上哲次郎)의 ‘유학 삼부작’ -근대 일본 유학사의 시초-

        이새봄 ( Lee Sae Bom ) 한국사상사학회 2019 韓國思想史學 Vol.0 No.61

        이 글은 근대일본의 철학자 이노우에 데쓰지로(井上哲次郎, 1856~1944)의 대표적 저작인 통칭 ‘유학 삼부작’(이하 삼부작)에 나타난 유학 이해에 대한 분석이다. 삼부작이란, 『일본 양명학파의 철학(日本陽明學派之哲學)』(1900), 『일본 고학파의 철학(日本古學派之哲學)』(1902), 『일본 주자학파의 철학(日本朱子學派之哲學)』(1905)을 가리킨다. 기존의 이노우에 연구들이 주로 관심을 가졌던 지점은 그의 저작에 나타난 철학 혹은 이데올로기 분석과 그에 대한 평가이다. 그러나 이 글은 이노우에의 대표 저작이자 삼부작이라는 명칭으로 잘 알려진 작품들에서 어떻게 각 학파의 특징을 설명하고 있는지 텍스트의 논리를 파악하고, 이른바 근대서양의 철학을 접한 철학자의 렌즈를 통해 동아시아의 전통 유학사에 대한 평가를 내린다는 것의 의미는 무엇인지에 대해 생각해보는 데에 있다. 다시 말해, 그가 일본의 도쿠가와 유학사를 어떻게 해석했으며 양명학에 부여한 핵심적인 의미가 무엇이었는지 삼부작의 내용을 통해서 알기 쉽게 재구성하는 작업을 목표로 하는 것이다. 이를 통해 오늘날 교과서나 개론서 등에서 널리 통용되고 있는 도쿠가와 유학사의 학파 계보구분은 이노우에의 유학 삼부작에 그 기원이 있음을 지적하고, 메이지 유신 이후, 서양 문명국가들의 정신적 지주 역할을 한 기독교에 비견할 만한 무언가를 일본의 역사 속에서 찾아내야만 했던 당대 지식인들이 선택하고, 재발견한 대상으로서의 양명학이 현창되는 과정을 그려보고자 한다. Inoue Tetsujiro is renowned for repositioning Confucianism’s place as a philosophy in the Western academic schema. He theorized this idea by publishing the monumental trilogy on the history of Japanese Confucianism: The Philosophy of the School of Wang Yang-Ming in Japan (1900), The Philosophy of the School of Ancient Learning in Japan (1902), The Philosophy of the School of Zhu Xi in Japan (1905). Most of the previous studies on this trilogy have shown their interests in evaluating Inoue’s own philosophical position from the eye of present academia. However, this paper focuses only on extracting the logic of his evaluation on the respective schools. A careful reading on his analysis of the history of Confucianism in Tokugawa Japan as a whole will be offered. Also, providing an explanation on his reasons for putting such emphasis on the School of Wang Yang-Ming is another aim of this paper. In short, this paper aims to offer a clear view on what effects Inoue’s trilogy has made in understanding the history of Japanese Confucianism. The context of the intellectual quest in which Meiji thinkers lied and the rise of the teachings of Wang Yang-Ming in late Meiji period will also be explained.

      • KCI등재

        자기표현욕구와 개인정보노출우려가 자기노출의도에 미치는 영향

        이새봄(Sae-Bom Lee),판류(Liu Fan),이상철(Sang-Chul Lee),서영호(Yung-Ho Suh) 한국경영과학회 2012 經營 科學 Vol.29 No.2

        While feeling anxious about the risk of exposure of personal information and privacy, users of microblogs and social network services are continuously using them. This study aims to develop a model to investigate this phenomenon. Specifically, this study explores the relationship between personal characteristics (represented by privacy concern and self-presentation) and an individual’s self-disclosure. An individual’s personal belief (represented by perceived risk and perceived trust) is also tested as an mediator between the relationship. Through a questionnaire survey to 183 twitter users in Korea, the results indicate that self-presentation has a direct influence on self-disclosure as well as an indirect influence through perceived trust. In contrast, privacy concern has not a direct but an indirect negative influence on self-disclosure through perceived risk. In conclusion, self-presentation has a stronger influence on self-disclosure then privacy concern to Twitter users. An individual who has a higher propensity for self-presentation will form a stronger perceived trust on Twitter, which in turn, affects the individual’s self-disclosure. On the other hand, an individual who is more concerned with personal privacy will feel more serious about perceived risk, which in turn, negatively influences one’s perception of the trust in Twitter as well as his desire for self-disclosure.

      • KCI등재

        나카무라 마사나오의 『서국입지편(西國立志編)』 서문에 나타난 보편성 논의

        이새봄 ( Sae Bom Lee ) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2015 동방학지 Vol.172 No.-

        Saigokurisshihen, the first Japanese translation of Samuel Smiles`` (1812-1904) Self-Help; with Illustrations of Character, Conduct and Perseverance (1859), was one of the bestselling books throughout the Meiji and early twentieth-century periods. The book``s first edition sold more than 100,000 copies, and over a million copies of the work were sold in total. The book not only made a huge impact on Japanese readers, but also played a significant part in providing knowledge of Western civilization to Korean intellectuals. Much of the previous research on Saigokurisshihen focused on the fact that Nakamura Masanao (1832-1891) translated Self-Help. However, this paper approached the work from a different angle. Although the book is a translation, Nakamura made bold edits to the original work and infused it with Confucian logic and vocabulary. Therefore, it is difficult to capture the essence of Saigokurisshihen by regarding it as a simple translation in the modern sense of the word. Instead, this paper attempted to highlight its characteristics as a product of Nakamura``s own thinking. To this end, the study focused on the introductions written by Nakamura and explained his intention in introducing Self-Help to Japanese readers. By concentrating on the analysis of its introductions, one can grasp the motivations and ideas behind Nakamura``s work. Moreover, as these introductions worked as guidelines not only to the book itself, but also to the Western civilization of the time, this paper tries to describe the most influential attitudes toward the West in Modern Japan.

      • KCI등재

        헬스케어산업에서의 인공지능 활용 동향

        이새봄(Sae Bom Lee),송재민(Jaemin Song),박아름(Arum Park) 한국콘텐츠학회 2020 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.20 No.5

        4차 산업혁명 시대에서 폭발적인 정보와 데이터를 얼마나 잘 다루고 활용하는가는 산업의 경쟁력과 직결되는 문제로 인식이 되고 있다. 특히, 의료 분야에서 인공지능 기술의 도입은 그 활용에 있어서나 사회적으로나 파급력이 굉장히 크다고 할 수 있으며, 활용 범위 별 인공지능의 동향을 파악하기 위해 본 연구를 진행하게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 의료 분야에서의 인공지능 활용을 크게 다음과 같이 4가지 활용범위, (1)병원 솔루션, (2)개인 건강관리, (3)보험회사, (4)신약개발로 나누어 살펴보았다. 인공지능 기술의 활용 범위 별 다양한 사례와 동향을 바탕으로 우리나라 의료 산업에서는 앞으로 어떠한 전략으로 인공지능을 발전시켜 나가야 하는지 방향성을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 헬스케어 산업 다양한 분야에서 인공지능의 활용 사례에 대해 알아보고, 헬스케어의 최신 이슈사항이 무엇인지 서술하여 의료산업 전반에 도움을 주고자 하였다. 인공지능기반 의료 시스템의 발전은 보다 쉽게 만성질환자 및 환자들의 건강을 관리해주고, 암이나 질병 진단의 정확성을 높이며 신약개발을 더 빠르고 효율적으로 진행되도록 도움을 주었다. 본 연구를 통하여 한국의 의료 산업에서는 앞으로 어떠한 전략으로 인공지능을 발전시켜나가야 하는지 방향성을 제시하고자하였다. In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, how well the explosive information and data are handled and used is recognized as a problem directly related to the competitiveness of the industry. In particular, the introduction of artificial intelligence technology in the medical field can be said to have a great social impact on its use, and this research was conducted to understand the trends of artificial intelligence according to the range of use case. In this study, the application of artificial intelligence in the healthcare field is divided into four scopes, (1) hospital solutions, (2) personal health care, (3) insurance, and (4) new drug development. Based on various cases and trends in artificial intelligence technology, this study tried to give directions on how to develop artificial intelligence in Korea. In this study, we wanted to find out the use cases of artificial intelligence in various areas of healthcare industry and describe the latest issues in healthcare to help the overall medical industry. The development of artificial intelligence-based medical systems has made it easier to manage the chronic patients, increased the accuracy of cancer or disease diagnosis, and helped developing new drugs faster and more efficiently. Through this study, the medical industry we wanted to give a direction to the future development of artificial intelligence in Korea.

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