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        이상윤(Lee Sang-Youn),김태영(Kim Tai-Young) 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study is investigate the arrangement and plan characteristics on the japanese migrant fishing village of Guryongpo in modern ages. In this research, we clarify the formation process and spatial pattern of its village. The functional development process of japanese houses is also another objective of this research. It appears that coastline and its roads, and progenitor's settlement plays a vital role in the form and spatial structure of village. Road system of the village was constituted from roads running parallel with coastline and small alleys stretching perpendicularly to them providing trapezoid shape of lands. The existing houses represent the japanese style in the arrangement, room layout, and design. But They are remodeled and extended by the living conditions.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        여성중간관리자의 리더십유형에 따른 유통기업의 서비스 성과에 관한 연구 : 백화점 종사자를 중심으로

        이상윤(Lee, Sang-Youn),서명희(Seo, Myong-Hee) 한국유통과학회 2009 유통과학연구 Vol.7 No.4

        본 연구는 백화점 직원을 대상으로 첫째, 여성중간관리자의 어떠한 유형의 리더십이 직원의 서비스 성과에 더 영향을 미치는지, 둘째, 독립변수와 종속변수 간에 조직특성과 개인특성에 따라 조절효과를 탐색하였다. 독립변수인 여성중간관리자의 리더십 유형을 변혁적 리더십과 거래적 리더십으로 나누고 변혁적 리더십 내용으로는 비전을 포함한 카리스마, 개별적 배려, 지적 자극을 포함하고, 거래적 리더십 내용으로는 상황적 보상과 예외에 의한 관리를 포함한다. 종속변수는 직무성과로서 업무처리의 정확성과 신속성(전문성), 예절성, 대응성, 정보전달력 등 백화점의 인적 서비스 질과 매출과 비용의 목표달성으로 한정하였다. 조절변수로는 조직특성으로 기업의 역사(업력)와 규모(종사원의 수)를 선정하고, 개인특성으로 사회적 경험(연령)과 직무경력(근속년수)를 포함하여 조절효과를 탐색하였다. This study analyzed the impact of leadership of female middle managers at department stores on performance of employees. Firstly the study investigated what type of leadership would impact more on the performance, and examined which attributes, organizational or personal, would have more control over the impact. For the analysis, types of leadership of female middle managers were taken as an independent variable, while performance of employees of department stores as a dependent variables. The types of leadership were divided into reformatory leadership and transactional leadership. The reformatory leadership included charisma with vision, care for individuals, stimulus on intelligence, and so on. The transactional leadership included situational compensation and management by exceptions. Performance of employees was limited to achievement of sales/cost goals and service quality of employees at department stores. Especially, service quality was evaluated by considering the factors related to daily operation such as accuracy, promptness, specialty, politeness, responsiveness, capability to deliver information, etc. As controlling variables, organizational attributed by history and size (the number of employees) of the company, and personal attributes by social experience (age) and business experience (tenure at the company). For the study, a survey was conducted for the employees of 12 department stores located Seoul and Kyunggi area for 3weeks from October12th, 2009 to November 1st, 2009. The survey questionnaire was explained to executives or HR managers of the department stores, and was distributed and collected by them. The survey was subject only to employees of the department stores who had female middle manage as a direct supervisor by understanding how many female middle managers were working at the department store before the distribution of the survey. The results of this study are as followings: First, the reformatory leadership was the leadership t

      • KCI등재

        미중 간의 갈등과 협력: 현실주의 이론을 중심으로

        이상윤 ( Sang Youn Lee ) 한국비교경제학회 2023 비교경제연구 Vol.30 No.1

        이 연구는 미중 간 관계를 종합적으로 이해하기 국제정치학 이론 중 자유주의와 현실주의에 대해 고찰하였다. 미중 간 갈등은 점진적인 군사적 분야의 불확실성에도 불구하고 군사적 분야보다는 경제적 또는 사회적 분야에서 이루어 질 가능성이 높을 것이다. 현실주의자 들은 중국이 동아시아에서 주도적 지위를 가진 미국을 대체하고 미국과 미국의 우방 들 간의 관계를 바꾸며 시장과 천연자원에 대한 미국의 접근을 막고자 할 것이라고 본다. 자유주의자 들은 경제적 종속(economic interdependence)과‘공격(aggression)’의 잠재적 비용은 중국의 대외정책에 있어 억제력으로 작용할 것이라고 본다. 미중 양국이 전쟁을 수행한다고 가정해보면, 한 국가가 어떤 이익을 본다고 하기에는 그 대가와 손실이 너무나 거대할 것이다. 미중 간 무역 갈등이 양국 경제에 미치는 영향 역시 매우 클 것으로 보인다. 미중 양국은 불확실성과 갈등의 요인에도 불구하고 현명하게 정치적, 군사적, 경제적 협력을 추구하고 있다. 중국의 부상은 미국과의 경쟁에서 반드시 제로섬 게임(zero-sum game)이 되는 것은 아니다. 미중 간 전략적 협력은 발전기와 쇠퇴기를 거듭하며 닉슨 행정부 이후 양측간의 정책 대화, 함선 방문, 군사분야 고급 책임자의 상호방문 등을 통해 소통과 접촉을 이어왔다. 미국은 중국과 갈등구조를 보이고 있으나 실제로 미국기업들은 중국과 많은 비즈니스를 진행하고 있으며 미국의 많은 제조업체들이 중국에 해외직접투자 형태로 투자를 하고 있는 현실이다. 우리는 이시기에 경제측면에서는 반도체, 자동차 등 분야의 역량을 최대한 활용하고 군사분야에서는 국방력을 착실히 키우는 노력을 기울여야 할 것이다. 이를 통해 진정한 위기 상황에서 한국이 동맹국과 전략적 파트너를 선택할 수 있도록 할 수 있는 준비가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. This study examined Liberalism and Realism among the theories of international politics in order to examine the relationship between the United States and China. The competition between the United States and China is more likely to take place in the economic or social field rather than the military field, despite the gradually increasing military uncertainty. Realists view that China will try to replace the US, which has a leading position in East Asia, change the relationships between the US and its allies, and prevent the US’s access to markets and natural resources. Liberalists view that the potential cost of economic interdependence and ‘aggression’ will act as a deterrent power to China’s foreign policies. When it is assumed that the US and China would conduct war, it can be seen that the cost and loss would be too huge to say that any one country would gain any advantage. The impact of the trade conflict between the US and China on the economies of the two countries is also expected to be very large. The US and China are wisely pursuing cooperation despite the factors for uncertainty and conflicts. China’s rise will not necessarily lead to a zero-sum game in its competition with the United States. Strategic cooperation between the United States and China has repeated periods of development and periods of decline and continued communications and contacts since the Nixon administration through policy dialogues between the two sides, visits to ships, and mutual visits by senior military officials. Countries in geopolitical hubs such as South Korea and Taiwan will need wisdom and strategies to see the big picture of the international situations and dynamics as such and proceed with international relations, diplomacy, and economic cooperation. At this time, we should make the most of our capabilities in sectors such as semiconductors and automobiles in the economic aspect and steadily develop our defense capabilities in the military sector. Through this, it is thought that preparations are needed to allow South Korea to choose allies and strategic partners in a real crisis.

      • KCI등재

        중국기업 리더십과 기업문화가 직무만족도 및 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        이상윤 ( Sang Youn Lee ),서영인 ( Young In Seo ),이정열 ( Jeoung Yul Lee ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2015 中國硏究 Vol.63 No.-

        An empirical study on the Chinese corporations of service industry was performed. The results of statistical analyses show as follows: First, benevolent leadership, virtuous leadership and authoritative leadership were found to influence a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. Second, benevolent leadership was found to influence a positive and significant impact on the increase of revenue, and virtuous leadership was found to influence a positive and significant impact on ROA. Third, development culture was found to influence a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. Fourth, group culture as a type of corporate culture was positively and significantly related to ROA. while development culture was positively and significantly related to the increase of revenue.

      • KCI등재

        중국기업 리더십, 기업문화, 조직지원인식 및 직무만족도 간의 관계에 관한 연구

        이상윤 ( Sang Youn Lee ),이정열 ( Jeoung Yul Lee ) 한국인적자원관리학회 2014 인적자원관리연구 Vol.21 No.3

        An empirical study was carried out to analyze the relationships among Chinese Leadership and Corporate Cultures (independent variables), Perceived Organizational Support (a mediating variable), and Job Satisfaction (a dependent variable) through Hierarchical Regression Analysis and Path Analysis. The results of statistical analysis show as follows: First, benevolent leadership and authoritative leadership were found to influence a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. Second, individualized consideration as a kind of Western leadership styles was positively and significantly related to job satisfaction. Third, development culture and rational culture were found to influence a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. Fourth, benevolent leadership and virtuous leadership were found to influence a positive and significant effect on perceived organizational support.Fifth, individualized consideration and performance emphasizing were positively and significantly related to perceived organizational support. Sixth, development culture as a type of corporate culture was positively and significantly related to perceived organizational support at the 0.01 level of p-value. Seventh, this study explored the effects of a mediating variable on a dependent variable. Perceived organizational support as a mediating variable was found to influence a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. Eighth, perceived organizational support as a mediating valuable was found to affect the relationship between independent variables (paternalistic leadership, western leadership and corporate culture) and a dependent variable (job satisfaction). Recently, since managers, who were born in the 1980s and 1990s, began to work in Chinese firms, how these organizational members perceived organizational support as well as how they made organizational members be perceived it became critical. In this respect, our study is critical in the theoretical and practical side.

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