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        CCTV 영상분석을 통한 피해우심지역 평가: 구미 불산 가스 누출사고를 중심으로

        이미란,구슬,심재현,Lee. Mi-Ran,Koo. Seul,Shim. Jae-Hyun 한국방재학회 2013 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.13 No.6

        본 연구에서는 2012년 구미산업공단에서 발생한 불산 가스 누출 사례를 대상으로 CCTV 영상 및 항공사진 분석을 통해서 재난발생 피해확산범위를 추정하고 피해우심지역 추출을 위한 과학적 재난분석 접근방법을 제안하였다. 실제 사고현장에서 수집된 CCTV 영상에서 누출가스 확산방향을 찾고 AWS(Automatic Weather System) 관측 자료와 비교를 통해 분석결과를 검증하였다. 또한, 항공사진으로부터 사고발생 후 피해범위를 추출하였다. 분석결과에 따르면, 피해우심지역은 사고발생지점으로부터 반경 1 km 이내의 지역으로 나타났으며, 기존 관측 자료 및 대기 모델링 분석에서 얻을 수 없는 유용한 정보를 CCTV 영상을 통해 찾을 수 있었다. In this study, a new methodology is proposed to estimate the diffusion range and the damaged area by analysing the CCTV(Closed Circuit Television) image and aerial photograph for the Hydrofluoric Acid Gas leakage event in 2012. The CCTV images and the aerial photograph were used to estimate the diffusion direction of the gas and the damaged area respectively, which was verified by comparing with AWS(Automatic Weather System) observations around the scene of accidents. As the results, it was found that the damage area estimated by the new methodology could be within a 1km radius from the leakage point, which could not be found out through the coarse ground observations and the atmospheric dispersion modeling.

      • KCI등재

        이청준의 창작론 연구 (1) -``진실의 증거``를 향한 도정(道程)

        이미란 ( Mi Ran Lee ) 현대문학이론학회 2012 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.49

        이청준은 소설가가 주인공이거나 서술자인 ``소설가 소설``을 통하여 자신의 창작론을 표명해 왔다. 그의 소설가 소설은 ``소설이란 무엇인가``에 대한 탐색의 노정이 담긴 소설들로서 창작론의 입장에서 볼 때 각별하게 논의할 점을 제시해 준다. 이 논문은 이청준의 창작론을 그의 대표적인 ``소설가 소설``인 소문의 벽, 『지배와 해방』, 「비화밀교」, 『자유의 문』, 『인문주의자 무소작 씨의 종생기』 등을 비롯하여 작가의 직접적인 어조가 드러난 산문, 대담 등 2차 텍스트를 적극적으로 활용하여 논의하였다. 이 논문에서는 창작원리로서 이청준 문학을 해석할 수 있는 틀과 사유의 밑 바탕을 해석하는 데에 초점을 두고, 이청준의 창작론이 진술 욕망과 좌절의 징후, 자유의 질서와 삶의 진실, 진실의 증거와 갱신 등으로 전개되어 나가는 과정을 읽었으며, 논의를 진행하면서 ``진실의 증거``라는 주요한 화두가 이청준의 초기부터 후기 소설에 이르는 동안 지속적인 고뇌의 깊이를 마련한 창작론의 대전제임을 확인할 수 있었다. 이청준은 개인과 사회, 현실과 역사, 문학과 종교 사이에서 끊임없이 소설의 길을 탐색해 왔다. 이청준에게 있어서 ``진실의 증거``는 곧 자유의 질서를 획득하는 것과 다르지 않다. 그리고 그 진실이란 작가와 독자, 그리고 사회의 삶과 유리되지 않은 ``자유의 질서``를 마련하기 위한 것이어야 한다. 즉 작가가 소설 속에 담아내는 진실은 ``인간의 삶``과 유리되지 않는 것으로서 삶의 자유를 얻기 위해 진실의 증거가 필요하다는 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to search through what the creative writing theory of Lee Cheong-jun is and how it is embodied in his works. For this, his major works of fiction in which novelists play a narrator or a main character, The Wall of Rumors, Rule & Liberation, Secret Fire Esoteric, Gate of Freedom, The Life Story of Humanist Mr. Musojak and secondary texts from his prose works, lectures, symposiums are analysed. In The Wall of Rumors, through the story of a novelist who has the dread of making a statement, Lee Cheong-jun embodies his creative writing theory in which the novelist has the desire to make a true statement and fiction must be comprised of novelist`s free statements as well as present symptoms of the age`s crises. In Rule & Liberation, by showing the novelist`s lecture as it is, he reveals his creative writing theory. There, taking a step further, he writes that the novelist has a desire to present ``order of freedom``; research for the brave ways against inhumane systems and repression, and fiction is a work of broadening or maintaining life`s freedom by presenting actively the order of freedom. In Secret Fire Esoteric, through the story of a ritual not wanted to be revealed, he shows that the novelist`s statements can be restricted by not only social systems and repression but also excessive spiritualism. Because the novelist narrator sympathized with the spiritualist who disclosed that any truths or facts, when revealed, can be compromised with the mainstream, he felt restriction being placed upon the novelist`s free statements. In Gate of Freedom, by showing the contrast between two main characters, the novelist and the spiritualist, Lee Cheong-jun reveales a matter not resolved in Secret Fire Esoteric. In other words, fiction is the novelist`s free statement on truth, specifically it is a work trying to broaden or maintain practical freedoms and love based on morality, and it is only possible through sustained self-reflection and change. In The Life Story of Humanist Mr. Musojak, through the allegorical life story of the storyteller, Musojak, Lee Cheong-jun presents that fiction should be a story not separated from the real world, and it is possible when fiction reveals the evidence of the truth. Lee Cheong-jun has undergone a process to complete his creative writing theory of ``A Journey to the Evidence of Truth`` through his novelist`s works of fiction.

      • KCI등재

        용서와 화해, 잊기의 윤리학

        이미란(Mi Ran Lee) 한국현대소설학회 2013 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.54

        Starting from the premise that Lee Chuong-Jun`s core creative writing theory is that a novel must to be a truthful evidence for free human life, this paper examines the process of forming the concrete themes of ``forgiveness and reconciliation`` in his creative writing theory. The serious theme of forgiveness in <Southern Province People> series (1976-1981)goes to probe itself through the works of <Secret Fire Esoteric>(1985), <Bug Story>(1985), <Hidden Finger>(1985), <Victim`s face>(1992), White Cloth(1994), The Island of Swallowing Myth(2003), <An Underground Room>(2005). Trough above-mentioned works Lee Chuong-Jun asks and probes the problem how the forgiveness and reconciliation have to be done. The courses result in the ethics of forgiveness, reconciliation and forgetting. But the ethical attitude of ``covering`` can be reached conclusively, not as unconditional forgiveness and reconciliation, but only through confession and atonement. By searching the inner stream of Lee Chuong-Jun`s later novels, his directions from speech to sound, from history to myth, and furthermore that he pursues ``remembring and telling`` together as the evidence of ``forgiveness and reconciliation`` for free human life can be illuminated.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국 현대 노년소설의 변화 양상 연구* - 노년 담론의 성장과 작가 의식의 성숙을 중심으로

        이미란(Lee, Mi-ran) 한국언어문학회 2019 한국언어문학 Vol.109 No.-

        This paper is to review the aspects of change in modern Korean old age novels, started actively from 1970s, in terms of the progress of old age discourse and the matureness of authors’ consciousness. In 1970s, old age novels mainly described old age images, being rejected and left alone at home due to the collapse of traditional intrinsic familial value with industrialization and nuclear family. And novels raised the elderly problems must be solved by nation and society. In 1980s, old age images were figured as still being peripheral in spite of the elevation of social attention to old age welfare. And later the novels appeared with old age characters trying to live their lives subjectively, or showed the understanding and awareness of old age with the discovery of positive mind in old ugliness body In 1990s, with the currency focused on the individual and daily life, novels appeared, describing old ages trying to find meaningful and real life out of fantasies. After 2000s, many novels come to show the insight of ‘brink’ with the progress of old age discourse and the advent of old age authors. These works asked what the human being is, and what the valuable life is. They present courageous choice, emotional independence, understanding and recipience of others, and humors as answers. Korean modern old age novels, from starting as an accuser of alienation of the elderly in 1970s to the present, have grown up to the works with insight into human life through raising elderly problems, understanding and awareness on the old age.

      • KCI등재

        프리다칼로의 사랑 이야기를 모티브로 한 무용창작작품 <고해>에 관한 분석

        이미란 ( Mi Ran Lee ) 중앙대학교 학교체육연구소 2017 Asian Journal of Physical Education of Sport Scien Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구는 화가 프리다 칼로와 그의 연인 디에고 리베라의 사랑이야기를 모티브로 하여 안무한 연구자의 무용창작품 <고해>에 대한 작품 분석으로 이루어졌다. 프리다 칼로에게 디에고란, 괴로움과 환희를 동시에 안겨 준 존재이다. <고해>는 이별과 해후를 통한 두 사람의 `사랑의 소중함과 아름다움`을 재해석한 창작무용으로 총 4장, 10분 20초로 구성하였다. <고해>에 대한 연구로 작품의 내용과 음악곡, 그리고 이미지 및 안무의도에 대해 각 장별, 또는 장면별로 분석, 서술하였다. 본 연구자는 이별과 갈등을 겪으면서도 사랑하는 연인에 대한 희망을 놓지 않았던 프리다 칼로의 강인한 의지를 작품 속에 반영하고자 하였다. 한편 학교무용교수. 학습지도에 있어 <고해>에서 나타나는 다양한 창작안무기법을 통한 학생들의 공감각 형성, 유연성, 리듬감각 형성, 정서, 창의성, 사회성 형성 등 인지적, 정의적, 심동적 영역에도 긍정적인 영향을 줄 것으로 사료된다. In this study, it is to analyze the work < Monologue >, creative dance work of choreographer, who choreographed as motive of love story for Frida Kahlo, painter, and Diego Rivera, his lover. For Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera gave agony and joy simultaneously, and choreographed it as creative dance, by re-interpreting `beauty of precious love` which can be known by farewell and meeting of two persons. This work is consisted of Act 4, total 10 minutes 20 seconds, and it analyzed and described content analysis for < Monologue >, creative dance work, analysis of songs, image explanation, and intention of choreography, by each act and scene. I am trying to reflect strong will of Frida Kahlo, who did not put off hope for lover, even if experienced separation and conflict, into work.

      • KCI등재

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