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        학교 현장에서의 인터넷 언어 사용 실태 연구

        윤여탁 ( Yeo Tak Yoon ),손예희 ( Ye Hee Son ),송여주 ( Yeo Ju Song ),정지민 ( Ji Min Jung ) 국어교육학회 2009 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.36 No.-

        이 연구는 학교교육에서 매체언어의 사용 실태를 분석하고 그 개선방안을 제안하는 것을 목적으로 하며, 특히 매체언어 가운데서도 중요한 소통 수단으로 자리 잡은 인터넷 언어를 연구 대상으로 하였다. 이를 위해 중·고등학교의 교사와 학생들을 대상으로 설문조사와 심층면담을 실시하여 실제적인 인터넷 언어 사용 양상을 조사하였다. 이 연구에서 대상으로 하는 인터넷 언어는 언어적 요소에만 주목하던 기존의 `통신언어`와 달리 인터넷에서의 소통 방식의 특성과 맥락적 요소를 포함한 언어 개념이다. 인터넷에서는 전통적인 생산-분배-소비의 유통 방식과 달리, 소비자 역시 또다른 생산재(prosumer)가 될 수 있다는 점에서, 인터넷 언어는 개인 간 의사소통을 넘어 대중매체와 같은 사회적 의사소통 행위가 되고 있다. 연구 결과, 인터넷 언어는 학생들의 일상생활에서의 의사소통에까지 영향을 미치는 것으로 드러났다. 이는 인터넷이라는 새로운 소통 환경에 따른 필연적인 언어 현상임을 보여준다. 또한 보호주의적 관점에 근거하는 언어예절 교육이나 문법 교육은 실제적 효용성이 없음을 의미한다. 인터넷을 통한 새로운 소통방식은 소통언어를 윤리적인 차원에서 이해하고 이를 바탕으로 현실에서의 소통에 능동적으로 참여하고 대처하는 개인적·사회적 책무와도 관련되며, 따라서 새로운 매체 환경에 필요한 실제적 소통 윤리 교육의 내용이 마련되어야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of media language at school and to suggest ways to improve it. The study is mainly focused on `Internet language`, which has become one of the most important method of communication in the media language. To accomplish the purpose of the study, we examined the aspects of Internet language use by having surveys and in-depth interviews with middle and high school students and teachers. The materials dealt in this paper include `mini-homepage language`, `fan-cafe language`, and `Internet game language`. Unlike the conventional media language which focuses preponderantly on linguistic elements, Internet language is a notion that includes both the elements of context and the distinctive traits of communication process in cyberspace. Moreover, the fact that a consumer can also be a prosumer in Internet, which is very different from the traditional distribution structure of production-distribution-consumptions, proves that Internet language has become not only a method of communication among individuals, but also a social communicative action like the mass media. From the results of the analysis, it was found that Internet language has an effect on students` daily life communication, and this is an inevitable consequence that results from Internet, a new environment for communication. In addition to that, this phenomenon reveals that the grammar and linguistic etiquette education in the view of protectionism has no actual usefulness. The new communication method through Internet is related to the individual and social responsibility of active participation and management of communication in reality, which are based on correct understandings of communication language in ethical dimension. Therefore, the contents of real communication ethics education for the new media environment should be prepared.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        문학교육의 민족성과 세계성 / 제 4 부 - 동아시아 문학교육의 현황과 과제 : 다매체 언어를 활용한 현대시 교육 연구 - 한국 현대문학교육의 현황과 과제

        윤여탁(Yeo Tak Yoon) 한국문학교육학회 2000 문학교육학 Vol.6 No.-

        This paper is an attempt to provide a new methodology and theory in teaching Korean literature, esp. through modern poetry. I have proposed to use materials and contents from everyday life, through which learners will learn how to build up introspective and positive attitudes towards life. This orientation is significant in the aspect that it corresponds with the general objective of the Seventh Curriculum : that learners will learn how to enjoy reading and how to understand literature through stepwise and integrative learning and through the evaluation of students` performance. Such learning and teaching method places its emphasis not on the overall understanding of poetry on the part of learners, but on the general activities of making learned materials into one`s own mind and spirit, thus broadening one`s sphere of expression. This is not a one-way teaching where learners` individuality is ignored and as a result, learners learn only what is taught to them. It is rather a process of learning to search for one`s own world and its meaning and to be able to use them whenever and wherever needed Parallel to this, I have also proposed that the scope of materials should not. only be limited to printed materials of letters. Rather, they should be presented through diverse media of expression. I have studied how such a teaching method can be put into practice in poetry teaching and examined its practice and effects. For example, I have looked into the purpose and effects of teaching poetry by guessing the meanings of poems just from their titles or reading pxans as presented by different media. The use of diverse media in teaching and understanding poetry as well as creative activities like writing will help learners see, from many different aspects, the works and the world represented in the literature. Through this, learners will achieve highly developed language skills for creative thinking. In this stage, we should take into account the diversity of learner variables. Not to mention the complex Reception Theory, various stances towards literature works should be tolerated in teaching poetry. Especially, if one considers the two-sidedness of teaching poetry as feelings and cognition on the one hand, and theory and practice on the other, teaching literature should be widely open to the divergent attitudes of learners. In addition, learning as well as evaluation methods should be also discussed. It should also be kept in mind that teaching poetry or literature deals with works that are created by human beings just like any type of teaching. Also, because it deals with human beings and thus, a field of humanities, it is crucial to design the methodology to be learnercentered. Such an orientation is generally adapted to various kinds of teaching and learning objectives, but it is specifically of significant importance to teach the Korean language and literature with integrativeoriented teaching methods. This objective can be attained only in case teaching Korean literature and language seeks to cultivate creative thinking in learners. Every teaching method virtually reproduces the ideology of a certain nation. However, this can be challenged; teaching also has the objective to teach individuals how to think critically, which is what teaching poetry or literature can contribute to i.e. to the development of creative and critical thinking and to the mind. Lastly, because learners are in different phase of development and have their own interests, their experiences and thoughts are obviously different from one another. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the problem of systematization in designing the curricula for high-level learners as well as in determining specific materials for poems or methods to provide learners with appropriate learning levels.

      • KCI우수등재

        한국 근대문학과 타고르, 그리고 비교문학의 전망

        윤여탁(Yoon, Yeo-tak) 국어국문학회 2016 국어국문학 Vol.- No.176

        1913년 동양인으로는 최초로 노벨 문학상을 수상한 타고르(R. Tagore)는 일제 강점기 한국 문학사에 소개된 초창기에는 환영을 받았으며, 인도와 같은 식민지 상태였던 조선에 희망의 메시지를 전해주었다. 그러나 이후에는 인도뿐만 아니라 동서양에서 타고르를 재평가하는 작업이 진행되었으며, 식민지 조선에서도 타고르에 대한 본격적인 비판이 이루어졌다. 이 연구는 한국 근대문학에 끼친 타고르의 관계를 비교문학과 탈식민주의 맥락에서 살펴보았다. 이러한 논의를 통해서 한국 근대문학사에 소개된 타고르에 대한 오해와 오류들을 확인하였다. 아울러 타고르는 한국 근대문학과 한용운에 이념적인 차원이 아니라 심정적인 차원에서 작용했으며, 그의 문학적 영향력은 단순한 번역시 수용을 넘어 근대 산문시 형식의 정착에 공헌했음을 밝혔다. 궁극적으로 이러한 논의를 통해서 인도의 시인 타고르는 한용운과 한국 근대문학 형성에 긍정적으로 작용했으며, 식민지 조선의 근대문학이 정체성을 정립하는 데에도 영향을 끼쳤음을 확인하였다. R. Tagore, the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913, was well received in Korean literature in his early years, during the Japanese colonial era. He delivered a message of hope and courage to the colonial Joseon, which was going through a Japanese colonial era similar to that of India. However, revaluation of his works was later initiated in the colonial Joseon as well as in India and the rest of the world. This study explores the influence of R. Tagore on Korean modern literature in the context of comparative literature and post-colonialism. Through this discussion, misconceptions of his works in Korean modern literature are identified. As a result, this paper confirms that his works influenced Korean modern literature and, specifically, the work of Han Yongwoon, not in an ideological aspect, but in emotional and psychological aspects. Furthermore, his literary influence extended beyond a mere acceptance of the translated poem, contributing to the structure of the modern prose poem. Ultimately, this study proposes the positive influence of the Indian poet R. Tagore on Korean modern literature and Han Yongwoon’s works and on the establishment of the identity of modern literature in colonial Joseon.

      • KCI등재

        한국문학의 세계화 제문제: 지표와 전망

        윤여탁 ( Yeo Tak Yoon ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2011 국어교육 Vol.0 No.136

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the future task and prospects of Korean literature for its globalization. At first, its present state of translation and the actual state of research and education system will be generalized for this study. Based on this generalization, the scheme for the globalization of Korean literature will be projected. Actually, by researching the history and present state of the Korean literature`s translation, it analyzed as the qualitative achievement of its business is much below than its quantitative expansion which reached a fairly reasonable point. Furthermore, this study proposed the essential tasks not only for translation of Korean literature but also for its globalization by investigating relative former studies. In other words, some issues arising from the globalization of Korean literature was examined here: the cultural policy, the creation and translation of the Korean literature, the international relationship, the public-relations, and the government support for the literature research. To clarify, by focusing on ``the globalization of the Korean literature work`` and ``the globalization of the Korean literature research``, its tasks for the globalization was examined. And through this examination, I tried to look over ``the future of its globalization``.

      • KCI등재

        전환기 한국 현대시의 시 세계

        윤여탁(Yoon Yeo-Tak) 한국시학회 2009 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.25

        This study focused on aspects of development of Korean modern poetry, from the liberation of Korea in 1945 to the 1950s, and its world. during this period, Korean modern poetry illustrated various poetic seeks and glimpses. These researches became a foundation of Korean modern poetry’s literary growth. Above all, the literary conflict between the left and right was appeared immediately after the liberation of Korea, and this conflict developed itself as ‘ideological realization in literature’. Additionally, Korean modern poetry’s a wide variety of attempts after Korean War were sufficient to prepare subsequent growth and revival of Korean modern poetry. Specifically, a variety of poetry - realism poem, lyric poem, modernism poem and poem about war - was created and developed into later Korean modern poetry. Various creation of modern poetry on this period was able to be a solid ground of reconsideration about a current tendency of modern poetry’s research and education which is mainly focused on the modern poetry centered on 1930s and contemporary poetry centered on 1960. Through this study, this period’s creation of modern poetry had not only enough affluence to exceed poetical and literary realization produced before and after this period, but also enough capacity to be a role of bridge between these two before and after periods. Therefore, this aspect should be accepted into the study and education of modern poetry, and this new point of angle is another reason why this period’s poetical accomplishment have to be reconsidered.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 국어과 기초학력 진단평가에 관한 연구

        윤여탁 ( Yeo Tak Yoon ),민현식 ( Hyun Sik Min ),김정우 ( Jung Woo Kim ) 국어교육학회 2008 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.32 No.-

        이 논문은 중학교 국어과 기초학력 진단평가 개발을 위한 연구이다. 이를 위해 기초학력의 개념을 설정하고, 성취기준을 개발하며, 실제 문항 개발의 틀을 설정하여 제시하고자 하였다. 기초학력에는 여러 개념이 있는데, 이 논문에서는 해당 학년에서 배울 내용을 원활하게 학습하는 데 필요한 기초적 능력으로 그 의미를 규정하였다. 이전 학년에 도달한 학력을 기반으로 하되, 거기에 해당 학년에서 새로 배우게 될 내용에 관계되는 부분이 결합하는 형태로 구성된다. 초점은 이전 학년 학습 내용에 대한 성취도가 아니라 해당 학년에서 배워야 할 내용과 관련되는 최소한의 학력의 보유 여부이다. 기초학력 진단평가는 현재 시행되고 있는 국가 수준 교육과정에 근거하여 설계하는 것이 바람직하다. 제7차 국어과 교육과정에 근거하여 진단평가를 계획할 때에는 수준별 교육과정 체제의 [기본]에 초점을 맞추어 설계하는 것이 필요하고, 내용 영역은 `듣기·말하기`, `읽기`, `쓰기`, `국어지식`, `문학`의 다섯 영역, 행동 영역은 `이해`, `적용`, `비판`의 세 영역으로 하는 것이 적절하다. 성취기준은 문항 수와 동일하게 30개로 구성하였고, 기초학력 진단평가의 특성을 고려하여 내용 영역에서는 `읽기`, 행동 영역에서는 `이해`가 가장 많은 비중을 차지하도록 구성하였다. 이 평가는 준거참조평가로 기준점 도달 여부와 성취기준별 송환 정보를 제공한다. 기준점을 전문가들의 협의를 통한 북마크 기법으로 설정하는 것이 바람직하다. This study aims to explore how to develop the diagnostic assessment of basic competency(DABC) in middle school Korean language learning, specially focused on the achievement standards for assessment and frame of developing test items. DABC should be designed to be based on the current national curriculum. If DABC is developed based on the 7th National Curriculum Korean language, it is most desirable to focus on the `basic` level of the contents, considering the characteristics of differentiated curriculum. And the frame of test items is able to be organized as the two dimensions of assessment, contents and behaviors, the former is constituted by `listening and speaking`, `reading`, `writing`, `grammar`, `literature`, and the latter is constituted by `understanding`, `applying`, `critiquing`. Considering the characteristics of DABC, `reading` and `understanding` should be given more weight. DABC is criterion-referenced evaluation and the result are reported to the students, teachers, schools with two levels such as Basic and Below-Basic. The cut-off score dividing the levels was determined by bookmark method.

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