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        일시적인 피질맹과 인지기능장애로 발현한 간성 뇌병증 1예

        윤고운,박민정,박경원,차재관,김재우 대한치매학회 2003 Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders Vol.2 No.2

        A 55-year-old woman presented with transient cortical blindness and multiple cognitive impairments as initial symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy. Her past history was negative for chronic liver disease or gastrointestinal bleeding. Neurologic examinations showed bilateral visual loss with a normal pupillary reflex to light and neuropsychological test showed significant impairments in all cognitive domains. Laboratory tests revealed increased liver enzymes, ammonia level, and positive IgG HbcAb. Ultrsonography of the liver showed findings consistent with liver cirrhosis with splenomegaly. The visual evoked potential study resulted in no wave formation on both sides. T1-weighted brain MRI showed high signal intensity lesions in both globus pallidus and cerebral peduncles of the midbrain. After treatment with lactulose, cortical blindness and cognitive dysfunctions disappeared within several days. In rare cases of hepatic encephalopathy, cortical blindness with cognitive impairments may occur before alteration of consciousness and usually recovers following treatment of the hepatic encephalopathy.

      • 다매체순환표현을 통한 11세 전후의 미술표현 위기 극복에 관한 연구

        오종숙,윤고운 한국미술교과교육학회 2005 師鄕美術敎育論叢 Vol.13 No.-

        미술은 아동에게 있어 언어 이전의 언어로 아동들이 자신의 생각과 느낌을 매체를 통해 표현하는 의사소통의 수단이다. 그러나 그림을 통해 타인과의 소통이 원활해지기까지는 긴 시간이 걸린다. 처음 낙서를 하기시작해서(2세전 후) 낙서 속에 도형이 배태되고 배태된 도형에서 낱낱의 도형을 그릴 수 있게 되고 도형들을 연합, 집합으로 구성하게 되고 집합이 더욱 복잡한 구성으로 발전하여 비대상화(3-4세)를 그리게 된다. 그리고 다시 도형들의 집합에서 의사소통 가능한 상징을 구성(4-6세)해 내야 그림을 통한 타인과의 의사소통이 가능하다. 그 후 도형으로 이루어진 독특한 도식들이 발명되고(7세) 아동화의 황금기라 일컫는 7-8세경에야 스스로 발명해낸 도식들을 필요에 의해 구성해가며 비로소 표현의 자율성을 얻게 되는 것이다. 그런데 큰 어려움 없이 자율적으로 표현할 수 있는 기간은 대부분의 아동들의 경우 2년 정도에 불과하고 9세경에 이르면서 점진적으로 어려움이 증가하면서 표현이 경직되어가다가 11세를 전후로 어려움을 넘어서지 못한 채 자신감과 흥미를 잃고 미술에서 멀어지고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        선행성 기억상실을 주증상으로 나타낸 신경베체트씨병 1예

        서정화,윤고운,박민정,박경원,김재우 대한신경과학회 2006 대한신경과학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        Anterograde amnesia in Behcet's disease is a rare occurrence. A 50-year-old man presented with anterograde amnesia. He had been suffering multiple oral aphthous ulcers and genital ulcers with erythema nodosum. A neurological examination revealed prominent anterograde memory disturbance. Brain MRI revealed high signal intensity lesions involving the anterior thalamus, posterior part of the basal ganglia and the mesial temporal lobe. We report a rare case of Behcet's disease manifesting severe anterograde amnesia resulting from thalamic and mesial temporal lesions.

      • KCI등재

        항혈소판제제에 따른 뇌경색 환잔의 혈소판 응집력의 차이

        천상명,윤고운,박경원,김상호,김재우,신현철,차재관 대한신경과학회 2004 대한신경과학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        Platelets play a key role in many occlusive vascular disorders and anti-platelet agents are the most important therapeutic strategy in preventing the recurrence of cerebral infarction. In order to know the platelet aggregability according to the strategy of anti-platelet agents, we measured platelet aggregability in patients who were taking anti-platelet agents for cerebral infarction. Methods: Platelet aggregability in response to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or collagen was measured in whole blood samples from 175 patients (48 females and 137 males). It was analyzed according to the type of cerebral infarction, vascular risk factors, and each anti-platelet agent. Results: Platelet aggregability induced by ADP or collagen was significantly increased in patients with large artery atherosclerotic infarction compared to those with small vessel disease. Among anti-platelet regimens, combined therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel decreased platelet aggregability most effectively. Conclusions: These findings suggest that anti-platelet treatment should be tailored to the vascular status of each patient, and that combination therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel can effectively modulate platelet aggregability in preventing the recurrence of cerebral infarction

      • 고령친화 식음공간의 키오스크 위치에 대한 연구

        황서영(Hwang, Seo-Young),안지은(Ahn, Ji-Eun),윤고운(Yoon, Go-Un),두텐후이쯔(Dutianhuizi),권현주(Kwon, Hyun-Joo) 한국실내디자인학회 2023 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.25 No.3

        In line with the COVID-19 era, the number of kiosk installation stores has increased rapidly. The problem of the older adults misadjustment to kiosks is getting worse, but design guidelines for Age-friendly kiosk locations in restaurants are insufficient. The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction of the Age-friendly kiosk arrangement plan in the restaurant based on the analysis of the kiosk location preference of young adults aged in 20s and the older adults aged 65 and over. Through surveys and interviews for older adults aged 65 and over and young adults aged in 20s, the frequency of kiosk use, preference for kiosk location, and difficulties and solutions experienced when using kiosks were investigated. In addition, the preference of Age-friendly kiosk and the preference of kiosk locations in specific planes were investigated and analyzed. Based on the results of this study, a plan to install a Age-friendly kiosk that can satisfy both the older adults and young adults and a planning direction for the location of the kiosk installation in the restaurant were presented.

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