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자율주행 차량의 능동안전성 시험을 위한 초박형 로봇의 현가장치 설계
유재상,김도현,정재일 한국정밀공학회 2024 한국정밀공학회지 Vol.41 No.5
As advanced driver-assistance systems become more common in commercial vehicles, there is a growing need forevaluating safety of vehicles. Low platform target robot systems play a crucial role in this evaluation process as they canassess safety performances of autonomous vehicles. Driving stability of a target robot during real vehicle tests dependssignificantly on its suspension system. Therefore, developing an appropriate suspension device for the target robot is ofutmost importance. This study aimed to improve driving stability by comparing two different suspension configurations: asingle rocker and a double rocker, both incorporating a crank rocker mechanism. Initially, a two-dimensional model that metconstraints of the suspension device was developed, followed by an analysis of reaction forces. Subsequently, an optimaldesign was determined using design of experiments principles based on parameters of a 2D model. The manufacturedsuspension system model based on the optimal design underwent multi-body dynamics simulation to evaluate drivingstability. Comparative analysis of driving stability for both configurations was performed using MBD simulation, offeringinsights into the superior suspension design for the target robot.
Religious Coping and Constructing Well-Integrated Theology
유재상 장로회신학대학교 기독교사상과문화연구원 2012 장신논단 Vol.44 No.3
In this article I will explore religious coping theory and research by primarily drawing upon the works of Pargament, one of the most prominent scholars in the area of religious coping and spiritually-integrated psychotherapy. He focuses on the role of religion as a coping resource for people in times of crisis. Religion is not simply an object of faith but a process of cognitively interpreting life events and integrating them into a personally meaningful narrative. According to Pargament religion is defined as “the search for significance related to the sacred.” Humans continue to seek for transcendent meaning related to the sacred beyond their finitude. Positive coping takes place “the significance related to sacred,” which is what one seeks, is congruent with “the search for significance, which is how he seeks. In other words,whether religion functions positively or negatively depends upon how one’s theology is congruent with his or her context. If religion is not integrated,it becomes lifeless and even oppressive. I will introduce major research of Pargament such as positive and negative religious coping,red flags that need attention in coping process, and different religious coping styles and discuss practical bearings of religious coping research for pastoral care. My argument is that pastoral care should involve the process of constructing well-integrated theology for better coping and spiritual growth.
거창 송계사(松溪寺) 목조여래좌상과 18세기 후반 조각승 상정(尙淨) 불상의 작풍(作風) 연구
유재상 국립문화재연구원 2021 헤리티지:역사와 과학 Vol.54 No.3
Sangjeong was a sculptor-monk who was active in the mid-to-late 18th Century, and the current study established the overall chronology of Sangjeong’s Buddhist statues and their styles based on the six sculptures of Sangjeong already known and the Wooden Seated Buddha of 1767 in Songgyesa Temple, Geochang, which was found to be his last work. All of the Buddhist statues of Sangjeong have commonalities in terms of the appearance of the ears, wrinkles on clothing on the upper and lower body, position of hands, and expression of the lower body. The expression of the lower body, in particular, is classified into three types: Type A, where the clothing drapes through the lotus leaves on the bottom; Type B, with an ‘S-shaped’ drape over the lower body but no lotus leaves or pedestal; and Type C, with the Buddha and pedestal as a single unit, and the clothing draping through the lotus leaves on the pedestal. It appears that Sangjeong faithfully succeeded the style of Taewon, who was his only instructor for sculpture. This is verified based on the records of his participation in the creation of the Wooden Seated Sakyamuni Buddha Triad and Statue of Arhat in Bongeunsa Temple, Seoul, as the third sculptor-monk out of twelve sculptor-monks, and the reflection of the S-shaped drape on the lower body found on the statue of Buddha in Bongeunsa Temple on all of the statues created by Sangjeong. Not only that, but it was assumed that the expression of the pedestal and hair was also inherited by Sangjeong from Taewon and Jinyeol, who was a sculptor-monk from the early 18th Century. The work of Sangjeong and Taewon showed differences in the volume and thickness of statues, strength of unevenness on the wrinkles of clothing, drapes on the right side of chest, and details of the ears. The current study identified the original styles of each individual sculptor and attempted to categorize the fourteen pieces of ten Buddhist statues reflecting the styles of Sangjeong into Sangjeong-style or Taewon-style. 상정(尙淨)은 18세기 중·후반에 활동한 조각승으로, 지금까지 알려진 수조각승 상정의 조상 활동 6건과 그가 조성 한 기년 불상 중 마지막 작품으로 발견된 1767년 거창 송계사 <목조여래좌상>을 토대로 상정 불상의 전체적인 작풍 을 설정하였다. 상정이 조성한 불상의 공통점은 귀의 생김새, 상·하반신 옷주름, 오른손이 놓인 위치, 하반신 표현 등에 나타나 있 었다. 그 중 하반신 표현은 불상 하단에 표현된 연잎 사이로 하반신 옷주름이 흘러내리는 A유형, 연잎과 대좌 표현 없 이 하반신에 ‘S’자형 옷주름만 형성된 B유형, 불신과 대좌를 일체형으로 조성하여 대좌에 표현된 연잎 사이로 하반신 옷주름이 흘러내리는 C유형 등 세 가지 유형으로 구분되는 양상을 확인할 수 있었다. 상정은 그가 유일하게 조각 수업을 받았던 스승 태원(泰元)의 작풍을 충실히 계승하였을 것으로 판단되었다. 이는 서울 봉은사 <목조석가여래삼존좌상 및 나한상> 조성 불사에서 수조각승 태원 아래에서 상정이 3위 조각승(3/12위) 으로 참여한 기록과 봉은사 석가상에서 표현된 ‘S’자형 하반신 옷주름이 상정이 조성한 모든 불·보살상에 반영된 모습 을 통해 확인할 수 있었다. 뿐만 아니라 상현좌 표현, 보발의 형상 또한 18세기 전반 조각승 진열(進悅)에서 태원을 거 쳐 상정에게로 이어졌던 것으로 추정되었다. 상정과 태원 두 조각승의 작풍은 불상에서 나타나는 양감과 측면의 두께, 하반신 옷주름의 요철 강도, 오른쪽 가 슴의 옷자락 형태, 귀의 세부적인 표현 등에서 차이점이 발견되었다. 이와 같은 과정을 통해 조각가 개인의 양식을 추 출하였고, 상정의 작풍을 갖고 있는 불·보살상 10건 14점에 대해 상정 또는 태원(계) 등 원 조각가를 분류하는 작업을 시도하였다.
Paradigms of Pastoral Care and Counseling: Constructing a Communal Contextual Approach in Korea
유재상 장로회신학대학교 기독교사상과문화연구원 2011 장신논단 Vol.0 No.42
In this article I will explore the trajectory of pastoral care & counseling movement in three paradigms: classical, clinical, and communalcontextual. Pastoral care & counseling in Korea has flourished for the last decades. People want to understand more about themselves, others,and God in the context of change of family systems, traditions, values,norms, etc. In the classical paradigm people understand their life through the lens of the Scripture and religious traditions, which are the norms and authority upon their life. However, the classical paradigm does not resonate with modern knowledge based on scientific worldview. A shift to the clinical paradigm is related to this cultural change. While the clinical paradigm contributed to giving a more nuanced understanding of human suffering in biological and psychological levels, it failed to address the core problem of human suffering in socio-political levels. In this paradigm, individual pathology is emphasized and the goal of pastoral care and counseling is primarily focused on therapeutic recovery. In order to overcome this limitation, a new paradigm, so called, the communal-contextual paradigm began to emphasize the care of world beyond the care of person. In this paradigm, the moral vision of pastoral care and counseling is regained and the voices of the marginalized are heard. Pastoral care and counseling cannot be separated from the issue of social justice because the care of person is, indeed, the care of world. The discussion of those three paradigms in North American context will be helpful for guiding the direction of pastoral care and counseling movement in Korea.
유재상,최재성,강원의(Weon Eui Kang) 대한교통학회 2008 대한교통학회 학술대회지 Vol.58 No.-
우리나라 ITS사업은 정부에서 1999년 교통체계효율화법에 따른 ‘ITS 기본계획 21’을 제정하면서 시작되었다. 이에 따른 2006년 한해에 지출한 ITS 시행계획 예산은 총 4,348억원인데, 이는 우리나라 정부예산(2006년 기준 204조 2145억원)의 0.21%에 해당하는 규모이다. 외국에 비해 보았을 때, 우리나라 ITS 사업규모는 2003년 미국의 TEA-21 의 예산 232백만 달러(2,274억원)와 2000년 일본의 3,898억 엔(33,523억원)에 비해 적지 않은 국가예산을 사용하고 있다. 이렇듯 ITS 시스템에 대한 투자 규모가 상당하지만, 우리나라 ITS사업은 주로 혼잡완화 혹은 자동단속을 위한 교통신호제어, CCTV, 가변전광표지(Variable Message Sign), 과속/신호위반 단속카메라 등의 시스템 구축을 위주로 시행되고 있다. 특히 폭설로 인한 고속도로 대란(2004년 3월 5일)이나 많은 인적피해와 물적 피해를 낸 서해대교 안개 교통사고(2006년 10월 3일)등 대형 교통사고 방지나 유고관리에 ITS 시스템을 적극적으로 활용하지 않고 있어, ITS사업을 활용하는 분야를 좀 더 다양하게 개발할 필요성이 있다. 반면에 외국에서 ITS 사업은 이동성 제고이외에도 차량주행 안전성 제고나 에너지 절약을 통한 환경보호 등 사업 목표를 다양하게 설정하여, 이들 각 목표 모두에 대해 골고루 ITS 사업을 지원하고 있다.