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        영화 담화의 화용적 특성이 기억력에 미치는 영향

        유도형 ( Do Hyung Ryu ) 대한언어학회 2015 언어학 Vol.23 No.1

        It has been getting popular to use film dialogues in the learning and teaching of English. Even though films have conununicative and pragmatic features of value, it has been shown that the use of film dialogues is limited only to the teaching of linguistic knowledge such as vocabulary, grammar and useful expressions. On the contrary to conversation textbooks, film dialogues carmot be said to be different from naturally occurring dialogues. This paper argues that it is the conversational implicature that makes film dialogues authentic and meaningful. Almost every utterance has its intended and implied meaning from what is literally said, based on the context and the thoughts and feelings of interlocutors. A munber of examples and case analyses are presented with conversational implicature in film dialogues. The aspects and conditions of conversational implication in films are identified and diagnosed. In addition, the concepts of promoting pragmatic competence using film dialogues are suggested.

      • KCI등재

        일상영어와 학업영어 융합에 대한 제안

        유도형(Ryu, Do Hyung) 미래영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of the study is to make a suggestion about the integration of practical and academic English through the concept of discourse community, defined as “a group of members that share goals and communicate with other members to pursue those goals”(Borg, 2003). Basically practical English has a social function and academic English has a message-oriented function (Boers & Lindstromberg, 2009). In this paper, the TV drama Crossing Lines was chosen as material in that the drama is more message-oriented and consequently functions like academic English. Three college students majoring in English participated. The participants chose characteristic language forms from the drama scenes, which were divided into discourse communities. The findings showed that participant A chose specific words and expressions used only in the relevant communities, participant B chose less specific words and expressions in the relevant communities, and participant C preferred general vocabulary to expressions, ignoring specific or technical words. In spite of their differences, what they showed in common was that their choices were message-oriented thanks to the concept ‘discourse community’. It was found that the participants developed awareness of discourse community. It is believed that such awareness leads to putting practical and academic English in a continuum, not to their separation into the discrete categories ‘practical’ and ‘academic’.

      • KCI등재

        미국 드라마 대화 담화 분석 연구

        유도형(Ryu Do Hyung) 영상영어교육학회 2011 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.12 No.1

        It's time to offer a theoretical basis for the popularity as well as look at the value of using American TV dramas for the teaching and learning of English. The purpose of this study is to examine how ESL students have preconceived ideas about this as well as to assess the current situation of learning English through American TV dramas. It will also study the features and advantages of conversations in American TV dramas through conversational analysis. A questionnaire was given to 122 students and thirty episodes of TV dramas were randomly chosen then analyzed through quantitative and qualitative methods of discourse analysis. This study shows that students prefer to watch comedy sitcoms and contemporary soap operas for learning English. The results also show that regardless of the genre of the drama, there are similar amounts of conversational routines, culture-based vocabulary, words of expertise, slang/swearing, and everyday expressions. It was also found that there are two main features in TV drama dialogues: (1) they assume a lot of prior historical and cultural background knowledge, and (2) their coherence is focused on the second speaker in dialogue pairs.

      • KCI등재

        언어,교육 : 노래 사용의 가능성과 효과: EFL 대학생 사례연구

        유도형 ( Do Hyung Ryu ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2015 비교문화연구 Vol.38 No.-

        This paper is concerned with the effectiveness of songs in the acquisition of formulaic sequences in the college EFL classroom. The existing research mentions the use of songs in terms of the power of their melodies (Fonseca-Mora, 2000), linguistic features in song lyrics (Abbott, 2002), and the emotional basis of memory (LI & Brand, 2009). Learners` opinions about the use of songs has been ignored, however. In this paper, seven subjects with English ability ranging from advanced (one) intermediate-high (three), intermediate-middle (two), and intermediate-low (one) studied five different pop songs. The results showed that they did not agree with the existing research findings. Rather, they were negative about using songs in the classroom. Their complaints were the burden of using too many hours to memorize lyrics, few language expressions to learn, and too much emphasis on expressions about love and feelings. Students at all levels expressed similar negativity about the use of songs. When their complaints were discussed during interviews, however, their attitude changed from negative to positive. The case study in this paper was on a small-scale but it is suggested that through further research the use of songs could be activated in the EFL classroom. Considering college language learners disregard most existing EFL materials, it appears to be worthwhile to continue further with this kind of research.

      • KCI등재

        언어유희와 언어연습

        유도형 ( Do Hyung Ryu ) 글로벌영어교육학회(구 호남영어교육학회) 2015 Studies in English education Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to explore that language practice through communication is not the only causative variable for successful language acquisition and that language play is deeply concerned with L2 development and L2 acquisition. Lantolf (1997) and Cook (1997, 2000) have different views about the concept of language play and different attitudes about the relationship between language play and L2 development and acquisition. In this paper their different theoretical perspectives have been described with the views and attitudes of each examined to see if they were fit for Korean college students. Five students were randomly chosen and were encouraged to engage in language play with two American TV dramas, Modern Family and Desperate Housewives. The results showed that the students preferred semantic play (Cook’s view) to language form play (Lantolf’s view). They also showed that advanced L2 learners had better language play than less advanced ones (Cook’s view). However all the students did not seem to follow Cook’s perspectives about language play as fun. Rather they tended to use language play for language practice (Lantolf’s perspectives) as far as formulaic sequences are concerned in the process of L2 development.

      • KCI등재

        영화영어에서 고유명사의 역할에 관한 연구

        유도형(Ryu, Do Hyung) 영상영어교육학회 2022 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate how L2 learners recognize and utilize proper names when they are instructed. Proper names have been researched linguistically but have not been considered as the subject of second language acquisition research. As well as encyclopedic knowledge that includes cultural information, proper names facilitate the association of narrative contents with language forms. Based on Hoey(2013)’s theory of lexical priming, this maximizes the retention of language forms, and helps with the understanding of pragmatic contexts. This case study of three students shows the educational value of proper names in the field of English education using movies. The study consisted of an oral memorization test and a written test about proper names followed by an oral interview about the participants’ experiences of proper names. The results show that learning proper names can help with memorization, suggesting it would be promising to teach encyclopedic information in the classroom through proper names. The results further indicate that the participants understood the importance of proper names in remembering a storyline and as a help for memorization. The participants subconsciously used proper names as primes which gave salience to the target utterances. Such salience led the participants to successful memorization.

      • KCI등재

        정형화 배열을 활용한 통합적 어휘교육 제안

        유도형(Ryu Do Hyung) 한국영어학학회 2015 영어학연구 Vol.21 No.1

        This paper suggests a way to use formulaic sequences in order to facilitate an integrated English education in the EFL classroom. For this, it first describes how concerns have changed historically from individual words to formulaic sequences. Second, a brief and inclusive definition of formulaic sequences is introduced with examples of various types of formulaic sequences that include content information or language information or both according to each type. Third, it mentions why formulaic sequences are worth teaching in the EFL classroom. After this, an integrated model is suggested through The Freedom Writers Diary (2009), an approach which is considered appropriate in teaching formulaic sequences. Theoretically, this model is based on Content-based Language Teaching and the concept 'noticing.' Two important points are made in relation to this model. The first is that a teacher's primary concern should be with content information and their secondary concern with language information. Second, he or she should be aware that both information types are important and one or the other should not be neglected. Lastly the comments of one college student, who was taught using this model, are introduced.

      • KCI등재

        선출력(output-first) 활동 실행을 위한 영화자막의 실효성

        유도형(Ryu Do Hyung) 영상영어교육학회 2013 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.14 No.1

        This article reports on a method of promoting the output skills of speaking and writing of EFL students. Output skills are now considered more important than previously and Korean students are required to have these skills, so it is necessary to find a meaningful way to develop them. An output-first activity is a method to try the output process before the input process, rather than the usual vice-versa approach. This approach can help students develop awareness about the meaning and form of expressions and promotes the need for them to express themselves, something which is often difficult to achieve in EFL situations. Output-first activities are very effective for developing output skills and using native-language subtitles of movies could be an efficient technique to reinforce output-first effects. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of movie subtitles for activating English output-first activities. This article presents a case study of ten college students; based on the results of memorization effects, this research explores the effectiveness of Korean subtitles, suggesting that output-first activities using Korean subtitles could accelerate the memorization of English expressions.

      • KCI등재

        영어출력능력 배양을 위한 생산적 어휘 습득연구

        유도형(Ryu, Do-hyung) 한국외국어교육학회 2012 Foreign languages education Vol.19 No.2

        An essential aspect of developing English language output proficiency is the acquisition and use of vocabulary. But the simple memorization of vocabulary can’t guarantee output proficiency. Existing studies have shown that learning productive vocabulary is more effective than learning receptive vocabulary and that productive vocabulary is both more useful and directly translates into developing productive language ability. However, little has been reported about effective methods of increasing productive vocabulary and transferring receptive vocabulary knowledge into developing productive language skills. The purpose of this study was to find out what vocabulary items students felt were difficult to produce, and to investigate which vocabulary items can influence and promote productive skills. Based on qualitative data from interviews and quantitative experimental data, this research suggests that verb phrases may be the critical category in productive vocabulary which can promote output proficiency. In addition, our findings suggest that productive learning of verb phrases can be effective for retention of vocabulary knowledge and for developing productive language skills.

      • KCI등재

        대학생 영어학습자의 자율성 증진을 위한 영화미디어 활용 사례연구

        유도형 ( Do Hyung Ryu ) 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2015 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.18 No.1

        Although theorists have defined learner autonomy in a variety of ways, it is important to realize that the concept of learner autonomy can rarely be captured in the real world classroom. The existing concepts have not considered aspects of language development and the role of the teacher in their definitions. In this study, learner autonomy is defined as the state of a learner’s control in promoting language development, based on output-based classroom procedures facilitated by a teacher. The purpose of this study is to determine the applicability of using film-media actively in the classroom, with the help of teachers using drama techniques, promoting learner autonomy. A case study of five low-level students was carried out with six in-depth observation periods, in-depth interviews and a grammar test. The results showed that drama techniques using films provided by the teacher helped learners to become actively involved in their own learning, to take control of learning independently and to experience the ownership of learning. In addition, these findings suggest that the feasibility of learner autonomy within the classroom can open the possibility of ultimate autonomy for learners in the long term.

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