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        Dhammacakkappavattana Vagga(轉法輪品)의 구조 분석을 통한 의문점 찾기

        원혜영 한국불교학회 2013 韓國佛敎學 Vol.65 No.-

        Dhammacakkappavattana Vagga is a scripture known as “Setting in Motion the Wheel of Truth or the Dhamma.” What would be the content of Buddha’s first preaching? To whom he gave the first teaching? Although it is acknowledged that the enlightenment cannot be expressed only in one doctrine, Buddhists of later generation cannot help but wonder what was taught first and how in “Setting in Motion the Wheel of Truth or the Dhamma.” What expression did Buddha, who had achieved the complete enlightenment at a decisive moment, give first?In generally, it may be summarized as follows. The Buddha’s first discourse to the five bhikkus at Deer park in Baranes after attaining enlightenment. The Lord Buddha first preached to the five bhikkhus about the way to the Middle Path by abandoning the pursuit of pleasure and asceticism. He then discoursed on the Noble Eightfold Path, the Four Holy Truths, the impermanence of all things, the absence of a self in all things, and then the twelve links of dependent origination. The Lord Buddha them bid them to set out alone and separately and to propagate the illustrious doctrine far and wide to deliver sentient beings who are still in the fetters of suffering. This was the birth of Buddhism and the Sangha 2,600 years ago. We need a slightly different approach. The author intends to be faithful to the philological researches and investigations in the systematized Dhammacakkappavattana Vagga, the interrogatory Pañcavaggiya sutta, and moreover episodes of Udāna and Dhammapada are of worthy of notice. The reason why the researches with philological investigations are important is that there exists a scripture on which the researches are based. The task of “Finding Questions” is possible for that reason. A part of “Finding Questions” about works that may have been constantly modified according to the third person’s demands and fulfillment in a scripture, which is not so much creative as a hidden significance, is the main purpose of this thesis. Dhammacakkappavattana Vagga은 ‘초전법륜경’로 알려진 경전이다. 깨달음은 한 가지 교리만으로 표현 할 수 없다는 사실을 인정하지만, 초전법륜에서 무엇을, 어떻게, 먼저 설명했는가는 후대 불교도로써 궁금하지 않을 수 없다. 결정적인 순간 완전한 깨달음을 성취한 붓다가 어떤 표현부터 먼저 했을까?일반적으로 초전법륜이라고 하면 다음과 같이 알려져 있다. 붓다가 깨친 후 오비구에게 처음 법을 설한 것을 가리킨다. 쾌락과 고행의 두 극단의 길을 버리고, 中道의 옳은 길을 설하니 그것이 바로 八正道와 四聖諦, 諸行無常과 諸法無我 그리고 緣起였다. 붓다가 이야기한 것으로 알려진 것은 다음과 같다. “비구들이여, 그대들은 이제 모든 굴레로부터 벗어났다. 그러나 중생들은 아직도 고통 속에서 헤매고 있다. 너희가 그들을 정법으로 제도하라. 어서 떠나거라. 둘이서 가지 말고 홀로 가라” 이로써 불교와 僧伽가 탄생하게 되었으니 2,600년 전의 일이다. 우리는 다른 접근을 해볼 필요가 있다. 체계를 갖춘 Dhammacakkappavattana Vagga, 문답의 형식을 지닌 Pañcavaggiya sutta(五比丘經), 그 외에 주목해야 할 Udāna와 Dhammapada의 에피소드에서 문헌학적 연구와 조사에 충실하고자 한다. 문헌학적 조사 연구 방법이 중요한 것은 그 근거를 토대로 하는 경전이 존재하기 때문이다. ‘의문점 갖기“라는 작업도 그래서 가능하다. 이 논문의 주요 목적은 창조적이기 보다는 숨어 있는 뜻과 경전에서 제 3자의 요구와 부응에 따라 끊임없이 수정이 가해졌을지도 모르는 작업들에 대한 ‘의문점 갖기’이다.

      • KCI등재

        Early Buddhist Communities on the Perspective of Paṭicca Samuppāda Structure

        원혜영 동국대학교 불교학술원 2010 International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Cultur Vol.15 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to find a new theoretical model, which could contribute to a new view of Buddhist sociology. This study focuses on the community of Buddha and ideas as found in the early Mahāparinirvaṇa-suttanta. The theory of dependent-arising fundamentally differs from any other philosophy: It rejects the traditional linear and unidirectional causality theories, and proposes a mutual causal theory, seeing all relations in terms of mutuality. According to Buddhist mutual causality, there is no substance, there is only relation. The introduction to the idea of mutual identification and interpretation into early Buddhist societies can be justified through the fact that early Buddhism effected Indian sociological phenomena. Seeing this from the view of dependant origination, Buddhism and society actually mutually interrelate without obstruction.

      • KCI등재

        中有와 業報社會 관계성 연구

        원혜영 한국동서비교문학학회 2019 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.50

        This paper tries to apply the theory of antarābhava contained in the reincarnation to the rules of the Karmic society, to shed light on the way Buddhists explain the theory and the narrative mixed. In things that dreamy theories have been embellished to gain regularity and legitimacy, the way and posture of life can be learned, which is meaningful to those who do not have a life, but not Buddhists. The reason why the method of development can be interesting, regardless of whether it is Buddhist, is that the idea of reincarnation and karma is now not confined to Buddhist thought, but has become a globally accepted concept. Therefore, in the early Buddhist text, where reincarnation and karma can be reconsidered, we would like to look at the deep discussion of antarābhava theory.

      • KCI등재

        백성욱 박사의 문화 예술업적

        원혜영 한국민족사상학회 2022 민족사상 Vol.16 No.4

        Baek Sung-wook's Three Branch-Social Organization Theory is that it should be developed in harmony without being biased to either side in economic life, legal life, or mental life. He argues that dissatisfaction with economic life or legal life is treated as mental life. Baek Sung-wook mentions that the most important thing to develop is mental life, and here, I would like to discuss the field of art and culture. Baek Sung-wook defines the idea of beauty as a "transition process from disorder to a neat orbit," and his own aesthetic experience in foreign fields combines with this ideological theory. Baek Sung-wook's poem "Discrimination of Beauty" and prose "Beauty" are the first works of culture and art experienced abroad. Later, when he participated in university culture and arts education, his experience became a major opportunity. During his tenure as president, Baek Sung-wook established a department of theater in 1959. Baek Sung-wook appoints Ryu Chi-jin, Jang Han-ki, Lee Hae-rang, and Yoo Hyun-mok, showing the typical educator appearance of "criticizing situations cut into social customs, traditions, and ideologies." They are figures who can be said to have blossomed in the field of culture and art. The appointed professors developed the department of theater at Dongguk University according to Baek Sung-wook's will. In the Journal of Theater Studies, professors present the situation and future vision of the theater and film industry at that time. 백성욱의 삼지사회조직론은 경제 ˑ 법률 ˑ 정신의 생활에서 어느 한쪽에 치우치지 않고 조화롭게 발전시켜야 한다는 이론이다. 경제생활이나 법률생활의 불만족은 정신생활로 보듬어 준다. 백성욱은 가장 중요하게 발전시켜야 할 것은 정신생활이라고 언급하며, 본 논문에서는 예술문화 분야에 관련하여 논의하고자 한다. 백성욱은 미(美)에 관련한 사상을 ‘무질서에서 정연한 궤도로 이행 과정’이라고 규정하며, 그가 직접 외국 현장에서 얻은 미적 경험이 이러한 사상적 이론과 결합한다. 백성욱의 시 「미(美)의 차별(差別)」과 산문 「미(美)」는 해외에서 경험한 문화예술의 시초적인 작업이다. 후대에 그가 대학 문화예술교육에 참여하면서 자신의 경험이 주요한 계기가 되었다. 백성욱은 총장 재임기간에 1959년 연극학과를 신설하였다. 백성욱은 ‘사회관습, 전통, 이념으로 재단된 상황들을 비판’하는 전형적인 교육자 모습을 보이면서, 류치진, 장한기, 이해랑, 유현목 등을 임용한다. 임용된 그들은 문화예술 분야에 꽃을 피웠다고 할 수 있는 인물들이다. 임용된 교수들은 백성욱의 뜻에 따라 동국대 연극영상학과에서 발행하는 『연극학보』에서 그 당시의 연극영화계의 상황과 미래비전을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재

        Understanding the Concept of Buddhism in Film:About Avalokitesvara

        원혜영 한국동서비교문학학회 2013 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.29

        The purpose of this study is to make the Buddhist concept of Avalokitesvara understood more easily through the film, Avatar (2009). When human beings are faced with agony, the idea of redemption through an incarnation that resembles us is an idea present in Avalokitesvara. Avatar presents this incarnation to the audience in a vivid way. Currently, religious faith is regarded as something untrustworthy and irrational compared to science. Science offers humanity conveniences and benefits, but religion is beneficial for contemporaries as well. Avatar demonstrates this potential harmony of science and religion. The protagonist, Jake is an avatar who redeems the native tribe, the Navi, and he is a religious human with scientific background knowledge. Even though Jake himself is suffering, he saves Navi tribe. We can be exposed to the Buddhist concept of Avalokitesvara via Jake.

      • KCI등재

        Klopfer 의 科學敎育目標 分類體系에 의한 학력고사 문항과 地球科學 敎科의 目標分析과 비교

        원혜영,최승언,정희옥 한국지구과학회 1990 韓國地球科學會誌 Vol.11 No.2

        One of fundamental bases for the desirable Science Education is effective evaluation, and the objectives of the Science Education can be used for the reasonable basis of this evaluation. In this paper, to study the current state of the high school Earth Science Education, comparison was made between the objectives of Education proposed by textbook and those to be measured by Scholastic Achievement test, and the result was analyzed. 1. The objectives of both the textbook and Scolastic Achievement test are highly oriented to obtain theory and comprehension. 2. The objectives which measure the Process of Scientific Inquiry are to some extent satisfied by the textbook but not by the Scholastic Achievement test. Consequently the future evaluation process should be modified in order to evaluate properly the ability for the process of Scientific Inquiry of the students properly.

      • KCI등재

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