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        조선 선조대 남북 분당과 내암 정인홍

        우인수(Woo, In Soo) 부산경남사학회 2011 역사와 경계 Vol.81 No.-

        남북분당의 과정을 남북 갈등의 조짐, 갈등의 심화로 인한 분당, 대립의 고착이라는 세 단계를 설정하여 각 단계별로 분석하면서 파악하였다. 남북분당기에 발생한 사안에 관한 서로 다른 견해에 대해 그 의미를 검토하고 음미하는 방법을 통해 남북분당 과정을 재구성하면서 종합하는데 의미를 두었다. 특히 단계별 남북분당의 과정에서 보인 정인홍의 역할에 주목하여 이를 통해 그의 영향과 위상을 드러내고자 하였다. 먼저 동인 내부의 남북 갈등의 조짐이 있었던 시기는 선조 13년으로부터 선조 22년 기축옥사가 일어나기 전까지의 기간으로 설정하였다. 이 시기 갈등의 조짐이 된 사건들에는 여러 사람이 상호 복잡하게 얽혀 있었다. 이발과 우성전, 정인홍과 우성전, 이경중과 정여립, 정인홍과 이경중을 둘러싼 여러 가지 갈등이 그러한 예였다. 하지만 이러한 갈등은 분당으로까지 치달을 정도로 심각한 단계는 아니었다고 생각된다. 이 시기의 정인홍도 다소 경직된 면은 있었지만 공무를 강직하게 수행한다는 차원에서 이해될 수 있는 활동을 한 시기로 볼 수 있다. 선조 22년의 기축옥사는 동인을 남북으로 분당시키는 지경으로까지 치닫게 하였다. 정여립의 모역사건을 계기로 만연된 옥사는 동인과 서인 뿐아니라 선조까지 깊숙이 개입하면서 후일 북인으로 분류되는 많은 사람들이 억울하게 처형되는 참혹한 화로 확산되었다. 이 과정에서 화를 주로 입은 측의 인사들은 옥사를 만연한 상대당인 서인은 물론이거니와 이를 적극적으로 구원하지 않고 관망하는 자세를 보였던 같은 동인의 일부에 대해서도 점차 반감을 가지게 되었다. 정인홍과 류성룡, 이산해와 류성룡, 이경전과 정경세 간의 갈등으로 심화되면서 동인이 결국 남인과 북인으로 나뉘게 되었다. 임진왜란이 거의 극복되어갈 무렵인 선조 31년 북인들이 대대적으로 남인의 우두머리 영의정 류성룡을 집중 공격하여 실각시키면서 대립 양상은 절정에 달하게 되었다. 북인들은 명에 보내는 변무 사행에 류성룡이 자청하지 않은 점을 거론하여 체직을 시킨 다음 남북분당의 책임, 임난 때의 주화론 주창 등의 책임을 집중 공격하여 관작을 삭탈케 하는데 성공하였다. 그 외의 남인 인사들이 함께 조정에서 몰려났음은 물론이었으며, 임난 중 의병 활동을 하다가 과로사한 우성전의 관작까지 삭탈시켰다. 정인홍은 이러한 남인의 공격에 직접 나서거나 또는 문인을 통하여 공격하는 간접적인 방법으로 일익을 담당하였다. I analyze the process of the split between Namin and Bukin party in three phases: signs of the conflict between Namin and Bukin party, party split caused by increased conflict, and settlement of opposition. I value to reconstruct the process of the split party by investigating the issues occurred during the period of the split. Special attention is given to Jeong, In-Hong’s role throughout the stages of the split. First, I define the period which shows the signs of the conflict between Namin and Bukin as King Seonjo’s thirteenth year to twenty-second year. I analyze the various conflicts between Lee, Bal and Woo, Sung-Jeon, Jeong, In-Hong and Woo, Sung-Jeon, Lee, Kyung-Jung and Chung, Yeo-Rip, and Jeong, In-Hong and Lee, Kyung-Jung. During this period, Jeong, In-Hong performs his official duties with integrity although he has the tendency to be a bit inflexible. The conspiracy to treason in the King Seonjo’s twenty-second year resulted in the party split in Dongin party. The incident spread by Chung, Yeo-Rip’s treason sacrifice the many innocent people of the Bukin party. In this process, the most victimized Bukin party gradually begins to feel hostile towards some Dongin party who takes a wait-and-see attitude, not to mention Seoin party who are the main reason of the spread of the incident. After all, Dongin party is divided into Namin and Bukin party after the deepened conflicts between Jeong, In-Hong and Ryu, Sung-Ryong, Lee, San-Hae and Ryu, Sung-Ryong, and Lee, Kyung-Jeon and Chung, Kyung-Se. In the last stages of Japanese Invasion of Korea in King Seonjo’s thirty-first year, the sentiments of opposition reach an extreme when Bukin party extensively overthrows the prime minister Ryu, Sung-Ryong, the head of Namin party. Bukin party succeeds in removing Ryu, Sung-Ryong from the government by intensively bashing Ryu’s responsibilities of Pacifism during the Japanese Invasion and the party split between Namin and Bukin party. Naturally, Namin party is expelled from the Court as well. Jeong, In-Hong plays an important role in attacking Namin party by directly involving himself or by indirectly attacking through disciples. The Party Split between Namin and Bukin party is established by undergoing above process. And Jeong, In-Hong is the key force in the course, which proves his historical status in the split.

      • KCI등재

        영천의 ‘사난(四難)’ 창의와 포은정신(圃隱精神)

        우인수(Woo, In-soo) 포은학회 2017 포은학연구 Vol.20 No.-

        영천은 포은(圃隱) 정몽주(鄭夢周)의 탄생지(誕生地)이다. 정몽주는 고려말 풍전등화와 같은 왕조를 위해 목숨을 바침으로써 영원한 충절의 상징이 되었다. 그는 그를 죽인 자들이 세운 조선왕조가 개창된 후 얼마 되지않아 복권되었고, 이어 문묘에까지 배향됨으로써 만인의 존경을 한 몸에 받는 영광을 누리게 되었다. 본 논문은 영천에서 전후 네 차례에 걸쳐 일어난 의병의 창의 상황을 살피고, 그 상황을 모아 하나의 책으로 엮은 영양사난창의록(永陽四難倡義錄)의 편찬 과정과 의미를 살핀 글이다. 이는 영천에서 정몽주를 숭모하여 그 정신을 계승하고 실천한 모습을 역사 속에서 찾고 증명하는 일이다. 조선에 서원이 세워지기 시작하던 초창기에 영천에는 이황의 문인들이 주도하여 정몽주를 모시는 임고서원을 세웠다. 이황의 관심과 지원 속에 창건된 임고서원은 두 번째로 사액서원이 되면서 그 명성을 확고히 할 수 있었다. 그리고 정몽주의 주된 향사처로서의 지위도 아울러 가지게 되었다. 정몽주와 임고서원을 자랑스럽게 생각하는 영천인들은 국가가 위기에 처하였을 때, 평소 체득한 ‘포은정신’으로 떨쳐 일어나 충의를 실천하였다. 임진의병, 정묘의병, 병자의병, 무신의병 등 전후 4차례에 걸쳐 의병을 일으켰다. 참여한 총 인원이 확인되는 자만 650여명에 달하였다. 후일 자료의 인멸을 안타까워한 영천인들은 영양사난창의록(永陽四難倡義錄)의 편찬을 통해 길이 기억하고자 하였다. 여기서 정몽주의 ‘의(義)’ 와 영천의병의 ‘의’를 동일시하였고, 나아가 창의록 편찬의 ‘의’까지도 동일 한 것으로 간주하였다. 그리고 ‘포은정신’의 계승을 천명한 창의록의 편찬은 영천을 넘어 영남, 나아가 조선의 행운이 되는 것임을 드러내어 밝혔다. Yeongcheon is the birthplace of Poeun(圃隱) Jeong Mong-ju. This paper presents an investigation into the publication process and significance of Yeongyangsananchanguirok((永陽四難倡義錄)), which examined and put together the situations in which an army was raised four times for the cause of justice in Yeongcheon. It is an attempt to find and demonstrate in history the ways that the people of Yeongcheon respected Jeong Mong-ju; thus, inherited and practiced his spirit. In the early days of Seowons in Joseon, the literary figures under Lee Hwang took the lead in building Imgo Seowon(臨皐書院) to enshrine Jeong Mong-ju in Yeongcheon. Built with Lee Hwang s interest and support, Imgo Seowon became the second Sa-aek Seowon(賜額書院); and thus, solidified its fame. It also obtained the status of a major shrine for Jeong Mong-ju. Taking pride in Poeun and Imgo Seowon, the people of Yeongcheon rose high in the spirit of Poeun, which they had learned and practiced faithfully in case of national crisis. They raised an army in the cause of justice four times after wars broke out, which were called Imjin, Jeongmyo, Byeongja, and Musin Uibyeong(義兵). The confirmed number of people who participated was 650. Feeling worried about the potential destruction of their data in later times, the people of Yeongcheon decided to publish Yeongyangsananchanguirok to keep the memories for many years to come. In this book, they identified the righteousness of Jeong Mong-ju with that of Yeongcheon Uibyeong and furthered its publication. They also demonstrated that the publication of the book, which declared the inheritance of the Poeun spirit, would bring good luck to Yeongnam and also Joseon beyond Yeongcheon.

      • KCI등재

        임란시 상주 북천전투의 실상과 현창사업

        우인수 ( Woo In-soo ) 역사교육학회 2017 역사교육논집 Vol.62 No.-

        The Battle of Bukcheon in Sangju was a battle between the local army of Sangju under the command of the central army of Joseon and the Japanese forces. The Battle holds its significance as the first battle since Milyang against the Japanese forces on its way to the capital along the middle path. It was also the battle in which the central army of Joseon had its first encounter with the Japanese forces. This study critically reviewed sporadic opinions about the reality and causes of defeat of the Battle and reached the following conclusions: the study first examined the parts on why General Lee Il moved his troops to the side of Bukcheon from the town castle of Sangju. There were two opposing opinions about it: one insisted that it was for battle formation training, and the other argued that it was for a plain battle. The nature and significance of the Battle of Bukcheon differs according to the two opinions. The study concluded that the General moved his troops to the side of Bukcheon for basic training for his troops that had been put together abruptly and training to coordinate with the central army. Different opinions had also been raised sporadically regarding the causes of their defeat in the Battle. The present study summarized the causes into three based on those opinions: first, they had their weakness exposed considerably to the enemy without taking advantage of Jeseungbangryak and its advantages as the Japanese forces were quickly moving north; secondly, their military size was absolutely inferior to that of the Japanese forces; and finally, they failed in vigilance as the commander neglected reconnaissance activities. Their defeat resulted in enormous damage to the Sangju area. Many soldiers of the local army of Sangju and the central army of Joseon fought the Japanese forces bravely, ending up being killed along the side of Bukcheon. They were slaughtered helplessly with their retreat routes blocked in the siege. The lucky few were able to climb over the mountain and escape. After their defeat, the Japanese forces inflicted unspeakable damage to each and every village in the Sangju area including the town. Some that surrendered to the Japanese forces and became their informants looted their fellow Joseon people even more viciously. It was another aspect of tragedy in the war. There were, however, some that died a heroic death after exhibiting the spirit of the Joseon people on the horrid battlefield. They became the foundation for Joseon to pull itself together over the damage and pain and recover. The surviving residents of Sangju joined together to pay a tribute to the participants of the Battle of Bukcheon. After they settled down after the disturbance of war and found some stability, they put up tombstones to honor those who were killed in defense of loyalty and demanded that the central government should reward their death. One good example was the establishment of venues to remember and honor them, and they include Chungryeolsa and Chunguidan. In addition, they left the records of their achievements in journals, town logs, and books including Yeongnaminmulgo. The Battle of Bukcheon thus ended up remaining in the memories of Sangju residents forever. There were, however, conflicts between the Sajoks of Sangju over the ways to honor the fallen soldiers in the latter half of Joseon.

      • KCI등재

        조선 숙종조 科擧 부정의 실상과 그 대응책

        禹仁秀(Woo In-Soo) 한국사연구회 2005 한국사연구 Vol.130 No.-

        The civil service examination during the Chos?n Dynasty, which was a kind of test to select the officials, played an important role in the fate of the country. The civil service examination was supposed to be fair and impartial. Therefore, Illegal acts in the civil service examination had more harmful effects on the society than anything else. This study thoroughly examined kinds of illegal acts and their countermeasures through three epoch-making events during the King Sukjong period of the late Chos?n Dynasty In the 25th reign year of the King Sukjong period, there was the worst illegal acts on a civil service examination called Kimyo kwaok(己卯科獄) undergone by many kinds of illegal acts: substitution the examination problem, an involvement with directors, a proxy, a irruption into the place for examination, etc. In the 28th reign year of the King Sukjong period, there was another illegal acts on a civil service examination called Imo kwaok(壬午科獄) involved with examination directors: The eight of nine successful candidates were relatives of the directors. In the 38th reign year of the King Sukjong period, there was another illegal acts on a civil service examination called Imjin kwaok(壬辰科獄) involved with examination directors. This affair caused the fierce dispute between two big parties those days: Noron and Soron. However their dispute and investigation could not expose examination directors' dark acts. The countermeasures of the government on the Illegal acts were very stern and strict. The government made a thorough investigation of the Illegal acts and dealt severely with the connected people. In some cases related with the parties' profit, more severe investigation carried out. Kimyo kwaok in the 25th reign year of the King caused 50 criminals punished and the civil service examination to be valid. In addition, there were many endeavors to prevent illegal acts on a civil service examination. For example, the government rearranged the law and the king's instructions on the civil service examination for easier application of the law. The government reannounced the law and the king's instructions on the civil service examination to emphasize the importance of the civil service examination. They go as far as to create new law on the civil service examination. During the King Sukjong period of the Chos?n Dynasty, the king's instructions on the civil service examination was given more often than in the past. These instructions was written in three books on the king's instructions like this: 《Kaksa sukyo(各司受敎)》, 》Sukyo-jiprok(受敎輯錄)》, 《Sinbo sukyo jiprok(新補受敎輯錄)》. From the King Sunjo period to the King Yongjo period, the king's instructions on the civil service examination was summed up to 29 affairs. The 80 percent of these 29 affairs were carried out during the King Sukjong period. Most of these king's instructions on the civil service examination was effective as a regulation by being registered in the law book 《Soktaejon(續大典)》 published during the King Youngjo period. This tells us that the kings tried the civil service examination to be fair and equitable. At the same time, they published and distributed some law books on the regulations and countermeasures to prevent illegal acts on a civil service examination. Their resolution took concrete shape by publishing two books: 《Sukyo jiprok(受敎輯錄)》, and 《Chonrok t´onggo(典錄通考)》. All these endeavors formed the foundation of the rearrangement of the law books and national prosperity during the King Y?ngjo and Chungjo period.

      • KCI등재
      • 훈수(塤수) 정만양(鄭萬陽)(1664~1730)의 토지제도 개혁론(土地制度改革論)

        우인수 ( In Soo Woo ) 경북대학교 퇴계연구소 2004 퇴계학과 유교문화 Vol.35 No.-

        본고는 정만양이 제시한 토지제도 개혁안에 대해 살펴본 것이다. 그는 중국과 우리나라의 토지제도를 면밀히 검토한 위에서 자신의 토지제도 개혁안을 주장하였다. 그가 주장한 토지제도 개혁안은 토지 소유의 상한선을 제한하는 한전제였다. 그는 한대 동중서에 의해 제기된 한전제에서 그 이념을 가져왔으며, 중국의 여러 토지제도 개혁안을 참고하여 조선후기의 실정에 맞게 변용하였다. 이는 국가 차원의 토지 지급이 불가능한 현실을 고려한 방안이었다. 그만큼 가능성이 희박한 이상에 치우친 주장이 아니라 현실을 충분히 감안한 상태에서 실현 가능성을 높인 주장인 것이다.그의 토지 개혁 구상의 핵심 내용은 개인의 소유권을 극도로 축소시키고, 국가의 토지에 대한 관리 권한을 대폭 강화하는 것이었다. 그가 한전제를 통해 실현하고자한 것은 분배를 감안한 평준화된 서민들의 생활, 사족의 특권이 인정되는 사회, 토지에 대한 통제력이 강한 국가 등이었다.한전제는 토지개혁을 구상한 많은 당시의 학자들이 제기한 것이었는데, 그의 주장은 다른 학자들에 비해 상당히 빠른 시기에 나온 것이어서 선구적인 의미가 있었다. 그리고 그의 개혁안은 어느 다른 학자의 한전제보다도 자세하고 구체적이었던 점에 의의가 있었다. 그리고 현실에 적용할 수 있는 실현 가능성을 중시하면서 점진적이지만 확실한 방안을 제시한 점도 큰 특징으로 지적할 수 있다. 아울러 그가 영남 지역의 남인이었다는 점에서 그동안 별다른 주목을 받지 못하였던 영남 남인의 개혁성향을 살피는 데도 도움이 된다. 영남 남인 학자 가운데서 토지제도에 대한 개혁안을 지식인이 가져야할 관심사로 삼아 깊이 연구한 점은 높이 평가할 부분이라 하겠다. This thesis studied on Jeong Mahn-yang(鄭萬陽)'s land reform bill. He asserted his reform bill after he made comparative studies between China's land system and Korea's. His reform bill was called 'Hanjeonjae'(限田制) which limited the maximum of land possessions. His theory was based on Han dynasty's reform bill, Hanjeonjae introduced by Dong Jung-seo. He readjusted the theory into late Joseon dynasty's realistic situation. His reform bill was not ideal but realistic. The heart of his reform bill was to minimize one's land possessions and to maximize the right of the country on land. He wanted to make common people's equalized life, a society which authorized the privilege of the literati and a country which has a strong management about land. There were many scholars who insisted Hanjeonjae at that time. But it is meaningful that he was the man who insisted Hanjeonjae earlier than any other person and that his reform bill was more concrete and detailed than that of other scholars. He was one of scholars of the Youngnam Namin(嶺南 南人) scholastic mantle which could not noticed at that time. So we can understand the point of the inclination for reform bill of the Youngnam Namin scholastic mantle through his reform bill. Also his reform bill and study on the land system deserved to be praised in some ways which he studied and concerned about the land system as one of the intellectuals at that time

      • KCI등재

        임란공신 金太虛의 행적과 후손들의 顯彰 노력

        우인수(Woo, In-Soo) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2018 한국민족문화 Vol.67 No.-

        김태허는 임진왜란기 내내 울산군수로 재임하면서 외적을 격퇴하고 국토를 수호하는 데 힘을 쏟은 장군이었다. 그는 울산 군민들과 함께 혼신의 힘을 다해 나라를 지키기 위해 노력하였다. 김태허가 이끄는 울산의 관군은 인근 경주 지역의 군대와 함께 전공을 가장 많이 세운 최강의 군대였다. 울산은 전쟁 기간 내내 일본군의 침략에 노출된 지역이었고, 장기간동안 피아간의 공방이 벌어진 최전선이었다. 근래 역사학계에서는 의병에 대한 과도한 관심에서 벗어나 그동안 평가절하되었던 관군의 활동에 대해 정당한 평가를 하고자 하는 경향이 커지고 있다. 이에 따라 김태허와 같은 관군이 보여준 활동과 의미는 새롭게 조명될 여지가 크며, 그에 대한 본격적인 연구는 임진왜란사의 이해의 폭을 넓히는 점에서 의미가 있다고 생각한다. 본 논문은 김태허의 임진왜란시의 전공과 평가에 더하여 후손들에 의해 주도된 현창 사업의 실상에 대해 살펴보았다. 임란 당시의 공적을 바탕으로 후손들은 19세기에 들어 약 60여년동안 현조인 김태허를 현양하는 사업에 부단한 노력을 기울였다. 이 현창의 노력을 誌狀의 찬술, 시호의 청원, 사우의 건립, 실기의 간행 등 4단계로 나누어 각 단계별로 살피면서 그 특징을 밝혔다. 이는 문중의 결속을 다지고 가문의 위상을 높이기 위한 후손들의 노력에 대한 이해이기도 하다. Kim Tae-heo devoted himself to defeating enemies and protecting the land as the head of Ulsan-gun and a general throughout Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. He used all of his strength to protect the country along with the people of Ulsan. The government troops of Ulsan that were led by him were the strongest troops and had the most military merits along with the troops of nearby Gyeongju. As Ulsan, along with Gyeongju, was situated along an invasion route, it was exposed to the attacks from Japanese troops throughout the war and became a front line where battles against enemies took place for many years. Historical circles of South Korea have grown out of their excessive interest in the army raised for the cause of justice and have moved toward an increasingly greater trend of assessing the activities of the underestimated government troops in a fair and just manner. There is a huge possibility that they will shed new light on the activities and meanings of government troops like Kim Tae-heo, and full-blown research on them will hold significance by broadening the scope of understanding the history of Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. The present study examined the actual state of the project led by his descendants to highlight his life and achievements in addition to his military merits during the war and his evaluations. Based on his military merits during the war, his descendants made continued effort to have him earn the fame he deserved for approximately 60 years in the 19th century. The investigator divided their effort into four stages: compiling his achievements, applying for his posthumous name, building a shrine for him, and publishing his actual records, examining them and their characteristics in each stage. They were also understood as efforts to strengthen the solidarity of and raise the status of their family.

      • 기획논문 : 계당(溪堂),민산(민山)의 학문(學問)과 사상(思想) : 계당(溪堂) 류주목(柳疇睦)과 민산(민山) 류도수(柳道洙)의 학통과 그 역사적 위상

        우인수 ( In Soo Woo ) 경북대학교 퇴계연구소 2009 퇴계학과 유교문화 Vol.44 No.-

        계당 류주목과 민산 류도수는 조선조 말 영남의 유학자였다. 그들은 퇴계학통의 主脈을 서애 류성룡을 통해 이어받았다. 즉 류주목은 류성룡-정경세-류진-정도응 …… 정종로-류심춘으로 이어지는 학통을 이어받았고, 이를 류도수에게 전하였다. 퇴계학맥의 정통 줄기 중의 하나를 이어받았다는 점과 동시에 영남 학맥의 주맥을 소중히 이었다는 점에서 역사적 의의가 있다. 이 학통의 특징으로는 家學으로 이어지는 점이 강하였다는 점, 류씨와 정씨를 교차하면서 학통이 전수되었다는 점, 사승관계에서 간접적으로 연결되는 경우가 있다는 점, 안동을 중심으로 서남지역에 지역적으로 많이 분포한다는 점, 정승을 지낸 류성룡의 후손들이 많은 만큼 ‘世祿之臣’으로서의 현실대응자세를 견지한 점 등을 들 수 있었다. 한편 그들은 현실 문제에 대해 적극적으로 대응하는 면을 보였다. 먼저 류주목은 천주학과 서양세력에 대해 배척하는 의식을 강하게 가지고 있었다. 천주교도 박해 문제로 프랑스함대의 공격을 받은 병인양요가 일어났을 때는 의병을 조직하는 대응을 보이기도 하였다. 그 외 그는 성리학, 예학, 사학, 보학에 대한 해박한 지식을 토대로 현실에 부응한 저술활동을 하기도 하였다. 류도수도 스승의 뜻을 이어받아 현실 문제에 소홀하지 않았다. ??상감박의??를 지어 올려 정승인 족조 류후조를 보좌하였고, 대원군이 실각하고 칩거함으로써 드러난 부자간 갈등의 해결을 촉구하기 위한 상소운동에 疏頭로 참여하기도 하였다. 요컨대 류주목과 류도수는 本源에 주력하여 원칙에 투철한 영남 퇴계학맥의 특징을 몸소 실현한 유학자였다. 그들이 보여준 학문하는 자세와 현실에 대응하는 의식, 그리고 의리를 중히 여기는 태도는 역사적으로 높이 평가할만한 가치가 있다고 하겠다. Ryu Jyu-mok and Ryu Doh-su were scholars of Southeastern doctrinal faction at the end of Chosun dynasty. They became the mainstreamers of Toegye(退溪) school through Ryu Seong-ryong. In other words Ryu Jyu-mok succeeded a scolastic mantle which had been inherited from Ryu Seong-ryong, Jeong Kyung-se, Ryu Jin, Jeong Doh-eung to Jeong Jong-ro, Ryu Sim-choon. And he was the one who imparted his knowledge to Ryu Doh-su. This is meaningful in two ways. One is that they succeeded a part of the orthodox Toegye school and the other is that they, at the same time, continued mainstream of Southeastern doctrinal faction. Now, here are some features of this doctrinal faction. It was, almost, succeeded to blood relation and was crossed two lineages, Ryu and Jeong. Region this sect was propagated was usually southwestern province around Ahndong. As there are many descendants of Ryu Seong-ryong who served as a senior minister, the sect adhered a point of view which is following the professional spirit as a hereditary occupation strictly. They also coped with political issues actively. For example, Ryu Ju-mok stood positively against Catholicism and the western power. When ByunginYangyo which was resulted from persecution toward Catholics broke out and French fleets came to attack, he raised an army in the cause of loyalty. In addition, he kept wielding the pen trying to meet the then social situation, on the basis of his knowledge about Sung Confucianism, courtesy, history and genealogy. Ryu Do-su, also, was very active at social issues just like his teacher did. He assisted Ryu Who-jo by writing ??Sangkampakui(相鑑博議)?? and presented memorial to the throne as a chief for resolving a conflict, between king Kojong and his father, which was arisen from overthrown of king Kojong's father and his seclusion. In short, Ryu Jyu-mok and Ryu Doh-su were confucianists who practiced a Youngnam Toegye scholastic mantle thoroughly. Their attitudes toward scholastic pursuit, social awareness and loyalty are really meaningful historically.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선후기 상주 존애원의 설립과 의료 기능

        우인수 ( In Soo Woo ) 대구사학회 2011 대구사학 Vol.104 No.-

        This thesis studied on the establishment and function of Jonaewon as a medical center in Sangju District. This paper was based on the existing study and data regarding Jonaewon. I have checked the background for establishing Jonaewon in two sides: local order reconstruction for noblemen in Sangju District and improvement in a regional medical system. And I have carefully researched on its first founder and its management. Jonaewon was the medical center founded by a meeting made up of a lot of clans gathering in Sangju District. Nevertheless, it was characteristic that medical benefit was open to ordinary people in Sangju. And I have made reconstruction through exactly criticism of historical materials about operation and function of Jonaewon, and its change processes. Especially, I have carefully researched focusing to a function as a medical center of Jonaewon. The reason is that it is the most basic function of Jonaewon. The function of Jonaewon operated as a medical center during 180 years from 1599 to 1782. Undoubtfully, Jonaewon had various hardship in operating. It experienced trouble to get from a threat to existence as a medical center during the middle of 17th century. After that, its function as a medical center weakened a lot only to completely stop in the end of 18th century. The existence of Jonaewon is a representative example of regional social changing trend that a medical system led by the government was changed into a medical system by the clans of the noblemen privately.

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