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        중·고등학교 야구선수의 타율과 체력요인과의 관계에 관한 연구

        오덕자(Duk Ja Oh),박병주(Byung Ju Park) 한국체육교육학회 2003 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        This study researches on the relationship between batting average and physical strength factors. The subjects are 3 middle and 3 high schools` baseball in Busan who have had more than at 20 bats in the nationwide competitions April, 2001 through April, 2002. 27 middle and 27 high school players were chosen. The relationship between their batting average and physical strength factors, and the physical strength difference between higher and lower groups were compared and analysed, the results are as follows; 1. The higher groups` physical strengths are high than the lower ones in muscular strength, power, flexibility, agility, muscular endurance, equilibrium. 2. All the players` batting average is positively related to back strength, trunk extension, sargent jump, standing board jump, grip strength(right), grip strength(left), trunk flexion(p<.01) in order, while agility(side step), cardiovascular endurance(Harvard step), and equilibrium(Strait walking) have no meaningful relation. 3. In the middle school groups, the batting average is positively related to back strength, grip strength(left), sargent jump, grip strength(right), trunk flexion, trunk extension, standing board jump(P<.05, p<.01) in order, while agility(side step), cardiovascular endurance(Harvard step), and equilibrium(Strait walking) do not have meaningful relations statistically. 4. In the high school groups, the batting average is positively related to back strength, sargent jump, grip strength(right), grip strength9left), standing board jump, trunk flexion, and trunk extension(p<.05, p<.01) in order, while agility(side step), cardiovascular endurance(Harvard step), and equilibrium(Strait walking) do not have meaningful relations statistically.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        여자 중,고등학생의 무용 활동이 골밀도에 미치는 영향

        오덕자(Duk Ja Oh),신말연(Mal Ryun Shin),이종도(Chong Do Lee),강호율(Ho Yul Kang),최혜진(Choi Hea Jin) 한국무용과학회 2007 한국무용과학회지 Vol.14 No.-

        본 연구는 13세에서 18세의 여자 중, 고등학생을 대상으로 무용전공 여학생 123명과 동일 연령의 건강한 전문적인 신체활동을 하지 않은 일반여학생 63명이며, 측정 시 이중 에너지 방사선 골밀도 측정법(Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry, DEXA)을 이용하여 요추(Lumbar spine, L₂-L₄), 대퇴 경부(Femoral neck), 대퇴 전자부(Greater trochanter), 대퇴 삼각부(Ward's triangle) 를 측정하였다. 본 연구의 자료의 처리는 SAS(Statistical Analysis Systems) 통계 패키지를 이용하여 각 변인들 간의 평균값(M)과 표준편차(SD)를 산출하였고 일반 선형 모형 General Linear Model (GLM)을 이용하여 골밀도에 연령, 월경의 규칙과 불규칙, 초경의 나이, 운동경력, BMI를 보정한 후, 비교분석하였으며, 사후분석은 Scheffe를 이용하였다. 통계적 유의수준은=.05로 설정하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 총 요추 골밀도(Lumber spine, L₂-L₄)의 무용전공 학생(0.94g/㎠)과 비교집단 여학생(0.91g/㎠)간의 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다(p=0.17). 총 대퇴 골밀도(Proximal femur)의 경우, 무용전공 여학생이(0.82g/㎠) 비교집단 여학생(0.73g/㎠)보다 12%나 높은 골밀도를 나타내었다(p<.001). 또한, 대퇴경부(Femoral Neck)의 골밀도는 무용전공 여학생(0.91g/㎠)이, 비교집단 여학생(0.81g/㎠)보다 14%나 높은 골밀도를 나타내었다(p<.001). 대퇴전자부(Greater trochanter)의 골밀도는 무용전공 여학생이(0.73g/㎠) 비교집단 여학생 (0.65g/㎠) 보다 14%나 높은 골밀도를 나타내었다(p<.001). 그러나 대퇴삼각부(Ward's triangle)의 골밀도는 무용전공 여학생이(0.83/㎠) 비교집단 여학생(0.74/㎠)보다 14%나 높은 골밀도를 나타내었으나 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다(p=0.07). 결론적으로 무용전공 여학생들의 무용 활동이 일반 여학생들보다 총 요추 골밀도에서는 영향을 미치지 않았으나 총 대퇴 골밀도에서는 무용 활동이 대퇴 골밀도를 향상시키는데 중요한 역할을 한다고 사료된다. This study examined whether dancing activity relates to bone mineral density (BMD) in female middle and high school students. The subjects included 123 dancers and 63 controls aged 13 to 18 years. Areal bone density in lumber spine (L₂-L₄), femoral neck, femoral trochanter, and Ward's triangle were measured by using duel energy x-ray absorptiometry(DXA). General linear models were used to test mean differences for BMDs between dancers and controls after adjustment for age, menstrual abnormality, age at menarche, years of exercise, and body mass index. Scheffes post-hoc tests were also used to detect mean differences between the two groups. After adjustment for age, menstrual abnormality, age at menarche, years of exercise, and body mass index, there was no statistical difference of BMD in lumbar spine between dancers and controls (p=0.17). However, female dancers had greater proximal femur BMD as compared with controls (p<0.001). Similarly, female dancers had greater BMDs in femoral neck (p<0.001) and femoral trochanter (p<0.001), respectively, as compared with controls. Female dancers also had moderately greater BMD in Ward's triangle compared with controls (p=0.07). In conclusion, female middle and high school dancers had greater BMDs in proximal femur, femoral neck, and trochanter, compared with controls, but had similar BMDs in lumbar spine.

      • KCI등재후보

        청소년기 여학생들의 무용활동과 대퇴부의 골밀도 특성

        오덕자(Duk Ja Oh) 한국체육교육학회 2003 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        This study researches adolescent girls` dance activity and the characteristics of femoral region BMD. The comparing group is 85 girls who are not majoring dance attending middle, high school and university. The subjects are 82 majoring Korean dance, 86 majoring ballet, 57 majoring modern dance who are attending at Art middle, high school and university. The total 310 girls whose BMD of femoral neck, trochanter, ward`s triangle were measured through QDR 4500 : DEXA. The results are as follows: 1. The dance groups` BMD of femoral neck is higher meaningfully than the comparing group. The numerical value of LSMEAN is in the order of modern dance, ballet and Korean dance. 2. The dance groups` BMD of torchanter is also higher meaningfully than the comparing group. 3. The dance groups` BMD of Ward`s triangle is higher meaningfully than the comparing group. The numerical value of LESMEAN is in the order of modern dance, ballet and Korean dance. 4. The dance groups` peak bone mass appearance age in the femoral region is 2 years earlier than the comparing group. Also, the dance groups` femoral neck BMD is higher than comparing group. The BMD differences are in the order of modern dance, ballet and Korean dance group. Accordingly, due to the growing girls` active bone regeneration, their regular dance activity can be an effective movement to help the increase of their femoral region BMD. So, in my opinion, school hygiene education and general activity of curriculum can do their genuine function for the adolescent girls` health increase.

      • KCI등재

        10주간의 플라이오메트릭 트레이닝이 고등학교 태권도 선수의 순발력, 민첩성 및 오스테오칼신에 미치는 영향

        박진형(Park, Jin-Hyung),오덕자(Oh, Duk-Ja) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of plyometric training on explosive muscular strength and agility, osteocalcin of highschool Taekwondo players. Male high school Taekwondo players(N=14) are classified into exercise group (n=7) and the control group (n=7), exercise program for 10 weeks carried out before and after, each power, agility, osteocalcin measured and results were compared and analyzed. The results were as follows. First, the change of explosive muscular strength significantly increased in the exercise group(p<.01), but there was no significant difference in the control group. There were significant difference(p<.01) in test results between groups. Second, the change of agility significantly increased in the exercise group(p<.01), but ere was no significant difference in the control group. There were significant difference(p<.05) in test results between groups. Third, the change of osteocalcin increased in the exercise and control groups, but there was no significant difference. There were also not significant difference in test results between groups.

      • KCI등재

        무용 전공별 경력에 따른 여고생의 신체구성 및 체력 특성 분석

        박인영(In Young Park),오덕자(Duk Ja Oh) 한국여성체육학회 2011 한국여성체육학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        This study comparatively analyzes physical fitness factors according to dance career after dividing high school girls in the dance department of B Art High School in B Metropolitan City with their career by dance majors from 1-5 to 6-10 years. This article aims to provide foundational data applicable to the actual spots of dance education by suggesting insufficient physical fitness factors through comparison of dance majors. With total 48 subjects, this research measures 7 items including body composition, cardiopulmonary endurance, muscle endurance, flexibility, quickness, agility, and balance. Also, this research is based on the result of conducting one-way ANOVA with SPSS Ver. 14.0 program, this paper gained the following results. At First, in body composition, the group with less Korean dance career showed higher body fat percentage than the other group. There was no difference in fat free mass by career. Secondly, in physical fitness, the group with more Korean dance career indicated greater cardiopulmonary endurance than the group with less career of Korean dance, ballet, and modern dance. And the group with more dance career showed higher muscle endurance than the group with less dance career. There was no difference in flexibility by career. And the group with more dance career showed better quickness than the group with less career of Korean dance and ballet. Agility was greater in the order of the group with less Korean dance career, the group with more Korean dance career, the group with more ballet career, and the group with more modern dance career. Lastly, the group with more career of ballet and modern dance showed greater balance than the group with less career of Korean dance. To sum up the result of this paper, physical fitness is different from by dance career, so it is necessary to develop proper reinforcing exercise programs by a major and career for dance instruction. And it is expected that later, it will be needed to conduct research to examine how it different from a dance career by analyzing dynamically the particularity of technical movements by dance major.

      • KCI등재

        24주간 요가 수련이 비만 초등학생과 일반 초등학생의 신체조성, 체력 및 신체상에 미치는 영향

        박인영(Park, In-Young),오덕자(Oh, Duk-Ja) 한국체육과학회 2011 한국체육과학회지 Vol.20 No.6

        This study aims to discover any change in the body composition, physical strength, and body image of obese and non-obese elementary school students in the fourth to sixth grades at D Elementary School in B Metropolitan City. Aiming at 15 obese students and 15 non-obese students, the study measured six items concerning their body composition, muscle endurance, quickness, flexibility, cardiopulmonary endurance, and body image through yoga training for 60 minutes per session, three times a week for 24 weeks. Then, as a result of conducting a paired sample t-test using the SPSS Ver. 18.0 program, the study gained the following conclusions. First, there appeared significant differences in the body fat percentage, muscle endurance, quickness, flexibility, and body image of obese students, whereas there were no differences in the body fat percentage and cardiopulmonary endurance. Second, regarding non-obese students, there were no significant changes in body fat percentage, fat mass, muscle endurance, quickness, cardiopulmonary endurance, and body image; but there was a significant difference in flexibility. In summarizing the above conclusions, as yoga training helps obese students in reducing body fat percentage and improving muscle endurance, quickness, and flexibility while making the body image better, obese students should carry out regular, consistent yoga training.

      • KCI등재

        무용 유형별 여자고등학생 및 여대생의 골밀도에 관한 연구

        신말연(Mal Ryun Shin),이종도(Chong Do Lee),강호율(Ho Yul Kang),오덕자(Duk Ja Oh),최혜진(Hea Jin Choi) 한국무용과학회 2008 한국무용과학회지 Vol.16 No.-

        본 연구는 16세에서 24세의 여학생 167명으로 전공별 무용, 즉 한국무용(n=65), 현대무용(n=45), 발레(n=57)대상자로 골밀도를 분석하였다. 측정은 이중 에너지 방사선 골밀도 측정법(Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry, DEXA)을 이용하여 요추(Lumbar spine, L₂-L₄), 대퇴 경부(Femoral neck), 대퇴 전자부(Greater trochanter), 대퇴 삼각부(Ward's triangle) 를 측정하였다. 본 연구의 자료의 처리는 SAS(Statistical Analysis Systems) 통계 패키지를 이용하여 각 변인들 간의 평균값(M)과 표준편차(SD)를 산출하였고 일반 선형 모형 General Linear Model (GLM)을 이용하여 골밀도에 연령, 월경의 규칙과 불규칙, 초경의 나이, 운동경력, BMI를 보정한 후, 비교분석하였으며, 사후분석은 Scheffe를 이용하였다. 총 요추의 평균 골밀도를 살펴본 결과, 무용유형별 집단 간의 유의한 차가 있는 것으로 나타났다(p<.001). 이를 사후분석한 결과, 현대무용집단의 평균 골밀도가 한국무용 및 발레집단보다 높은 것으로 나타났다(p<.05). 골밀도에 영향을 주는 여러 인자들을 통제한 후, 총 대퇴 골밀도(Proximal femur)를 비교한 결과에서도 현대무용집단이 발레 및 한국무용집단보다 높은 골밀도를 보여주고 있다(p<.05). 결론적으로, 무용유형별로는 현대무용이 발레, 한국무용에 비하여 골밀도가 높은 것으로 나타났고, 발레와 한국무용은 골밀도에 유의한 차가 없다고 볼 수 있으며, 현대무용이 요추 및 대퇴부의 골밀도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 사료된다. This study examined the association between dancing types and bone mineral density (BMD) in female high school and college students. The subjects comprised of 167 female dancers (aged 16 to 24 years): ballet (n=57); Korean dance (n=65); modern dance (n=45). Duel energy x-ray absorptiometry(DEXA) was used to measure areal bone density in lumber spine (L2-L4), femoral neck, femoral trochanter, and Ward's triangle. BMD in lumber spine was estimated using an arithmetic average of L2-L4 and BMD in proximal femur was calculated using an average of femoral neck, femoral trochanter, and Ward's triangle. General linear models were used to test mean differences of BMDs across ballet, Korean dance, and modern dance categories with adjustment for covariates. Schefee's post-hoc tests were used to detect mean differences across different dance categories. After adjustment for age, menstrual abnormality, age at menarche, years of exercise, and body mass index, there were significantmean differences in lumbar spine (p<0.001), proximal femur (p<0.001), femoral neck (p<0.001), trochanter (p<0.001), and Ward's triangle (p=0.004), respectively, across ballet, Korean dance, and modern dance categories. Modern dancers had greater BMDs in lumber spine, proximal femur, trochanter, and Ward's triangle when compared with ballet and Korean dancers (p<0.05), but there were no statistical differences in these BMDs between Ballet and Korean dancers. For the femoral neck, modern dancers had a greater BMD as compared with Korean dancers, but had a similar BMD as Ballet dancers. We conclude that modern dancers had better BMDs in lumber spine and proximal femur as compared with ballet or Korean dancers.

      • KCI등재
      • 서울 市內 一部 綜合病院의 新生兒室관리에 대한 조사연구(1) : 본격적인 간호 관리에 대한 조사연구의 기초작업으로

        김화중,오덕자,최철자 최신의학사 1974 最新醫學 Vol.17 No.8

        This thesis is the result of analysis of the replies to the questionnaires which were distributed to twenty four nurseries of hospitals in seoul from april 2 to april 30, 1973 as summarized below; I . The management of nursery in the aspect of facilities. 1) The bed numbers of the nurseries are sufficient to meet requirement for the delivery at each hospital. 2) 33.3% of hospitals are found to have one to two premature incubators while 62.5% of the hospitals have three to four premature babies in average every day. Consequently, premature incubators are short for the premature babies born everyday. 3) Only 50% of the hospitals have oxygen tank, suction, resuscitator which are absolutely required for the emergency of the newborn babies. Another 45.8% of them have oxygen tank and suction only. 4) The formula room is separated from the nursery in the 62.5% of the hospitals and not in the rest. ][ . The management of nursery in the administrative aspect. 1) In 66.7% of the hospitals, nursery is separated from obstetric or pediatric ward and not sepa?rated in the rest of 33.3%. 2) All the hospitals allocated separated room for mother and baby. The most of hospitals believe that they can protect the babies from infection by doing so. 3) For the identification of the newborns, 41.7% of the hospitals are using rings both on the wrist and ankle. 25% of them are using only on the wrist while another 20.8% only on the ankle. 4) At the 35% of the hospitals where mothers are separated from the babies, babies are carried to the their mothers by nurses. 5) The hospital charges are paid in total at the 41.6% of the hospitals, in details at, the 37.5% and at 16.5%, the charges are free. As elaborated in the above, the management group of the hospital have to understand-particularity of nursery better and improve the facilities and administration of the nursery accordingly. Incidentally, the next step to this research must be a study or the nursing care management in the light of facilities and administration discussed above.

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