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        국어학 : 형식의미론의 국어 시간요소 의미 분석 검토

        양정석 ( Jeong Seok Yang ) 배달말학회 2015 배달말 Vol.56 No.-

        양정석(2002, 2004, 2008a, 2012)에서 논한 국어의 형태통사론적 사실을 기본 인식으로 시간요소들의 의미 기술을 시도한 형식의미론적 연구들을 검토해 보았다. ‘-었-’의 범주적 성격에 대한 판단이 시제 체계의 유무에 대한 판단에서 핵심적인 역할을 한다고 보고, 이를 단일한 시제 요소로 간주하는 견해와 중의적 요소로 간주하는 견해로 나누어 그 형식의미론적 의미 규정의 실례들을 비판하였다. ‘-었-’의 중의성에 기반한 이론들은 궁극적으로 공통된 의미를 가지는 두 요소가 상보적으로 분포할 때 결국 하나의 단위로 증명된다는, 상보성 원리에 의한 해석과 관련한 문제점을 피할 수 없다. 단일한 ‘-었-’에 기반한 시제 가설의 견해들은 이것이 시간적 선후관계 의미와 함께 완결상의 의미를 가진다는 점을 설명할 수 없다. ‘-었-’의 완결상 의미는 중국어를 비롯한 무시제 언어들에서 그러한 것처럼 시간적 선후관계 의미를 포함하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 무시제 언어의 완결상 의미 기술을 ‘-었-’ 의미 기술에 원용하고, 이 외의 시간적 선후관계 해석을 도출하는 구문들, ‘-었었-’ 문장, 중화상 ‘Ф’의 문장, 명제태도 동사 구문, 시간 부가어 구문의 형식의미론적 의미 기술 방법을 제안하였다. It was argued in Yang(2008a) that, contrary to the previous mainstream view on Korean language as a tensed language, it is a tenseless language, and that the so-called ‘tense morphemes’ are in fact aspect and mood morphemes. Based on the morphosyntactic facts discussed in Yang(2008a), and on the temporal interpretations of Korean complex sentences in Yang(2008b), recent approaches to the description of the temporal precedence relations in Korean are critically examined, with special attention to ‘-ess-’, which is a key temporal element to decide between tensed or tenseless nature about Korean language. Approaches depending on the ambiguity of the meaning of ‘-ess-’ eventually fall prey to the complementarity argument, i.e., two supposedly distinctive morphemes, ‘-ess-1’ and ‘-ess-2’ are in complementary distribution in Korean morphosyntactic structures, and they have a certain common meaning, so they are the one and the same morpheme. Approaches depending on the assumption that ‘-ess-’ is just a tense marker maintain the semantic representation containing precedence relation, but they can not ultimately capture the perfect meaning which ‘-ess-’ has as its essential component. In this paper, I propose a temporal interpretation system based on aspect morphemes which contain temporal precedence relations in their formal semantic descriptions.

      • KCI등재

        논고 : 이탈리아 르네상스 시각세계의 구성요소-시론

        양정무 ( Jeong Mu Yang ) 미술사와 시각문화학회 2002 미술사와 시각문화 Vol.1 No.-

        This essay assesses the possibility of the study of Italian Renaissance an in terms of [he so-called ``visual culture``. Looking into an as pan of human culture and proposing that the study of art is ultimately integrated into the much broader study of human life, it will suggest that the art-historical study of Italian Renaissance, the area which has been traditionally associated with cultural studies since its beginnings, should once again take a pioneering role of reorienting the objects of an history with reference to the new point of view arising from the visual culture. It will value most the period eye` proposed by Baxandall in 1972 as the starting points of the study of Renaissance an from the perspective of visual culture, but show that his theory must be tuned so as to accommodate a wider range of visual culture in Renaissance Italy. The period eye originally suggested by him is preoccupied with value-free matters such as mathematical education, dancing, and religion. This study adds to it more socio-political and gender-biased eye, In conclusion, it will argue what is of importance here is not to list up the various components of visual culture but to recapture the process of the making of visual network in Renaissance Italy.

      • KCI등재

        2015 역사과 교육과정의 논리와 구성

        양정현(Yang, Jeong-Hyun) 역사비평사 2015 역사비평 Vol.- No.113

        The 2015 national history curriculum has been developed in accordance with the policy direction of the government of Park Kun-Hyee. ‘Creative convergence’ talent and ‘core competence’ are its key points. The 2015 national history curriculum involves the development of a competency-based core curriculum to prepare for the future society. The core competencies-centered national history curriculum focuses on the adequacy workload. It is trying a ‘thematic approach’ as a way to reduce content. However, textbook adequacy issues will change the paradigm of history education. Another problem with 2015 national history curriculum is that political and cultural history is repeated in elementary and middle schools. This means that social and economic history will be reduced or even eliminated. In elementary schools, the history of everyday life has been discarded and regressed to the level of learning in the 1970’s about heroes and historical figures.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중세 여성 신비가의 작품 해석을 위한 연구 방법론 : 노르위치의 줄리안의 “사랑의 계시를 중심으로

        양정호(Yang, Jeong-ho) 한국사학사학회 2012 韓國史學史學報 Vol.0 No.26

        14세기 영국의 여성 신비신학자 노리치의 줄리안의 신학 사상의 중심이 되는 고통(passion)과 사랑이라는 주제는 비교문화적 방법과 덕성(virtue)이 어떻게 표현되는가하는 문제를 살펴볼 때 잘 드러나게 된다. 본 연구는 줄리안이 저술한 사랑의 계시에 나타난 그녀의 사상을 이해하기 위해서는 사상사 영역에서 역사학, 여성학, 기독교 신학간의 학제간 연구방법을 사용하여 그녀의 작품을 분석해야 한다는 하나의 방법론을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 노리치의 줄리안은 영문학사에서 영국 최초의 여성 문필가로 인정되어 왔다. 그녀의 작품 사랑의 계시에는 신의 모성적 사랑이 강조되었기에 영문학 뿐만 아니라 여성학 그리고 기독교 여성신학 분야에서 주목을 받아왔다. 그러나 그녀의 작품에 나타난 사상을 이해하기 위해서는 먼저 그녀의 저서가 문학작품이라기 보다는 신학작품이라는 것을 확인할 필요가 있다. 왜냐하면 저작의 장르에 맞는 읽기와 해석이 필요하기 때문이다. 그녀의 신학 사상은 그 핵심 주제가 신의 모성적 사랑이고 그에 대한 해석이 여성의 몸경험과 연결되어 있기에 여성주의적 텍스트 읽기도 함께 요청된다. 사랑의 계시를 통하여 14세기 영국 여성의 삶과 느끼고 생각하는 방식 혹은 사상을 이해하려 한다면 이 작품을 역사 사료로 읽어 낼 수도 있을 것이다. 이와 같이 줄리안의 작품을 입체적으로 이해하기 위해서는 신학과 여성학과 역사학을 포함하는 학문 융복합으로 전공 간의 소통이 필요하다. 중세 여성의 작품에 나타난 사상을 이해하기 위해서는 역사학이 신학과 대화함으로써 새로운 인식 지평을 만들 수 있을 것이다. The 14th century English woman mystic, Julian of Norwich’s notion of passion and compassion were the core theological notions, which could be best understood when we look into her virtues from the perspective of cross-cultural concerns. This study aimed at suggesting a hermeneutical methodology in terms of multi-disciplinary approach including history as an academic discipline, women’s studies and Christian theology, in which we read and interpret Julian’s Showing of Love in the discipline of history of thoughts. Julian of Norwich has been regarded as the first woman writer in the history of English literature. Because she emphasized God’s motherly love in her work, scholars shed light on Showing of Love in the field of English literature as well as women’s studies, not to mention Christian feminist theology. However, we need to make sure that Showing of Love is a work of theology rather than a work of literature, for we need to read and interpret it in accordance with the genre of the text. The key notion of Julian’s theological thought was placed on God’s motherly love, which was closely related to women’s bodily experience or bodily knowing. Therefore, reading Julian’s text requires the approach of women’s studies. We can also read Julian’s text as the primary source when we investigate the 14th century woman’s ways of thinking, understanding, and feeling, because Julian deals with the problem of passion and compassion in terms of virtue, the ultimate value of her thoughts. In order to read and understand from the finest view point of Julian’s Showing of Love we need to transcend the artificial boundaries of our disciplines in terms of trans-disciplinary approach, which includes theological studies, women’s studies, and history as an academic discipline. We can pave the way for the new horizon of trans-disciplinary approach by way of reading Julian’s text in terms of a dialogue between theology, history, and women’s study.

      • 레지스터 윈도우상에서 레지스터 할당시 spill code 의 최소화 방법

        양정갑(Jeong-Gab Yang),박명순(Myong-Soon Park) 한국정보과학회 1992 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        RISC의 출현으로 컴파일러 기술에도 많은 변화가 발생하였다. RISC는 프로그램의 빠른 수행을 위해서 메모리 액세스를 위한 load 및 store 명령을 제외한 모든 명령어 피연산자를 레지스터로 취한다. 그러므로, 생성된 프로그램의 신속한 수행을 위해 레지스터를 효율적으로 할당하여 메모리를 액세스하는 소위 spill code의 생성을 최소화하는 것은 RISC의 성능에 중요한 영향을 미친다. 본 논문에서는 중첩 레지스터 윈도우를 이용하는 RISC를 위한 컴파일러에서 레지스터 할당시 프로그램의 단말 루틴에 대해서 spill code를 최소화할 수 있는 기법을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재

        베네치아 공화국의 이상과 꿈 : 아고스티노 바르바리고 총통(r. 1486-1501)의 초상

        양정무(Jeongmu Yang) 서양미술사학회 2001 서양미술사학회논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        This essay assesses the portrait images of Doge Agostino Barbarigo(r. 1486-1501) as the representation of the changing political ideal of Venice at the tum of century. In the study of Venetian Renaissance, the doge, symbol of the sovereignty of the state, has not been properly viewed as an influential patron and, therefore, works associated with a doge have seldom been examined as a whole. In addition to the difficulty to prove its influence on art, as it was the senate that decided governmental commissions, it has been said that this is largely because of the lack of its active political power. Having examined the five portrait-images of Doge Agostino Barbarigo as a group; 1) Madonna and Child with Saints and Doge Agostino Barbarigo c. 1488, originally in Ducal Palace; 2) manuscript illustration in a commission to Domenico Tron as podesta of Este; 3) the medallion-style relief in the Scala dei Giganti; 4) Doge Barbarigo kneeling before the Lion cf St Mark, now lost in the Clock Tower, Piazza San Marco, 5) the Barbarigo Tomb (destroyed in 1809, Santa Maria della Carita), it observes the increase of the representations of the doge in various forms and various places in Venice towards the end of the fifteenth century and views them primarily as political arms of Venetian Republic at the time of its military and commercial crisis. It is of importance to note that the propaganda of Venice as new Rome was collectively acclaimed by humanists inside and outside Venice in the second half of the fifteenth century. This conceit can be seen as an attempt to recover in ideological ways her actual loss in lands and commerces as well as her psychological loss of cultural identity after the fall of the Byzantine Empire by Ottoman Turk. It further played a catalytic role in transforming Gothic-Byzantine Venice to Classic-Roman Venice. It seems that Doge Agostino Barbarigo, once praised as ‘the new Augustinus’ and ‘prince of my New Rome’, took the advantage of this conceit and attempted to create the image of the doge in more ambitious ways. The classical medallion-style profile relief of Doge Barbarigo found together with the latin inscriptions which allude to Rome such as S.P.Q.V.(Senatus Populusque Venetus) and A.B.D.V.(Augustinus Barbarico Dux Venetiarum) in the Scala dei Giganti should be viewed in this ideological perspectives. This propaganda can further explain that the gesture of Doge Agostino Barbarigo in a manuscript document commissioning to Domenico Tron as podesta of Este and the architectural and sculptural scheme of the Barbarigo Tomb, reconstructed in a engraving dated to the seventeenth­century. This study concludes that the religious way in which the doge was represented in the mural canvas painting Madonna and Child with Saints and Doge Agostino Barbarigo and sculptural group Dage Agostino Barbarigo kneeling before the Lion of St Mark, are evidences of the visual-political compromise between the doge who desired the personal glorification and the patricians, who wanted to use the images of the doge as the focus of loyalty to the Republic, not to the single individual.

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