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        당대 전기와의 비교를 통한 송대 전기 연구 - 시점을 중심으로 -

        안중원 영남중국어문학회 2002 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.39

        宋代是中國小說史上非常重要的時期. 宋代是作爲文言小說精華的傳奇逐步衰落, 作爲白話小說萌芽的話本小說形成了的轉變期. 換句話來說, 這昰傳奇喪失了逐步發達的`小說的因素`變成`非小說化`, 說唱藝術産生話本小說逐步强化`小說的因素`取得了`小說化`. 宋代以后强化`小說的因索`的話本小說逐漸成了小說史上的重心, 着重근`小說的因素`不一樣的方面的文言小說(包括傳奇)在小說史上逐漸失去了中心地位. 本論文要以這些小說的因素中之視角爲主要手段分析宋代傳奇。通過視角要根據敍述者的人稱、敍述者的能力、敍述者的眼光、敍述者的位置和敍述者的參與分析, 還要攷察複數視角和視角轉變。而且通過근唐代傳奇比較攷察宋代傳奇的視角特點。本論文以視角爲主進行分析, 以闡明宋代傅奇的變遷. 特點和衰退原因。 在視角上唐宋傅奇都最多採用第三人稱全知敍述者外部非參與視角, 特別昰宋代傳奇有一半以上採用叢個視角. 其次唐代傳奇多採用第三人稱選擇主人公內部非參與視角. 宋代傳奇多採用第三人稱選擇主人公內部參與視角. 唐宋傳奇也都採用第一人稱視角, 但唐代傳奇比宋代傳奇多採用. 宋代傳奇採用的第三人稱選擇副人物內部非參與視角在唐代傳奇中조不到. 唐代傳奇採用的第一人稱選擇主人公外部參與視角、第一人稱選擇副人物內部參與視角、第一人稱全知主人公外部參與視角、第三人稱選擇主人公外部非參與視角和第三人稱觀察敍述者外部非參與視角等在宋代傳奇中都조不到. 在視角上唐代傳奇比宋代傳奇採用更多樣的視角. 這表明唐代傳奇作家更多樣地探索視角, 因此, 傳奇更精綵奪目, 更生龍活虎. 到宋代, 士大夫的政治權力的中心化與對史學的重視在一個方面上使得傳奇回歸史書. 向史書的回歸減少了傳奇的文學性與特色而導致了傳奇的衰退。唐代, 士大夫成爲新的進步的政治勢力而具有進取性、挑戰性、開放性和豪放性, 但昰剩宋代他們成爲政治權力的中心而成爲已有勢力, 흔大程度上喪失了唐代的進取性、挑戰性、開放性和豪放性. 所以宋代傳奇근唐代傳奇柏比不採用多樣的視角而隻沿襲了已有的視角, 宋代也相當重視史學, 從而補充史書的筆記小說흔繁榮. 這些趨勢都影響到傳奇而使得傳奇回歸史書. 小說或傳奇原來昰體製外的邊緣文學, 唐代士大夫還沒進入體製的中心, 因此他們喜歡寫作作爲體製外形式的傳奇, 不過到宋代士大夫已經站在體製的中心, 因此在寫作作爲體製內形式的史書或補鳶史書的筆記小說上흔努力, 從而使得作爲體製外形式的傳奇向作爲體製內形式的史書고近. 所以士大夫的已有勢力化與對史學的重視使得傳奇多採用史書主要採用的第三人稱全知敍述者外部非參與視角, 這意味着在某種程度上到唐代剛剛擺脫了史書과臼而成爲一個新文體的傳奇, 到宋代又回歸了史畵. 爲了敍述人生的未知世界或神秘世界的小說讓讀者同化, 從某一個視角到別的視角轉換的視角轉換在宋代傳奇大體從第三人稱全知敍述者外部非參與視角轉換了視角. 人生的未知世界或神秘世界的唐傳奇궤乎不轉換視角, 可是這些宋代傳奇都轉換了視角. 作爲特殊視角的 `回歸性轉移視角視點`근全知視角類似, 不過一且進去一個人的內心, 決不進入別人的內心, 只從那個入的眼光敍述事件. 宋代傳奇採取的這個視角通過到所有的發場人物轉換, 大都再回歸開始的視角. 宋代傳奇多採用選擇視角、主人公(副人物)視角和內部視角, 這作爲傳奇衰退的又一個原因. 到宋代, 在視角上, 士大夫的已有勢力化與對史學的重視一方面使得傳奇多採用第三人稱全知敍述者外部非參與視角, 一方面使得傳奇把幻想題材作品主要採用的選擇視角、人物視角和內部視角擴大到現實題材作品. 不過傳奇越來越多採用選擇視角、 人物視角和內部視角, 傳奇的數量就越來越少. 其實選擇視角、人物視角和內部視角不是宋代通常的敍述形式所主要採用的視角. 宋代敍述形式主要採用全知視角、敍述者和外部視角. 在這些視角被作者與讀者更加熟悉的情況下, 傳奇相反地多採用選擇視角、人物視角和內部視角, 讓作者與讀者不太習慣. 所以選擇視角、人物視角和內部視角的採用讓作者與讀者感覺到審美的疎遠感. 這些審美的距離感使得作者與讀者逐步的更疎遠傳奇, 因此傳奇的寫作減少了. 所以這些視角的採用一方面在小說的文學方面上起到了正麵作用而提高傳奇的文學性, 령異一方面由于當時的歷史局限, 對傳奇的發達也起了反作用而成爲傳奇衰退的一個原因. 宋代傳奇一方面採用第三人稱全知敍述者外部非參與視角而回歸史書, 減少傳奇的文學性與特色, 一方面擴大採用選擇視角、人物視角和內部視角而提高傳奇的文學性. 不過這些兩個趨勢都最終對傳奇的發逵起了反作用而使得傳奇衰退.

      • KCI등재

        지방소멸대응기금 광역지원계정 활용방안에 관한 연구

        안중원,김성록 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2023 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.9 No.8

        This thesis is a utilization plan for metropolitan support account of local extinction reaction fund. In regard to pursuing a policy that utilizes local extinction reaction fund, local governments can pursue local projects that consider regional characteristics according to their independent decision-making process. However, in case of metropolitan governments, their projects must be centered on the policies that link depopulation regions under their jurisdiction. Therefore, there exists a possibility of regional inequality. With such backgrounds, this study aims to provide quantitative data by using (Department of Public Administration and Security) 'Depopulation Index' for selecting the projects to be promoted by metropolitan governments. As a result of analysis, three factors were categorized, which are regional sustainability, regional policy receptivity and regional vitality. In case of regions that were categorized as high-rank regions for each factor, their regional conditions were relatively favorable among 89 depopulation regions, but they still had concerns about local extinction when taking the national point of view. Therefore, this study simply suggested political alternatives by quantitatively deducing the regions with higher political priority in regard to depopulation related policies pursued by metropolitan governments, and support for the regions that are categorized as being high-rank regions should still be continued.

      • KCI등재

        대구,경북 지역의 중국어문학 연구사 -1945년에서 현재까지-

        안중원 영남중국어문학회 2003 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.41

        大邱·慶北的中國語文學硏究從該地方的大學設立中文系的時候開始了. 從前爲補充韓國文學硏究了中國文學, 以韓中比較文學爲主. 大邱·慶北的初期硏究家絶對多數是漢城大學畢業的人或者臺灣留學生. 근他們的學風不一樣的他們弟子也不少, 我們試一試探究新硏究方法, 흔多硏究小說, 戱曲和現代文學. 制度圈以前的時期中國語文學硏究的成就非常少而以古典小說, 韓中比較文學, 古典詩和詩論爲主. 制度圈以後80年代是中國語文學的`發展期`的, 大邱·慶北的主要大學開設中文系, 硏究家就激增了. 那時候成立了以嶺南爲中心的嶺南中國語文學會, 發刊學會誌《中國語文學》, 提高了學問力量. 90年代與中國建交, 對中國語學, 文化和歷史的需要增加了. 2000年以後硏究中國文學的目的和敎古典文學的苦惱讓大邱·慶北的硏究家探索新硏究方法. 大邱·慶北的硏究家最關心的硏究部分是古典文學的, 對現代文學, 古代語學和現代語學的關心差不多. 制度圈以前大邱·慶北的韓國文學者中的代表學者就是徐首生的, 他的中國文學論文大部分是對中國詩歌的. 他爲韓國漢文學硏究了中國文學. 制度圈前後過渡期的代表學者就是徐鏡普的. 他1976年開設嶺南大學的中文系, 他的詞硏究讓韓國漢文學者引起對詞的注意. 他也創立了嶺南中國語文學會, 現在那個學會已經發展成爲全國規模. 李徽敎就是制度圈的初期硏究家, 以《詩品》硏究爲主, 主張了在學問硏究上最重要的基礎就是正確理解句子的, 他的主張在大邱·慶北的中文學界上有흔大影響.

      • KCI등재

        중요도-만족도 분석(IPA)을 통한 청년활동 정책방안 연구 : 충청남도 홍성군 사례

        안중원(Joong-Won An),박덕병(Duk-Byeong Park) 한국농촌지도학회 2021 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.28 No.1

        This study aimis to identify policy priorities for promoting youth activities through the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). IPA is used to identify policy priorities for promoting local youth activities. The IPA tabulated result is presented in a two-dimensional grid to showing for promoting local youth activities, The require concentrate support part is divided into 3 parts. Problem solve supporting at work development of leisure activities programs, leisure activities programs developing and development of leisure-related professionals. And leisure- related professionals developing. The next parts that require continuous management were divided into four parts. The next parts that require continuous management is divided into four parts. Creating rental housing for young people, support for housing expenses supporting, loans supporting, and Holiday guaranteed. Based on the factors that support youth activities that make up the IPA matrix, the implications of revitalizing local youth activities is presented as below. First, ensuring employment of local youth and efforts to create sustainable jobs. Second, continuous efforts to improve the housing conditions of local youth, and third, policy support is needed for local youth to do various leisure activities.

      • 남자 대학생의 준비운동 형태 차이가 하지 근력과 근 파워에 미치는 영향

        박준열,이건영,안중원,김태훈,강현주 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 2019 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.25 No.2

        The purpose of this study was assessment of the effects of different types of warm up exercise on muscular strength and power of male college students. The subjects of the test were 10 college students who were studying at S University in Chungcheongnam-do who had no problems with their knee joints. Prior to participation in the study, the purpose of the study and procedures were carefully explained to participants. Test subjects were given one of three different warm up protocols and the subjects to perform an isokinetic exercise. The measuring instrument used in this experiment is the HUMAC NORM(Testing & Rehabilitation system).Test subjects repeated the exercise five times at 60°/sec to measure muscular strength, and three times at 180°/sec to measure the muscular power. The result of this study revealed the highest positive effect when performing plyometrics warm up and a lower postive effect for general warm up compared to not performing any warm up exercise. It is advisable to conduct plyometrics warm up exercise for positive effect on muscular strength and power of male collage students before exercise.

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