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      • KCI등재

        지구성 운동이 알코올 섭취 후 혈중젖산농도에 미치는 영향

        안정훈 한국운동과학회 2003 운동과학 Vol.12 No.3

        안정훈. 지구성 운동이 알코올 섭취 후 혈중젖산농도에 미치는 영향. 운동과학 제12권 제3호 391-397, 2003. 본 연구는 지구성운동이 알코올 섭취 후 혈중젖산농도에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위하여 20대의 남자 대학생 30명을 대상으로 운동집단 10명, 알코올 섭취집단 10명, 알코올 섭취 후 운동집단 10명의 세 집단을 구성하였다. 운동집단을 제외한 나머지 두 집단의 알코올 섭취는 알코올 농도 40%(J사의 S위스키)이며 섭취량은 150cc이다. 트레드밀운동강도의 설정은 최대하운동부하검사를 %70HRmax까지 실시하여 개인별 %60HRmax의 운동강도를 산출하고 운동집단과 알코올 섭취 후 운동집단에 적용하여 지속부하로 30분간 실시하였다. 혈중젖산농도의 측정은 알코올 섭취 후와 운동 후의 세 집단 모두 휴식 30분, 60분, 90분, 120분, 150분, 180분에 채혈하여 분석하였다. 알코올 농도 40%의 위스키 150cc를 섭취한 후에 운동을 실시하지 않은 비교집단의 혈중젖산농도는 30분 후에 1.63mMol/dl, 60분 후에 1.94mMol/dl. 90분 후에 2.22mMol/dl로 낮게 나타났으나, 120분 후에는 2.51mMol/dl 까지 상승하다가 150분 후부터 2.39mMol/dl로 점차 낮아져 180분 후에는 2.31mMol/dl로 나타났다. 알코올 섭취 후 운동을 실시한 집단의 혈중젖산농도는 운동 후 30분 후에 3.44 mMol/dl로 가장 높은 수치를 보이다가 60분후에는 3.29mMol/dl, 90분 후에는 2.82mMol/dl로, 운동집 단 90분후의 2.92mMol/dl보다 낮았으며 180분 후에는 2.19mMol/dl로 운동집단 2.36mMol/dl과 알코올 섭취집단 2.31mMol/dl 보다 낮은 수치를 보였으며 통계적으로도 유의하였다(p=.000). 따라서 알코올 섭취 후 지구성운동은 음주로 인해 증가된 혈중젖산농도를 감소시키는데 효과적이라는 결론을 얻었다. An, J.H. The Effect of Endurance Exercise on Lactate Concentration in Blood after Alcohol Uptake. Exercise Science, 12(3): 81-397, 2003. In this study, to observe the change of lactate concentration in blood by endurance after alcohol uptake, 20 male collegers of 30 members were divided 10 members of controlled group and 10 members of alcohol uptake group, 10 members of alcohol uptake & endurance exercise group. An uptaken alcohol concentration were 40%(150cc). uptaken al were exercise alcohol The Propose of this study was to analyze the To measure the lactate concentration in blood, the treadmill exercise less than 60%HRmax was performed at the speed of 6mph for 30 minutes. The measure of lactate concentration in blood was after alcohol uptake before exercise, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 minutes. The lactate concentration in blood of the group who did not take exercise after drinking was lower level of 1.63mMol/dl 30 minutes after drinking, but it rose to 2.22mMol/dl 90 minutes after and it began to higher by degrees form 120 minutes after and reached at the level of 2.39mMol/dl. It began to lower by degree form 150 minutes after and reach at the level of 2.31mMol/dl at 180 minutes after. The lactate concentration of group who took exercise after drinking alcohol reached its maximum of 3.44mMol/dl 30 minutes after exercise, lowered to the level of 3.29mMol/dl 60minutes. and 2.82mMol/dl 90 minutes after exercise was lower than level of the not take exercise group after drinking. And at last 180 minutes after, it got to 2.19mMol/dl much lower than those of the non-exercise-taking group(p=.000). Although, these facts shows that exercise after drinking is very effective in the reduction of lactic acid as well as alcohol concentration in blood.

      • KCI등재

        《揚州畵舫錄》 小考

        안정훈 한국중국소설학회 2005 中國小說論叢 Vol.22 No.-

        《揚州畵舫錄》是李斗所著的淸代筆記集, 共十八卷。 書中記載了揚州一地的園亭奇觀、 風土人物。 書生李斗, 寓居在郡城新勝街上。 他一無功名, 二無錢財, 惟一的愛好是搜羅揚州的新聞舊典。 其《揚州畵舫f錄》於乾隆二十九年(1764)開始搜集資料, 於乾隆六十年(1795)成書刊行, 曆時30餘年。 書中記載揚州城市區劃, 運河沿革, 以及文物、 園林、 工藝、 文學、 畵曲、 曲藝、 書畵、 風俗等, 保存了豊富的人文曆史資料, 曆來爲文史學者所珍視。 《揚州畵舫錄》應該說是一部奇書, 奇就奇在타的目光不僅著眼於主流社會、 上流社會, 其視野幾乎遍及一座城市的上上下下各個階層。 擧凡高官、 平民、 文士、 倡優、 工匠、 乞개、 園林、 街巷、 琴棋、 書畵、 武林、 醫家, 莫不在書中各得其所, 可以說是一部眞正的平民文化史。 《揚州畵舫錄》的‘先景後事’式的記錄方式與《水經注》、 《洛陽伽藍記》、 《東京夢華錄》等書有一定的相通點。 但《洛陽伽藍記》和《東京夢華錄》都是通過對舊日繁盛的回憶來寄託作者的滄桑之感、 興亡之嘆, 而李斗的描寫是‘卽時性’的, 寫的是乾隆年間淸朝極盛時期的揚州, 一派繁華熱鬧景象。 《揚州畵舫錄》中留下了許多珍貴的文學史資料。 書中不僅有畵曲史料, 還保存了一些小說史料。 卷十還提到了《儒林外史》作者吳敬梓及其子吳랑。 該書畵是一部在中國戱曲文化史和小說史等硏究中不可缺少的重要文獻。

      • KCI등재후보

        한국의 비약물적 치료와 항우울제 투약순응도의 관계

        안정훈 대한의사협회 2011 대한의사협회지 Vol.54 No.4

        Non-pharmacological treatments (NPTs) including psychotherapies and behavioral therapies have proven to be an effective treatment tool for patients with depression. More importantly,NPTs reduce drop-out rates for pharmacotherapy when combined with it. Given that one of the major obstacles to effective treatment of depression is low adherence to antidepressant therapies, NPTs deserve more attention in treating patients with depression. This study aims to analyze the current status of NPTs for patients with depression and the relationship with adherence to antidepressant therapies in Korea. The Health Insurance Review Agency (HIRA)’s claims database from 2006 to 2008 was used in the analysis and those patients with at least one inpatient diagnosis with depression or twice diagnosed in outpatient services were included in the analysis (n=290,188). NPTs were identified by HIRA treatment codes in each claim except a routine care treatment (HIRA treatment code, NN011). Adherence to antidepressant therapies was defined as 180-day medication possession ratio. The claims for NPTs decreased almost 25% in 2008 while the number of patients with depression and the claims for antide-pressants were consistently increasing during the same period. Those patients with claims for 4 or more NPTs showed a higher adherence rate than those without. The downward trend of NPT use deserves more attention since it may reduce adherence to pharmacotherapies and increase future medical costs through more relapses from the lowered adherence rates.

      • KCI등재

        〈孔雀東南飛〉의 ‘孔雀’에 관한 斷想

        安正燻 한국중국소설학회 2007 中國小說論叢 Vol.26 No.-

        〈孔雀东南飞〉一诗在中国是最有名的故事诗。此诗最早见于梁朝徐陵编的《玉台新咏》,原题为〈古诗无名人为焦仲卿妻作〉。“孔雀东南飞,五里一徘徊”是此诗的名句,且是开头的二句,诗意明确,但仔细深思,仍然有一些问题値得考虑。 首先,何必是‘孔雀’东南飞呢?孔雀是一种什幺鸟?它主要分布在印度和东南亚一带,目前中国仅见于云南西南部地区,从古代的记载来看,在古代中国人的观念当中,孔雀作为一种珍禽异鸟。需要指出的是,“孔雀东南飞”诗句中的“孔雀”,仅仅是文学意象,并非生活中的实指。通过《玉台新咏》其他诗歌的分析,我们发现“孔雀”的本来意象就是用“白鹄”或者“黄鹄”来切换的。“飞来双白鹄,乃从西北来。…五里一反顾,六里一徘徊。”这一句可能是“孔雀东南飞”首句的塬始形态。 其次,在全诗的布局里,“孔雀”的意象作怎样的作用?案照古乐府诗〈古艳歌〉和梁简文帝的〈中妇织流黄〉等诗句来推测,“孔雀”与製织行为之间有一定的关联性,后来“孔雀”这一句诗语暗示制织的女人或者华丽的布料纹样。〈孔雀东南飞〉向来被认为是乐府民歌,但不只是一般民间演唱,而是经过300多年的时间,通过无名文人的结构上ㆍ风格上的创新作业,而再诞生的伟大成就。

      • Removal of elemental mercury by activated carbons impregnated with halogens

        안정훈,배경민,김병주 한국공업화학회 2015 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2015 No.1

        In this work, gas-phase elemental mercury (Hg<sup>0</sup>) removal by activated carbons (ACs) impregnated with halogens (KI, KBr, or KCl), and the techniques of Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to characterize the sulfur-treated ACs. It was observed that the Hg<sup>0</sup> removal efficiency of the ACs were significantly enhanced by KI, KBr or KCl modification, and the KI-ACs performed much better than the KBr or KCl-ACs under the same conditions. The adsorption capacity was found to increase with increase in adsorption temperature owing to the chemisorption nature of the impregnated with halogens. In the result, the impregnated with halogens have been found to increase the ACs mercury adsorption capacity.

      • 운동 처방이 비만 청소년의 신체조성 및 체력에 미치는 효과

        안정훈 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        In this study. we designed two female obese adolescents groups, each group was controled by skipping rope and jogging. After 8 weeps exercise prescription, we could find relationship between body composition and fitness of after and before exercise. 1. In skipping rope group. exercise prescription brought in 0.69kg more weight. 0.15% more BMI 1.35% more body at ratio and 1.39kg less lean body mass. 2. In skipping rope group. record of standing broad jump and sit-up was increased in 4.77cm and 10.01 times respectively. 3. In skipping rope group, we could find higher relationship between sit-up, weight and EMI. However, in jogging group, we could find higher relationship between standing broad jump, weight and body at ratio. In conclusion, we demonstrated increasing of power and strength by skipping rope prescription and increasing of cardiovascular endurance by jogging prescription. For Obese Adolescents, individual special programs are needed out of class, espacially. instructors need to train them very easily and divertingly.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠 활동을 통한 다문화 청소년과 한국 청소년의 공감과 친사회적 행동이 학교생활행복에 미치는 영향의 융합적 연구

        안정훈,천항욱 한국융합학회 2019 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.10 No.1

        The study is aimed at examining the influence of empathy and pro-social behavior on school life happiness of multicultural and Korean adolescents through sports activities. The results of the analysis of total 461 adolescents participating in sports activities and not participating in sports activities are as follows. Adolescents participating in sports activities have higher levels of empathy, pro-social behavior and school life happiness than those who do not participate. And the more experience involved in sports activities, the higher the level of empathy, the level of pro-social behavior and the level of school life happiness. There is a significant correlation between empathy and pro-social behavior and school life happiness. Empathy and pro-social behavior factors affecting school life happiness are statistically influencing factors such as “relationship formation”, “communication”, “cooperation”, “assistance”, “emotional expression”, and “comfort”. The results of this study suggest the importance of dealing with empathy and pro-social behavior through sports activities in the school life happiness of multicultural families and Korean adolescents. 이 연구는 스포츠 활동에 함께 참여하는 다문화 청소년과 한국 청소년들의 공감과 친사회적 행동이 학교생활행복에 미치는 영향을 분석하는데 그 목적이 있었으며, 스포츠 활동에 참여하는 청소년과 참여하지 않는 청소년 총 461명을 대상으로 분석한 결과, 스포츠 활동에 참여하며, 스포츠 활동 경력이 많을수록 공감과 친사회적 행동 및 학교생활행복 수준이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 스포츠 활동에 참여하는 청소년들의 공감과 친사회적 행동 및 학교생활행복 하위요인들 간에는 정적인 상관관계가 있었으며, 학교생활행복에 영향을 미치는 공감과 친사회적 행동 하위요인들로는 관계형성과 의사소통, 협동하기, 도움주기, 감정표현, 위안하기의 요인들이 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구의 결과들은 다문화가정과 한국가정 청소년들의 학교생활행복에 있어서 스포츠 활동을 통한 공감과 친사회적 행동에 대해 다루는 것의 중요성을 시사한다.

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