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      • KCI등재

        한·중·일의 대문경계를 통해서 본 타자에 대한 환대 특성 연구 - 레비나스의 타자윤리적 측면을 중심으로 -

        안은희,박종구,An, Eun-Hi,Park, Chong-Ku 한국실내디자인학회 2017 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.26 No.4

        Just as the front gate is located at the meeting point between the house and the street, the Subject and the Other face each other the same way. This study examines the relationship between House(subject) and Stree (other) at the boundary of the Front Gate-Face. Pursuing the aspects of the changing Front Gate-Face accordingly to the attitude of the Subject facing the Other, this study tries to analyze the possibilities and significance of the hospitality Front Gate-Face with the ethical point of view of Levinas. As architectural instance, results of examining the Front Gate-Face of traditional houses in Korea, China and Japan are as follows. Front Gate-Face of China is characterized by self-centered introversion to interact with the external world (the other). Front Gate-Face of Japan is characterized by a humble submission to the group. Front Gate-Face of Korea shows however more flexible relationship orientations in terms of hospitality, compared to Japan or China. When looking through hospitality factors, accordingly to the above mentioned Korean hospitality characteristics, the possibilities seem not be exclusively bordered inside the conceptual category perimeter suggested by Levinas' concept of hospitality. It is almost impossible for the nowadays ever-strong privacy culture to not allow room for the architectural structure of an absolute hospitality toward others. However, this impossibility not being absolute, still yields a space for a significant possibility to explore.

      • KCI등재

        에토스 제작적 앎과 자기 제작의 문제- 푸코의 주체화를 중심으로

        안은희 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2023 인문학연구 Vol.62 No.2

        The central theme of Foucault’s later thought is a genealogical study of methods of subjectivation. As Foucault describes his later thought as a study of the truth in the formulation of the subject, the question of the ontological relationship between the subject and truth constitutes the most important part of subjectivation. By identifying the nature and role of truth as presented by Foucault, this paper aims to show that subjectivation comes down to a matter of self-poiesis, through the formation of a new ethos. For Foucault, truth is not a fixed, immutable, universal truth, but something that is generated along with history; it is not knowledge as an object of cognition, but knowledge that has the practical power to shape the ethos; it is the truth of the self, which is acquired by transforming the mode of being of the self by the operation of the self. This is why the truth plays a crucial role for a matter of subjectivation. For Foucault, the subject is not a given, but is conceived and constructed by techniques of self-awareness and self-cultivation; therefore, subjectivation is a process of transforming truth into ethos, a matter of self-poiesis that aesthetically generates itself through self-transformation. 푸코의 후기 사유를 이끄는 핵심 주제는 주체화의 방법들에 대한 계보학적 연구라 할 수 있다. 푸코가 자신의 후기 사유를 주체의 정립 속에서의 진리와의 관계에 관한 연구라고 밝히고 있듯, 주체와 진리의 존재론적 관계 문제는 주체화에서 가장 중요한 부분을 구성한다. 본고는 푸코가 제시하는 진리의 성격과 역할을 조명함으로써, 주체화가 새로운 에토스의 형성을 통한 자기 제작의 문제로 귀결된다는 것을 보이고자 한다. 푸코에게 진리란 고정불변의 보편적 진리가 아니라 역사와 더불어 생성되는 것이며, 인식의 대상으로서의 앎이 아닌 에토스를 형성하는 실천적 힘을 지닌 앎이다. 즉, 자기의 작동에 의해 자기의 존재 양태를 변형시킴으로써 획득되는 자기의 진리인 것이다. 이것이 주체화의 문제에 있어 진리의 계기가 중요한 이유이다. 푸코에게 주체란 주어진 것이 아니라 자기 인식과 실천의 기술들에 의해 고안되고 구축되는 것이다. 따라서 주체화는 진리를 에토스로 바꾸는 과정이자 자기 변형을 통해 스스로를 미학적으로 생성해내는 자기 제작의 문제인 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        진주지역 복합영화관의 공간구조와 피난행태특성에 관한 연구

        안은희 한국농촌건축학회 2005 농촌건축 : 한국농촌건축학회논문집 Vol.7 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate specific crowding areas resulted from diverse physical factors of multi-plex theaters in a fire evacuation, and more accurately predict the evacuation route of people. To achieve these purpose, the architectural characteristics of three multi-plex theaters in Jinju have been chosen, and the evacuation experiments through the computer simulation called Simulex were carried out for each on the these theaters. The conclusions from this study are as follows: ⑴ Crowding usually happens cross areas between theater inside and corridors, and Crowding rate depending on the number of cross areas. ⑵ It is necessary to design the escape routes being employed ordinary times. And the egress routes planning should be integrated into space programming at the early stage of building design.

      • KCI등재

        대규모 지하 상업공간에서의 보행자의 움직임과 경로선택 특성에 관한 연구

        안은희,강석진,이경훈 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.9

        The main purpose of this study is to understand pedestrians' movement pattern In large-scale underground shopping environment by Investigating the relationship between spatial configuration and actual movement of visitors. In addition, this study also attempts to Identify factors affecting visitors t decision making at the points which have more than two alternative routes. Coex Mall In Samsung-dong was selected for this purpose The plan of Coex Mall was analyzed by Space Syntax method while the data about visitors' spatial choice and preference In transition space was acquired by questionnaire The result of analysis showed that people's movement 10 large-scale underground shopping environment are decided not by Its spatial configuration only but also by major attractor and generator of movement such as Mega-box The results also showed that people intuitively tend to choose the shortest route and to move forward the brighter route Finally, this study suggested and discussed some design concept that can potentially create an flow of Visitors by locating and connecting several attractors in order to distribute the flow evenly In the shopping mall.

      • 장애가족 체험의 문학적 형상화 : 오에 겐자부로를 중심으로

        안은희 한국장애인재단 2017 장애의 재해석 Vol.2017 No.-

        본 연구 ‘장애가족체험의 문학적 형상화-오에 겐자부로를 중심으로’는 장애가 있는 자녀를 둔 작가인 오에 겐자부로의 작품 속에서 재현된 장애가족과 작가의 장애에 대한 관점의 변화를 장애에 대한 책임이 갖는 윤리적인 가치의 측면에서 분석하였다. 이를 위해 초기, 중기, 후기로 나누어 작품을 선정하고 장애에 대한 책임이 개인적인 관점에서 사회적인 관점으로 동시에 윤리적으로 어떻게 확장되어 가는지를 가라타니 고진이 _윤리21_(2000)에서 논의한 ‘윤리적 주체’의 이론으로 분석하였다. 분석 결과 초기 작품 _개인적인 체험_(1964)에서는 장애아에 대한 책임을 통해 부모가 개인에서 윤리의 주체로 성장하는 것이 드러났다. 중기 작품 _인생의 친척_(1989), _조용한 생활_(1990)에서는 장애아를 보호하는 가족과 그 가족을 보호하는 장애아의 주체적 태도에서 장애아와 장애아의 보호자가 서로 책임을 지는 윤리의 상호적 측면이 나타났다. 후기 작품 _아름다운 애너벨 리 싸늘하게 죽다_(2007)에서는 장애아가 더 이상 책임과 의존의 대상이 아닌, 자신의 삶과 역사를 자신에 의해 살아가게 되는 주체로 변모하는 상호적 윤리의 극복을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 장애아를 둔 가족의 삶에 대해 윤리의 관점에서 새로운 자기 이해를 주고 이를 통해 장애 가족의 삶에 수행적 변모의 계기를 제공하고자 하였다. 장애를 멈춰버린 사건이자 대상으로 보는 우리의 인식을 교정하고 새로운 의미를 생산할 수 있는 재해석의 토대로 기여하고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        의류상가 쇼핑환경에서 길찾기의 정도와 매출이익간의 관계에 관한 연구

        안은희,이경훈 대한건축학회 2002 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.18 No.12

        The main purpose of this study is to understnad the relationship between the easiness of wayfinding and sales profit in shopping environment. To accomplish this, objective easiness of wayfinding analyzed through Space Syntax was compared with the customer's perceived easiness of wayfinding. And the correlation between 'customer's overall satisfaction to the store', 'staying time in the store', 'desire to re-visit the store' and 'sales profit' was also examined. The result revealed that positive correlation exit between 'easiness of wayfinding' and 'sales profit'. The second purpose of this study is to clarify the role of 'the easiness of wayfinding' in the customer's choice of store, which was rarely studied in the existing literature. Therefore, the efforts were made to identify store choice structure of customer by examining correlation among the variables that affects customer's choice of store through factor analysis. The result showed that the variables in relation to the easiness of wayfinding were classified as most important factors in predicting the customer's choice of the store, and factor loading was reasonably high. In conclusion, the easiness of wayfinding in shopping environment was found very important factor affecting not only customer's satisfaction but also sales profit and it should be considered in the early stages of design.

      • KCI등재후보

        푸코의 사유에서 주체화(subjectivation) 의 의미* : 들뢰즈의 푸코 해석을 중심으로

        안은희 순천대학교 인문학술원 2023 인문학술 Vol.10 No.-

        This essay aims to clarify the concept of “subjectivation,” which is introduced in Foucaults later philosophical discourses, through Deleuzes interpretation of Foucaults philosophy. While Foucault criticized the modern concept of a subject in his earlier thoughts, some critics have pointed out a possible inconsistency between this criticism and his later emphasis on subjectivation. However, Deleuze argues that Foucaults concept of subjectivation is not a disconnect in his philosophical development, but rather serves as the essential foundation for connecting the central issues of Foucaults thoughts, which have developed from knowledge and power to the subject. According to Deleuze, Foucaults later work places the concept of subjectivation at the forefront of his philosophical thought, moving beyond a focus on knowledge and power. Deleuze associates Foucaults concept of the subject with his idea of “pli,” in which the subject is a double of both “dehors” and “dedans,” with “dedans” being constituted by the folding of matter from “dehors.” This metaphysical approach distinguishes Foucaults concept of the subject from the modem understanding of it. Additionally, Deleuze argues that, from Foucaults perspective of an “aesthetics of existence,n the concept of subjectivation is a practice that creates a mode of existence and transforms our lives into a long-term work of art. In other words, Deleuzes analysis illuminates why Foucault later stated that Mthe historical conditions and progress of constituting a subject” were the focal point of his research throughout his career. 본고는 푸코 후기 중요 개념인 주체화(subjectivation)의 의미를 들뢰즈의 푸코 해석에 입각해서 보다 명확히 규명하고자 한다. 주체화 개념은 푸코의 후기 사유에 본격적으로 등장한다. 하지만 지식과 권력 문제를 탐구하던 중기 사유까지만해도 푸코는 주체에 대해 비판적 입장을 취했기에, 혹자는 푸코의 전 •중기 사유와 후기 사유 간의 연결 문제를 지적하기도 하였다. 들뢰즈는 말년의 푸코가 평생 연구 주제를 “주체 형성의 역사적 조건과 과정에 대한 탐구”라 한 바대로,주체화의 문제가 푸코 사유의 단절을 의미하는 게 아니라,지식,권력,주체로 이어지는 푸코 사유의 주요 문제들을 연결하고 재구축하는 핵심적 토대임을 밝히고 있다. 들뢰즈는 푸코가 권력 연구의 위기에 봉착해 지식과 권력을 넘어서는 새로운 축으로서 주체화를 요청한다고 본다. 들뢰즈는 푸코의 주체를 자신의 주름(pli) 개념과 연관지어,외부(dehors)라는 질료를 접어 내부(dedans)를 구성하는 외부와 내부의 이중체로 파악하는데,이러한 들뢰즈의 접근은 푸코의 주체와 근대적 주체 개념의 차이를 명확히 드러내준다. 나아가 ‘존재의 미학(6sthetique de l’existence)’적 관점을 취해 푸코의 주체화를 이해하는 방식을 통해,주체화는 새로운 존재 방식을 창조하며 ‘삶’이라는 장기 지속(longue dur슨인을 하나의 ‘예술작품’으로 생성하는 실천 과정이라는 의미를 획득하게 된다.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        문화적 기억 매체로서의 기념관·추모관·박물관 건축 연구

        안은희 한국문화공간건축학회 2014 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.48

        This thesis sets out to study the immanent mechanism of memory and architecture. The memory is a driving force of a human culture. When we see the memory from the side of culture, the most important thing is a problem of representation of cultural memory. Cultural memory does not exist as the personal dimension or abstract sense, which it is stored and reproduced by different cultural representation. Thus, in the cultural memory, it is important to deal with the medium of it. An architecture is the main medium of cultural memory with letters and pictures. So an architecture is performing a typical role of the external memory medium, as a result, the foundation of memory is established as an architecture. When an architecture transmits cultural memory, there are differences in each type of architecture. A monument is counted as controlling means of collective memory, because it is used as propaganda tool of a governing class. A memorial brings one to a recollection of individual or collective death, war, and disaster. As a museum sets in array historical relic, it preserves the memory through an arrangement of the space and the time. In conclusion, it is figured out architectural characteristics discursivity and temporality as the cultural memory medium through these types. This study is focused on theses singularities by the gap concept between a particularity and a universality, and it has also been useful to reveal the architectural singularity through the cultural memory. From this point of view, an architecture is always outward sign that reveals the subject's inner mechanism through memory, mind or psychology.

      • KCI등재

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