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      • KCI등재

        『交隣須知』의 書誌와 음운론적 특징

        심보경(Shim bo kyung) 한국언어문학회 2005 한국언어문학 Vol.54 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to introduce the bibliography in Simsugwon Version and 14-year-version of Maisie reign, in bound form of Kyorinsuji and to examine the phonological characteristics presented in those books. Kyorinsuji of Simsugwon Version is a Korean Conversation Book distributed to the Japanese from Gangho to Maisie reign. Kyorinsuji is a precious source for a comparative study of modern Korean language and Japanese language. Kyronsuji(1843, manuscript) is the collection of a Simsugwon's descendant living in Kuju and volume 1(part), 2(part), 3(full) among 4 volumes exist. 14-year-version of Maisie reign was revised and enlarged by Poroiyu and published in 4 volumes in the department of Foreign Policy. The system of Kyorinsuji is as follows; there is a headline written in Chinese and below it, there are Korean sentences related with the headline and Japanese translation. Comparing these two, they are different versions. Simsugwon Version shows 'conservatism of orthography' of editor who followed the system of the Middle Korean orthography in the areas of palatalization, roundedness. Ming dynasty 14-year-Version actively reflected the system of Modern Korean orthography.

      • KCI등재후보

        필사본 朝鮮地誌資料의 국어학적 연구 : 강원도 편 39-42권을 중심으로

        심보경(Shim Bo-Kyung) 중앙어문학회 2010 語文論集 Vol.44 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to introduce the bibliography in Joseon Jijijaryo(朝鮮地誌資料) to examine the phonological characteristics and writing system presented in this book. Publication dates of "Joseon Jijijaryo" are uncertain, but It is assumed with documentary data of 1910. Orthography of the intitial consonant clusters coexist the compound writing of the different letters "ㅂ" system and "ㅅ" system, gradually they are tend to unify to ㅅ-sequential consonant cluster. The compound writing of the same letters "ㅆ" commonly represented in "Joseon Jijijaryo". Aspirated sounds orthography of stem-final consonant are consist of 1) form (겨틔), 2) form (겻틔), 3) form (겻희), we can see the fact that had changed from 2) form to 3) form according to the published age representing the book named "Joseon Jijijaryo". Orthography from the book named "Joseon Jijijaryo" was tendency to unify from linked orthography that is phonemic orthography to separated writing that is morphophonemic orthography. it was revealation of grammartical consciousness of writer.

      • KCI등재

        대학생 글쓰기ㆍ말하기 능력의 상관성

        심보경(Bo-Kyung Shim),심희정(Hee-jeong Shim) 한국중원언어학회 2014 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.31

        The purpose of this paper is to analyse relationship between the writing and speaking skills. The subjects were twenty-seven normal university students and they are performed writing and speaking task through looking at a picture. Measures are six variables(NDW, NTW, TTR, T-unit, MLTw and MLTm). These were analyzed using SPSS program. The research results are as follow: First, T-unit of speaking was higher than writing task. TTR of writing was higher than speaking task. Second, T-unit, NDW and NTW of correlation were higher. MLTw of speaking and NDW and NTW of writing of correlation were higher. Third, TTR, MLTw and MLTm were no correlation between speaking and writing. Thus, we proposed aspects of the use of writing and speaking according to the condition of space and time.

      • KCI등재

        『海東諸國紀』지명에 반영된 한일 중세어 표기법

        심보경(Shim Bo-Kyung) 한일관계사학회 2007 한일관계사연구 Vol.27 No.-

        『海東諸國紀』는 신숙주가 1443년 일본에 서장관으로 방문하여 기록했던 日本國, 九州, 壹岐, 對馬島, 琉球國의 자료를 성종 2년(1471)에 간행한 책으로, 199여개의 지명 자료는 국어사 연구 및 한일 중세어 표기법 연구에 중요하다. 『海東諸國紀』의 일본 지명은 15세기 한국 한자음을 원용하여 漢字借字表記法 중 音借 表記와 訓借 表記로 기록한 것으로, 대부분의 지명은 음차 표기이지만 ‘訓羅串(훈라곶)’의 ‘串’과 ‘五時浦(오시개)’ ‘時多浦(시다개)’의 ‘개(浦)’는 훈차 표기로 나타났다. 『海東諸國紀』〈對馬島之圖〉와 海東諸國紀 대마도 본문 지명을 대조해 본 결과 9곳의 지명이 다르게 표기되었으며, 海東諸國紀 지명에 반영된 일본 지명 표기음이 대부분 그대로 현재 일본 지명에 나타남을 알 수 있었다. Haedongjegukgi, a book written by SukJoo Shin under the king’s command, recorded 日本國, 九州, 壹岐, 對馬島, 琉球國 and its 199 place names has high importance in the study of language history and Middle Korea-Japanese notation research. Place names in Haedongjegukgi is the record of Japanese place names of that time in 15th-century Korean in pronunciation of Chinese characters. Although most of the place names are umcha notation, ‘串’ in ‘訓羅串(훈라곶)’, ‘五時浦(오시개)’, ‘時多浦(시다개)’ and ‘개(浦)’ are the exceptions which are in huncha notation. Also an investigation on the map of Haedongjegukgi and its place names revealed there are nine unmatching places between the Chinese character notation in the map and the notation in its text.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공공언어 표기실태 연구

        심보경(Shim, Bo-Kyung) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2018 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.58

        이 연구는 공공언어의 효율적인 로마자·영문 표기방안을 모색하기 위해 공공시설명인 도로표지에 대하여 행정기관별 로마자·영문 표기규정을 조사하였으며, 최근 제정·시행되고 있는 문화체육관광부 훈령 제279호 ‘공공 용어의 영어 번역 및 표기 지침’이 실제 현장에서 어떻게 적용되고 있는지를 살펴보기 위해 서울특별시 강남구 대치동, 도곡동, 삼성동, 역삼동의 도로표지 로마자·영문 표기실태를 조사·분석하였다. 연구결과 현행 강남구 도로표지는 문화체육관광부의 훈령이 아니라 ‘공공 용어의 영어 번역 및 표기 지침’ 국토교통부의 ‘도로표지 영문표기’가 반영되고 있었다. 현행 ‘공공 용어의 영어 번역 및 표기 지침’은 관련 행정기관이 공동연구를 통해 공공용어의 표기지침을 마련한 것은 의미가 있지만, 현행안이 실질적인 효율성을 얻기 위해서는 수정·보완이 필요할 것으로 보인다. ‘공공 용어의 영어 번역 및 표기 지침’에서는 도로표지에서 전부요소는 로마자로 표기하고, 후부요소는 속성의 의미를 영어로 표기할 것을 기준안으로 명시하고 있지만 본 연구에서는 도로표지에서의 음절 수 및 음절 길이 문제, 외국인의 한국어 습득 시 로마자 표기가 이해하기 수월한 점, 현행 로마자·영문 표기체제가 신조어로 인지될 수 있다는 점을 고려할 때, 전부요소, 후부요소. 모두 로마자로 표기하는 방안을 제언한다. 표기지침의‘오거리(댓거리)’에서 ‘댓거리’의 비표준어 표기 문제, ‘삼거리(세거리)’, ‘사거리(네거리)’의 괄호 병기 문제, ‘편의시설명’, ‘상업시설명’ 등에 대한 세부지침 마련도 필요할 것으로 보인다. The study examined the standards of Romanization and English notation of the relevant administrative bodies in order to find an efficient way to describe names of public facilities. According to the study, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport was designated by the principle of writing road signs, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security by Romanization of road names, the Korea Tourism Organization by the English Writing Guidelines, and the Seoul Metropolitan Government. Although the guidelines were based on the principle of Romanization of Korean Language, they lacked effectiveness due to the lack of specific guidelines for names of public facilities. Recently, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism established Guidelines for English Translation and Writing of Public Terminology under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and a joint study by eight administrative organizations, including the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. A study on the Road Cover in Gangnam-gu, Seoul and Writing Guidelines for Public Terminology found that the road signs of Gangnam District do not reflect the newly enacted guidelines of the Ministry of Land, Sports and Tourism. After reviewing the road signs, many of the road signs, such as "description in traffic", "description in education", "names of administrative agencies", and "road names", were not written according to the guidelines, but in "convenience". Guidelines for English Translation and Notation of Public Terminology proposes "Romanization of All Elements and Rearcher of Means but this study suggests Romanization of All Elements. It is also recommended to supplement detailed instructions on the meaning of the rear elements of mass names, the "convenient description" and the "commercial description" in the new designation.

      • KCI등재

        여성결혼이민자의 학부모 역량강화를 위한 시기별 한국어교육 및 자녀학습 지도방안 연구

        심보경(Bo-kyung Shim),김정숙(Jeong-soog Kim) 어문연구학회 2012 어문연구 Vol.71 No.-

        본 연구는 여성결혼이민자의 학부모 역량강화를 위하여 다문화가정의 교육의 주체인 여성결혼이민자들에게 자녀교육에 필요한 시기별 한국어 교육과 자녀학습지도 방안을 제시하였다. 현재 다문화지원센터에서 시행되고 있는 한국어교육 프로그램은 일상생활에 필요한 한국어 회화 위주의 수업으로 구성되어 있어 중ㆍ상급 이상의 여성결혼이민지들에게는 비효율적이다. 이에 현행 한국어교육 프로그램은 여성결혼이민자들이 자녀들의 학업수행의 조력자 역할을 충분히 이행할 수 있도록 편성되어야 한다. 유아기 자녀를 둔 여성결혼이민자 학부모의 한국어 지도방안은 단순한 듣기ㆍ말하기ㆍ읽기ㆍ쓰기 교육이 아니라 초등학교 학부모 역할을 할 수 있도록 연계 교육이 필요하며, 한국어 수업은 문장에 알맞은 조사나 어미, 단어를 넣는 형태의 기존 교수법보다는 상황에 대한 전문ㆍ심화된 배경지식에 대한 설명과 ‘접속부사 교육’, ‘의성어ㆍ의태어 교육’ 등이 필요하다. 학령기 자녀를 둔 여성결혼이민자 학부모의 한국어 교육은 ‘독후감 쓰기’, ‘현장체험활동보고서 작성’, ‘가족신문 만들기’ 등 교과 활동과 연계하여 실질적으로 자녀학습활동에 조력자 역할을 할 수 있는 형태로 실시되어야 한다. Korean classes for the female immigrants has focused on daily conversation until now. It is time to upgrade classes for them because they have lived in Korea for over 10 years, and then they have higher level of speaking Korean. It is necessary for them to be qualified as parents who can help their children to study well in school. To prove this necessity, interview with female immigrants were done. The results from survey is as follow: New methods for higher level of students need to develop diverse ways of education by using primary Korean textbook as well as essential vocabularies which serve to the parents’ role for their children. In other words, they need comprehensive classes including onomatopoeicㆍmimetic words class, conjuction class, folk tale class, and culture class. These methods were actually applied to the higher level of female immigrants and succeeded in encouraging participation. This study suggests practical methods avaliable for women marriage immigrants so that they can apply these tips when teaching their children by dividing ‘education period’ into the ‘pre school’ and ‘school age’.

      • KCI등재

        지리정보시스템(GIS)을 활용한 지명 어휘 데이터베이스의 한 모색

        심보경(Shim Bo-Kyung) 한국언어문학회 2003 한국언어문학 Vol.51 No.-

        This research is aimed at surveying the nature of indigenous place names in kang won do yongseo area by availing of GIS, based on the data collected drawing up a map, and resulting in establishing place name data of kang won do area. Place name is a proper noun created in relevance with human beings and lands their living space, and a lingual treasure characteristic of conservativeness and transmission. Place names such as valley, town, peak, rice field, wild field were made by the common thoughts of inhabitants residing in the specific area, generated, developed, and terminated or inherited in their lives. Consequently, in the place names remain the history and inherent culture of the specific area, archaic words and dialects as it was. Since Place name is a sub-unit constituting a language, place names in kangwondo are local words featuring the cultural identity of the area in kangwondo. In the aspect of Korean linguistics, the research of place names is dedicated to building up the fundamental structure as well as further paving the way to study vocabularies of Korean, and the history of Korean linguistics. This research is intended to present, materialize the system of place names in efforts to recognize the significance of place name and map, trace the origin and location informed by the natives and mark newly 0updated place name in the map. Accordingly this research is an achievement going one step beyond the existing ones. Analyzing the nature of place name through GIS, as the existing and the newly updated place name can be compared remarkably, facilitates the grasp of the characteristics. Especially, the process of drawing up detailed place name by utilizing GIS reveal the correlation of places and place names actually, the spread of language development, eventually cause to be efficient in building up database.

      • KCI등재후보

        대학생 글쓰기 오류유형과 글쓰기 멘토 대면 첨삭지도 만족도 연구

        심보경(Bo-Kyung Shim),심희정(Hee-Jeong Shim) 한국중원언어학회 2012 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.22

        The purpose of this paper is to analyse the writing error type of university students and is to propose satisfaction of the face to face correction of the manuscript in order to carry writing in Hallym University Humanities student’s class 〈Thinking and Expression〉 and analyse the actual error type. In the result of this analysis, there ordered ‘Sentence error’ > ‘Spelling’ > ‘Paragraph error’, for details, ‘Sentence error’ is Postposition/ending error, ‘Spelling’ is Spacing and ‘Paragraph error’ is Superfluous sub-themes. Through this analysis of error type, we check it out satisfaction of the face to face correction of the manuscript to improve university student’s writing problem. In the result of satisfaction for mentor and mentee, they are gratified with the result of writing improvement. I expect there will be steady effort to develop an effective way to teach writhing through face to face correction with the help of the above mentioned face to face correction of the manuscript.

      • KCI등재

        대학 교양교육에서 리버럴아츠 강좌 운영의 의의 - 삶의 큰 질문: 인생(B.Q.L:LIFE) 강의를 중심으로

        심보경(Bo-Kyung Shim) 한국중원언어학회 2020 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.55

        In this paper, we presented the case of operation of a course, namely the "Big Question of Life: Life", developed by Hallym University"s Innovation Course of Liberal Arts, and examined the significance of the Learner-centered Liberal Arts course. This course is a topic-oriented literacy course such as "Life", "Love", "Enjoy". It is designed to grow into a mature university through the process of self-discipline, reading and discussing classical text, and digital literacy-based hypertexts in humanities, social science, and natural science with the key questions that can provide certain insight into the nature of life. Reading Classics-Literacy-Based Texts, Applying Digital Literacy-Based Hypertexts, Discussing of Collective Intelligence on Life Questions, and Writing My Life Record Project, which were used as key devices in "Big Questions: Life" lectures, were found to have educational effects in university liberal arts education.

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