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        모유수유 결정 관련요인에 관한 연구

        신희선,전미양,Shin Hee Sun,Jeon Mi Yang 한국아동간호학회 1996 Child Health Nursing Research Vol.2 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine the knowledge and attitude of breast feeding and to explore the predictive variables for the intention of breast feeding of mothers. One hundred and thirty-five mothers who delivered at the D University hospital during the period of May to June in 1996 comprised the sample. Data were collected by questionnaire methods before discharge at the hospital. Data were analyzed using percent, 1-test, and logistic regression. The results were as follows : 1. During their pregnancy, majority of mothers (74.8%) got the breast feeding information. Information sources were book (34.5%), family and relatives(32.4%), mass media(24.3%), and professionals such as nurses and doctors (8.8% ). The frequently reported sources of most encouragement for breast feeding were mother in law(20.7%) and baby's father (11.1% ). 2. The mean score of the items of Knowledge and Attitude toward Breast Feeding Scale were 42.56 (SD=5.47) and 39.07(SD=5.15) , representing positive attitude toward breast feeding. The correlation between knowledge and attitude score was significant(r 〓.54, p<.001). Knowledge of breast feeding were significantly different between breast feeding intention group (including partial breast feeding) and artificial feeding intention group(t=2.79, p<.01) 3. Logistic regression analysis revealed that feeding method in the hospital, delivery type, knowledge toward breast feeding, disease related to pregnancy, complication related to delivery, and educational level of mother were predictives of the intention of breast feeding. 4. The most frequently rated reasons for the plan for mixed feeding were concern about insufficient milk (37.9%) and work(27.6%), The major reasons for plan for artificial milk feeding were having premature baby(25.9%) and maternal health problems including infection(14.8% ) and drug use due to chronic illness (14.8%). From the result of the study, it is recommended to develop supportive nursing intervention strategy to promote breast-feeding intention and practice. The intervention could be more effective to begin early in pregnancy and include teaching for breast feeding skills as well as information provision for positive attitude formation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        비영양 흡철의 미숙아 행동상태에 대한 효과

        신희선,Shin Hee Sun 한국아동간호학회 1998 Child Health Nursing Research Vol.4 No.2

        The purpose of study was to examine the effect of nonnutritive sucking(NNS) on behavioral state in preform infants. Fourteen infants (gestational age 28-35 weeks, M=31.86 ; birth weights 1095-2275g, M=1694g) admitted to NICU, serving as their controls were randomly administered 5 min of nonnutritive sucking and a control condition. Behavioral state was measured using the Anderson Behavioral State Scale(ABSS). Heart rates were obtained for each infant before and during NNS and bottle feeding. Data collecction was done by 3 experienced nurses in NICU 2 times a day for conseculive 4 days for each subject. Interrater reliability were .80-.90. The findings were as follows : 1. Preform infants averaged active restless states 58.93% in the prointervention phase and 27.32% in the NNS phase. Inactive awake states were 3.57% in the preintervention phase and 34.64% in the NNS phase. 2. There were significantly more positive changes to inactive awake states for the NNS intervention, Z=-2.35, p=.01. 3. There was no statistically significant difference in heart rate change between NNS intervention and control condition, z=-1.15, p=.24. 4. The rates of feeding success determined by finishing prescribed amount of milk by bottle feeding within 15 minutes were 83.94% in NNS intervention and 89.29% in control condition. The findings from this study confirmed that NNS is effective for behavioral state modulation and inducing optimal state for feeding in preform infant. The NNS intervention in nursing practice may help the transition of preform infants for nipple feeding.

      • KCI등재후보

        멘토링을 통한 대학생 글쓰기 지도 사례연구

        신희선 ( Shin Hee-sun ) 한국작문학회 2010 작문연구 Vol.0 No.11

        글쓰기 교육은 수업과정에서 지식이나 원리를 전달해주는 방식이 아니라, 학생들의 개인적인 수준을 고려하여 맞춤식으로 개별 지도가 이루어져야 효과가 있다는 것은 누구나 아는 일이다. 또한 글쓰기 과제를 단순히 첨삭해주는 차원이 아니라 무엇보다도 학생들 자신이 글쓰기 능력을 향상시키고자 하는 배움의 동기를 형성해주는 것이 더욱 중요하다. 이에 학생들이 바람직한 글쓰기 태도를 갖고 스스로 자신의 성장과 발전을 위해 글쓰기 과정을 즐길 수 있도록 긍정적인 피드백을 제공하고 강화작용을 해주는 교수자의 역할은 의미가 크다고 할 것이다. 이러한 점에서 멘토링은 학생들을 집중적으로 관리, 지도, 조언함으로써 실력 향상을 유도하는 교육 방법이자 효과적인 인재육성 전략이다. 이에 본 연구자가 교과외 활동으로 10여명의 대학생들에게 1년 동안 매주 진행하고 있는 <리더십포럼>이라는 멘토링 프로그램의 실증적인 사례연구를 통해 학생들의 글쓰기능력을 향상시키는 여러 방법들에 대해 고찰해 보았다. 현재 멘티들은 매주 정치, 경제, 사회, 국제, 여성 분야의 이슈 가운데 자율적으로 분야별로 1개씩 주제를 선정하여 발제문을 작성하고 함께 토론하며 글쓰는 과정을 지속적으로 경험함으로써 의사소통능력을 키워가고 있다. 이 사례를 통해 다음과 같은 시사점을 얻을 수 있을 것이다. 무엇보다 글쓰기 능력은 문제를 인식하고 관련 자료를 읽고 생각하고 쓰고, 발표하고 토론하는 의사소통 전반적인 과정을 통해 자연스레 키워지는 것이기에 단편적으로 작문만을 지도하는 것이 아니라 각 영역에 대한 훈련을 할 수 있는 통합적인 교육과정이 필요하다. 둘째, 글쓰기와 연계된 프로그램이나 다양한 기회를 제공함으로써 학생들 스스로 글쓰기의 필요성을 인식하고 성취를 통해 자기발전의 계기를 삼도록 동기를 부여하는 것이 중요하다. 셋째 멘티인 학생들의 문제의식이나 의견을 존중하여 이를 바탕으로 글쓰기 모니터링과 지도가 이루어져야 하고 무엇보다 긍정적인 피드백을 통해 의욕을 고취시켜야 한다. 또한 멘토링 활동 이후에도 지속적인 관계를 유지하여 학생들의 글쓰기 능력을 개발해 갈 수 있도록 적극 지원해 주는 노력이 필요하다. Everybody knows the writing education could be effective when students are taught not by the education course just delivers knowledges or principles but by the individualized instruction considers their personal level. Furthermore, motivating students to improve their own writing capability is much more important than just correcting their writing assignment. Thus, teacher's role of offering positive feedback and reinforcement action to students is very important to have them take desirable writing attitude and enjoy the writing course for their own growth and development. In this sense, mentoring is an effective strategy and education method of cultivating talented personnel by the techniques of intensive management, instruction, and advice. Thus, I have thought about the correlation between mentoring and writing capability through an empirical case study of "Leadership Forum" which is a one year weekly outside of academic program for 10 university students. In every week, students voluntarily choose one of topics of political, economic, social, international, and women-related issues, and then they improve their communication capabilities by continuous experience about the procedures of making statements and discussing. Through this case study, I found: First, integrated education and overall training for communication is important because writing capability is naturally enhanced not just by instruction of fragmentary writing skills but by the course of recognizing, reading, and thinking issues and writing, presenting, and discussing those. Second, by offering various opportunities or writing programs, it is necessary to motivate students so that they recognize the necessity of writing and regard it as their self-development chances. Third, Writing monitoring and instruction must be done by respecting students' critical mind and their opinions, and offering positive feedback to mentee is also important. And, supporting students by keeping relationship with them is necessary to develop their further writing capabilities, even mentoring activity is terminated.

      • KCI등재

        ‘환경에 대한 성찰’을 주제로 한 대학 글쓰기교육 사례연구

        신희선(Shin, Hee-Sun) 문학과환경학회 2016 문학과 환경 Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구는 ‘환경에 대한 성찰’을 주제로 한 대학 글쓰기 수업 사례를 통해 학생들의 생태문제에 대한 인식을 제고하고 사고와 표현능력을 함양하는데 있어 교육적 효과가 있음을 분석하였다. 환경운동의 고전인 레이첼 카슨의『침묵의 봄』을 읽고 자신의 생각을 글로 쓰는 과정에서, 학생들의 관심을 이끌어내고 글의 콘텐츠를 강화할 수 있도록 다양한 텍스트를 어떻게 해석하고 접근했는지를 중심으로 논의를 전개하였다. 본 연구 결과가 환경교육과 글쓰기 교육에 시사하는 함의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대학 글쓰기 수업은 관심 주제를 설정하여 독립적인 읽기-쓰기 모듈을 구성하여 운영할 필요가 있다. 텍스트를 읽고 생각을 나누고 글로 써보고 피드백을 받는 과정이 하나의 모듈 속에서 순환되고 반복적으로 진행되는 것이 중요하다. 둘째, 학생들의 사고력과 표현력을 키워주기 위해서는 교육과정을 통해 글쓰기 주제와 관련하여 다양한 텍스트들을 융합시키는 것이다. ‘환경’을 주제로 한 3주 모듈의 경우 이 분야의 고전인 『침묵의 봄』을 통해 저자의 문제의식과 만나고, 해당 주제를 탐색할 수 있도록 시, 만화, 노래, 동영상 자료 등 다양한 텍스트를 접목함으로써 학생들이 생각을 확장해 가도록 자극하였다. 셋째 생태교육이나 환경교육을 기획하고 진행할 때 글쓰기 과정을 포함하는 것이 효과적이라는 점이다. 글쓰기는 숙고와 성찰의 기회를 제공한다는 점에서 학생들이 환경에 대해 보다 심도 있는 문제의식을 갖고 일상에서 실천하는 태도를 이끌어내는데 중요한 기회를 제공한다는 것이다. 본 연구를 통해 학생들이 글을 쓰는 과정에서 생태학적 고민과 환경에 대한 문제의식이 심화되고 있음을 발견할 수 있었다. ‘환경’을 주제로 한 대학 글쓰기교육을 다룬 본 사례연구가 향후 생태교육을 하는데 기초적인 자료로써 활용되고, 또한 글쓰기 수업에서 환경을 주제로 하는 읽기-쓰기 교육모듈을 구성하는데 유용성을 갖길 기대한다. 미래 세대를 위한 교육과정에서 환경과 생태교육은 비중 있게 다루어져야 하는 시대가 되고 있다. 그런 점에서 학생들이 글쓰기를 배우면서 자연스럽게 생태주의에 눈 뜨는 계기를 제공했다는 점에서 ‘환경’을 주제로 한 대학글쓰기 교육은 의미가 있었다. This research paper analyzed educational effects of the writing education in enhancing students’ consciousness on ecological problems and in cultivating their writing abilities through class case studies, which has a subject of introspection on the environment, showing how they utilized related texts in doing so. During the process of reading Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, a classic book of environmental movement, and writing their thinking, discussions have focused on how students interpret and approach the texts, aiming to derive their interests and to strengthen the contents. The implications of this research on environment education and writing education are as follows. First, university’s writing class needs to be operated in configuring independent reading and writing module, setting up interesting topics. Circulation and repetition of the procedures of book reading, idea sharing, writing, and a feedback in a module is important. Second, concerning writing topics, throughout the educational process, various texts need be conflated to cultivate students’ thinking and expressing ability. In the three weeks’ module with the topic of “Environment”, students could recognize author’s critical mind through the classic book “Silent Spring”, and were motivated to expand their scope of thinking to search the subject, connected with various texts like poem, cartoons, music, and video clips. Third, including writing process in organizing and executing ecological education and/or environmental education is effective. In terms of offering the chances of introspection and contemplation to students, the writing offers important opportunities in deriving their manners of practice on the environment with their deep critical minds on it. This research could find students’ ecological concerns and critical minds on the environment are intensified during the process of writing. I hope this case study which is handling university’s writing education, with a subject of “environment”, can be utilized for ecological education as a basic material, and I also expect the effectiveness of this study in reconfiguring the educational module of reading and writing during the class activities which handles environmental topics. The era has been coming when ecological education should be handled importantly during the educational process for future generation. In that point, university’s writing education with a subject of environment is meaningful in making chances that students naturally recognize ecology as they learn the writing.

      • KCI등재

        성평등 윤리의식 함양을 위한 대학 교양교과 운영사례 연구

        신희선 ( Shin Hee-sun ) 한국윤리학회(구 한국국민윤리학회) 2019 倫理硏究 Vol.124 No.1

        본 논문은 대학 교양교과로 신설된 <젠더로 읽는 여성>의 수업 사례연구다. 여성 혐오가 불거지고 있는 한국 사회에서 학생들의 비판적 사고, 문제해결력, 의사소통능력, 시민윤리 역량을 개발하고자 마련된 이 수업은 여성학과 사고와 표현 교육을 결합하여 운영되었다. 모듈별로 진행된 수업과정에서 학생들은 한국사회에서의 성불평등 문제를 인식하는 젠더적 시각과, 더불어 살아가는 공동체에서의 시민의식의 중요성을 보여주었다. 이에 학생들의 강의평가 결과를 분석하며 향후 윤리교육에의 시사점을 제시하였다. <젠더로 읽는 여성> 수업은 ‘여성과 가정’, ‘여성과 경제’, ‘여성과 역사’라는 세 주제를 한 모듈로 운영하였다. 1주는 독서토론, 2주는 영화 텍스트 및 이슈분석, 3주는 현장체험 및 인터뷰, 4주는 ‘앵커브리핑’ 방식의 발표와 칼럼 글쓰기로 구성되었고, 매주 협동학습 형태로 발표와 토론, 피드백 과정을 통해 진행되었다. 학생들은 서로의 생각과 경험을 공유하는 참여형 수업환경에서 성불평등 문제에 대해 성찰하며 젠더의식을 형성하였고, 다양한 주제로 사회적 관심을 확장하였다. 혐오문제가 심각한 현재 상황에서 <젠더로 읽는 여성> 수업을 통해 발견한 교육적 함의는 성평등 윤리 교육을 설계하는데 있어 주목할 여지가 있다. This research paper is a case study about the class of “Women Read by Gender”, which was newly operated as a liberal arts education. Under the situation of rising misogyny in the Korean society, the class which was designed to cultivate students’ capabilities of critical thinking, problem solving, communication skill, and civic ethics was co-operated with the educations of “women’s studies” and “thinking and expression”. During class activities operated by modules, students showed the importance of civic ethics and gender perspective, which enables them recognize gender inequality in the Korean society. This paper also suggests some implications of future ethics education by analyzing their course evaluations. The class of “Women Read by Gender” was operated as one module combining three subjects “Women and Household”, “Women and Labor”, and “Women and History”. Book discussion in the 1st week, analyzation of cinema text and issue in the 2nd week, field study and interview in the 3rd week, and in the 4th week, presentation and column writing by the way of anchor briefing were done during the class activities, and as cooperative learning every week, the course operated by presentation, debate, and feedback procedures. Through class participation, students could build up gender consciousness by sharing their thinking and experiences each other and by reflecting on gender inequality, and it became an opportunity for them could expand their social interests with various topics. Under the situation of serious misogyny, the educational implications found by the class of “Women Read by Gender” suggest important meanings in future ethics education.

      • KCI등재

        개별 논문 : NIE를 적용한 대학 읽기교육에서 RSW 사례연구

        신희선 ( Hee Sun Shin ) 한국독서학회 2008 독서연구 Vol.0 No.20

        학생들의‘읽기’능력은 의사소통능력의 기본 토대가 된다. 학교 현장에서 이루어지는 다양한 신문활용 수업의 방법들을 살펴보면서 특히 대학생들의 읽기 능력을 향상시키기 위해 고전읽기 수업에서 활용하였던 RSW 사례를 소개하였다. 고전과 함께 신문을 연결하여 읽고 주제를 잡아 토론한내용을 바탕으로 쓰기를 결합한 읽기교육이 이루어지도록 하였다. 학습 자료는 기본적으로 수업방법과 내용에 중요하게 영향을 미친다는 측면에서 신문을 활용하여 수업을 이끌 경우 학생들의 읽기에 대한 동기를 유발하고 능력에 맞추어 단계적인 학습지도가 가능하다는 장점이 있음에 주목하였다. 특히 대학 읽기교육에서 NIE를 적용할 경우 교재에 실린 중요한 개념을 구체적인 현실문제와 연결지어 폭넓게 이해하는 차원에서부터, 문제를 발견하고 이를 해결하기 위해 다양한 자료들을 비판적으로 읽고 평가하며 자신의 사고로 재구성하는 고급 차원에 이르기까지 다양한 층위의 수준별 읽기 교육이 가능하다는 점이다. 이처럼NIE를 읽기 수업에 적용하여RSW의 방법을 취할 경우 신문 기사 및 관련 자료를 분석적, 비판적으로 읽으면서 사고하고, 상호 토론하면서, 글로 표현하는 학습과정을 통해 학생들은‘무엇에’관한 내용인가, ‘왜’ 그렇게 되었는가, ‘어떻게’ 설명하고 나아가야 한다고 주장하는가를 스스로 파악하면서 다양한 의견을 종합하는 의사소통능력을 키워가게 될 것이다. Students` reading ability provides the foundation for communication skill. Looking at various academic classes utilizing newspapers, this study, in order to improve students` reading ability, suggests some examples of discussion class utilizing newspapers which was also used in the Classics Reading Class. Based on the fact that course materials could significantly affect the teaching method and its contents, if we could utilize newspapers as discussion materials, this would motivate students to read them and also lead a teacher to teach students stage by stage, considering their ability. Through this course, various steps of education might be available for students, and they would be interested in reading, having perception for facts as well as important concepts in the course material. They could start from the basic level that find out and understand relevant materials in the newspapers to the high level that reorganize their own thinking, finding out problems as well as reading various articles to analytically figure out those. That is to say, this learning procedure enables students analytically and critically to read articles and debate each other, so students could make their own opinions about what, why, and how these things happened or related, and how did the author argue or explain for what. Therefore, utilizing newspapers as teaching materials during the reading class could be useful based on the fact that students could improve their comprehensive communication skills by thinking, discussing, and writing while reading articles or newspapers.

      • KCI등재

        의사소통교육으로서의 '토론대회' 사례 연구 : 숙명여대 교육경험을 중심으로

        신희선(Shin Hee-sun) 국어교육학회 2012 국어교육연구 Vol.50 No.-

        Speech and debate class become one of important parts of university's communication education. As a teaching-learning method, debate is highly regarded in terms of cultivating students' abilities of self-initiated learning, critical thinking, and logical reasoning. Debate education can naturally promote students' thinking and communication skills by invigorating the process of their reading, writing, listening, thinking, and talking. This research confirms following educational effects, examining one university's debate contest case which is linked with "presentation and debate" class. Above all, this research finds out that the debate contest can offer students opportunities of cultivating their thoughtful thinking ability and developing their learning ability like searching, analyzing, and restructuring of data. Debate contest also becomes an actual place where students can form their critical mind and exercise their public speech by attracting them into real issues of community and society. Like this, the debate contest offers students an important educational opportunity of developing their communication ability. Through written interviews with students who were attending the debate contest, this research empirically confirms that students could gradually upgrade their communication ability, passing through phases like writing, interviewing, and real discussing, which are required in the preparation of the debate contest. Through the debate contest, students can develop their communication and leadership ability as well as learning ability, which is essential in the university, by the process of learning, collecting, organizing various fields' knowledge and information that are related with discussion topics. In conclusion, besides debate education, combining communication education with an out of school activity like the debate contest is meaningful in terms of providing opportunities about students can express and share their thinking. In addition, this paper mentions that continuous coaching and/or the role of instructor are important in communication education, which is really helpful for students in the preparation of debate contest or after the contest, and also points out that an effort to expansion of debate education effects to the base is necessary by promoting mutual exchange among universities' debate clubs. Through this case study, this research paper could find out an important educational implication that students can improve their intrinsic learning motive and boost their confidence by experiencing open and positive learning process through the debate contest.

      • KCI등재

        인문학적 소통을 위한 교수법으로서 코칭을 활용한 대학 교양교육 사례연구

        신희선(Hee-Sun Shin) 순천향대학교 인문학연구소 2012 순천향 인문과학논총 Vol.31 No.1

        본 논문은 대학 교양교육에서 코칭의 교수법이 학생들에게 어떤 교육적 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴본 사례연구다. 학생들의 인문학적 성찰 능력과 리더십, 의사소통 역량을 개발하고자 한 수업목표를 효과적으로 구현하기 위해 교수자의 코칭의 필요성에 주목하였다. 학생들이 공동체의 문제에 대해 탐구하는 자세를 키우고 자신의 생각을 정리하며 능동적으로 표현하는 능력을 키워가는 교육과정에서, 경청, 질문, 긍정적인 피드백과 같은 교수 코칭의 방법이 학생들에게 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보면서 교육적 함의를 논의하였다. 특히 학생들의 학습 반응을 객관적으로 살펴보기 위한 기초자료로서 학교 본부가 익명으로 진행한 강의평가와 이메일 내용을 질적 분석하여 코칭의 교육적 효과를 고찰하였다. 결과적으로 교수자의 코칭은 피코치인 학생들의 자기성찰 과정을 도움으로써 교수자와 학습자간에 상호 소통을 활성화하고 교육내용을 내면화하는 데 있어 그 의미가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 즉 코칭은 수업공동체의 교육 목표를 공유하고 학습성과를 이끄는 상호 소통하는 교수학습과정을 유도함으로써, 학생들의 능동적인 참여와 잠재능력을 개발하는 교수방법이 될 수 있음을 확인하였다. 학생들의 인문학적 성찰과 소통을 목적으로 하는 교양교육 현장에서 코칭은 새로운 활기를 불어넣어 주는 교수법으로서 그 의의가 있다. This research paper is an empirical case study regarding techniques utilized on liberal arts education that could materialize instructional objectives of developing students' humanistic introspection, leadership, and communication ability. This paper points out the importance of the professor's coaching role of encouraging students' activities in the education course where students introspect community issues, bring up their inquiring minds, organize their thinking, and cultivate the faculty of expressing themselves. Through the analysis of anonymous course evaluations by school HQ and contents of students' emails, this paper also examines a correlation on how specific coaching techniques like listening, questioning, and positive feedback affect students and how these techniques draw students' learning responses. In conclusion, this paper points out that coaching could vitalize the process-based instruction, which teachers and learners communicate each other, by helping students' introspection process. In order to share learning objectives and derive performance from the class, coaching can be an important method in leading students' class activities of which students can internalize positive learning effects, by a virtuous cycle of the teaching-learning process: questioning, listening, communicating, and giving a specific feedback. In terms of giving a motive, students can lead their lives more maturely, while actively participating in class activities. Coaching can be an effective teaching method that stimulates Liberal Arts Education while aiming at humanistic introspection and communication.

      • KCI등재

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