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        시각디자인 자격제도의 선진국 사례 연구

        신준용(Jun Yong Shin) 한국디자인문화학회 2012 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        디자인교육을 통해 길러진 우수 인재들이 그들의 자질과 역량에 대한 사회적 신뢰가 생길 수 있도록 검증해주는 국가차원의 유일한 인증제도인 디자인자격제도가 존재함에도 불구하고 시험의 시행 및 자격관리 등 많은 부분에서 문제점이 있어 관련 제도의 개선이 꼭 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 시각디자인 자격제도에 초점을 맞추어 문제를 파악하고 제도개선에 보탬이 될 수 있도록주요 국가차원 관리, 시각디자인 국가자격제도의 존재,자격수여 기관, 검정방식 및 사회적 활용도 등 주요선진국의 사례고찰을 통해 우리 제도에 원용가능한 시사점이 무엇인지를 고찰해보고자 한다.연구방법은 선행연구와 자료를 통해 국내외 자격제도의 특징과 문제점을 파악하고, 각국 문화원을 방문해 해당 국가의 자격제도 중에 시각디자인자격의 존재여부 확인 및 관련자료 검색을 요청했다. 또한, 관련협회사이트, 유명 대학의 안내담당자 등을 통해 자료를 모았고 끝으로, 시각디자인 산업기사와 기사시험에 직접 응시함으로써 실질적인 문제인식을 갖게 되었다.4개국의 선진사례를 통한 시사점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학위와 자격을 중복 취득하지 않도록 설계해 개인과 사회적 역량의 낭비를 막고 있다. 둘째, 현장중심의 교육을 통해 자격을 취득하도록 되어 있다. 셋째,시대변화를 반영하려는 노력이 엿보인다. 빠르고 복잡하게 발전하는 사회 속에서 기업, 단체,학생들의 직업요구도 다양해지는 만큼 새로운 자격들이 생성·소멸할 것이다. 이러한 흐름에 뒤떨어지지않도록 해외 발전사례들을 우리에 맞게 원용한 자격제도의 재설계가 반드시 필요하다. Whereas there is the qualification system of design in Korea, the only validation program at national level which verifies outstanding individuals cultivated by design education in order to create social trust in their qualifications and capacities, it is urgently necessary to improve the program as crucial problems occur, for instance, with the execution of the tests and the management of the licenses. The present study, focused on the qualification systems of visual design, aims to grasp its problems and contribute to its improvement by drawing implications applicable to Korean system from a case study on the relevant systems of main advanced countries with regards to the management of qualification systems by nation, the presence of national qualification systems, the organization conferring certificates, the methods of qualification tests, and the social applicability. In terms of methodology, having apprehended the features and problems of domestic and overseas qualification systems through precedent studies, I visited culture centers and made a request for affirming the existence of qualifications for visual design in each country and searching related materials. In addition, I have collected data through the association`s homepage and with the help of officers at renowned universities. Finally, I myself have experienced several actual matters by taking industrial engineer and engineer tests. The implications drawn from the cases of four advanced countries are as follows: first, individual and social wastes should be reduced through a system which does not require both an academic degree and a profession qualification; second, a qualification can be obtained through field-based education; and third, a consistent effort to reflect periodical changes should be made. As companies, organization, and students seek for various jobs in this rapidly developing and complex society, a number of new qualifications are likely to appear and disappear. In order not be left behind this current, it is highly necessary to redesign a qualification system to which the advanced foreign cases are applied in accordance with our environment.

      • KCI등재

        정구의 Forehand Stroke 의 운동역학적 분석

        신준용(Jun Yong Shin),김창범(Chang Bum Kim) 한국사회체육학회 2001 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.16 No.-

        This study purposes to analyze kinetically, through a three-dimensional visual analysis of stroke movement of soft tennis players, stroke time, the change in the center of gravity, joint angle, segment velocity, racket velocity and momentum. The results are as follows: 1. The stroke time in both strokerecorded the shortest in the order of the third phase, the second phase, and the first phase sect. 2. In the foreward and backward change of center of gravity in stroke, the center of gravity moved furthest to the front at the moment of impact in second sect, the back swing. 3. The swing angle varied among the subjects. This result indicates that the subjects with narrower swing angle make their swings with the ball at a close distance from their center of gravity to increase accuracy and balance. On the other hand, the subjects with wider angle increase their racket velocity to make a stronger swing. 4. The velocity of segment in stroke increased fast between before the impact and after. 5. The maximum racket velocity and momentum recorded the highest right after the impact in all subjects except the S3.

      • 장애 학생을 위한 성교육 활성화 연구 : 지적장애 학생을 중심으로

        신준용(Shin Jun yong),최재원(Choi Jae won) 한국장애인재단 2021 장애의 재해석 Vol.2021 No.-

        본 논문은 지적장애인을 수동적이고 무성(無性)의 존재, 또는 성에 집착하는 존재로 바라보는 사회의 편견을 고찰하고 이를 바로잡기 위해 연구를 설계하게 되었으며, 구체적인 내용으로는 지적장애 학생을 위한 성교육 활성화 방안을 제시해 보고자 연구를 계획하였다. 지적장애 학생의 성과 관련된 국내문헌 분석, 설문조사, 관련 종사자 면담 등의 연구 방법을 중심으로 ① 장애학생과 비장애 학생의 성교육 자료 분석, ② 지적장애 학생의 성교육 요구, ③ 지적장애 학생의 성 고정관념에 관한 내용을 알아보고자 하였다. 연구를 통해 얻게 된 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 장애 학생, 비장애 학생의 성교육 자료에는 공통점과 차이점을 발견할 수 있었다. 둘째, 지적장애 학생에게 적합한 성교육 요구(내용 및 방법)를 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 지적장애 학생에 대한 비장애인의 성 고정관념을 확인할 수 있었다. 결론 : 성적 주체자로서 지적장애 학생을 바라보며, 보편적 학습설계(UDL) 이론에 근거하여 장애 학생, 비장애 학생의 경계를 두지 않는 ‘모든 학생’을 중심으로 하는 성교육 활성화 방안을 제시하고 있다는 점에서 큰 의의가 있다. 본 연구를 포함하여 다양한 연구를 통해 지적장애 학생 성교육의 진보를 기대해 본다. This thesis was designed to examine and correct the society"s prejudice that views people with intellectual disabilities as passive and asexual or sexually obsessive. This study was planned to suggest a plan to revitalize sex education for students. Focusing on research methods such as domestic literature analysis, survey, and interview with related workers related to the sexuality of students with intellectual disabilities ①Analysis of sex education data for students with disabilities and non-disabled students, ②Requests for sex education for students with intellectual disabilities, ③Sexuality of students with intellectual disabilities The purpose of this study was to investigate the contents of stereotypes. The results obtained through the study are as follows. First, similarities and differences were found in the sex education data of students with disabilities and non-disabled students. Second, it was possible to find out the needs (contents and methods) of sex education suitable for students with intellectual disabilities. Third, it was possible to confirm the gender stereotypes of non-disabled students with respect to students with intellectual disabilities. It is of great significance in that it presents a plan to revitalize sex education centered on ‘all students’ that does not set boundaries between students with disabilities and non-disabled students based on the universal learning design (UDL) theory, looking at students with intellectual disabilities as a sexual subject. there is Through various studies including this study, we expect the progress of sexual education for students with intellectual disabilities.

      • KCI등재

        소재와 문양분석을 통한 사이버쇼핑몰의 전통문화상품 디자인 특성 고찰

        신준용 ( Shin Jun Yong ),박영순 ( Park Young Soon ),정의철 ( Jung Eui-chul ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2011 한국디자인포럼 Vol.31 No.-

        본 연구는 구매자가 상품을 구매하는데 있어 가장 대중적이고 일반적인 상품판매처인 사이버쇼핑몰을 대상으로 대표적인 전통문화상품의 현황을 파악하고 상품의 소재와 문양의 표현방식에 있어 전통문화상품의 디자인 특성분석을 목적으로 한다. 과거에는 장식위주의 상품과 목재, 섬유재, 지재, 금속재, 초재, 석재, 토재에 이르는 다양한 소재들이 활용되었다면 현재의 상품들은 온라인의 특성상 휴대가 용이하고 트렌드 반영이 쉬운 실용적 상품위주로 변화되었는데 소재와 문양표현이 한정된 상품들이 주종을 이룬다. 사이버쇼핑몰의 특성상 구매자가 선호하는 검증된 상품들에 한해서는 구색을 갖출 필요성이 있으므로 다변화·다양화를 위해 전통소재와 전통문양을 분석·응용한 현대적인 디자인 시도가 이뤄져야 한다. 특히, 소프트한 구조재를 가진 상품과 패션악세사리, 사이즈가 작은 상품의 경우는 트렌드를 적용한 상품개발이 용이한 품목이므로 시대적 요구를 바로 구현하는 사이버쇼핑몰의 특성을 이용하여 실용적· 감각적인 전통 상품군을 개발, 발전시켜야 한다. This study aims to describe how classes of traditional cultural goods have changed over the last ten years and to analyze the design characteristics of those goods, especially based upon the data collected from the online shopping malls because they are the most popular and common shopping attractions for purchasers. A study conducted in 2001 had focused on decoration products traded in offline markets and varied in raw materials: wood, textile, paper, metal, grass, and soil. On the contrary, this paper is dedicated to commodities which, as traded online, become to have portable and practical characteristics reflecting the current fashion, and most of them turn out to be limited in materials and patterns. The comparison shows that a modern type of design should be attempted to satisfy the needs of differentiation and variation by analyzing and applying the traditional materials and patterns because online shopping malls need to provide assortment to customers with regard to goods preferred and selected with care. Specifically, the goods that are small-sized ones, fashion accessories, and products with soft materials need to be developed in the practical and sensual ways, because they are easy to be crafted to reflect the trends and the operational features of online shopping malls which are good at realizing the trends.

      • KCI등재

        COVID-19 상황에서 원격수업에 대한 기술융합 공업계 대학의 교수자와 학습자 인식 고찰

        문병구,지명석,신준용,Moon, Byung-Koo,Jie, Myoung-Seok,Shin, Jun-Yong 중소기업융합학회 2021 융합정보논문지 Vol.11 No.10

        본 연구는 코로나19로 인한 대학의 원격수업이 장기화하고 교수자와 학습자의 어려움이 계속됨에 따라, 여러 기술이 결합 된 기술융합 부문 공업계 대학 교수자와 학습자의 인식 파악을 통하여 개선 방안을 도출하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 2020학년도 2학기 종료 시기에 자동차 계열 교수와 학생들을 대상으로 온라인 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사 분석 결과, 교수와 학생은 온라인 수업의 장점 측면에 대해서는 시공간의 자유로움, 반복 학습 가능, 재활용 등 유사한 인식을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 애로사항 측면에서는 학생은 현장감 부족으로 학습몰입 떨어짐을, 교수와 학생 모두는 상호작용의 어려움을 상대적으로 크게 느끼는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 기복이 있는 코로나 상황과 코로나 이후 공업계 대학의 온라인 교육에 대하여 대학 정책지원에 관한 제언과 기본자료를 마련한다는 의의가 있다. This study tried to derive improvement measures by identifying the perceptions of industrial college instructors and learners in the technology convergence sector, where various technologies are combined, as distance education at colleges are prolonged due to COVID-19 and difficulties for instructors and learners continue. To this end, an online survey was conducted on automobile professors and students at the end of the second semester of 2020. As a result of the survey analysis, it was found that professors and students had similar perceptions about the advantages of online classes, such as freedom of time and space, repeatable learning, and recycling. In terms of difficulties, it was found that students felt a decrease in learning immersion due to a lack of sense of presence, and both professors and students felt the difficulty of interaction relatively large. This study is meaningful in that it prepares suggestions and basic data on college policy support for online education at industrial colleges during and after COVID-19.

      • KCI등재후보

        배구 우수선수와 비우수선수간의 오픈 스파이크 동작의 비교 분석

        김창범,김영석,신준용,Kim, Chang-Bum,Kim, Young-Suk,Shin, Jun-Yong 한국운동역학회 2003 한국운동역학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        This study aims at finding the structure of spike technique by analysing comparatively the spike action by excellent and by non-excellent players throughout the section from a flying jump to the time of landing for the correct analysis of spike action and tries to help athletes and coaches to execute a scientific training. For the objected person of this study, six of H College athletes three of excellent athletes and three of non-excellent athletes, presently registered as athlete with the Korea Volleyball federation) were chosen, and the factors of analysis were analysed upon performance time of action by section, human body centered displacement, change of articulation angle, speed change of articulation of the upper limbs, uniformity of the articulation of the upper limbs upon impact, etc. The conclusion of this study is as follow: 1. In the time required for taking action, it shows to take $1.067{\pm}0.057$ seconds for the group of excellent athletes and $1.034{\pm}0.033$ seconds for the group of non-excellent athletes. Although there was not big difference between two groups in the performance time of action, it showed that the group of excellent athletes takes longer compared to the group of non-excellent athletes. And it was found by the result of this study that the group of excellent athletes stays longer in the duration of flight. 2. In the displacements of horizontal movement and vertical movement, it was found that the group of excellent athletes have moved more than the group of non-excellent athletes in the horizontal movement of the center of human body 3. In the angles of wrist and knee, it was found that the excellent athletes have shown little than the non-excellent athletes in the entire sections, but that in the angle of elbow, the non-excellent athletes have shown bigger than the excellent athletes.. 4. In the speed of the articulation of the upper limbs upon impact, it was found that the group of excellent athletes have shown bigger than the group of non-excellent athletes, and that in the maximum value of the articulation of the upper limbs, the maximum value for the hand was indicated upon impact and that forearm and upper arm have shown the maximum value just before the impact. 5. In the uniformity of articulation of the upper limbs at the time of impact, the group of excellent athletes showed bigger than the group of non-excellent athletes in all the articulations.

      • KCI등재

        수중 복합 Training과 Detraining에 따른 보행시 노인들의 하지 협응 패턴 분석

        김현준(Hyeoun Jun Kim),신준용(Jun Yong Shin) 한국사회체육학회 2009 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.38

        This study is aimed to understand how aquatic complex training and detraining have an effect on the walking patterns closely related with fall. The researchers analyzed the factors of the coordination ability of the lower limbs among the elderly women whose ages are between 60 and 70s in C city, Chungbuk Province. Aquatic complex detraining(17 persons who had been interrupted the training for 4 weeks after mixed training in the water for 8 weeks) and training groups(20 persons who had been trained in the water for 12 weeks) were analyzed according to groups and period by using visual-analyzing equipments. To investigate the coordination patterns among the segments, we calculated and analyzed a coefficient of correlation between inter-articular angle and angular velocity. According to the result of the study, The results represent that the movement of a relatively close association between the two joints showing relatively high correlation coefficient after detraining among the detraining group, but the training group functioned individually between joints operating the movement in high degree of freedom in each unit.

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