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        국내 건설엔지니어링업체의 베트남 진출전략

        신은영,박환표,Shin, Eun-Young,Park, Hwan-Pyo 한국건설관리학회 2006 건설관리 : 한국건설관리학회 학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        건설엔지니어링의 사업비는 공사비의 $3{\sim}5%$정도에 지나지 않으나, 최종 사업목적물의 성능을 결정하는데 커다란 영향을 미치고 있어 매우 중요하다. 그러나 국내 건설기술수준에 대한 전문가 인식도 조사결과에 따르면 설계를 비롯한 우리나라의 엔지니어링능력은 선진국의 70%도 되지 않는 것으로 조사되어 해외진출 위한 국제경쟁력에 심각한 문제가 있는 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구는 국내외 건설엔지니어링 시장동향을 조사 분석하기 위하여 베트남 건설엔지니어링 시장분석을 위해 국내 해외건설 관련업체를 대상으로 해외진출시 문제점 및 전략에 대하여 설문조사를 실시하였고, 기존 문헌의 분석을 통하여 기본적인 이론의 정립과 함께 국내외 전문가 면담조사, 해외출장 등을 통하여 광범위한 의견수렴을 하였다. 본 연구에서는 국내 건설엔지니어링업체의 베트남 시장을 진출하기 위한 시장분석 결과를 토대로 베트남진출전략 방안을 마련하였으며 해외진출 활성화 방안으로서 현지화 기반구축, 기획제안형 사업창출, 공적개발원조의 지원 확대방안 등을 제안하였다. The cost of construction engineering field is less than $3{\sim}5%$ of the gross construction cost, it, however, is very important because the performance of final facility depends on the technical ability of construction engineering company. However, as the results of the technical level of domestic construction engineering survey from experts, it was less than 70% of developed country. For this reason, domestic construction engineering companies are confronted with serious problems to go into overseas market. Accordingly, this research analyzed the construction engineering market trend of domestic and overseas in order to suggest the strategies to go into the Vietnam. Moreover, this research identified problems and strategies of making inroads into the world market through the survey from the domestic construction company related to overseas construction, advanced a theory through extensive literature review, and collected extensive opinions through an interview with domestic and foreign experts and business trip. The purpose of this research is to provide market analysis and strategic plan for advancing into overseas market in order to make the domestic construction engineering companies to go into the Vietnam market. Especially, as a plan for the revitalization of advancing overseas market of domestic construction engineering companies, this research proposed Constructing Local Infrastructure, Business Creation of Planning Proposals and Enlarged Plans of ODA(Official Development Assistant).

      • KCI등재

        그린캠퍼스를 위한 국내.외 대학시설관리(FM) 비교분석 - 에너지관리 중심 -

        신은영,김준하,Shin, Eun-Young,Kim, Jun-Ha 한국교육시설학회 2012 敎育施設 Vol.19 No.1

        Recently, as the environment issue has been stand out, people's interests in energy consumption of the building have been increased as well. Especially, university has been classified as the one of the main causes of excessive energy consumption. Therefore, domestic and foreign universities are trying to build a green campus in an attempt for sustainable development. Since early 2000s, foreign universities have been aware that one of the main causes of global warming is an excessive consumption of energy in universities. Accordingly, they adopted various energy management programs for the conservation. Ultimately, enforcing energy conservation and using alternative energy resulted in lower expense and it was a great help for the universities. On the other hand, excessive consumption of energy in domestic universities has been considered as serious, which led them to become the second main energy consumers in 2010. However, it seems people do not truly recognize the impotance of energy management, therefore, relatively little attention has been paid to this matter. Based on Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design(LEED) rating systems for on-campus building operation and maintenance, this research suggests the evaluation standard to effectively analyze the energy management activity with the best practices conducted in foreign universities and to solve the problem of campus facilities management in domestic universities. The result shows that domestic universities do not have a designated task force for effective energy management and the lack of energy professionals hinders for the long term development. Therefore, domestic universities should recognize the seriousness of the excessive energy consumption and develop low carbon green campus through proactive management practices since this is very essential for domestic universities to get more competitive in this global era.

      • KCI등재

        주관적 기억감퇴를 가진 노인에서 백질 변화와 인지기능 장애의 관련성

        신은영,정한용,김양래,이소영,김신겸,Shin, Eun-Young,Jung, Han-Yong,Kim, Yang-Rae,Lee, So-Young-Irene,Kim, Shin-Gyeom 대한생물정신의학회 2011 생물정신의학 Vol.18 No.3

        Objectives The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the severity of white matter changes (WMC), risk factors and cognitive domains, including executive function profiles. Method Forty nine subjects over 55 years with subjective memory complaints were assessed with MRI and neuropsychological tests. The WMC were assessed by MRI T2-FLAIR images and divided into 3 groups of mild vs. moderate vs. severe and 2 groups of mild-moderate vs. severe by using Mantyla's criteria and Fazeka's criteria. The risk factors were examined in hypertension, heart disease history and chemistry Lab. Medical conditions which affect to cognitive dysfunction and definite dementia were also excluded. Results Comparing 3 groups, hypertension was identified as a risk factor of the WMC. Comparing 2 groups, total cholesterol and LDL were identified for as the risk factor of WMC. The severity of WMC was significantly associated with cognitive disturbances and their main effect on cognition was working memory and inhibition. Conclusion The risk factors of the WMC in the elderly were hypertension, hyperlipidemia. The severity of WMC appears to be associated with executive dysfunction in the elderly.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        로세의 『비극적 이야기』에 나타난 악마

        신은영 ( Eun Young Shin ) 한국불어불문학회 2013 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.93

        Jusqu`au XIIe siecle, le diable est un etre surnaturel qui est l`objet de speculations theologiques, alors qu`il est un personnage ridicule, qui est presque toujours dupe par les humains dans la mentalite populaire. or avec la menace heretique ainsi que la pression du monde islamique a la fin du XIIe siecle, l`obsession diabolique entre en force dans le monde occidental, entra↑nant la grande chasse au diable entre XIVe-XVIe siecle. Le but de cet article est d`examiner, dans quelques nouvelles des Histoires tragiques de F. de Rosset, l`idee qu`on se fait du diable, a cette epoque en transition de la crainte du diable exterieur a la peur du soi(ou du diable interieur). Le diable est omnipresent dans toutes ses nouvelles: il est utilise pour exprimer tout ce qui n`est pas controle par la raison. or dans les 4 nouvelles qu`on va analyser, le diable appara↑t comme un sujet materiel de parole qui seduit l`homme et fait un pacte avec lui; le diable ainsi materialise peut aussi avoir une relation sexuelle avec les hommes. Parfois il appara↑t en forme animale, ce qui va renforcer la peur du soi apres la demystification parce que le desir quasi animal pourrait croupir a l`interieur de l`homme, demuni d`esprit et de raison. Les proces de sorcellerie etaient en fait un processus qui verifie l`existence du diable en transformant une theorie theologique complexe en realite observable. Les autorites religieuses et civiles participent a ces proces auxquels ajoutent les rapports des medecins. Dans les histoires de Goffredy et de Vanini, qui sont enfin declares coupables de crime de lese-majeste divine et humaine, toutes les procedures sont decrites minutieusement. La punition, a laquelle l`auteur consacre tant de pages, est une sorte de spectacle didactique qui, par ``la terreur`` du diable et ``la pitie`` du coupable, ramene le lecteur/public a la vertu et a l`obeissance. La misericorde accordee aux penitents enfin exorcises renforce l`aspect didactique de cette oeuvre. or le diable n`appara↑t pas seulement comme un etre exterieur : la demystification ainsi que l`interiorisation du diable commence deja quand la tentation humain precede la seduction diabolique. Le pacte avec le diable est entra↑ne par l`ambition humaine qui veut jouir du savoir ainsi que du plaisir charnel. or dans l`histoire de Vanini, ce docteur athee et epicurien, l`existence du diable est atteste uniquement par la croyance et la supposition de l`auteur, ce qui insinue l`incertitude de son existence. Malgre les discours moralisants de l`auteur qui encadrent le recit, la lecon donnee par les evenements racontes reste souvent ambiguee, polysemique: ces discours fonctionnent plutot comme un cadre qui filtre les contenus diaboliques. Pourtant le diable reste toujours a l`exterieur. Et l`on doit attendre XVIIIe siecle pour voir le diable, finalement interiorise, passer du stade de l`obsession religieuse a celui du mythe litteraire.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 공무원직권남용죄에 관한 검토

        신은영 ( Shin Eun Young ) 한국비교형사법학회 2021 비교형사법연구 Vol.23 No.2

        최근 고위공무원 및 법관의 직권남용죄 성립 여부가 문제되면서, 우리 형법상 직권남용죄의 해석과 적용에 대하여 새롭게 조명하는 시도들이 이루어지고 있고, 우리 형법 및 해석론과 유사한 일본의 직권남용죄에 대한 고찰은 직권남용죄의 적용과 관련한 논의에 시사하는 바가 크다. 일본의 공무원직권남용죄는 제2편 제25장 오직의 죄의 편제 하에 제193조 이하에 규정되어 있다. 직권남용죄의 일부 표현과 법정형에 있어서의 차이가 있기는 하지만 실질적인 내용은 한국과 일본이 동일하다. 다른 점은 1) 일본은 직무유기죄규정이 없는 점, 2) 공무원 신분으로 인한 일반적 가중규정이 없는 점, 3) 불법체포·감금의 경우 미수범처벌규정이 없는 점, 4) 특별공무원에 의한 범죄에 대해서는 그로 인한 치사상의 결과가 발생한 경우를 처벌하는 결과적 가중범 규정을 두고 있는 점 등이다. 직권남용죄의 보호법익에 대하여 통설은 국가적 법익과 개인적 법익을 모두 보호법익으로 하고 있다고 이해되나, 이 중 어느 것에 더 중점을 둘 것인가에 관해서는 견해가 갈리고 있다. 직권남용죄의 죄질과 관련하여 강요죄와의 동일성여부도 견해가 다투어지고 있는데 최고재판소의 입장은 ‘의사의 제압’을 요하지는 않는 것으로 평가된다. 공무원직권남용죄가 성립하기 위해서는 공무원이 ‘직권을 남용’하였을 것이 필요하고, 여기서 ‘직권’의 개념과 ‘남용’의 의미가 무엇인지 논의되고 있다. 공무원직권남용죄에서의 ‘직권’은 일단 ‘일반적 직무권한’에 해당해야 한다. 또한 ‘직권의 남용’이 있다고 인정되기 위해서는 남용된 직권이 ‘일반적 직무권한’에 속하는 ‘특별한 권한’일 것이 요구되는지에 대해서는 견해가 다투어지고 있다. 직권의 남용이란 공무원이 그 일반적 직무권한에 속하는 사항에 관하여 직권의 행사에 가탁하여 실질적, 구체적으로 위법, 부당한 행위를 하는 것을 의미한다. 이 외에도 공무원 직권남용죄가 성립하기 위해서는 의무 없는 일을 하게 하거나 권리의 행사를 방해한 결과가 발생해야 한다. The applicability and the crime of abuse of authority to high-ranking government officers and judges, and the interpretation of the relevant Criminal Code provisions have become subject to a lively debate recently. Looking into the Japanese discussions on the issue may shed useful insights into the similarities in the provisions and interpretative methods. The crime of abuse of authority is stipulated in Article 193, under the Chapter XXV, Title II, Crimes of Corruption. The substance of the two countries' laws are fairly similar, with several differences in expressions and statutory penalties, including that the Japanese law: 1) does not prescribe dereliction of duty; 2) does not prescribe aggravated punishment based on the status of being a government official; 3) does not punish attempted unlawful arrest and unlawful confinement; and 4) prescribes consequently aggravated crime for bodily injury and death inflicted by specialized public employees. While the prevailing view acknowledges both national legal interests and personal legal interests as the benefit and protection of the law provided by the abuse of authority clauses, there are split views over which of the two should receive more attention. As to the question of whether the nature of the offense is identical to that of the crime of extortion, the view of the Supreme Court is understood to be not requiring suppression of will. The notion of 'authority and 'abuse' must be clarified in order to establish abuse of authority by a government officer, as the offense requires 'abuse of authority. 'Authority,' inter alia, for the purpose of the offense of abuse of authority by government officers, should fall within the scope of 'general official authority.' There is a dispute over whether it is also required that the abused authority a 'special power' within the 'general official authority, in order for the abuse of authority to be established. “Abuse” of authority means that a public officer commits a specific illegal or unjust act by entrusting the exercise of authority with matters belonging to his/her general authority. In addition, in order for a crime to be established, the results of forcing someone to do something that is not mandatory or obstructing the exercise of rights must occur.

      • KCI등재

        성학대를 경험한 소아, 청소년에서 성학대가 외상 후 정신 증상에 미치는 영향

        신은영(Eun-Young Shin),천근아(Keun-Ah Cheon),정경운(Kyungun Jhung),송동호(Dong-Ho Song),김소향(So-Hyang Kim) 대한소아청소년정신의학회 2015 소아청소년정신의학 Vol.26 No.1

        Objectives:The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the characteristics of victim and sexual abuse on posttraumatic psychiatric symptoms in children and adolescents with a history of sexual abuse. Methods:A total of 137 children and adolescents were recruited from the Seoul Sunflower Children Center, a nation-funded sexual violence victim protection center, from January 2009 to December 2013. We collected the demographic data of the victims and the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC) from victims. We hypothesized victims’ age, sex, and intelligence quotient, and the characteristics of sexual abuse as the affecting factors of posttraumatic psychiatric symptoms. Descriptive analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were performed for analysis of demographic data, TSCC scores, and psychiatric symptoms. Results:The victims’ age and the characteristics of sexual abuse were significantly related to the traumatic distress of sexual abuse. R-square was 23% for anxiety, 39% for depression, 21% for posttraumatic stress, and 37% for dissociation on TSCC. Conclusion:This study suggests that victims’ age, type, frequency and duration of exposure, and disclosure of sexual abuse are significant affecting factors on posttraumatic psychiatric symptoms in children and adolescents. Exploration of psychiatric symptoms other than posttraumatic symptoms, and relations between pretraumatic and posttraumatic psychiatric symptoms is needed through collection of larger samples.

      • KCI등재

        자유사상 혹은 마법재판: 시라노 드 베르쥐락의 『달의 제국』과 『해의 제국』연구

        신은영 ( Eun Young Shin ) 한국불어불문학회 2014 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.97

        Cette etude fait partie d`un projet de recherche l`Europe moderne et le mal. On commence par la supposition que tous les discours sur le mal ont une structure commune fondee sur pouvoir/sujet/autre : c`est le sujet, detenteur du pouvoir, qui definit l`autre comme le mal. Cet aspect se revele le plus clairement dans la grande chasse au diable entre XIVe-XVIIe siecle. Dans la premiere etape de cette recherche, on a examine quelques nouvelles de F. de Rosset, ecrites au debut du XVIIe siecle ou l`obsession diabolique commence a se transformer de la crainte du diable exterieur a la peur du diable interieur. Dans cette etude, on va examiner les Etats et Empires de la Lune et du Soleil de Cyrano de Bergerac, ecrit une generation apres : qui ou qu`est-ce qui est accuse de sorcellerie ou de diabolique? qui l`en accuse? quels sont les aspects de ces proces de sorcellerie Le roman cyranien se compose de voyages repetes de son heros Dyrcona(anagramme de son auteur). La raison pour laquelle il part de ``ce monde`` est la menace incessante d`enfermement, de proces et de la mort. Comme le dit cet espagnol dans la Lune, n`importe qui dit quelque chose contre les principes de l`autorite dominatrice risque de l`Inquisition. Cet aspect apparait le plus clairement dans l`episode de Toulouse ou les livres de Dyrcona et de Descartes sont consideres comme diaboliques par le peuple superstitieux ainsi que les autorites laiques et religieuses. La situation est presque pareille dans ``l`autre monde`` ou il est toujours arre te, mis en prison et l`on instruit son proces. Meme si quelques theses centrales de libertinage, qui auraient ete condamnees dans la terre, sont generalement acceptees dans ce monde ``a l`envers``, la contrainte de l`unicite produit les memes arbitraires et violences que dans les proces de sorcellerie de ``ce monde``. Cela revele la structure et la relativite du ``mal`` qui se trouve dans la supposition de notre recherche. La Lune et le Soleil sont a la fois le meme et l`autre monde. L`ambiguite se renforce par l`attitude meme de ce heros qui defend les principes d`Aristote au tribunal de la Lune alors qu`il soutenait les idees de la nouvelle astronomie dans son entretien avec le Gouverneur de la Nouvelle France. Cet aspect apparait egalement dans la maniere de traiter le texte de Bible, par laquelle l`auteur a la fois respecte et aneantit l`autorite de ce texte saint. A travers cette rhetorique de l`ambiguite ou de polyphonie, l`auteur rend impossible meme la lecture univoque de son oeuvre. Par cet acte de se refuser l`autorite meme du ``sujet`` createur, l`ecriture cyranienne devient ainsi une pratique de l`affranchissement et de revolte contre l`autorite dominatrice qui definit l`autre comme le mal.

      • KCI등재후보

        학령기 음소 지각 평가 도구의 적절성 검토

        신은영(Shin En young),이효인(Lee Hyo In) 한국어교육연구학회 2018 한국어교육연구 Vol.- No.9

        발달단계에 있는 아동들의 난청은 언어 능력과 의사소통 능력에 지체를 가져오게 되고 학습 능력의 저하 뿐 아니라 나아가 사회적·감정적인 장애를 가져올 수 있어 전반적인 삶의 질에 영향을 미친다. 아동의 듣기와 구어 이해 능력은 ‘말’로 표현하는 의사소통의 발전에 가장 기본이 되므로, 난청 아동의 일상 생활 속 의사소통 능력의 정도를 정량화하기 위한 평가에는 타당도와 신뢰도가 입증된 표준화된 말지각 평가 도구를 사용하여야 한다. 하지만 청각보조장치의 빠른 보급에 비하여 말소리 지각 능력을 측정할 수 있는 평가 도구가 부족한 실정이다. 특히 학령기 아동을 위한 말지각 평가 도구로 특정 음소 평가 도구는 거의 없어 표준화된 학령기용 음소 지각 평가 도구의 개발 및 보급이 필요하다. 본고는 청각장애인의 말소리 지각의 정도를 평가할 수 있는 말소리 도구의 개발을 위해 언어교육과 청각학 및 언어병리학과 같은 관련 학문의 협업이 필요하다고 주장하며 서로의 영역에서 이루어놓은 학문 성취를 바탕으로 그간의 말소리 지각 검사 도구의 문제점을 지적하고 이를 극복하기 위한 대안을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. Children s listening and speaking comprehension are most fundamental to the development of communication expressed in words , so there is a reasonable assessment to quantify the communication skills of children with hearing loss. However, compared to the rapid deployment of auditory aids, there is a lack of assessment tools to measure speech perception. In particular, since there are few specific phoneme evaluation tools for children during the academic period, it is necessary to develop and distribute phoneme perception assessment tools for standardized academic years. In order to develop speech tools that can evaluate the degree of speech perception for the deaf, the reader argues that cooperation in related studies, such as language education, phonology, and language pathology, is necessary.

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