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        결구배추 잎의 이화학적 성분 조성

        성기운(Gi-Un Seong),황인욱(In-Wook Hwang),정신교(Shin-Kyo Chung) 한국식품영양과학회 2016 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.45 No.6

        김치용 결구배추를 겉잎(L1), 중잎(L2), 속잎(L3)으로 세 등분하여 부위별로 일반성분을 포함한 이화학적인 성분을 측정하여 비교하였다. 조단백질 및 조지방 함량은 겉잎(L1)이 높았고, 조회분 및 탄수화물 함량은 속잎(L3)이 높았다(P<0.05). 열량은 24.5~26.5 kcal/100 g이었고 부위별로 유의적인 차이가 없었으며, 총식이섬유는 겉잎(L1)이 가장 높았다(P<0.05). 유리당은 fructose, glucose, sucrose가 확인되었으며, 속잎(L3)에서 fructose 및 glucose 함량이 높았다(P<0.05). 유기산은 citric acid, malic acid, succinic acid가 검출되었으며, citric acid와 malic acid 함량은 속잎(L3)이 높았고 succinic acid는 겉잎(L1)이 높았다(P<0.05). 총유리 아미노산의 30% 이상을 차지하는 glutamic acid 함량은 속잎(L3)에서 높았으며, γ-aminobutyric acid의 함량은 겉잎(L1)이 가장 높았다(P<0.05). 결구배추 잎의 주요 미네랄 성분은 K, Na, Ca, Mg이며, 이 중 K의 함량이 가장 높았다. 총미네랄 함량은 겉잎(L1)이 가장 높았다(P<0.05). 결구배추 잎은 부위에 따라 이화학적 성분 조성이 다른 특성을 가지므로 신선편의 식재료로서 활용성이 더욱 증대될 수 있을 것으로 생각한다. To increase the consumption of head-type kimchi cabbage leaves as fresh food ingredients, the physicochemical composition was investigated depending on leaf parts. Kimchi cabbage leaves were divided into three portions, such as outer (L1), mid (L2), and inner (L3), and their proximate compositions were determined along with dietary fiber, free sugar, organic acid, free amino acid, and mineral contents. Contents of moisture, crude protein, and crude fat were highest in L1, whereas contents of crude ash and carbohydrate were highest in L3 (P<0.05). Calories ranged 24.5∼26.5 kcal/100 g with no significant difference among leaf parts, and dietary fiber content of L1 was highest (P<0.05). Fructose, glucose, and sucrose contents were highest in L3 (P<0.05). Citric acid, malic acid, and succinic acid were detected, and contents of citric acid and malic acid were highest in L3, in contrast, succinic acid was highest in L1 (P<0.05). Glutamic acid, constituting over 30% of the total free amino acid contents, was highest in L3, whereas γ-aminobutyric acid contents were highest in L1 (P<0.05). K, Na, Ca, and Mg were the major minerals in head-type kimchi cabbage, and their contents showed no significant differences (P<0.05). It can be proposed that marketing of head-type kimchi cabbage as a fresh-cut vegetable could be enhanced due to the different quality characteristics of its leaf parts.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        결구배추의 계절적 품종에 따른 카로티노이드 성분 함량

        성기운(Gi-Un Seong),김정봉(Jung-Bong Kim),정신교(Shin-Kyo Chung) 한국식품영양과학회 2018 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.47 No.9

        결구배추의 계절적 품종을 각각 겉잎, 중잎 및 속잎으로 세등분 하여 카로티노이드 성분 조성을 HPLC를 이용하여 분석하였다. 또한 주성분 분석을 하여 품종과 부위별 조성의 차이를 구명하였다. 결구배추의 카로티노이드 성분은 lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, α-carotene 및 β-carotene이 확인되었고, 그중 lutein, α-carotene 및 β-carotene의 함량이 비교적 높았다. 총 카로티노이드 함량은 가을배추(82.6~460.2 μg/g DW)가 가장 높았으며, 여름배추(12.7~389.0 μg/g DW), 겨울배추(31.6~339.0 μg/g DW)및 봄배추(21.5~141.2 μg/g DW) 순이었다(P<0.05). 부위별 총 카로티노이드 함량은 겉잎(141.2~460.2 μg/g DW)이 가장 높았으며, 중잎(25.4~233.7 μg/g DW), 속잎(12.7~82.6 μg/g DW)의 순이었다(P<0.05). 총 카로티노이드 함량 및 각각의 카로티노이드 성분 함량과의 상관성은 β-carotene 함량(0.94668), lutein 함량(0.94293)이 높게 나타났다. 주성분 분석 결과 제1 주성분(PC 1)과 제2 주성분(PC2)은 각각 67.57% 및 16.64%를 설명할 수 있었으며, 누적 기여율은 84.21%를 나타내었다. PC 1의 총 카로티노이드, lutein, β-carotene의 함량이 주요 요인이며, PC 2는 β-cryptoxanthin의 함량이 주요 요인으로 나타났다. 결구배추의 개별 카로티노이드 성분 조성은 계절적 품종보다 일조량에 따른 부위별 차이가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 카로티노이드 함량은 계절적 품종 중에서 가을배추가 가장 높게 나타났고 부위별로 속잎보다 겉잎이 높게 나타났다. β-Carotene 및 lutein의 함량이 총 카로티노이드 함량과 상관성이 높았다. The carotenoid compositions of head-type Kimchi cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the characteristics were investigated by principal component analysis (PCA) in seasonal cultivars by portion. Lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, α-carotene, and β-carotene were identified, and lutein, α-carotene, and β-carotene contents were relatively high among all seasonal cultivars. Total carotenoid contents were highest in the autumn cultivar (82.6∼460.2 μg/g dry weight (DW)) and decreased, in order, in the summer (12.7∼389.0 μg/g DW), winter (31.6∼339.0 μg/g DW), and spring (21.5∼141.2 μg/g DW) cultivars. The outer portion (141.2∼460.2 μg/g DW) had a higher total carotenoid content than the middle portion (25.4∼233.7 μg/g DW) and the inner portion (12.7∼82.6 μg/g DW) (P<0.05). Total carotenoid contents had high positive correlations with β-carotene (0.94668) and lutein (0.94293). In the PCA, PC 1 and PC 2 comprised 67.57% and 16.64%, respectively, of the cumulative proportion (84.21%). The main factors in PC 1 were total carotenoid, lutein and β-carotene, while the main factor in PC 2 was β-cryptoxanthin. The carotenoid composition of head-type Kimchi cabbage exhibited different characteristics depending on the portion rather than the seasonal cultivar. The carotenoid contents of autumn cabbage were highest among seasonal cultivars and that of the outer portion was higher than that of the inner portion, which resulted in relatively high correlations of total carotenoid contents with β-carotene and lutein.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Ca<sup>2+</sup>처리 절단배추의 소포장 단기 저장 특성

        김상섭,성기운,황희영,정문철,정신교,Kim, Sang-Seop,Seong, Gi-Un,Hwang, Hee-Young,Jeong, Moon-Cheol,Chung, Shin-Kyo 한국식품저장유통학회 2014 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        배추의 신선편이 제품화를 위하여 $Ca^{2+}$용액을 처리하여 소포장 단기 저장 특성을 조사하였다. 배추를 절단($3{\times}3$ cm)하여 2% calcium chloride(Ca), ascorbic acid(As), citric acid(Ct), 2% calcium chloride와 2% citric acid 용액(Ca/Ct)에 침지하여 LDPE 백($18{\times}20$ cm)에 넣어 $5^{\circ}C$에서 6주간 저장하였다. 중량은 0.13~0.72% 감소하였으며, Ca/Ct구의 감소율이 가장 낮았다. 가용성 고형분 함량은 18.85~35.00% 감소하였으며, Ca/Ct구의 감소율이 가장 낮았다. 적정산도는 모든 처리구에서 감소하는 결과를 보였다. Hunter 색차계에 의한 L값은 감소하였으며, a값과 b값은 증가하였다. 관능검사 결과는 Ca/Ct구의 기호도가 가장 높았다. $Ca^{2+}$과 citric acid 처리에 의하여 절단배추의 단기저장 시 선도가 연장되는 효과를 얻을 수 있었다. To enhance the commercialization of fresh cut kimchi cabbage, the short-term storage effect of cut kimchi cabbage treated with $Ca^{2+}$ was studied. Cut kimchi cabbages ($3{\times}3$ cm) were treated with 2% calcium chloride (Ca), ascorbic acid (As), citric acid (Ct), and calcium chloride and citric acid (Ca/Ct), were put inside LDPE bags, and stored at $5^{\circ}C$ for 6 weeks. The weights reduced about 0.13~0.72%, and the ratio was the lowest in the Ca/Ct treatment. The reduction ratios of soluble soilds were 18.85~35.00%, and were the lowest in the Ca/Ct treatment. The titratable acidity decreased in all the treatments. The L values decreased, but a and b values of Hunter colorimeter increased in all the treatments. The preference for Ca/Ct treatment was the highest among all the treatments in the sensory evaluation. The marketing shelf-life of cut kimchi cabbage can be prolonged by the combination treatment of $Ca^{2+}$ and citric acid.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        국내 적포도주스의 항산화능과 색도의 상관성

        김주영(Joo-Young Kim),성기운(Gi-Un Seong),황인욱(In-Wook Hwang),정신교(Shin-Kyo Chung) 한국식품영양과학회 2015 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.44 No.8

        국내산 적포도주스의 이화학적 특성과 색도 값, 항산화 활성 및 항산화 성분을 측정하고 그 상관성을 조사하였다. 이화학적 특성은 가용성 고형분, 환원당, 적정산도와 pH 값을 측정하였으며, 색도는 분광광도계와 Hunter 색차계로 측정하였다. 항산화 활성은 1,1-diphenlyl-2-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) 라디칼 소거 활성, ferric ion reducing antioxidant power(FRAP) 방법과 oxygen radical absorbance capacity 방법으로 측정하였으며, 항산화 성분으로는 총 페놀 화합물, 총플라보노이드 화합물, 총 안토시아닌 함량과 high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)에 의하여 5종의 폴리페놀 화합물을 정량하였다. 가용성 고형분 함량은 12.13~15.97%, 환원당은 13.93~21.93%, 적정산도와 pH는 각각 0.40~0.70%, 2.86~3.21이었으며 시판 포도주스의 산도가 제조품에 비하여 낮았다. 분광법으로 측정한 color hue 값은 제조품이 시판품보다 높은 반면에, color intensity 값은 시판주스가 높게 나타났다(P<0.05). Hunter L, a, b 값들은 제조품과 시판품의 차이가 거의 없었다. 항산화 활성과 총 페놀 화합물의 함량은 시판 포도주스가 높았으며, HPLC에 의하여 gallic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, catechin, quercetin, kaempferol을 정량하였을 때, gallic acid, catechin, quercetin이 모든 시료에서 검출되었다. 총 페놀 화합물 함량은 모든 항산화 활성과 높은 상관성을 보였으며, 총 플라보노이드 화합물 함량 역시 DPPH 라디칼 소거 활성, FRAP 활성과 상관성을 보였다. FRAP 활성의 경우 색도 값들과 매우 높은 상관성을 보였으며, 특히 color intensity 값과 가장 높은 상관성을 보였다(r=0.9478). 총 페놀 화합물 함량은 color intensity, color hue 값과도 각각 정, 부의 높은 상관성을 보였다. 따라서 분광계를 이용하여 적포도주스의 색도 값을 간편하게 측정하여 항산화능을 예측하는 것이 가능할 것으로 사료된다. Grape juice is consumed worldwide and studied due to the high antioxidant activities and contents. The color of grape juice is due to the presence of phenolic compounds such as anthocyanins. Therefore, color values can be an indicator of antioxidant capacities of grape juice. However, the correlation between color values and antioxidant activities in grape juice has not been well studied. In this study, the physicochemical characteristics and correlation between color values and antioxidant capacities of Korean red grape juices (five commercial juices from market and two juices prepared in the laboratory) were investigated to estimate antioxidant capacities. Antioxidant capacities were determined by 1,1-diphenlyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging assay, ferric ion reducing antioxidant power assay, and oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay. Total phenolic contents, total flavonoid contents, and total anthocyanin contents, including five kinds of polyphenolic compounds, were examined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results for physicochemical properties showed similar values, except titratable acidity. The color hue values of the prepared juices were higher than those of commercial juices, which was in contrast to the lower color intensity values (P<0.05). The Hunter L, a, and b values showed almost no difference between commercial and prepared juices. The antioxidant activities and total phenolic contents of commercial juices were higher than those of prepared ones. Gallic acid, catechin, and quercetin were confirmed by HPLC in all samples. The total phenolic and total flavonoid contents showed positive correlation with antioxidant activities. In addition, antioxidant activities and contents correlated with color values. Thus, estimation of antioxidant capacity could be feasible through the spectrophotometric measurement of color values.

      • KCI등재

        천궁의 품질평가를 위한 유효성분의 함량분석

        백미은(Mi Eun Baek),성기운(Gi Un Seong),이영종(Young Jong Lee),원재희(Jae Hee Won) 대한약학회 2016 약학회지 Vol.60 No.5

        The current definition of Cnidium Rhizome is the rhizome or the rhizome which is blanched by hot water of Cnidium officinale Makino or Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. in the Korean Pharmacopoeia. However, the marker compound of Cnidium Rhizome is not specified, there are difficulties for quality control. Therefore, in this study we established the simultaneous determination method that analyze 4 different compounds by the HPLC-PDA. These compounds comprise chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, senkyunolide A and z-ligustilide. As the result of the analysis, z-ligustilide has been shown highest content followed by senkyunolide A, ferulic acid and chlorogenic acid. These results can be exploited for a basic marker compounds of Cnidium Rhizome and for the legislation on the regulation and control of herbal medicines.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재후보

        갑상선 중독성 저칼륨혈증성 주기성 마비의 임상상

        이순구 ( Lee Sun Gu ),김성숙 ( Kim Seong Sug ),정민수 ( Jeong Min Su ),송치 ( Song Chi Un ),윤상임 ( Yun Sang Im ),성기양 ( Seong Gi Yang ),이강욱 ( Lee Gang Ug ),신영태 ( Sin Yeong Tae ),노흥규 ( No Heung Gyu ) 대한내과학회 1993 대한내과학회지 Vol.44 No.1

        Background : Thyrotoxic hypokalemic periodic paralysis is a well recognized complication of hyperthyroidism in mainly Oriental men, and in association with hypokalemia and flaccid type paralysis of legs. Method : Nine patients with thyrotoxic hypokalemic periodic paralysis hve been studied retrospectively by the authors at the Chungnam National University Hospital from Jan 1989 to Mar 1992 for the evaluation of clinical characteristics. Results : 1) All patients were males aged 31.3±5.9 (range 23~42) years old. 2) The average serum potassium level during paralysis was 1.82±0.25 (range 1.49~2.33) mmol/L. 3) Attacks of paralysis occurred at night and early morning. 4) The precipitating factors were severe exercise, overeating, alcohol drinking, and infection. 5) The attacks of paralysis usually disappeared after effective treatment with potassium salt and antithyroid drug. Conclusion : We thought that meticulous attention should be paid for hypokalemia and thyrotoxicosis in young patients with history of periodic paralysis.

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